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URL: https://policy.secureapi.com.au/reseller.php
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Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd Reseller Partner Agreements

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https://policy.secureapi.com.au/?site=dreamscape, AND IRREVOCABLY AGREE TO BE


Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd whose registered office is
3 Irving Road #09-01, Singapore 369522
("Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd" or "we")



1. Appointment of Reseller

1.1 Appointment
1.2 Term

2. Reseller's obligations

2.1 Support
2.2 Compliance with auDA, ICANN, DNC, NOMINET and SGNIC policies

2.2.1 Website contact details requirements

2.3 Receipt of complaints
2.4 Insurance
2.5 Minimum accounts

3. Grant of domain name applications

3.1 How domain name applications to be assessed
3.2 Registrant agreement
3.3 Submission of applications to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd
3.4 Notification of registration or non-registration to registrant
3.5 Order processing time
3.6 Bulk domain name transfers
3.7 Transfer of domain names
3.8 Authorisation keys

4. Impermissible conduct by reseller

4.1 Unsolicited contact or registration
4.2 Non-compliant registrations

5. Relationship of parties

5.1 No legal partnership
5.2 No fiduciary relationship
5.3 Reseller not a registrar or registry
5.4 Registrar to be identified
5.5 Taxation

6. Use of registrant information

6.1 Reseller to keep registration details accurate
6.2 Not to misuse
6.3 Not to claim intellectual property rights
6.4 Copyright material

7. Fees

7.1 Calculation of fees
7.2 Non-payment of fees
7.3 Payment chargebacks
7.4 Credit Payout
7.5 Refunds

8. Other products
9. Confidentiality
10. Implied terms
11. Exclusions

11.1 Limitation of liability
11.2 No representations
11.3 Indemnity
11.4 Transfer of clients to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd
11.5 Downtime
11.6 Employees
11.7 Pricing adjustments
11.8 Domain misspelling
11.9 Domain transfers

12. Termination

12.1 Termination

13. Miscellaneous provisions

13.1 Interpretation
13.2 Time
13.3 Further acts
13.4 Governing law
13.5 Assignment
13.6 Waiver not to affect rights
13.7 Variation
13.8 Entire agreement
13.9 Severability
13.10 Survival of agreement
13.11 Notices

14. Best Value Guaranteed Promotion


Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd has offered to appoint Reseller as a
reseller of Domain Names and Hosting Services, and Reseller has accepted
Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd offer to do so on the terms and
conditions set out in this agreement.

THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that the parties agree that:

1. Appointment of Reseller

1.1 Appointment

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd hereby grants, and the reseller
accepts, a non-exclusive appointment as a reseller of domain name services and
upon and subject to the terms of this agreement.

1.2 Term

The term of this agreement shall commence on the commencement date specified in
the schedule and continue until terminated in accordance with this agreement.

2. Reseller's obligations

2.1 Support

The reseller agrees to accept requests from the public for the registration,
cancellation, deletion, renewal, maintenance or transfer of domain names and to
provide first level customer service, including billing and technical support,
in respect of the services offered by it.

2.2 Compliance with auDA, ICANN, DNC, NOMINET and SGNIC policies

The reseller agrees to comply with any specifications, policies or codes of
practice published by auDA, ICANN, DNC, Nominet and SGNIC on their respective
web sites ("registry policies"), as varied from time to time, as if those
documents were incorporated into and formed part of this agreement, prevailing
over the terms of this agreement to the extent of any inconsistency.

Reseller is prohibited from displaying the ICANN or ICANN-Accredited Registrar
logo, or from otherwise representing itself as accredited by ICANN unless it has
written permission from ICANN to do so.

Any registration agreement used by reseller shall include all registration
agreement provisions and notices required by the ICANN Registrar Accreditation
Agreement and any ICANN Consensus Policies, and shall identify the sponsoring
registrar or provide a means for identifying the sponsoring registrar, such as a
link to the InterNIC Whois lookup service.

Reseller shall identify the sponsoring registrar upon inquiry from the customer.

Reseller shall ensure that the identity and contact information provided by the
customer of any privacy or proxy registration service offered or made available
by reseller in connection with each registration will be deposited with
Registrar or held in escrow or, alternatively, display a conspicuous notice to
such customers at the time an election is made to utilize such privacy or proxy
service that their data is not being escrowed. Where escrow is used, the escrow
agreement will provide, at a minimum, that data will be released to registrar in
the event reseller breaches the reseller agreement, and such breach is harmful
to consumers or the public interest. In the event that ICANN makes available a
program granting recognition to resellers that escrow privacy or proxy
registration data as detailed above, and reseller meets any other criteria
established by ICANN in accordance with its Bylaws, reseller shall be permitted
to apply to ICANN for such recognition.

