a4.easyloss-new.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://a4.easyloss-new.com/
Submission: On April 29 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

POST https://trackerlead.biz/

<form action="https://trackerlead.biz/" method="POST">
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POST https://trackerlead.biz/

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  <p style="text-align: center;font-size: 12px;margin-top: 8px;">*Промоцията важи при поръчка на курса</p>
  <input type="hidden" name="s1" class="price_field_s1" value="75">
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POST https://trackerlead.biz/

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    <option value="RO">Румъния</option>
  <p class="label">ИМЕ</p>
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POST https://trackerlead.biz/

<form method="POST" action="https://trackerlead.biz/">
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Text Content


EASYLOSS Средство за отслабване
№1 в Европа

Как това работи? Секретът на Easyloss Как да се направи поръчка?


Спрете да се примирявате с грозните гънки по талията и корема! Easyloss ще
помогне да отслабнете на всяка възраст и без най-малка вреда за здравето.

Превръща мазнините в енергия. Намалява обема с 5–10 см за курс в най-проблемните

Намалява апетита към нездравословната храна. Блокира усвояването на излишните
калории. Яжте любимите си храни и отслабвайте!

"Ускорява" метаболизма. Сваляйте 7-10 кг за курс без диети и изтощителни

Възползвайте се от промоцията, за да
получите Easyloss на изгодна цена


150 BGN


75 BGN*



Остават само 12 броя на промоционалната цена

*Промоцията важи при поръчка на курса

*Ние не разкриваме вашите лични данни, нито предаваме информацията, която ни
оставяте, на трети страни.

100% натурален

Поръчайте Easyloss сега
на специална преференциална цена!


ДИЕТИ Не всеки има достатъчно воля да
спазва строги диети. Освен това
след тях теглото винаги се

СПОРТ Не всеки издържа на тежки
изтощителни тренировки, те
отнемат много време и усилия, а
резултатът е минимален. Интензивните упражнения могат да
бъдат опасни за хора на възраст
и с наднормено тегло.

ОПЕРАЦИЯ Скъпо, болезнено, опасно. Повече
от 80% от тези операции
завършват със сериозни усложнения.

КОНСУЛТАЦИИ С ДИЕТОЛОГ След скъпите посещения при диетолозите, резултатът може
да е непредсказуем, те предписват фармацевтични препарати, които съдържат опасни
химични съединения.


Мощният комплекс за изгаряне на мазнини Easyloss е разработен от най-добрите
специалисти в областта на отслабването. Учените успяха да създадат напълно
естествено средство, способно да разгради най-устойчивите мазнини и да блокира
образуването на нови мастни клетки! Активните вещества на 307% ускоряват
метаболизма и увеличават липолиза (разграждане на мазнините) почти 7 (!) пъти,
което ви позволява да отслабнете с 15 кг за курс без диети и тренировоки!
Easyloss насища организма с витамини, дава жизненост и енергия!



Всичко е свързано с изгарящи мазнини киселини и микроензими, съдържащи се в
лечебни билки и растения. Учените проведоха рядица проучвания и подбраха
растения с максимална концентрация на активни съставки, които ефективно
разграждат старите мазнини, намаляват апетита и ускоряват метаболизма.

Екстракт от листа на рукола Изгаря мазнините на най-трудните места за
отслабване, благодарение на способността да разрушава мембраните на мастните

Екстракт от листа от бяла черница Премахва радионуклидите от тялото, натрупаните
шлаки и токсини, възстановява водно-солевия баланс

Ниацин Ускорява метаболизма, дава усещане за ситост, подобрява храносмилателните
процеси, стабилизира теглото след отслабване

Тиамин Насърчава разграждането на мастните клетки, насища организма с витамини,
подобрява състоянието на кожата

Витамини B2, B5, B6, B12 Трансформират мазнините в енергия, подобряват
настроението, намаляват желанието за сладкиши, успокояват нервната система,
правят процеса на отслабване комфортен



стана най-продаваният
продукт за отслабване през 2023 година!

До края на промоцията:







Побързайте да направите поръчка на промоционална цена с доставка
до Gutleutviertel

150 BGN

Промоционална цена: 75 BGN*




*Промоцията важи при поръчка на курса



Намалява се апетитът,
метаболизмът се ускорява

Настъпва прочистване на
Стомашно-чревния тракт и лимфата

Препоръчва се да пиете
повече вода


Стартира интензивно

Мазнините напускат най-
труднодостъпните места

Вашият метаболизъм работи по-бързо, чувствате прилив на сила и енергия


Обща загуба на тегло от 10 до 15 кг на курс

Вече не преяждате, започвате да се храните правилно

Теглото се стабилизира, мазнините не се натрупват

*Въз основа на данни от проучвания на повече от 35 000 потребители.




Фокусна група: 3 000 души с различно тегло и социални групи / Приложение на
средството: 21 дни според инструкциите

Ние проведохме редица от клинични проучвания и установихме, че Easyloss е
безопасен за стомаха, храносмилателната система и цялостното здраве. С помоща на
това средство можете лесно да се отървете от излишните мазнини в корема и

Анелия Аладжова, Ендокринолог


 * Подобряване на общото здравословно състояние:
 * Изчезване на коремната болка, нормализиране на дефекацията:
 * Отстраняване на висцерални (вътрешни) мазнини:
 * Намаляване на подкожните мазнини и целулита:


на 5-7 см

на 8-10 см

на 11+ см


на 6-10 кг


на 11-15 кг


на 16+ кг




Анна Иванова

-11 см

-8 кг

На 32 години, домакиня, майка на две деца

Имам чувството, че не съм имала такава фигура дори преди бременността!


