www.berekenen.nl Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.berekenen.nl/skin/default/cache/48881a8c8de1ae7a23bc0b2f812dd4991bhtugm.js
Submission: On April 18 via manual from NL — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

	function json(data, onsucces, onerror){
		var value = null;
		try {
			eval('value = ' + data + ';');
	json.get = function(url, onsucces, onerror){
		$.get(url, function(response){
			json(response, onsucces, function(ex){ onerror(ex, response); });
		}, 'text');
	json.post = function(url, data, onsucces, onerror){
		$.post(url, data, function(response){
			json(response, onsucces, function(ex){ onerror(ex, response); });
		}, 'text');

function print_r(i,t){
	d = '';
	if(t==null) t='';
	if(i==null) return '(null)';	
		case Number:
		case Boolean:
		case Date:
		case Function:
		case String:
		case Array:
			for(x in i){
				d+='  ['+x+'] = '+print_r(i[x],t+'    ')+'\n'+t;
		case Object:
			for(x in i){
				d+='  ['+x+'] = '+print_r(i[x],t+'    ')+'\n'+t;
		  d+='Unknown: ' + i;
		  //alert('Error variable unknown:\n'+i.constructor);
	return d;

(function($) {
	$.fn.serializeForm = function(){
		var data = {};
		this.each(function() {
			var form = $(this);
			var items = form.find('select,input,textarea');
			for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
				var item = $(items[i]);
				var name = item.attr('name');
								data[name] = item.val();
								data[name] = 'on';
					}else {
						data[name] = item.val();
		return data;

(function($) {
	$.fn.traverse = function(data, callback, namespace){
		var form = this;
		var __make = function(base, sub){
			if(!base) return sub;
			return base + '[' + sub + ']';
		var __traverse = function(data, base, callback){
			for(key in data){
				var item = data[key];
					__traverse(item, __make(base, key), callback);
					var element = form.find('[name="' + __make(base, key) + '"]');
					callback(element, item);
		__traverse(data, typeof(namespace)=='undefined' ? false : namespace, callback);

 * json_encode
	function json_string(text){
		text = text.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\'/g,'\\\'').replace(/\"/g,'\\"').replace(/\0/g,'\\0').replace(/\r\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\r/g,'\\r');
		var string = '';
		for(var i=0; i<text.length; i++){
			var c = text.charCodeAt(i);
			if(c >= 128){
				var value = c.toString(16);
				while(value.length < 4) value = '0' + value;
				string+= '\\u' + value;
				string+= text.charAt(i);
		return '"' + (string) + '"';
	function json_encode(value){
		if(value==null) return 'null';
			case Boolean:  return value ? 'true' : 'false';
			case Number:   return value.toString();
			case Date:	 return json_encode(value.toString());
			case Function: return json_encode(value.toString());
			case String:   return json_string(value);
			case Array:
				var json = [];
				for(var i=0; i<value.length; i++){
			return '[' + json.join(',') + ']';
			case Object:
				var json = [];
				for(key in value){
					json.push(json_encode(key.toString()) + ':' + json_encode(value[key]));
				return '{' + json.join(',') + '}';

function select_set_values(selector, data, params){
	if(typeof(params.empty)=='undefined') params.empty = false;

	var select = $(selector);

	if(params.empty) select.append($('<option>', { value : '' }).text(''));

	for(var x in data){
		var item = data[x];
		select.append($('<option>', { value : item[params.value] }).text(item[params.text]));

function serialize(form){
	form = $(form);
	var data = {};
	var items = form.find('select,input,textarea');
	for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
		var item = $(items[i]);
		var name = item.attr('name');
						data[name] = item.val();
						data[name] = 'on';
			}else {
				data[name] = item.val();
	return data;

function traverse(data, callback, namespace){
	var __make = function(base, sub){
		if(!base) return sub;
		return base + '[' + sub + ']';
	var __traverse = function(data, base, callback){
		for(key in data){
			var item = data[key];

