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Submitted URL: http://www.rockboxfitness.com/franchise-opportunities/
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          <strong class="identical-h2">Reach Out to Learn More about Owning a RockBox Fitness Franchise</strong>
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          <h1>Boxing Gym Franchise Opportunity</h1>
          <h2>Turn Your Passion for Fitness into a Rewarding Business</h2>
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            <p>If you’re ready to invest in yourself, RockBox Fitness offers an exciting opportunity to not only change your life but also make a difference in the lives of others. We are a boxing-based gym franchise that is one of the
              fastest-growing brands in the fitness industry.</p>
            <p>With proven business systems, industry-leading marketing programs, and unparalleled training, RockBox was built with an eye on long-term attainment. We are currently seeking driven individuals to bring our experience into new
              communities throughout the United States.</p>
          <div id="SplitContentV1ContentExpanded" class="content expanded">
            <p>RockBox is growing at a rapid rate with over 100 territories awarded in over 15 states across the United States. The fitness industry is experiencing massive pent-up demand for boutique fitness studios, and we are looking for more
              members and owners to partner with and grow our amazing brand. Whether you are an entrepreneur, past business owner, real estate investor, or executive looking for a career change, our proven business model will provide you with the
              ease of ownership, ongoing support structures, and opportunity to join the RockBox movement. Become your own boss, transform lives, and break free of the corporate lifestyle once and for all!</p>
            <h3 dir="ltr">Built for Growth. Built for Speed.</h3>
            <p dir="ltr">Just as our trainers and staff support our gym members throughout their fitness journeys, our franchise development team supports our franchisees throughout every step of their ownership experience. Our extensive, ongoing
              training and support drive your success. From negotiating the lease to building out your box, recruiting your team to financing your investment, team training to business marketing, our experts will be with you every step of the way.
              Our brand reduces boredom within the fitness space and makes boxing and kickboxing accessible to everyone at all fitness levels by combining these moves with functional training exercises. With our proven business model and experience
              in go-to-market (GTM) strategies, we have assisted in the opening of over 35 studios in 15+ states across the U.S.</p>
            <p dir="ltr">With our multi-unit and area development opportunities, there is limitless growth for future RockBox owners to build their own fitness communities. We are seeking passionate leaders who want to join a successful brand in a
              $32 Billion industry. A potentially stellar return on investment is only one of the benefits of joining our company. As a boxing gym franchise owner, you’ll join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and work with one of the top
              teams in the industry.</p>
            <p class="text-highlight v2" style="text-align:left;"> If you think you’re a good fit for our fitness franchise, reach out to us at <a href="tel:(704) 703-7351" id="FDSplitContentV1_1">(704) 703-7351</a> or fill out our
              <a href="/franchise-opportunities/contact-us/">Contact Form</a>. </p>
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				            <img alt="young woman using punching bag" type="image/jpeg" src="https://dwoeahpik8k5d.cloudfront.net/assets/fran-dev/cluster4-img-a.2110041028428.jpg">
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            <strong class="identical-h1">THROW THE FIRST <span>PUNCH</span></strong>
            <p class="identical-h2">Contact Us to Learn More about Becoming a RockBox Franchise Owner</p>
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                  <label for="FDContactFormLower_ITM0_Liquidity">Liquid Capital Available to Invest*</label>
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                    <option value=""></option>
                    <option value="Under $60K Liquid Capital">Under $60K Liquid Capital</option>
                    <option value="$60K-$99K Liquid Capital">$60K-$99K Liquid Capital</option>
                    <option value="$100K-$199K Liquid Capital">$100K-$199K Liquid Capital</option>
                    <option value="$200K+ Liquid Capital">$200K+ Liquid Capital</option>
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        <div class="contact-cta">
          <strong class="identical-h1">READY TO ROCK?</strong>
          <p class="identical-h2">Complete our Ownership Questionnaire if you’re ready to move forward with becoming a RockBox Fitness franchisee!</p>
          <div class="heart-beat">
            <svg viewBox="0 0 36 36" data-use="/cms/svg/site/k1jbeig_mp8.36.2203241002242.svg#heartbeat_test">
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          <a class="btn v1" href="/franchise-opportunities/ownership-questionnaire/">View Questionnaire</a>

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    * Our Franchisees

 * Investment
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 * Available Territories
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Download E-Book
Reach Out to Learn More about Owning a RockBox Fitness Franchise
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 * Liquid Capital Available to Invest* Under $60K Liquid Capital $60K-$99K
   Liquid Capital $100K-$199K Liquid Capital $200K+ Liquid Capital
   Please select an option.