-15 см

-12 кг

На 41 години, учител

Новото ми тяло е гордост за дъщеря ми, завист на приятелките ми и невероятното
самочувствие и желанието да живея!

Румен Адрианов

-13 см

-10 кг

На 64 години, лекар

Започнах да се чувствам в пъти по-добре, задухът премина и този омразен корем









Йоана, на 57 години

Аз съм на 57 години, трудно е да отслабна на тази възраст. Дъщерята след
раждането отслабна с помощта на капсулите Easyloss. Аз също я помолих да ми
поръча, тъй като аз самата не можах да отслабна. С Easyloss нещата тръгнаха
много по-бързо. Килограмите се топиха пред очите ми! И няколко седмици по-късно
смених 54-ти размер на 48-ми! Имам напълно обновен гардероб и прическа.
Чувствам, че започнах нов живот! В същото време здравето се подобри, заедно с
теглото, проблемите с кръвното приключиха, имам повече сила, искам да живея
активен живот!

Ралица, на 28 години

Easyloss ми помогна да сваля 18 кг! Никък не можах от тях да се отърва. Какво ли
не съм правила, седях на диети, правих коремни преси, ходех по 10 км дневно, но
всичко беше напразно. А когато почнах да пия капсулите, почнах да свалям по 2-3
кг на седмица без всякакви диети и мъки. Само след като отслабнах, успях да
уредя личния си живот. Мъжете не обръщат внимание на дебелите жени, проверих на
личен опит. Момчетата от сайтовете за запознанства избягваха да се запознават с
мен и казваха, че не съм техен тип. А след като отслабнах, всички веднага
почнаха да предлагат да сме заедно още на първата среща!

Ирина, на 37 години

Допадна ми Easyloss. Перфектно претъпява апетита, понякога забравям да ям
изобщо. Обемите изчезват много добре. Ако пиете два пъти на ден, процесът е
по-бърз. Аз първо свалих 10 кг за месец и половина и после продължих да
отслабвам, без никакви усилия. Виждайки резултата ми, няколко приятели също си
поръчаха и приемат това средство и вече имат добри резултати. Определено работи
и, което е важно, не вреди на здравето, за разлика от други средства, които се
продават в аптеките. Слагам 5 точки Easyloss!

Кремена, на 32 години

Преди да започна да приемам Easyloss, тежах цели 97 кг. Като цяло винаги съм
била слабичка, но за бременноста и по време на кърменето качих повече от 25 кг.
Когато съпругът ми стана по студен към мен, разбрах, че трябва спешно да се
вкарам във форма. Почти година страдах с диети, опитах се да ходя на фитнес, но
не успях да отслабна. Свалените килограми бързо се връщаха. Случайно разбрах за
Easyloss и буквално за няколко месеца се превърнах в човека, когото винаги съм
искала да видя в огледалото. Сега си пазя фигурата, и винаги имам вкъщи Easyloss
за всеки случай.

Моника, на 43 години

Дълги години не можех да се отърва от наднорменото тегло, седях на зеленчукови и
зърнени диети, но теглото бързо се връщаше. Случайно попаднах на информация за
Easyloss в интернет. Свалих 14 кг за курс, шокирана съм, честно казано, не
очаквах, че толкова бързо може да се отслабне. Тежа като на 30 години! В същото
време се чувствам отлично и кожата стана по-добра, изобщо не увисна, напротив,
еластична и красива. Така че препоръчвам на всички!

Ангел, на 35 години

Винаги съм бил дебел, страдал съм от теглото си от детството. След 30 годишна
възраст започнаха здравословни проблеми. Реших да се погрижа за себе си и накрая
да се приведа в нормален вид. Сам не успях, затова прибягнах до помощта на
капсулите Easyloss. Свалих почти 30 кг. Чувствам се много по-добре. Отслабването
с тези хапчета е наистина много лесно. Теглото изчезва бързо, самочувствието е

Йоана, на 57 години

Аз съм на 57 години, трудно е да отслабна на тази възраст. Дъщерята след
раждането отслабна с помощта на капсулите Easyloss. Аз също я помолих да ми
поръча, тъй като аз самата не можах да отслабна. С Easyloss нещата тръгнаха
много по-бързо. Килограмите се топиха пред очите ми! И няколко седмици по-късно
смених 54-ти размер на 48-ми! Имам напълно обновен гардероб и прическа.
Чувствам, че започнах нов живот! В същото време здравето се подобри, заедно с
теглото, проблемите с кръвното приключиха, имам повече сила, искам да живея
активен живот!

Ралица, на 28 години

Easyloss ми помогна да сваля 18 кг! Никък не можах от тях да се отърва. Какво ли
не съм правила, седях на диети, правих коремни преси, ходех по 10 км дневно, но
всичко беше напразно. А когато почнах да пия капсулите, почнах да свалям по 2-3
кг на седмица без всякакви диети и мъки. Само след като отслабнах, успях да
уредя личния си живот. Мъжете не обръщат внимание на дебелите жени, проверих на
личен опит. Момчетата от сайтовете за запознанства избягваха да се запознават с
мен и казваха, че не съм техен тип. А след като отслабнах, всички веднага
почнаха да предлагат да сме заедно още на първата среща!

Ирина, на 37 години

Допадна ми Easyloss. Перфектно претъпява апетита, понякога забравям да ям
изобщо. Обемите изчезват много добре. Ако пиете два пъти на ден, процесът е
по-бърз. Аз първо свалих 10 кг за месец и половина и после продължих да
отслабвам, без никакви усилия. Виждайки резултата ми, няколко приятели също си
поръчаха и приемат това средство и вече имат добри резултати. Определено работи
и, което е важно, не вреди на здравето, за разлика от други средства, които се
продават в аптеките. Слагам 5 точки Easyloss!