To the extent that Registrar is obligated to provide a link to an ICANN webpage,
the Reseller shall also be under an obligation to provide such linkage.

If Registrar becomes aware that such a Reseller is in breach of any of the
provisions of this section of this Agreement, the Registrar shall take
reasonable steps to notify the Reseller that it is in breach of the reseller
agreement and that Registrar has the right to terminate such agreement.

2.2.1 Website contact details requirements

The reseller must publish all of the following points on their website as
contact details for their registrants:

 * Postal address
 * Telephone number
 * Contact email address
 * Customer Service commitments detailing expected response times and how long
   it usually takes to resolve issues - Please see below for an example.
   Example: Please contact ________________________________________ using one of
   the contact methods below, outside of office hours please email us at
   ________________________________________. We will respond to all points of
   contact within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues you have within 5
   business days.

 * Email contact point for abuse complaints - Please see below.
   Example: If you wish to raise a complaint about abuse you have received
   (phishing scams, spam emails etc), please contact us at
   ________________________________________ with as much detail about the abuse.
   We will investigate your complaint immediately.
   Example: Abuse complaints: ________________________________________ (insert
   email address).

 * Complaints and escalation process (detailing time frame) - Please see below
   Example: Here at ________________________________________ we like to think we
   get it right all the time, every time but the truth of it is everyone gets it
   wrong from time to time. We can only improve on our services with valid
   feedback from you, our customers.
   If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received, please
   submit an email to us at ________________________________________ including
   as much detail from the issue you have. We will acknowledge your complaint
   within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 business days.

If you're not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, then please feel
free to escalate your issue to one of, but not limited to, the following:

 * ICANN (global Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) here:
 * Nominet (the .uk registry) here:
 * auDA (the .au Domain Administrators) here:
 * DNC (the .nz Domain Name Commission) here: http://dnc.org.nz/story/drs-home
 * EURid (the .eu registry) here:
 * aeDA (the .ae Domain Administrators) here:
 * SGNIC (the .sg registry) here: https://www.sgnic.sg/domain-dispute.html

2.3 Receipt of complaints

The reseller shall receive complaints from its customers and shall act promptly
to investigate and fairly resolve those complaints in accordance with its
obligations under this agreement and the registry policies.

2.4 Insurance

The reseller shall take out adequate insurance against all normal risks arising
in the course of its business including without limitation insurance against
public liability, business interruption, fire, flood, burglary and accidental
damage. The reseller shall provide a certificate of currency of its insurance
policies to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd upon request.

2.5 Minimum accounts

The resellers' accounts must contain a minimum balance of $100 to accommodate
any refunds so the reseller does have a negative balance. The reseller
acknowledges and agrees that a failure to maintain a minimum of $100 balance
will automatically entitle Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd to suspend
the resellers account.

3. Grant of domain name applications

3.1 How domain name applications to be assessed

The reseller shall assess all applications for domain names that are received by
reference to the registry policies. The reseller shall use its reasonable best
endeavours to assess the correctness of the information provided in applications
it receives and only submit a domain name registration application to Dreamscape
Networks International Pte Ltd for grant if it is satisfied that the application
satisfies the registry policies.

3.2 Registrant agreement

The reseller shall before submitting a domain name registration application to
Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd for grant require the prospective
registrant to enter into an agreement with Dreamscape Networks International Pte
Ltd in the form set out on the Web site at
https://policy.secureapi.com.au/?site=dreamscape#7b with such necessary changes
to indicate that the reseller is a reseller of Dreamscape Networks International
Pte Ltd, and such other terms and conditions proposed by the reseller, as may be
approved by Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd in writing.

3.3 Submission of applications to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd

The reseller does not grant domain name licences directly but may only submit
applications for the registration of domain names to Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd to be finally assessed and submitted for registration to
the applicable registry operator. Both Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd
and the said registry operator may refuse any application for the grant of a
domain name in their absolute discretion and no correspondence will be entered
into in respect of their refusal to register any particular domain name.

