Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On September 02 via api from US — Scanned from SG

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
            d="M208 48c-88.366 0-160 71.634-160 160s71.634 160 160 160 160-71.634 160-160S296.366 48 208 48zM0 208C0 93.125 93.125 0 208 0s208 93.125 208 208c0 48.741-16.765 93.566-44.843 129.024l133.826 134.018c9.366 9.379 9.355 24.575-.025 33.941-9.379 9.366-24.575 9.355-33.941-.025L337.238 370.987C301.747 399.167 256.839 416 208 416 93.125 416 0 322.875 0 208z">

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 1.  Use Reliable Sources: Only download files from trusted sources, such as
     official app stores (like Google Play Store or Apple App Store) or
     well-known websites. Avoid downloading files from unfamiliar websites or
     links shared through unsolicited messages.
 2.  Enable App Permissions Wisely: When installing apps, be cautious about
     granting unnecessary permissions. Apps should only have access to the
     specific resources they require to function properly. For example, a
     flashlight app shouldn’t need access to your contacts.
 3.  Install Antivirus Software: Consider installing a reputable antivirus app
     from a trusted developer. This can help detect and prevent malicious files
     from harming your device.
 4.  Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your phone’s operating system and
     apps. Updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities that
     could be exploited by malware.
 5.  Use Secure Connections: When downloading or uploading files, use secure
     Wi-Fi networks or your cellular data. Public Wi-Fi networks can be less
     secure and more susceptible to hacking.
 6.  Password Protection: If the file contains sensitive information, consider
     password-protecting it before saving it on your phone. Use a strong, unique
     password that combines letters, numbers, and symbols.
 7.  Use Encrypted Storage: Many modern smartphones offer encrypted storage
     options. Enable this feature to ensure that your files are stored in an
     encrypted format, making it more difficult for unauthorized access.
 8.  Backup Regularly: Back up your important files regularly to a secure cloud
     storage service or your computer. This way, even if your phone is
     compromised, you won’t lose important data.
 9.  Be Wary of Email Attachments: Avoid opening email attachments from unknown
     senders, as they might contain malicious files. If you’re not expecting an
     attachment, verify with the sender before opening it.
 10. Delete Unnecessary Files: Regularly review and delete files you no longer
     need. This reduces the risk of accidentally opening a malicious file.
 11. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable two-factor
     authentication for your important accounts and services. This adds an extra
     layer of security to your accounts.
 12. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest security threats and best
     practices for mobile device security. Awareness goes a long way in
     protecting your phone and data.

Remember, while these steps can significantly enhance your device’s security, no
method is entirely foolproof. It’s essential to stay vigilant and cautious while
using your phone to ensure the safety of your files and personal information.

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