Кремена, на 32 години

Преди да започна да приемам Easyloss, тежах цели 97 кг. Като цяло винаги съм
била слабичка, но за бременноста и по време на кърменето качих повече от 25 кг.
Когато съпругът ми стана по студен към мен, разбрах, че трябва спешно да се
вкарам във форма. Почти година страдах с диети, опитах се да ходя на фитнес, но
не успях да отслабна. Свалените килограми бързо се връщаха. Случайно разбрах за
Easyloss и буквално за няколко месеца се превърнах в човека, когото винаги съм
искала да видя в огледалото. Сега си пазя фигурата, и винаги имам вкъщи Easyloss
за всеки случай.

Моника, на 43 години

Дълги години не можех да се отърва от наднорменото тегло, седях на зеленчукови и
зърнени диети, но теглото бързо се връщаше. Случайно попаднах на информация за
Easyloss в интернет. Свалих 14 кг за курс, шокирана съм, честно казано, не
очаквах, че толкова бързо може да се отслабне. Тежа като на 30 години! В същото
време се чувствам отлично и кожата стана по-добра, изобщо не увисна, напротив,
еластична и красива. Така че препоръчвам на всички!

Ангел, на 35 години

Винаги съм бил дебел, страдал съм от теглото си от детството. След 30 годишна
възраст започнаха здравословни проблеми. Реших да се погрижа за себе си и накрая
да се приведа в нормален вид. Сам не успях, затова прибягнах до помощта на
капсулите Easyloss. Свалих почти 30 кг. Чувствам се много по-добре. Отслабването
с тези хапчета е наистина много лесно. Теглото изчезва бързо, самочувствието е

Йоана, на 57 години

Аз съм на 57 години, трудно е да отслабна на тази възраст. Дъщерята след
раждането отслабна с помощта на капсулите Easyloss. Аз също я помолих да ми
поръча, тъй като аз самата не можах да отслабна. С Easyloss нещата тръгнаха
много по-бързо. Килограмите се топиха пред очите ми! И няколко седмици по-късно
смених 54-ти размер на 48-ми! Имам напълно обновен гардероб и прическа.
Чувствам, че започнах нов живот! В същото време здравето се подобри, заедно с
теглото, проблемите с кръвното приключиха, имам повече сила, искам да живея
активен живот!

Ралица, на 28 години

Easyloss ми помогна да сваля 18 кг! Никък не можах от тях да се отърва. Какво ли
не съм правила, седях на диети, правих коремни преси, ходех по 10 км дневно, но
всичко беше напразно. А когато почнах да пия капсулите, почнах да свалям по 2-3
кг на седмица без всякакви диети и мъки. Само след като отслабнах, успях да
уредя личния си живот. Мъжете не обръщат внимание на дебелите жени, проверих на
личен опит. Момчетата от сайтовете за запознанства избягваха да се запознават с
мен и казваха, че не съм техен тип. А след като отслабнах, всички веднага
почнаха да предлагат да сме заедно още на първата среща!

Ирина, на 37 години

Допадна ми Easyloss. Перфектно претъпява апетита, понякога забравям да ям
изобщо. Обемите изчезват много добре. Ако пиете два пъти на ден, процесът е
по-бърз. Аз първо свалих 10 кг за месец и половина и после продължих да
отслабвам, без никакви усилия. Виждайки резултата ми, няколко приятели също си
поръчаха и приемат това средство и вече имат добри резултати. Определено работи
и, което е важно, не вреди на здравето, за разлика от други средства, които се
продават в аптеките. Слагам 5 точки Easyloss!



Трябва ли да пазим диета?

По време приема Easyloss не се изисква да се спазва диета. Теглото ще намалява,
независимо от храненето. Въпреки това, активните вещества, които влизат в
съставките, намаляват чувството на глад, следователно, както показва практиката,
преяждането по време на курса е изключено. Препоръчително е да се увеличи
количеството консумирана чиста вода до 2 литра на ден.

Нужно ли е да тренираме?

Спортът помага за поддържане на мускулите в тонус и ще ускори процеса на
отслабване. Но теглото по време на приема на Easyloss так или иначе ще намалява,
независимо от физическата активност.

Колко време трябва да се приема средството?

За постигане на максимални резултати и стабилизиране на теглото е необходим
курсов прием. Продължителността на курса е от 6 седмици. Курсът се изчислява
индивидуално от нашите специалисти въз основа на вашите данни — тегло, възраст,
здравословно състояние. Ако е необходимо, курсът може да се повтори.

Колко време отнема да се отслабне с 10 кг?

Твърде бързото отслабване е изпълнено с последици за здравето и образуването на
кожни дефекти (увисване, стрии).Easyloss нежно въздейства на организма по време
на 6-седмичния курсов прием, позволявайки на повечето жени да отслабнат
безопасно от 7 кг или повече, в зависимост от индивидуалните особености на

Как правилно да се приема Easyloss?

Препоръчва се да се приема по 1 капсула 2 пъти дневно, 30 минути преди хранене,
трябва да се пие с вода.

Има ли противопоказания за употреба?

Не, Easyloss няма противопоказания, тъй като продуктът има напълно естествен
състав. По същата причина не се изисква лекарско предписание.


Спрете да се примирявате с грозните гънки по талията и корема! Easyloss ще ви
помогне да отслабнете на всяка възраст и без най-малката вреда за здравето.

Превръща мазнините в енергия. Намалява обема с 5-10 см за курс в най-проблемните

Намалява апетита към нездравословна храна. Блокира усвояването на излишните
калории. Яжте любимите си храни и отслабвайте!