3.4 Notification of registration or non-registration to registrant

If an application for registration of a domain name is successful the reseller
must provide the registrant with a certificate evidencing that fact in the form
prescribed by auDA, ICANN, DNC, Nominet and SGNIC, and if unsuccessful must
notify the registrant of any reasons for the refusal including any reasons
provided by Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd or the registry operator.

3.5 Order processing time

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd shall not be liable for delayed
processing of orders for any products including domain names, Dreamscape
Networks International Pte Ltd shall take all reasonable steps required to
provide prompt processing of applications however due to the nature of the
service, Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd is unable to provide
guarantee of the availability of the service.

3.6 Bulk domain name transfers

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any
interruptions or errors which may occur during bulk domain name or web hosting

3.7 Transfer of domain names

The reseller must ensure, that its registrants can easily transfer registered
domain names to another registrar in accordance with the registry policies, and
as facilitated by Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd.

3.8 Authorisation keys

Authorisation keys also referred to as domain passwords, registry keys or UDAI
keys will be made available to registrant of the domain upon request from the
reseller. The authorization code will not be available to the reseller.

4. Impermissible conduct by reseller

4.1 Unsolicited contact or registration

The reseller may not take any action on behalf of or make any unsolicited
contact with a prospective registrant unless that person has authorised or
requested the reseller to do so, and without limitation to the foregoing may not
submit a domain name registration application on the prospective registrant's
behalf unless specifically requested by that person to do so.

4.2 Non-compliant registrations

The reseller may not knowingly allow any domain name application to be submitted
to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd that does not comply with the
registry policies.

5. Relationship of parties

5.1 No legal partnership

The parties acknowledge that they are not in a legal partnership or joint
venture and that neither party shall be entitled to pledge the credit of the
other or to bind the other to any contract with a third party.

5.2 No fiduciary relationship

Neither party shall owe the other a fiduciary relationship or be precluded from
competing with the other subject to the terms of this agreement; in particular,
the reseller acknowledges that Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd has a
business in the retail of domain name and hosting services.

5.3 Reseller not a registrar or registry

The reseller acknowledges that it is not and warrants that it shall not hold
itself out to be a domain name registrar or registry and that Web Address
Registration Pty Ltd as the accredited registrar may at all times deal directly
with its registrants without the resellers intermediation.

5.4 Registrar to be identified

The reseller must identify Web Address Registration Pty Ltd as the accredited
registrar of whom the reseller is a reseller in all materials issued by the
reseller to registrants, including and without limitation on the reseller's web

5.5 Taxation

The reseller shall be responsible for their own income tax and other taxes as
defined under law which includes taxes on its pricing. Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd shall not be responsible for any taxes which the reseller
is liable to under the law.

6. Use of registrant information

6.1 Reseller to keep registration details accurate

The reseller shall be responsible for maintaining the accuracy of domain name
registration details provided by its registrants and shall keep those details up
to date using such mechanisms as Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd may
prescribe from time to time within five business days of receiving notice of any
change required to those details. Without limitation the reseller shall cause
the registration of a domain name to be cancelled if it becomes aware or has
cause to believe that a registrant is no longer entitled to the registration of
that domain name.

The reseller shall not register domain names in the name of their entity, person
or otherwise and must only register domain names in the name of the customer and
registrant. If sufficient evidence is supplied to indicate such matters, we
reserve the right to update and correct the registrant details with immediate

6.2 Not to misuse

The reseller must not sell, rent or otherwise deal with any information provided
by its registrants to any person other than as permitted or required by this
agreement or by auDA, ICANN, DNC, Nominet and SGNIC.

6.3 Not to claim intellectual property rights

The reseller agrees not to claim any intellectual property or other exclusive
rights in the information it receives from registrants.

6.4 Copyright material

All material displayed on Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd website and
its sister companies' websites shall not be copied or reproduced in any form,
shape without written consent provided by Dreamscape Networks International Pte

7. Fees

7.1 Calculation of fees

The fees payable by the reseller to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd
are as set out in the reseller system and are calculated in Australian currency,
on the number of fully paid currently registered domain names and hosting
services that the reseller has caused to be registered by Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd. The fees so calculated are to be paid in advance and in
Australian currency only. Credit cards will also apply for all products and be
billed during the order or purchase process.

7.2 Non-payment of fees

In the event of delinquent payment of fees Dreamscape Networks International Pte
Ltd may:

 a. refuse to accept any further applications for domain name registration or
    renewal from the reseller;
 b. delete, from the registry, any domain names for which payment has not been
    received from the reseller in full;
 c. give notice of termination of this agreement to the reseller; and
 d. pursue any other remedy available to it under this agreement or at law.

