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 * DDDD. My hope now, with those IP a...
 * AMGO. Uptick of new claims reporte...
 * UKOG. Me too.Persisted with him fo...
 * WG.. Poker. I was just going by f...
 * VAST. Boom Boom Boom
 * BOO. Bulls look to be winning whe...
 * VAST. RNS tomorrow? hmmmm I can sm...
 * DDDD. They will wait to buy it off...
 * POG. Freddie - Cheers. Good luck...
 * 0QLN. hawksand caspian sunrise and...

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Mon, 20th Jun 2022 07:00

RNS Number : 4336P
20 June 2022



20 June 2022



('CYBA' or the 'Company')


Corporate Update and Proposed Name Change


CYBA plc (LSE: CYBA) ("the Company"), is pleased to provide an update on planned
corporate developments. 



· The Company proposes a change of name to NARF Industries plc to reflect the
reverse takeover by the NARF Industries Group, the advanced cybersecurity
research and development company based in the US

· Steve Bassi to become Chief Executive Officer



CYBA was created as a Cash Shell (SPAC) company and listed on the London Stock
Exchange in March 2021.

In March 2022 CYBA completed the 100% acquisition of NARF Industries Group which
leads advanced cybersecurity research and development projects in the US
primarily commissioned by government agencies.

Following the acquisition, the Company no longer was an investment company,
instead forming part of an Operating Group.

The Board has determined to change the Company's name to NARF Industries plc
reflecting the Reverse Take-Over ("RTO") by NARF Industries Group.


Executive Management Team

Steve Bassi, who is currently a Non-Executive Director of the Company and CEO of
the NARF Industries Group, has been formally appointed as Chief Executive

Robert Mitchell will remain as Executive Chairman and Rory Heier and John
Herring will continue as Directors.

Further senior appointments consistent with NARF's business focus will be
announced in due course.


Stock Exchange Matters

The proposed change of name to NARF Industries plc will be proposed as special
resolution at the Company's 2022 Annual General Meeting, notice of which will be
provided in the coming weeks.


The Company will change its LSE Stock Exchange Ticker to NARF. The Company's
ISIN will remain unchanged. The proposed change of company name will not affect
the rights of shareholders and all existing share certificates should be
retained as they will remain valid. Shareholdings held electronically in the
CREST system will simply be renamed on the date that the name change becomes


CEO, Steve Bassi, said: "NARF's products and services provide a vast opportunity
to create value for shareholders; accordingly, we are looking forward to
delivering these prospects, and going forward as NARF Industries Plc. This is an
exciting period for the Company as we focus on what is clearly a major
opportunity and I look forward to updating shareholders on further progress."


Executive Chairman Robert Mitchell, said: CYBA plc was created and Listed on the
London Stock Exchange as a cash-shell ('SPAC') with a mission statement to make
an acquisition of a proven opportunity in the Cyber Security space. Having
extensively researched the market opportunities the Board concluded the NARF
Industries Group represented a unique opportunity to create shareholder value.
We expect to be able to make further announcements in due course on developments
in the existing NARF portfolio. The corporate actions detailed above and
appointment of Steve Bassi as Chief Executive Officer reflect the successful
completion of the process for CYBA and the transformation into an operating
business with a proven and respected leadership team which we are proud to have
brought to the London Stock Exchange.






For further information on the Group please visit www.cybaplc.com and
narfindustries.com or contact:

Robert Mitchell

CYBA plc

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3468 2212

Peter Krens

Tennyson Securities

Tel: +44 (0)207 186 9030

Catherine Leftley / Charlotte Page / Isabel de Salis

St Brides Partners Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7236 1177


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Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary
Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the
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Date   Source Headline 20th Jun 20227:00 amRNSCorporate Update27th May 202212:00
pmRNSIssue of Equity16th May 20227:00 amRNSIssue of Equity4th Apr 20223:45
pmRNSHolding(s) in Company4th Apr 20223:45 pmRNSHolding(s) in Company


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