www.handling.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=00175vvgaNCwNQd8gu714Muqif5j8lnU6QW1nNa0Bzjd96K56cWoU7-3xAwD9twfK3bthTKJuX11swZXYPxLUvH...
Effective URL: https://www.handling.com/contact-us/
Submission: On September 20 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

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POST /contact-us/element/35/Form

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     * Bogie Maintenance Workstation
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     * Rail Maintenance Rotisseries
     * Rail Gantries
     * Nosecone Access Lift
     * Drop Tables & Traction Motor Dollys
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We welcome your inquiries via phone, email, fax and mail.

Offices/Plant 1: 219 South Service Rd. West, Grimsby, Ontario
Plant 2: 1632 Burlington Street in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Telephone: 905.945.9661
Fax: 905.945.0155
Toll Free: 800.559.8366
Email: info@handling.com


Thomas Beach, President


Michael Roper, Sales Manager
Marek Cybula, Sr. Technical Sales


Rob Hicks, Parts Coordinator / Product Specialist (Excalibur, Forklevator)
Parts & Services Manager


Thomas Beach, President
Michael Poeltl, Marketing Manager

For comments on this website, please click here. 

> Great to see our equipment in production and making its way through the
> process… Impressive work going on.
> Andy Scrafford PMP Deputy Project Director - Bird Kiewit

> I have honestly never dealt with a supplier more professional and more
> dedicated. Even with all the changes we asked, you managed to deliver the
> finished product a week ahead of schedule, and in the near future, we might
> get more of these platforms.
> Christophe Malek - Siemens

> It’s a pleasure working with your company.
> Doug Harkness MCR Coordinator - Black & McDonald


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Handling Specialty's reputation is one of a competent problem-solver because we
have built a reputation on providing unique, custom-engineered material handling
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