				__traverse(item, __make(base, key), callback);
				callback(__make(base, key), item);

	__traverse(data, typeof(namespace)=='undefined' ? false : namespace, callback);

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	$.fn.selectFancy = function(settings){
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			className: null,
			multipleText: '%d geselecteerd'
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					container.find('.select-fancy-text span span').text('');
			var __onClick = function(evt){
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								item[option.prop('selected') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('selected');
					var offset = me.offset();
					list.css('left', offset.left);
					list.css('top', offset.top + me.height());
					list.css('min-width', me.width());
 * selectivizr v1.0.2 - (c) Keith Clark, freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.
 * selectivizr.com
(function(j){function A(a){return a.replace(B,h).replace(C,function(a,d,b){for(var a=b.split(","),b=0,e=a.length;b<e;b++){var s=D(a[b].replace(E,h).replace(F,h))+o,l=[];a[b]=s.replace(G,function(a,b,c,d,e){if(b){if(l.length>0){var a=l,f,e=s.substring(0,e).replace(H,i);if(e==i||e.charAt(e.length-1)==o)e+="*";try{f=t(e)}catch(k){}if(f){e=0;for(c=f.length;e<c;e++){for(var d=f[e],h=d.className,j=0,m=a.length;j<m;j++){var g=a[j];if(!RegExp("(^|\\s)"+g.className+"(\\s|$)").test(d.className)&&g.b&&(g.b===!0||g.b(d)===!0))h=u(h,g.className,!0)}d.className=h}}l=[]}return b}else{if(b=c?I(c):!v||v.test(d)?{className:w(d),b:!0}:null)return l.push(b),"."+b.className;return a}})}return d+a.join(",")})}function I(a){var c=!0,d=w(a.slice(1)),b=a.substring(0,5)==":not(",e,f;b&&(a=a.slice(5,-1));var l=a.indexOf("(");l>-1&&(a=a.substring(0,l));if(a.charAt(0)==":")switch(a.slice(1)){case "root":c=function(a){return b?a!=p:a==p};break;case "target":if(m==8){c=function(a){function c(){var d=location.hash,e=d.slice(1);return b?d==i||a.id!=e:d!=i&&a.id==e}k(j,"hashchange",function(){g(a,d,c())});return c()};break}return!1;case "checked":c=function(a){J.test(a.type)&&k(a,"propertychange",function(){event.propertyName=="checked"&&g(a,d,a.checked!==b)});return a.checked!==b};break;case "disabled":b=!b;case "enabled":c=function(c){if(K.test(c.tagName))return k(c,"propertychange",function(){event.propertyName=="$disabled"&&g(c,d,c.a===b)}),q.push(c),c.a=c.disabled,c.disabled===b;return a==":enabled"?b:!b};break;case "focus":e="focus",f="blur";case "hover":e||(e="mouseenter",f="mouseleave");c=function(a){k(a,b?f:e,function(){g(a,d,!0)});k(a,b?e:f,function(){g(a,d,!1)});return b};break;default:if(!L.test(a))return!1}return{className:d,b:c}}function w(a){return M+"-"+(m==6&&N?O++:a.replace(P,function(a){return a.charCodeAt(0)}))}function D(a){return a.replace(x,h).replace(Q,o)}function g(a,c,d){var b=a.className,c=u(b,c,d);if(c!=b)a.className=c,a.parentNode.className+=i}function u(a,c,d){var b=RegExp("(^|\\s)"+c+"(\\s|$)"),e=b.test(a);return d?e?a:a+o+c:e?a.replace(b,h).replace(x,h):a}function k(a,c,d){a.attachEvent("on"+c,d)}function r(a,c){if(/^https?:\/\//i.test(a))return c.substring(0,c.indexOf("/",8))==a.substring(0,a.indexOf("/",8))?a:null;if(a.charAt(0)=="/")return c.substring(0,c.indexOf("/",8))+a;var d=c.split(/[?#]/)[0];a.charAt(0)!="?"&&d.charAt(d.length-1)!="/"&&(d=d.substring(0,d.lastIndexOf("/")+1));return d+a}function y(a){if(a)return n.open("GET",a,!1),n.send(),(n.status==200?n.responseText:i).replace(R,i).replace(S,function(c,d,b,e,f){return y(r(b||f,a))}).replace(T,function(c,d,b){d=d||i;return" url("+d+r(b,a)+d+") "});return i}function U(){var a,c;a=f.getElementsByTagName("BASE");for(var d=a.length>0?a[0].href:f.location.href,b=0;b<f.styleSheets.length;b++)if(c=f.styleSheets[b],c.href!=i&&(a=r(c.href,d)))c.cssText=A(y(a));q.length>0&&setInterval(function(){for(var a=0,c=q.length;a<c;a++){var b=q[a];if(b.disabled!==b.a)b.disabled?(b.disabled=!1,b.a=!0,b.disabled=!0):b.a=b.disabled}},250)}if(!/*@cc_on!@*/true){var f=document,p=f.documentElement,n=function(){if(j.XMLHttpRequest)return new XMLHttpRequest;try{return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(a){return null}}(),m=/MSIE (\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1];if(!(f.compatMode!="CSS1Compat"||m<6||m>8||!n)){var z={NW:"*.Dom.select",MooTools:"$$",DOMAssistant:"*.