*indicates required field



If you’re ready to invest in yourself, RockBox Fitness offers an exciting
opportunity to not only change your life but also make a difference in the lives
of others. We are a boxing-based gym franchise that is one of the
fastest-growing brands in the fitness industry.

With proven business systems, industry-leading marketing programs, and
unparalleled training, RockBox was built with an eye on long-term attainment. We
are currently seeking driven individuals to bring our experience into new
communities throughout the United States.

RockBox is growing at a rapid rate with over 100 territories awarded in over 15
states across the United States. The fitness industry is experiencing massive
pent-up demand for boutique fitness studios, and we are looking for more members
and owners to partner with and grow our amazing brand. Whether you are an
entrepreneur, past business owner, real estate investor, or executive looking
for a career change, our proven business model will provide you with the ease of
ownership, ongoing support structures, and opportunity to join the RockBox
movement. Become your own boss, transform lives, and break free of the corporate
lifestyle once and for all!


Just as our trainers and staff support our gym members throughout their fitness
journeys, our franchise development team supports our franchisees throughout
every step of their ownership experience. Our extensive, ongoing training and
support drive your success. From negotiating the lease to building out your box,
recruiting your team to financing your investment, team training to business
marketing, our experts will be with you every step of the way. Our brand reduces
boredom within the fitness space and makes boxing and kickboxing accessible to
everyone at all fitness levels by combining these moves with functional training
exercises. With our proven business model and experience in go-to-market (GTM)
strategies, we have assisted in the opening of over 35 studios in 15+ states
across the U.S.

With our multi-unit and area development opportunities, there is limitless
growth for future RockBox owners to build their own fitness communities. We are
seeking passionate leaders who want to join a successful brand in a $32 Billion
industry. A potentially stellar return on investment is only one of the benefits
of joining our company. As a boxing gym franchise owner, you’ll join a community
of like-minded entrepreneurs and work with one of the top teams in the industry.

If you think you’re a good fit for our fitness franchise, reach out to us at
(704) 703-7351 or fill out our Contact Form.

Continue Reading Close

Learn MOre About Us
Play Video Get the VIP experience at RockBox!

We're in Your corner The RockBox Fitness Advantage

   Gain a competitive advantage and operational success with our proven business
   model and in-house customer acquisition center.

   Achieve your business, financial, and personal goals with the help of
   complete operational and sales training tools.

   Benefit from recurring membership revenue and extensive incentives to pursue
   multi-unit development.

1 / 2
Join a Community of Excellence

 * > “There is no better feeling than walking into your studio and seeing the
   > lights flashing, hearing the music pumping and feeling the positive energy
   > of your members! We are so lucky to have that ...”
   > - Katie Georgiades
   > RockBox Lexington, SC

 * > “Do you know what stood out with Rockbox? I could pick up the phone and
   > call at any time. I knew Zac was going to answer [...] They were not going
   > to let me fail.”
   > - Seaton Sheldon
   > RockBox Bowling Green, KY

 * > “RockBox truly cares. From the very start, RockBox has impressed me [...]
   > The Home Office is filled with rockstars.”
   > - Tina Ching
   > RockBox Scottsdale, AZ

Read Testimonials
1 / 3
STEPS TO OWNERSHIP A Combination for Success

 * 1 Start Your Journey: Complete Our Ownership Questionnaire
 * 2 Discovery Call: Opening Your Studio
 * 3 Discovery Call: Running Your Business
 * 4 Discovery Call: Franchise Disclosure Document Review
 * 5 Meet The Team at Discovery Day
 * 6 Award Your Franchise

1 / 1
View Details
Growing Fast. Growing Strong. Our Community is Expanding Throughout the U.S.
 * 37
   Open &
   Operating Studios

 * 22
   States Across
   the US

 * 130+

View Available Territories

Contact Us to Learn More about Becoming a RockBox Franchise Owner

 * First Name*
   Please enter your first name.
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   Please enter your last name.
 * Phone*
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   Please enter your phone number.
 * Email*
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   Please enter your email address.
 * Liquid Capital Available to Invest* Under $60K Liquid Capital $60K-$99K
   Liquid Capital $100K-$199K Liquid Capital $200K+ Liquid Capital
   Please select an option.
 * Do You Meet the Financial Requirements?* (Net Worth of $300,000 & Liquid
   Capital of $60,000)
    * Yes
    * No
   Please make a selection.

*indicates required field

Complete our Ownership Questionnaire if you’re ready to move forward with
becoming a RockBox Fitness franchisee!

View Questionnaire
(704) 703-7351
(704) 703-7351 +1-(980) 220-6691 107 Parr Drive Huntersville, NC 28078
 * Available Territories
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 * Ownership Questionnaire
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Huntersville, NC 28078

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