«Ускорява» метаболизма. Сваляйте 7-10 кг за курс без диети и изнурителни

Възползвайте се от промоцията, за да
получите Easyloss на изгодна цена.


150 BGN


75 BGN*



Остават само 12 бройки на промоционална цена

*Промоцията важи при поръчка на курса

*Ние не разкриваме вашите лични данни, нито предаваме информацията, която ни
оставяте, на трети страни.

100% натурален

Поръчайте Easyloss направо
сега на специална преференциална цена!

„Био Фреш” ООД - Bio Fresh ltd
с.Царацово, община "Марица", обл.Пловдив, м."Три могили", кв.28, №42

Privacy Policy
User Agreement


We have 5 Privacy Promises which explain how we use and look after your
information. We will:

 1. ALWAYS use your personal data in line with data protection law.
 2. ALWAYS tell you what information we collect, what we do with it, who we
    share it with and who to contact if you have any concerns.
 3. ALWAYS provide options to say "STOP" if you don’t want marketing
 4. ALWAYS take steps to protect your information and make sure no unauthorised
    person accesses it.
 5. ALWAYS respond to questions about your personal data without delay.


We are committed to safeguarding your privacy rights and ensuring that your
personal data is protected.

This Privacy Policy explains the types of personal data we collect and how we
process and protect that data in connection with the services we offer. This
includes information collected offline in our stores or through our customer
services, and online through our websites, applications (including mobile apps)
and third party platforms ("Sites").


Company („Био Фреш” ООД - Bio Fresh ltd
с.Царацово, община "Марица", обл.Пловдив, м."Три могили", кв.28, №42
) are responsible for processing your personal data on our Sites.


If you have a question in relation to how we process your personal data you can
contact our Data Protection Officer via email info@abcloudgroup.com.


Personal Data means information that can directly or indirectly identify you
("Personal Data"). This typically includes information such as your name,
address, email address, and telephone number, but can also include other
information such as IP address, shopping habits, and information about your
lifestyle or preferences such as your hobbies and interests.


We collect your Personal Data directly in a number of ways, for example when you
provide us with your information to register as a customer for our Sites,
register for prize draws or competitions, subscribe to our newsletter, receive
information or mailings, use our applications, buy a product or service from us,
complete a survey, make a comment or enquiry or contact our Customer Services

When you provide us with your Personal Data, we will process it in accordance
with this Privacy Policy. If you do not wish us to process your Personal Data in
this way, please do not provide us with your personal information.

We may also receive your Personal Data from other sources, including information
from commercially available sources, such as public databases and data
aggregators, and information from third parties. If you do not want us to
receive your Personal Data from other sources, please communicate your
preferences directly with the relevant sources.

We process your Personal Data to provide you with our services as further
explained below. In certain instances, we only process your Personal Data if you
have given us permission to do so, for example in most cases where we process
your Personal Data for marketing purposes, use cookies or location data or where
we process your sensitive personal information. In other instances we may rely
on other legal grounds for processing your personal data, such as performance of
the contract with you or legitimate interests, like fraud prevention.

You can always opt out of marketing communications without detriment to your
loyalty benefits.

Where we process your Personal Data on the basis of your consent, we will ask
for your consent explicitly and only for a particular purpose. We will also ask
you to provide additional consent if we need to use your Personal Data for
purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy.



 * Browsing on our Sites
 * Purchase/Agreeing to a Service
 * Customer Service
 * Suggesting products & services which may interest you
 * Competitions and prize draws
 * Online Shopping


Information about the type of browser you use when visiting our Sites, your IP
and device address, hyperlinks that you have clicked, websites you visited
before arriving at our Sites and information collected by cookies or similar
tracking devices. Your user name, profile picture, gender, networks and any
other information you choose to share when using Third Party Sites (such as when
you use the "Like" functionality on Facebook).


We (and third party service providers acting on our behalf) use cookies and
similar technologies to process data about you when you visit our Sites. We
would like to know whether you have visited us before and your preferences to
provide you with a tailored experience of our Sites.

See Section 5.2. below for more information about cookies.


Please check the Cookie Consent Tool to learn about the storage periods for each


Your consent when you click “agree and proceed” in our Cookie Consent Tool in
our Sites. In some cases, and always when permitted by law, we will infer from
your actions that you agree to Cookies. Please note that we need to process
certain basic surfing data in order to provide core Sites functionalities such
as secure log-in or remember how far you are through an order.

You can always revisit your cookie preferences via our Cookie Consent Tool or by
changing your browser settings.


We use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) to improve our products and
your experience on our Sites by collecting information on how you use our Sites.
Some of the Cookies we use are required to enable core site functionality, for
example to provide secure log-in or to remember how far you are through an
order, but we also use Cookies that allow us to analyse site usage (so we can
measure and improve performance), and advertisement Cookies which are used by
advertising companies to serve ads that are relevant to your interests.

We may also tailor our Sites and our products to your interests and needs, by
collecting information about your device and linking this to your Personal Data
so as to ensure that our Sites present the best web experience for you.

Where we use Google Analytics, we have set up the service to anonymise your IP
address as soon as data is received by the Analytics Collection Network, before
any storage or processing takes place.

You can view more information on the Cookies we use and adjust your preferences
via the Cookie Consent Tool on our Sites. Please note, however, that without
cookies you may not be able to use all of the features of our Sites or online



We share your Personal Data with with the following data processors (i.e.
service providers that help us to perform the above tasks):

 * Trusted third parties to help us process and analyse your Personal Data for
   us, to support us when suggesting products & services which may interest you
   in line with Section 5.1 above.
 * If you order a product or service from us, trusted third parties to allow
   payment and delivery of the products and services you have ordered. Unless
   you provided consent, any such trusted third parties are not authorised by us
   to use your Personal Data in any other way and will be required by us to
   implement adequate technical and organizational measures to protect your
   Personal Data.