$",Prototype:"$$",YAHOO:"*.util.Selector.query",Sizzle:"*",jQuery:"*",dojo:"*.query"},t,q=[],O=0,N=!0,M="slvzr",R=/(\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\/)\s*/g,S=/@import\s*(?:(?:(?:url\(\s*(['"]?)(.*)\1)\s*\))|(?:(['"])(.*)\3))[^;]*;/g,T=/\burl\(\s*(["']?)(?!data:)([^"')]+)\1\s*\)/g,L=/^:(empty|(first|last|only|nth(-last)?)-(child|of-type))$/,B=/:(:first-(?:line|letter))/g,C=/(^|})\s*([^\{]*?[\[:][^{]+)/g,G=/([ +~>])|(:[a-z-]+(?:\(.*?\)+)?)|(\[.*?\])/g,H=/(:not\()?:(hover|enabled|disabled|focus|checked|target|active|visited|first-line|first-letter)\)?/g,P=/[^\w-]/g,K=/^(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON)$/,J=/^(checkbox|radio)$/,v=m>6?/[\$\^*]=(['"])\1/:null,E=/([(\[+~])\s+/g,F=/\s+([)\]+~])/g,Q=/\s+/g,x=/^\s*((?:[\S\s]*\S)?)\s*$/,i="",o=" ",h="$1";(function(a,c){function d(){try{p.doScroll("left")}catch(a){setTimeout(d,50);return}b("poll")}function b(d){if(!(d.type=="readystatechange"&&f.readyState!="complete")&&((d.type=="load"?a:f).detachEvent("on"+d.type,b,!1),!e&&(e=!0)))c.call(a,d.type||d)}var e=!1,g=!0;if(f.readyState=="complete")c.call(a,i);else{if(f.createEventObject&&p.doScroll){try{g=!a.frameElement}catch(h){}g&&d()}k(f,"readystatechange",b);k(a,"load",b)}})(j,function(){for(var a in z){var c,d,b=j;if(j[a]){for(c=z[a].replace("*",a).split(".");(d=c.shift())&&(b=b[d]););if(typeof b=="function"){t=b;U();break}}}})}}})(this);
	$.fn.smartSearch = function(settings){
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					return value;
				return obj[key];
			return def;
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				items: [],
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	$.fn.dialog = function(settings){
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			trigger:function(source, dialog){
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jQuery.dialog = function(settings){
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(function($) {
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 * Color picker
 * Author: Stefan Petre www.eyecon.ro
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
(function ($) {
	var ColorPicker = function () {
			ids = {},
			charMin = 65,
			tpl = '<div class="colorpicker"><div class="colorpicker_color"><div><div></div></div></div><div class="colorpicker_hue"><div></div></div><div class="colorpicker_new_color"></div><div class="colorpicker_current_color"></div><div class="colorpicker_hex"><input type="text" maxlength="6" size="6" /></div><div class="colorpicker_rgb_r colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_rgb_g colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_rgb_b colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_hsb_h colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_hsb_s colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_hsb_b colorpicker_field"><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><span></span></div><div class="colorpicker_submit"></div></div>',
			defaults = {
				eventName: 'click',
				onShow: function () {},
				onBeforeShow: function(){},
				onHide: function () {},
				onChange: function () {},
				onSubmit: function () {},
				color: 'ff0000',
				livePreview: true,
				flat: false
			fillRGBFields = function  (hsb, cal) {
				var rgb = HSBToRGB(hsb);
			fillHSBFields = function  (hsb, cal) {
			fillHexFields = function (hsb, cal) {
			setSelector = function (hsb, cal) {
				$(cal).data('colorpicker').selector.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex({h: hsb.h, s: 100, b: 100}));
					left: parseInt(150 * hsb.s/100, 10),
					top: parseInt(150 * (100-hsb.b)/100, 10)
			setHue = function (hsb, cal) {
				$(cal).data('colorpicker').hue.css('top', parseInt(150 - 150 * hsb.h/360, 10));
			setCurrentColor = function (hsb, cal) {
				$(cal).data('colorpicker').currentColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex(hsb));
			setNewColor = function (hsb, cal) {
				$(cal).data('colorpicker').newColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex(hsb));
			keyDown = function (ev) {
				var pressedKey = ev.charCode || ev.keyCode || -1;
				if ((pressedKey > charMin && pressedKey <= 90) || pressedKey == 32) {
					return false;
				var cal = $(this).parent().parent();
				if (cal.data('colorpicker').livePreview === true) {
			change = function (ev) {
				var cal = $(this).parent().parent(), col;
				if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hex') > 0) {
					cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = HexToHSB(fixHex(this.value));
				} else if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb') > 0) {
					cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = fixHSB({
						h: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(4).val(), 10),
						s: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(5).val(), 10),
						b: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(6).val(), 10)
				} else {
					cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = RGBToHSB(fixRGB({
						r: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(1).val(), 10),
						g: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(2).val(), 10),
						b: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(3).val(), 10)
				if (ev) {
					fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0));
					fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0));
					fillHSBFields(col, cal.get(0));
				setSelector(col, cal.get(0));
				setHue(col, cal.get(0));
				setNewColor(col, cal.get(0));
				cal.data('colorpicker').onChange.apply(cal, [col, HSBToHex(col), HSBToRGB(col)]);
			blur = function (ev) {
				var cal = $(this).parent().parent();
			focus = function () {
				charMin = this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hex') > 0 ? 70 : 65;
			downIncrement = function (ev) {
				var field = $(this).parent().find('input').focus();
				var current = {
					el: $(this).parent().addClass('colorpicker_slider'),
					max: this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb_h') > 0 ? 360 : (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb') > 0 ? 100 : 255),
					y: ev.pageY,
					field: field,
					val: parseInt(field.val(), 10),
					preview: $(this).parent().parent().data('colorpicker').livePreview					
				$(document).bind('mouseup', current, upIncrement);
				$(document).bind('mousemove', current, moveIncrement);
			moveIncrement = function (ev) {
				ev.data.field.val(Math.max(0, Math.min(ev.data.max, parseInt(ev.data.val + ev.pageY - ev.data.y, 10))));
				if (ev.data.preview) {
					change.apply(ev.data.field.get(0), [true]);
				return false;
			upIncrement = function (ev) {
				change.apply(ev.data.field.get(0), [true]);
				$(document).unbind('mouseup', upIncrement);
				$(document).unbind('mousemove', moveIncrement);
				return false;
			downHue = function (ev) {
				var current = {
					cal: $(this).parent(),
					y: $(this).offset().top
				current.preview = current.cal.data('colorpicker').livePreview;
				$(document).bind('mouseup', current, upHue);
				$(document).bind('mousemove', current, moveHue);
			moveHue = function (ev) {
						.val(parseInt(360*(150 - Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageY - ev.data.y))))/150, 10))
				return false;
			upHue = function (ev) {
				fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
				fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
				$(document).unbind('mouseup', upHue);
				$(document).unbind('mousemove', moveHue);
				return false;
			downSelector = function (ev) {
				var current = {
					cal: $(this).parent(),
					pos: $(this).offset()
				current.preview = current.cal.data('colorpicker').livePreview;
				$(document).bind('mouseup', current, upSelector);
				$(document).bind('mousemove', current, moveSelector);
			moveSelector = function (ev) {
						.val(parseInt(100*(150 - Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageY - ev.data.pos.top))))/150, 10))
						.val(parseInt(100*(Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageX - ev.data.pos.left))))/150, 10))
				return false;
			upSelector = function (ev) {
						.val(parseInt(100*(150 - Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageY - ev.data.pos.top))))/150, 10))
						.val(parseInt(100*(Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageX - ev.data.pos.left))))/150, 10))
				fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
				fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
				$(document).unbind('mouseup', upSelector);
				$(document).unbind('mousemove', moveSelector);
				return false;
			enterSubmit = function (ev) {
			leaveSubmit = function (ev) {
			clickSubmit = function (ev) {
				var cal = $(this).parent();
				var col = cal.data('colorpicker').color;
				cal.data('colorpicker').origColor = col;
				setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0));