7.3 Payment chargebacks

The reseller and/or clients of the reseller cannot seek to reverse a payment
(chargeback) in your favour.

We may hold the reseller to the transaction if either yourself or a client of
yours resists the chargeback and charge the reseller reasonable costs for doing
so. We hold the right to suspend and/or cancel the reseller and associated
member account including any services attached to it, also decline you and your
clients from any further services until all applicable costs have been paid.

We reserve the right to engage the services of a debt collection agency should
the above costs not be paid. In such circumstances the reseller will be charged
for collection costs in addition to the applicable costs.

7.4 Credit Payout

Accrued Reseller Account Credit may be paid out on request, which are processed
at the end of each calendar month. Payouts may be made via bank transfer or via
Paypal. The minimum payout amount is $500.00 USD or equivalent in other
currencies. It is your responsibility to ensure that the provided payout details
(bank or Paypal account details) are accurate and will not result in an returned
transaction. Any failure on your part to provide accurate and sufficient details
will result in a $25.00 USD (or equivalent in chosen currency) fee being
deducted from the payout amount. This is applied solely to cover costs related
to failed transactions. You agree to indemnify us from any loss or negative
outcome on yourselves as a result of this as well as any delay in payout

7.5 Refunds

You expressly and irrevocably agree that:

 1. It is your responsibility to ensure that the reseller program is appropriate
    and compatible to your needs prior to registering for a reseller account;
 2. We are not obliged to provide a refund of the setup fee for your reseller
    account in the event that you no longer desire to be a reseller as described
    in this agreement.

8. Other products

All other services and products, not pertaining to the registration of domains,
including all hosting services, web builder, spam filter, search booster and
SSLs fall under the constraints, limits, and procedures outlined in this

9. Confidentiality

A party shall not, without the prior written approval of the other party,
disclose the confidential information of the other party, except in
circumstances where it is legally compelled to do so. Each party shall take all
reasonable steps to ensure that its employees and agents, and any
sub-contractors engaged for the purposes of this agreement, do not make public
or disclose the other party's confidential information. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this clause, Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd may
disclose the terms of this agreement (other than confidential information of a
technical nature) to its related companies, solicitors, auditors, insurers or
accountants. This clause shall survive the termination of this agreement.

10. Implied terms

Any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied in this agreement is
hereby excluded to the extent permitted by law. If the full exclusion of any
condition or warranty is not permitted by law, the liability of Dreamscape
Networks International Pte Ltd for any breach of such condition or warranty
shall be limited, at the option of Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd, to
one or more of the following:

 a. if the breach relates to goods:
    i.   the replacement of the goods or the supply of the equivalent goods;
    ii.  the repair of such goods;
    iii. the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring
         equivalent goods; or
    iv.  the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; and
 b. if the breach relates to services:
    i.  the supplying of the services again; or
    ii. the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

11. Exclusions

11.1 Limitation of liability

You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified and hold us harmless from and
against any claim brought against us, by a third party resulting from the
provision or use of Services, and in respect of all losses, costs, actions,
proceedings, claims, damages, expenses (including reasonable legal costs and
expenses), or liabilities, whatsoever suffered and howsoever incurred by us in
consequence of your breach or non-observance of these terms.


You agree that our total aggregate liability to you for any proven losses,
damages and claims in connection with the provision or use of Services or this
Agreement, including liability for breach of contract, negligence, tort, or any
other common law or statutory action, shall be limited to the charges paid to us
by you in respect of the Services which are the subject of any such claim. You
agree to defend, indemnify and keep indemnified and hold us harmless from any:

 * loss of business, contracts, profits or anticipated savings;
 * other indirect or consequential or economic loss whatsoever;
 * loss of data or inability to retrieve data resulting from delays, software
   incompatibility, hardware or software issues, outages, failed deliveries, and
   any service interruption not caused by us;
 * injury to person or property allegedly caused by any products sold or
   otherwise distributed in connection with us;
 * negligence, misconduct, or breach of this agreement by you;
 * incomplete, inadequate or otherwise problematic use of any Services by you;
 * omission or failure by you to obtain appropriate advice, including legal
   advice, in respect of any Services or this Agreement prior to making a
 * incomplete, inadequate or lack of knowledge and experience necessary for use
   of any Services;
 * allegation that your account infringes a third person's copyright, trademark,
   or intellectual property right, or misappropriates a third person's trade
   secrets due to the information you have provided us, and
 * damages including but not limited to indirect, special, incidental,
   consequential or exemplary damages

allegedly arising out of, resulting from, incidental to, or in connection with
this Agreement or Services.