These processors are bound by us to strict requirements as required under
applicable data protection laws to only handle your Personal Data for us and to
comply with high IT security standards.


We share your Personal Data with the following third parties that process your
Personal Data for their own purposes (i.e. these third parties are no
processors; they rather use your Personal Data because they have their own
interest or because you had consented):

Law enforcement or other agencies if we are required to do so by law, or by a
warrant, subpoena or court order to disclose your Personal Data.

Please note that we never share your Personal Data with social media platforms.
When we engage in audience building or customer matching activities with social
media platforms like Facebook or Google, your Personal Data is always anonymised
before the transfer. If there are any changes in the future and we have to share
your Personal Data with a social media platform, we will ask for your consent.


With your consent, we will share Site usage information with trusted third
parties (e.g. advertisers, advertising agencies, advertising networks, data
exchanges, etc.) in order to offer you tailored content which may be of interest
to you based on your prior activity on our Site. These trusted third parties may
set and access their own Cookies, web beacons and similar tracking technologies
on your device in order to help us deliver customised content and advertising to
you when you visit our relevant Sites. Please see Section 5.2 for more
information about Cookies and how to opt out.

Please note that even if you opt out, you may still receive advertisements from
us that are not customised based on your Site usage information.


We will store your Personal Data only until the aforementioned purposes for
which we have collected or received your Personal Data are fulfilled and once
our statutory obligations to preserve records have expired as further described
in Section 5.1.


If certain requirements are fulfilled, you have the right to:

 * Obtain from us confirmation as to whether or not we process Personal Data
   from you and, where that is the case, access to your Personal Data;
 * Rectification of inaccurate Personal Data;
 * Erasure of Personal Data;
 * Objection to the processing of Personal Data;
 * Restriction of processing of Personal Data;
 * Portability of Personal Data - receive the Personal Data you have provided to
   us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form and transmit it
   to another data controller.

You can learn more about these rights from the GDPR provides the following
rights for individuals:

 1. The right to be informed
 2. The right of access
 3. The right to rectification
 4. The right to erasure
 5. The right to restrict processing
 6. The right to data portability
 7. The right to object
 8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

To exercise your rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer (see Section
1 for contact details) or get in touch with our Customer Services Team on the
details set out below.

Note that you do not need to contact our Data Protection Officer to excerise
your rights to stop receiving marketing communications from us. You can opt out
of receiving such communications by going to the Marketing Preferences of your
‘My Account’ if you have an account with us, directly from the communications we
send you or by contacting our Customer Services Team or by sending an email to.


Where your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your Personal Data,
you can withdraw your consent for:

 * Marketing communications: by logging into your account under Marketing
   Preferences or using the unsubscribe link in any of our marketing
 * Use of Cookies: via our Cookie Consent Tool at the bottom of our Sites.
 * Other purposes: by sending us an emai or by contacting our Customer Services
   as listed in Section 8

Please note that withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the
processing before the withdrawal.


If you think that the processing of Personal Data by us violates data protection
laws, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner.


We maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the
Personal Data you provide to us against accidental or unlawful destruction,
loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to your Personal Data.


We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the updated
version of the Privacy Policy here. We encourage you to visit this area
frequently to stay informed.

End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement is concluded between you, the User, the
Advertiser and the CPA network.

User is a person who through the activities of the CPA network is attracted by
promotion methods to purchase/sell the offers for goods and/or services provided
by an Advertiser, with the intention to order or acquire, or use the goods
exclusively for personal, family, home and other needs not related to the
implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

Advertiser is a person who wants to place an offer in a CPA network to sell a
particular product and/or service.

CPA network (abbreviation from Cost Per Action, that means payment for the
action) is an electronic business environment in the course of which a
relationship is established between an Advertiser and a CPA network, by virtue
of which an Advertiser offers the product and/or services, and a CPA network, in
turn, attracts users interested in acquiring offers, allowed by the Advertiser
methods. The end result of such activity is the purchase of the goods and/or
services by users through the CPA network.

Parties are a User, an Advertiser, and a CPA network.

Website is an internet resource of the web store that has the domain name
a4.easyloss-new.com, which is under organizational management and belongs to the
Advertiser under the terms of private property rights.

Public offer is a proposal addressed to an undefined circle of persons or to
several specific persons, which specifically expresses the intention of the
person who made the offer to consider himself/herself to have entered into this
End User License Agreement with the addressee that will accept the offer.

Acceptance – full acceptance by one of the Parties of the conditions of the
public offer of the CPA network for the conclusion of this end user license
agreement. Acceptance of a public offer occurs when the site is launched
(including for informational purposes) and its services are used.

1. General provisions

1.1. This End User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the
“Agreement”) defines the general rules for visiting, using the services and the
general rules of conduct on the Website of the User and regulates the civil and
legal relations that are formed between the User and the Advertiser, as well as
the User, the Advertiser and the CPA network in the process of their

1.2. This Agreement may be amended by a decision of the CPA network and/or the
Advertiser unilaterally. The CPA-network and/or the Advertiser does not bear the
obligation of personal notification of the User about such changes. The new
version of the Agreement shall enter into force from the time of purchase of the
goods/services of the Advertiser by the User.