				cal.data('colorpicker').onSubmit(col, HSBToHex(col), HSBToRGB(col), cal.data('colorpicker').el);
			show = function (ev) {
				var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colorpickerId'));
				cal.data('colorpicker').onBeforeShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]);
				var pos = $(this).offset();
				var viewPort = getViewport();
				var top = pos.top + this.offsetHeight;
				var left = pos.left;
				if (top + 176 > viewPort.t + viewPort.h) {
					top -= this.offsetHeight + 176;
				if (left + 356 > viewPort.l + viewPort.w) {
					left -= 356;
				cal.css({left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px'});
				if (cal.data('colorpicker').onShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]) != false) {
				$(document).bind('mousedown', {cal: cal}, hide);
				return false;
			hide = function (ev) {
				if (!isChildOf(ev.data.cal.get(0), ev.target, ev.data.cal.get(0))) {
					if (ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').onHide.apply(this, [ev.data.cal.get(0)]) != false) {
					$(document).unbind('mousedown', hide);
			isChildOf = function(parentEl, el, container) {
				if (parentEl == el) {
					return true;
				if (parentEl.contains) {
					return parentEl.contains(el);
				if ( parentEl.compareDocumentPosition ) {
					return !!(parentEl.compareDocumentPosition(el) & 16);
				var prEl = el.parentNode;
				while(prEl && prEl != container) {
					if (prEl == parentEl)
						return true;
					prEl = prEl.parentNode;
				return false;
			getViewport = function () {
				var m = document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat';
				return {
					l : window.pageXOffset || (m ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft),
					t : window.pageYOffset || (m ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop),
					w : window.innerWidth || (m ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth),
					h : window.innerHeight || (m ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight)
			fixHSB = function (hsb) {
				return {
					h: Math.min(360, Math.max(0, hsb.h)),
					s: Math.min(100, Math.max(0, hsb.s)),
					b: Math.min(100, Math.max(0, hsb.b))
			fixRGB = function (rgb) {
				return {
					r: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.r)),
					g: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.g)),
					b: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.b))
			fixHex = function (hex) {
				var len = 6 - hex.length;
				if (len > 0) {
					var o = [];
					for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
					hex = o.join('');
				return hex;
			HexToRGB = function (hex) {
				var hex = parseInt(((hex.indexOf('#') > -1) ? hex.substring(1) : hex), 16);
				return {r: hex >> 16, g: (hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8, b: (hex & 0x0000FF)};
			HexToHSB = function (hex) {
				return RGBToHSB(HexToRGB(hex));
			RGBToHSB = function (rgb) {
				var hsb = {
					h: 0,
					s: 0,
					b: 0
				var min = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
				var max = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
				var delta = max - min;
				hsb.b = max;
				if (max != 0) {
				hsb.s = max != 0 ? 255 * delta / max : 0;
				if (hsb.s != 0) {
					if (rgb.r == max) {
						hsb.h = (rgb.g - rgb.b) / delta;
					} else if (rgb.g == max) {
						hsb.h = 2 + (rgb.b - rgb.r) / delta;
					} else {
						hsb.h = 4 + (rgb.r - rgb.g) / delta;
				} else {
					hsb.h = -1;
				hsb.h *= 60;
				if (hsb.h < 0) {
					hsb.h += 360;
				hsb.s *= 100/255;
				hsb.b *= 100/255;
				return hsb;
			HSBToRGB = function (hsb) {
				var rgb = {};
				var h = Math.round(hsb.h);
				var s = Math.round(hsb.s*255/100);
				var v = Math.round(hsb.b*255/100);
				if(s == 0) {
					rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = v;
				} else {
					var t1 = v;
					var t2 = (255-s)*v/255;
					var t3 = (t1-t2)*(h%60)/60;
					if(h==360) h = 0;
					if(h<60) {rgb.r=t1;	rgb.b=t2; rgb.g=t2+t3}
					else if(h<120) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.b=t2;	rgb.r=t1-t3}
					else if(h<180) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.r=t2;	rgb.b=t2+t3}
					else if(h<240) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.r=t2;	rgb.g=t1-t3}
					else if(h<300) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.g=t2;	rgb.r=t2+t3}
					else if(h<360) {rgb.r=t1; rgb.g=t2;	rgb.b=t1-t3}
					else {rgb.r=0; rgb.g=0;	rgb.b=0}