You understand that should we be notified of pending legal action, we may seek
written confirmation from you concerning your obligation to indemnify us under
this Agreement in accordance with these terms, and you agree that failure to
provide such confirmation may be considered a further breach of this Agreement.

Where to do so is unlawful under any Act falling under the governing law of this
Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement excludes, restricts or modifies
any condition, warranty or other obligation in relation to this Agreement and
the Services and you. To the full extent permitted by law, where the benefit of
a non-excludable condition, warranty or other obligation is conferred upon you
pursuant to an Act falling under the governing law of this Agreement, our sole
liability for breach of any such condition, warranty or other obligation,
including any consequential loss which you may sustain or incur, shall be
limited (except as otherwise specifically set forth herein) to either the
supplying of the service/product again or payment of the cost of having the
service/product supplied again.

You agree that this clause survives the expiry and/or termination of Services or
this Agreement.

11.2 No representations

The reseller acknowledges that to the extent Dreamscape Networks International
Pte Ltd has made any representation which is not otherwise expressly stated in
this agreement, the reseller has been provided with an opportunity to
independently verify that the accuracy of that representation. Subject to the
above, the reseller warrants that it has not relied on any representation made
by Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd which has not been stated expressly
in this agreement or upon any descriptions, illustrations or specifications
contained in any document including catalogues or publicity material produced by
Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd.

11.3 Indemnity

The reseller shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd and its officers, employees and agents from and against
any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability reasonably
incurred or suffered by any of those indemnified where such loss or liability
was caused by:

 a. a breach by the reseller of its obligations under this agreement; or
 b. any wilful, unlawful, or negligent act or omission of the reseller.

11.4 Transfer of clients to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd may at its discretion transfer any
clients of the reseller to its own brand if any of the reseller's clients
request the same in writing. The reseller acknowledges that the clients would
have signified this intention to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd as a
result of the reseller's failure to provide minimum support to its clients.

11.5 Downtime

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any
interruptions to the reseller's system or web hosting services.

11.6 Employees

The reseller acknowledges and agrees that neither Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd nor its employees or agents may take any responsibility or
instructions with respect to the reseller's websites or reseller's configuration

11.7 Pricing adjustments

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd cannot guarantee pricing on products
including domain names and the reseller acknowledges and agrees that prices may
change without notice. In the event of this happening, the products in the
system wholesale rate will be adjusted and the reseller's retail sell price will
be adjusted if it doesn't meet the minimum amount.

11.8 Domain misspelling

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd shall not be responsible for the
registration of a misspelt domain names. The reseller acknowledges and agrees to
verify the spelling of any domain applications that it submits to Dreamscape
Networks International Pte Ltd.

11.9 Domain transfers

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd does not guarantee the period of time
that the process may take to transfer a domain name. Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any interruptions caused by the
transfer of a domain.

12. Termination

Either party may terminate this agreement by giving the other party 30 day's

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd may also terminate this agreement
forthwith by written notice upon the following events occurring:

 a. if auDA, ICANN, DNC, Nominet or SGNIC direct Dreamscape Networks
    International Pte Ltd to terminate the agreement;
 b. Web Address Registration Pty Ltd ceases to be a registrar accredited by
    auDA. ICANN, DNC, Nominet and SGNIC;
 c. if an administrator, liquidator, receiver or official manager shall be
    appointed to the reseller or if it shall enter into any arrangement with its
 d. if the reseller assigns or purporting to assign its interests under this
    agreement without the consent in writing of Dreamscape Networks
    International Pte Ltd; or
 e. the reseller fails to comply strictly with the terms of any policy of
    insurance taken out pursuant to this agreement.

12.1 Termination

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd shall be entitled to terminate the
reseller's accounts if it breaches any policy, all reseller's clients will be
sent an email notifying them of such breach and then such clients will be
transferred to Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd.