1.3. The terms of the Agreement are applicable to all website clients without

1.4. The User starting using the Website confirms the fact that he has
familiarized himself with the provisions of this Agreement in his right mind and
with clear memory, understands them fully and accepts the conditions for using
the website to full extent. If there is a disagreement with the provisions of
this Agreement (partially or in whole), the person expressing such will is not
entitled to use the information field of the Website.

2. Regulation of the interaction of the parties

2.1. The implementation of services and/or capabilities provided by the Website
does not give the User any exclusive rights and privileges.

2.2. The Parties to this Agreement have agreed that the CPA network is entitled
to post advertisement units and banners in any of its fields, including the
places where information is published by the User without the additional consent
of the User.

2.3. The information posted on the Website by the CPA network is the result of
the intellectual activity of the CPA network and all proprietary and personal
non-property rights to such information are owned by the CPA network until it is
determined otherwise. At the same time, the User does not have any exclusive
rights to the result of intellectual activity of the CPA network expressed in
graphic, text, audio-video form placed by the CPA network on the Website.

2.4. The CPA network is not obligated to protect the violated rights of the User
in the context of settlement of disputes arising on this ground, including
judicial manner.

2.5. The CPA network is not the owner/manufacturer of the goods and/or services
posted on the Website and is not responsible for the violation of the User's
rights. The purpose of the CPA network under this agreement is to attract
potential users interested in acquiring goods and/or services authorized by the
Advertiser by methods. The end result of such activity is the purchase of the
goods and/or services by the User through the CPA network.

2.6. Violation by the User or the Advertiser of copyrights belonging to the CPA
network and (or) other persons, entails for the offender liability provided for
by the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.7. In case of revealing infringement of copyrights by the User, by illegal
placement of materials not belonging to the User, the CPA network withdraws such
materials from free access at the first request of the legal right holder.

2.8. The User is prohibited from posting on the Website information that
directly or indirectly contains the generally accepted signs of pornography,
insulting, prejudicing, damaging someone else's dignity, containing calls for
violence, brutality and other actions that lead to violations of the laws in
force, certain territorial jurisdictions, containing malicious software and (or)
other information that may harm third parties.

2.9. In the event of violation of the conditions of 2.8. of this Agreement and
the failure to comply with the requirements of the CPA network, including the
withdrawal of such information from public access, the Website's users are
liable under the provisions of this Agreement and (or) the current legislation
of the Russian Federation. The CPA network is then entitled to remove the
information mentioned in paragraph 2.8.

2.10. The CPA network is not responsible for the results of a User's visit to
third-party (external) resources that can be posted on the Website. Results mean
any results, regardless of its nature, as well as the one from which the User
incurred any material losses, moral damage and other negative manifestations.

2.11. The procedure for remote trading, the rights and obligations of the
Parties to the agreement, as well as third parties, specific requirements for
the processes of interaction between the Parties and the design of advertising
sites, are subject to the regulatory order by the Federal Law “On Advertising”,
the Rules for Remote Trading approved by the Resolution of the Government of the
Russian Federation No 612 as of 27.09.2007, as well as other normative acts and
this Agreement.

3. Rights and obligations of the Advertiser

3.1. The Advertiser is obliged to offer the User a service to deliver the goods
by mail or transport, indicating the mode of delivery and mode of transport

3.2. The Advertiser is obliged to inform the User about the need to call for
help of the qualified specialists for connecting, setting up and commissioning
technically complex products, which cannot be put into operation without the
participation of competent specialists in accordance with technical

3.3. The Advertiser is not entitled to perform additional works (services) for
payment without the consent of the User.

3.4. Before the conclusion of the contract of retail sale (hereinafter referred
to as the “Contract”) the Advertiser is obliged to provide the User with
information about the basic consumer properties of the goods and the address
(location) of the Advertiser, about the place of manufacture of the goods, the
full name of the Advertiser, the price and conditions of the purchase contract
of goods, its delivery, service life, shelf life and warranty period, the
procedure for payment for the goods, as well as the period during which the
proposal to enter into the contract is valid.

3.5. The Advertiser at the time of delivery of the goods is obliged to inform
the User in writing the following information (for imported goods - in Russian):

3.5.1. the name of the technical regulation or other symbol established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the
mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the goods;

3.5.2. information on the main consumer properties of the goods (works,
services), and with respect to foodstuffs - information on the composition
(including the names of food additives used in the process of food production,
biologically active additives, information on the presence in food products of
components obtained with application of genetically engineered organisms),
nutritional value, purpose, conditions of application and storage of food
products, methods of making ready meals, weight (volume), date and place of
manufacture and packaging of food, as well as information on contraindications
for their use in certain diseases;

3.5.3. price in rubles and conditions for the acquisition of the goods (work
performance, services);

3.5.4. information on warranty period, if any;

3.5.5. rules and conditions for the efficient and safe use of goods;

3.5.6. information on the service life or the expiration date of the goods, as
well as information about the necessary actions of the User after the expiration
of the specified terms and possible consequences if such actions are not
performed, if the goods after the expiration of the indicated periods pose a
danger to the life, health and property of the Client or become unsuitable for
intended use;

3.5.7. location (address), company name of the manufacturer (the Advertiser),
location (address) of the company(s) authorized by the manufacturer (the
Advertiser) to accept claims from the User and perform repair and maintenance of
the goods, for the imported goods - country name of the origin of the goods;
(see the text in the previous wording)

3.5.8. information on mandatory confirmation of the conformity of goods
(services) with compulsive requirements ensuring their safety for life, health
of the User, the environment and prevention of damage to the User's property in
accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.5.9. information on the rules for the sale of the goods (performance of work,
provision of services);

3.5.10. information about the specific person who will perform the work (provide
the service) and information about him, if relevant, it is based on the nature
of the work (services);

3.5.11 information on the energy efficiency of the goods for which the
requirement for the availability of such information is determined in accordance
with the legislation of the Russian Federation on energy conservation and on
improving energy efficiency.