				return {r:Math.round(rgb.r), g:Math.round(rgb.g), b:Math.round(rgb.b)};
			RGBToHex = function (rgb) {
				var hex = [
				$.each(hex, function (nr, val) {
					if (val.length == 1) {
						hex[nr] = '0' + val;
				return hex.join('');
			HSBToHex = function (hsb) {
				return RGBToHex(HSBToRGB(hsb));
			restoreOriginal = function () {
				var cal = $(this).parent();
				var col = cal.data('colorpicker').origColor;
				cal.data('colorpicker').color = col;
				fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0));
				fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0));
				fillHSBFields(col, cal.get(0));
				setSelector(col, cal.get(0));
				setHue(col, cal.get(0));
				setNewColor(col, cal.get(0));
		return {
			init: function (opt) {
				opt = $.extend({}, defaults, opt||{});
				if (typeof opt.color == 'string') {
					opt.color = HexToHSB(opt.color);
				} else if (opt.color.r != undefined && opt.color.g != undefined && opt.color.b != undefined) {
					opt.color = RGBToHSB(opt.color);
				} else if (opt.color.h != undefined && opt.color.s != undefined && opt.color.b != undefined) {
					opt.color = fixHSB(opt.color);
				} else {
					return this;
				return this.each(function () {
					if (!$(this).data('colorpickerId')) {
						var options = $.extend({}, opt);
						options.origColor = opt.color;
						var id = 'collorpicker_' + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000);
						$(this).data('colorpickerId', id);
						var cal = $(tpl).attr('id', id);
						if (options.flat) {
						} else {
						options.fields = cal
												.bind('keyup', keyDown)
												.bind('change', change)
												.bind('blur', blur)
												.bind('focus', focus);
							.find('span').bind('mousedown', downIncrement).end()
							.find('>div.colorpicker_current_color').bind('click', restoreOriginal);
						options.selector = cal.find('div.colorpicker_color').bind('mousedown', downSelector);
						options.selectorIndic = options.selector.find('div div');
						options.el = this;
						options.hue = cal.find('div.colorpicker_hue div');
						cal.find('div.colorpicker_hue').bind('mousedown', downHue);
						options.newColor = cal.find('div.colorpicker_new_color');
						options.currentColor = cal.find('div.colorpicker_current_color');
						cal.data('colorpicker', options);
							.bind('mouseenter', enterSubmit)
							.bind('mouseleave', leaveSubmit)
							.bind('click', clickSubmit);
						fillRGBFields(options.color, cal.get(0));
						fillHSBFields(options.color, cal.get(0));
						fillHexFields(options.color, cal.get(0));
						setHue(options.color, cal.get(0));
						setSelector(options.color, cal.get(0));
						setCurrentColor(options.color, cal.get(0));
						setNewColor(options.color, cal.get(0));
						if (options.flat) {
								position: 'relative',
								display: 'block'
						} else {
							$(this).bind(options.eventName, show);
			showPicker: function() {
				return this.each( function () {
					if ($(this).data('colorpickerId')) {
			hidePicker: function() {
				return this.each( function () {
					if ($(this).data('colorpickerId')) {
						$('#' + $(this).data('colorpickerId')).hide();
			setColor: function(col) {
				if (typeof col == 'string') {
					col = HexToHSB(col);
				} else if (col.r != undefined && col.g != undefined && col.b != undefined) {
					col = RGBToHSB(col);
				} else if (col.h != undefined && col.s != undefined && col.b != undefined) {
					col = fixHSB(col);
				} else {
					return this;
				return this.each(function(){
					if ($(this).data('colorpickerId')) {
						var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colorpickerId'));
						cal.data('colorpicker').color = col;
						cal.data('colorpicker').origColor = col;
						fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0));
						fillHSBFields(col, cal.get(0));
						fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0));
						setHue(col, cal.get(0));
						setSelector(col, cal.get(0));
						setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0));
						setNewColor(col, cal.get(0));
		ColorPicker: ColorPicker.init,
		ColorPickerHide: ColorPicker.hidePicker,
		ColorPickerShow: ColorPicker.showPicker,
		ColorPickerSetColor: ColorPicker.setColor
 * pickadate.js v3.5.6, 2015/04/20
 * By Amsul, http://amsul.ca
 * Hosted on http://amsul.github.io/pickadate.js
 * Licensed under MIT