13. Miscellaneous provisions

13.1 Interpretation

References to a party to this contract include the party, his executors,
administrators, or permitted assigns (or in the case of a corporation, the party
and its successors and assigns or permitted assigns). The word "person" includes
a corporation. Words written in the singular shall include the plural and vice
versa, and the masculine or neuter genders shall include every gender.
References to statutes shall include all statutes, amending, consolidated or
replacing them. If two or more parties enter into covenants, obligations or
agreements together, those covenants, obligations or agreements shall bind them
all jointly and severally. The words "in writing" include any communication sent
by letter, facsimile or email.

13.2 Time

Where under this contract:

 a. anything is required to be done on the 29th, 30th, or 31st day of a month
    which does not contain such a date, references to that date shall be
    construed as references to the last day of the month;
 b. anything falls due to be done on a Saturday, Sunday or gazetted public
    holiday or a notice is deemed to be served on that date, the next day which
    is not a Saturday, Sunday or gazetted public holiday will be the date by
    which that thing falls due or when service is deemed to occur.

13.3 Further acts

Each party do whatever further acts and execute whatever further documents as
might be required by law or reasonably requested by the other party in order to
carry out and affect the intent and purpose of this contract.

13.4 Governing law

The laws of Western Australia govern this contract. Any dispute arising from
this contract is to be determined by the courts of Western Australia and any
court of appeal from a Western Australian court.

13.5 Assignment

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd may assign the benefit of this
contract to any related body corporate of Dreamscape Networks International Pte
Ltd as that term is defined in the Corporations Law. The reseller may not assign
this contract without the prior written consent of Dreamscape Networks
International Pte Ltd.

13.6 Waiver not to affect rights

If Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd fails to enforce its rights under
this contract or to require the consultant to comply with any of its obligations
under this contract, this shall not prevent Dreamscape Networks International
Pte Ltd enforcing those rights in the future or taking advantage of any remedies
that it may as a result of the reseller's breach.

13.7 Variation

We may amend these terms at any time, and such amendments will become effective
as soon as they are posted on our website, following which if you continue to
use the services, you are deemed to have agreed to be bound by those amendments.
It is your responsibility to review our website periodically to ascertain
whether these terms have been changed. This contract may be varied without
notice after it has been accepted during the reseller signup stage located on
our website. Please see https://policy.secureapi.com.au/?site=dreamscape for all
updated policies, contracts and agreements.

13.8 Entire agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and
supersedes all prior representations, agreements, statements and understanding,
whether verbal or in writing.

13.9 Severability

If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for
any reason, the agreement shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such
provisions which shall deemed deleted.

13.10 Survival of agreement

Subject to any provision to the contrary, this agreement shall enure to the
benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their successors, trustees,
permitted assigns or receivers but shall not enure to the benefit of any other
persons. The covenants, conditions and provisions of this agreement which are
capable of having effect after the expiration of the agreement shall remain in
full force and effect following the expiration of the agreement.

13.11 Notices

Notices under this agreement may be delivered by hand, mail, web, facsimile or
email to the appropriate address specified by either party to the other in
writing. Notice will be deemed given:

 a. in the case of hand delivery, upon written acknowledgement of receipt by an
    officer or other duly authorised employee, agent or representative of the
    receiving Party;
 b. in the case of posting, three (3) days after despatch;
 c. in the case of facsimile, upon receipt of transmission if received on a
    business day or otherwise at the commencement of the first business day
    following transmission;
 d. in the case of email, at the commencement of the first business day
    following transmission unless a non-delivery message is received by the
    sender in the meantime.

14. Best Value Guaranteed Promotion

We will match the regular reseller price of an identical product or service
provided by a competitor to maximise your sales potential, subject to the
following conditions:

 a. You must submit evidence to our satisfaction via email to
    customercare@dreamscapenetworks.com of the competitor's product (published
    online) and price prior to the time of purchase so that we can still verify
    a price match within one (1) week of your request.
 b. The competitor's product or service must be completely identical to the
    product or service we sell.
 c. The competitor's price must be the final price displayed in Australian
    dollars by the competitor, and include all fees, taxes, and other charges.
 d. Any domain names that are considered premium domain names by a domain name
    registry are expressly excluded.
 e. Any competitor advertising errors or errors in pricing by the competitor are
 f. Any offers that are not available to the general public (such as
    membership/member-only offers, conditional sales, fire or liquidation sales,
    subscription offers, loyalty offers, coupon or discounted voucher offers,
    special events, trade offers, and so forth) are excluded.
 g. We reserve the right to refuse price matching a reseller price for a retail
 h. The competitor's price must not be below our cost price.