3.6. The Advertiser is obliged to provide information to the User if the goods
purchased by the User were in use or in which the deficiency was eliminated.

3.7. The Advertiser is obliged to inform the User about the goods, including the
maintenance conditions and the storage rules, which are communicated to the
Customer by placing on the product, on electronic carriers, attached to the
goods, in the product itself (on the electronic board inside the goods in the
menu section), on the packaging, label, marking, in technical documentation or
in any other way established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.8. The Advertiser is obliged to inform the User about the period during which
the offer to sell the goods/services on the website is in effect.

3.9. The Advertiser has the both right to accept and to reject the User's offer
to forward the goods by postal mail way “to be called for”.

3.10. The Advertiser shall ensure the confidentiality of personal data about the
User in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field
of confidentiality.

3.11. The Advertiser provides the User with catalogs, booklets, pamphlets,
photographs or other information materials containing full, reliable and
accessible information characterizing the offered goods.

3.12. If the User refuses the goods, the Advertiser is obliged to return to him
the amount paid by the User in accordance with the Contract, with the exception
of the Advertiser's expenses for the delivery of the returned goods from the
User not later than 10 days from the date of presentation of the relevant demand
by the User.

3.13. In the event that the Agreement is concluded on the condition that the
goods are delivered to the User, the Advertiser shall deliver the goods to the
place specified by the User within the period established by the Contract, and
if the place of delivery of the goods is not specified by the User, then to the
place of his residence.

3.14. The Advertiser shall deliver the goods to the User in the order and time
specified in the Contract.

3.15. The Advertiser is obliged to deliver to the User the goods, the quality of
which corresponds to the Contract and the information provided to the User at
the conclusion of the Contract, as well as information brought to its attention
when transferring the goods (in technical documentation attached to the product,
on labels, by marking or by other means provided for certain types of the

3.16. If the Advertiser when concluding the Contract was informed by the User of
the specific purposes for the purchase of the goods, the Advertiser is obliged
to transfer to the User the goods suitable for use in accordance with these

3.17. The costs of the refund of the amount paid by the User in accordance with
the Contract shall be borne by the Advertiser.

3.18. Payment for the goods by the User by transferring funds to the account of
a third party indicated by the Advertiser does not relieve the Advertiser of the
obligation to return the amount paid by the User when the goods are returned by
the User both of proper and improper quality.

4. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1. The User has the right to refuse the goods at any time prior to its
transfer and after the transfer of the goods - within 7 days.

4.2. The User has the right to refuse the goods within 3 months from the moment
of transfer of the goods, in the event that information on the procedure and
terms for returning the goods of the proper quality were not provided in writing
at the time of delivery of the goods.

4.3. Return of good quality goods is possible in the event that marketable
condition, consumer properties are preserved, as well as a document confirming
the fact and conditions for the purchase of the said goods. The User's lack of
this document does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence
of the purchase of goods from this Advertiser.

4.4. The User shall not be entitled to refuse from the goods of proper quality,
having individually defined properties, if the specified goods can only be used
by the User who acquires them.

4.5. The User is obliged to re-pay the cost of delivery services, if the
delivery of the goods is made within the terms established by the Contract, but
the goods were not transferred to the User through his fault, the subsequent
delivery is made in a new time agreed with the Advertiser.

4.6. In the event that the goods are transferred to the User in violation of the
terms of the Contract concerning the quantity, assortment, quality,
completeness, boxes and (or) packaging of the goods, the User may notify the
Advertiser of such violations within 20 days after receipt of the goods.

4.7. If deficiencies in the goods are found in respect of which the warranty
terms or expiration dates are not established, the User shall be entitled to
present claims in respect of defects of the goods within a reasonable time, but
within 2 years from the date of its transfer to the User, longer periods are not
established by regulatory acts or the Contract.

4.8. The User has the right to present requirements to the Advertiser in respect
of defects of the goods, if they are revealed during the warranty period or the
expiration date.

4.9. The User who is sold the goods of inadequate quality, if this was not
agreed by the Advertiser, has the right at his choice to demand:

a) free elimination of defects of the goods or compensation of expenses for
their correction by the User or the third party;

b) a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;

c) the replacement of a similar brand (model, item) or other brand (model, item)
with the corresponding recalculation of the purchase price. However, in the case
of technically complex and expensive goods, these requirements of the User are
to be met if significant deficiencies are discovered.

4.10. The User instead of claiming the requirements specified in clause 4.9 of
this Agreement, has the right to refuse to perform the Contract and demand the
return of the amount paid for the purchased goods. At the request of the
Advertiser and at its expense, the User shall return the item with defects.

4.11. The User has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to
him by the sale of the goods of inadequate quality. The losses are reimbursed
within the time limits established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On
Protection of Consumer Rights” to meet the relevant requirements of the User.

4.12. The User has the right to refuse to execute the Contract and demand
compensation for the losses caused, if the Advertiser fails to transfer the

4.13. When returning goods of inadequate quality, the User's lack of a document
confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the goods does not
deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence of the purchase of the
goods from the Advertiser.

4.14. Refusal or evasion of the Advertiser from drawing up the waybill or the
certificate does not deprive the User of the right to demand the return of the
goods and (or) return of the amount paid by the User in accordance with the

4.15. The User has the right to refuse to pay for additional works (services)
that are not stipulated by the Contract, and if they are paid, the User has the
right to demand from the Advertiser a refund paid above the specified amount.