(function ( factory ) {

    // AMD.
    if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd )
        define( 'picker', ['jquery'], factory )

    // Node.js/browserify.
    else if ( typeof exports == 'object' )
        module.exports = factory( require('jquery') )

    // Browser globals.
    else this.Picker = factory( jQuery )

}(function( $ ) {

var $window = $( window )
var $document = $( document )
var $html = $( document.documentElement )
var supportsTransitions = document.documentElement.style.transition != null

 * The picker constructor that creates a blank picker.
function PickerConstructor( ELEMENT, NAME, COMPONENT, OPTIONS ) {

    // If there’s no element, return the picker constructor.
    if ( !ELEMENT ) return PickerConstructor

        IS_DEFAULT_THEME = false,

        // The state of the picker.
        STATE = {
            id: ELEMENT.id || 'P' + Math.abs( ~~(Math.random() * new Date()) )

        // Merge the defaults and options passed.
        SETTINGS = COMPONENT ? $.extend( true, {}, COMPONENT.defaults, OPTIONS ) : OPTIONS || {},

        // Merge the default classes with the settings classes.
        CLASSES = $.extend( {}, PickerConstructor.klasses(), SETTINGS.klass ),

        // The element node wrapper into a jQuery object.
        $ELEMENT = $( ELEMENT ),

        // Pseudo picker constructor.
        PickerInstance = function() {
            return this.start()

        // The picker prototype.
        P = PickerInstance.prototype = {

            constructor: PickerInstance,

            $node: $ELEMENT,

             * Initialize everything
            start: function() {

                // If it’s already started, do nothing.
                if ( STATE && STATE.start ) return P

                // Update the picker states.
                STATE.methods = {}
                STATE.start = true
                STATE.open = false
                STATE.type = ELEMENT.type

                // Confirm focus state, convert into text input to remove UA stylings,
                // and set as readonly to prevent keyboard popup.
                ELEMENT.autofocus = ELEMENT == getActiveElement()
                ELEMENT.readOnly = !SETTINGS.editable
                ELEMENT.id = ELEMENT.id || STATE.id
                if ( ELEMENT.type != 'text' ) {
                    ELEMENT.type = 'text'

                // Create a new picker component with the settings.
                P.component = new COMPONENT(P, SETTINGS)

                // Create the picker root and then prepare it.
                P.$root = $( '<div class="' + CLASSES.picker + '" id="' + ELEMENT.id + '_root" />' )

                // Create the picker holder and then prepare it.
                P.$holder = $( createWrappedComponent() ).appendTo( P.$root )

                // If there’s a format for the hidden input element, create the element.
                if ( SETTINGS.formatSubmit ) {

                // Prepare the input element.

                // Insert the hidden input as specified in the settings.
                if ( SETTINGS.containerHidden ) $( SETTINGS.containerHidden ).append( P._hidden )
                else $ELEMENT.after( P._hidden )

                // Insert the root as specified in the settings.
                if ( SETTINGS.container ) $( SETTINGS.container ).append( P.$root )
                else $ELEMENT.after( P.$root )

                // Bind the default component and settings events.
                    start: P.component.onStart,
                    render: P.component.onRender,
                    stop: P.component.onStop,
                    open: P.component.onOpen,
                    close: P.component.onClose,
                    set: P.component.onSet
                    start: SETTINGS.onStart,
                    render: SETTINGS.onRender,
                    stop: SETTINGS.onStop,
                    open: SETTINGS.onOpen,
                    close: SETTINGS.onClose,
                    set: SETTINGS.onSet

                // Once we’re all set, check the theme in use.
                IS_DEFAULT_THEME = isUsingDefaultTheme( P.$holder[0] )

                // If the element has autofocus, open the picker.
                if ( ELEMENT.autofocus ) {

                // Trigger queued the “start” and “render” events.
                return P.trigger( 'start' ).trigger( 'render' )
            }, //start

             * Render a new picker
            render: function( entireComponent ) {

                // Insert a new component holder in the root or box.
                if ( entireComponent ) {
                    P.$holder = $( createWrappedComponent() )
                    P.$root.html( P.$holder )
                else P.$root.find( '.' + CLASSES.box ).html( P.component.nodes( STATE.open ) )

                // Trigger the queued “render” events.
                return P.trigger( 'render' )
            }, //render

             * Destroy everything
            stop: function() {

                // If it’s already stopped, do nothing.
                if ( !STATE.start ) return P

                // Then close the picker.

                // Remove the hidden field.
                if ( P._hidden ) {
                    P._hidden.parentNode.removeChild( P._hidden )

                // Remove the root.