4.16. In case of using the results of the intellectual property of the CPA
network; the materials of the Website, for any purpose, the User shall obtain
the permission of the CPA network before placing such materials. Given the
permission of the CPA network, the User shall display the full name and domain
name of the source in the following format: web store a4.easyloss-new.com. The
hyperlink is to be active and direct, when clicked on a transition a particular
page of the Website is opened from which the material is borrowed.

4.17. By analogy with the instructions set out in p. 4.16. of this Agreement,
the User undertakes to act, in the case of using the results of intellectual
property, that it belongs to third parties. The method and procedure of
implementation are specified in the process of negotiations with the owner of
the materials.

5. Liability of the partiesLiability of the parties

5.1. The CPA network is not responsible for the actions of the User that have
violated the rights of the third parties, except in the case of certain existing
legislation of the Russian Federation.The CPA network is not responsible for the
actions of the User that have violated the rights of the third parties, except
in the case of certain existing legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The CPA network is not responsible for the content of the information
placed by the Advertiser and/or the User.The CPA network is not responsible for
the content of the information placed by the Advertiser and/or the User.

5.3. The CPA network is not responsible for the content of Website feedback. The
feedback of users from the website is subjective opinion of their authors, which
is in no way intended to be objective. They may not coincide with public opinion
and do not correspond to reality.The CPA network is not responsible for the
content of Website feedback. The feedback of users from the website is
subjective opinion of their authors, which is in no way intended to be
objective. They may not coincide with public opinion and do not correspond to

5.4. The decision on the issue/non-issuance of personal data is accepted by the
CPA network only on the basis of a request sent by the person of the CPA network
in accordance with the procedure established by applicable law.The decision on
the issue/non-issuance of personal data is accepted by the CPA network only on
the basis of a request sent by the person of the CPA network in accordance with
the procedure established by applicable law.

5.5. CPA network has the right not to respond to inquiries, appeals and letters
that do not contain requisites of the contacting person (full name, contact
details).CPA network has the right not to respond to inquiries, appeals and
letters that do not contain requisites of the contacting person (full name,
contact details).

5.6. CPA network is not responsible for the registration data, which was
indicated by the User when interacting with the information field of the
Website.CPA network is not responsible for the registration data, which was
indicated by the User when interacting with the information field of the

5.7. CPA network has the right to limit without explanation of reasons, to block
the User's access (including unregistered one) to the Website, with partial or
complete removal of information that was posted by the User on the Website. CPA
network undertakes to review the claim, executed in accordance with the
procedure provided for by section 5 of the Agreement within 30 (thirty) calendar
days from the date of receipt.CPA network has the right to limit without
explanation of reasons, to block the User's access (including unregistered one)
to the Website, with partial or complete removal of information that was posted
by the User on the Website. CPA network undertakes to review the claim, executed
in accordance with the procedure provided for by section 5 of the Agreement
within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt.

6. Dispute settlement procedureDispute settlement procedure

6.1. In case of posted information on the Website containing the results of
intellectual property owned by the third parties, the copyright owner is obliged
to:In case of posted information on the Website containing the results of
intellectual property owned by the third parties, the copyright owner is obliged

6.1.1. Draw up a claim indicating the actual and regulatory grounds that enable
the CPA network to withdraw information from public access.Draw up a claim
indicating the actual and regulatory grounds that enable the CPA network to
withdraw information from public access.

6.1.2. Attach to the claim evidence for the originality of the result of
intellectual property (original copy, other documents confirming the right of
ownership of the copyright object).Attach to the claim evidence for the
originality of the result of intellectual property (original copy, other
documents confirming the right of ownership of the copyright object).

6.1.3. Send the package of documents mentioned in the provisions of
subparagraphs 6.1.1., 6.1.2. of this Agreement to the electronic mail of the CPA
network: info@abcloudgroup.comSend the package of documents mentioned in the
provisions of subparagraphs 6.1.1., 6.1.2. of this Agreement to the electronic
mail of the CPA network: info@abcloudgroup.com

6.2. The claims of the User on the quality of service, products, as well as
other comments, should be sent to the Advertiser on the electronic mail:
info@slaviya-org.comThe claims of the User on the quality of service, products,
as well as other comments, should be sent to the Advertiser on the electronic
mail: info@slaviya-org.com

7. MiscellaneousMiscellaneous

7.1. All possible situations, disputes arising out of the relationship between
the User and the Advertiser, as well as the User, the Advertiser and the CPA
network, which are not settled by this Agreement, shall be resolved in
accordance with the rules of the current legislation of the Russian
Federation.All possible situations, disputes arising out of the relationship
between the User and the Advertiser, as well as the User, the Advertiser and the
CPA network, which are not settled by this Agreement, shall be resolved in
accordance with the rules of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Parties to this Agreement are aware of the scope of the rights and
obligations generated by the relationships of the persons mentioned in this
Agreement and realize their actions, understand the legal nature of the
consequences of such actions to full extent.The Parties to this Agreement are
aware of the scope of the rights and obligations generated by the relationships
of the persons mentioned in this Agreement and realize their actions, understand
the legal nature of the consequences of such actions to full extent.

7.3. Omission to act on the part of the CPA network in case of violation of the
provisions of the Agreement by any of the Users does not deprive the CPA network
of the right to take later appropriate actions in defense of its interests and
protection of the rights protected by the law.Omission to act on the part of the
CPA network in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of
the Users does not deprive the CPA network of the right to take later
appropriate actions in defense of its interests and protection of the rights
protected by the law.

7.4. The Advertiser's contact information:The Advertiser's contact information:

„Био Фреш” ООД - Bio Fresh ltd
с.Царацово, община "Марица", обл.Пловдив, м."Три могили", кв.28, №42

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