                // Remove the input class, remove the stored data, and unbind
                // the events (after a tick for IE - see `P.close`).
                $ELEMENT.removeClass( CLASSES.input ).removeData( NAME )
                setTimeout( function() {
                    $ELEMENT.off( '.' + STATE.id )
                }, 0)

                // Restore the element state
                ELEMENT.type = STATE.type
                ELEMENT.readOnly = false

                // Trigger the queued “stop” events.
                P.trigger( 'stop' )

                // Reset the picker states.
                STATE.methods = {}
                STATE.start = false

                return P
            }, //stop

             * Open up the picker
            open: function( dontGiveFocus ) {

                // If it’s already open, do nothing.
                if ( STATE.open ) return P

                // Add the “active” class.
                $ELEMENT.addClass( CLASSES.active )
                aria( ELEMENT, 'expanded', true )

                // * A Firefox bug, when `html` has `overflow:hidden`, results in
                //   killing transitions :(. So add the “opened” state on the next tick.
                //   Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=625289
                setTimeout( function() {

                    // Add the “opened” class to the picker root.
                    P.$root.addClass( CLASSES.opened )
                    aria( P.$root[0], 'hidden', false )

                }, 0 )

                // If we have to give focus, bind the element and doc events.
                if ( dontGiveFocus !== false ) {

                    // Set it as open.
                    STATE.open = true

                    // Prevent the page from scrolling.
                    if ( IS_DEFAULT_THEME ) {
                            css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ).
                            css( 'padding-right', '+=' + getScrollbarWidth() )

                    // Pass focus to the root element’s jQuery object.

                    // Bind the document events.
                    $document.on( 'click.' + STATE.id + ' focusin.' + STATE.id, function( event ) {

                        var target = event.target

                        // If the target of the event is not the element, close the picker picker.
                        // * Don’t worry about clicks or focusins on the root because those don’t bubble up.
                        //   Also, for Firefox, a click on an `option` element bubbles up directly
                        //   to the doc. So make sure the target wasn't the doc.
                        // * In Firefox stopPropagation() doesn’t prevent right-click events from bubbling,
                        //   which causes the picker to unexpectedly close when right-clicking it. So make
                        //   sure the event wasn’t a right-click.
                        if ( target != ELEMENT && target != document && event.which != 3 ) {

                            // If the target was the holder that covers the screen,
                            // keep the element focused to maintain tabindex.
                            P.close( target === P.$holder[0] )

                    }).on( 'keydown.' + STATE.id, function( event ) {

                            // Get the keycode.
                            keycode = event.keyCode,

                            // Translate that to a selection change.
                            keycodeToMove = P.component.key[ keycode ],

                            // Grab the target.
                            target = event.target

                        // On escape, close the picker and give focus.
                        if ( keycode == 27 ) {
                            P.close( true )

                        // Check if there is a key movement or “enter” keypress on the element.
                        else if ( target == P.$holder[0] && ( keycodeToMove || keycode == 13 ) ) {

                            // Prevent the default action to stop page movement.

                            // Trigger the key movement action.
                            if ( keycodeToMove ) {
                                PickerConstructor._.trigger( P.component.key.go, P, [ PickerConstructor._.trigger( keycodeToMove ) ] )

                            // On “enter”, if the highlighted item isn’t disabled, set the value and close.
                            else if ( !P.$root.find( '.' + CLASSES.highlighted ).hasClass( CLASSES.disabled ) ) {
                                P.set( 'select', P.component.item.highlight )
                                if ( SETTINGS.closeOnSelect ) {
                                    P.close( true )

                        // If the target is within the root and “enter” is pressed,
                        // prevent the default action and trigger a click on the target instead.
                        else if ( $.contains( P.$root[0], target ) && keycode == 13 ) {

                // Trigger the queued “open” events.
                return P.trigger( 'open' )
            }, //open

             * Close the picker
            close: function( giveFocus ) {

                // If we need to give focus, do it before changing states.
                if ( giveFocus ) {
                    if ( SETTINGS.editable ) {
                    else {
                        // ....ah yes! It would’ve been incomplete without a crazy workaround for IE :|
                        // The focus is triggered *after* the close has completed - causing it
                        // to open again. So unbind and rebind the event at the next tick.
                        P.$holder.off( 'focus.toOpen' ).focus()
                        setTimeout( function() {
                            P.$holder.on( 'focus.toOpen', handleFocusToOpenEvent )
                        }, 0 )

                // Remove the “active” class.
                $ELEMENT.removeClass( CLASSES.active )
                aria( ELEMENT, 'expanded', false )

                // * A Firefox bug, when `html` has `overflow:hidden`, results in
                //   killing transitions :(. So remove the “opened” state on the next tick.
                //   Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=625289
                setTimeout( function() {

                    // Remove the “opened” and “focused” class from the picker root.
                    P.$root.removeClass( CLASSES.opened + ' ' + CLASSES.focused )
                    aria( P.$root[0], 'hidden', true )

                }, 0 )

                // If it’s already closed, do nothing more.
                if ( !STATE.open ) return P

                // Set it as closed.
                STATE.open = false

                // Allow the page to scroll.
                if ( IS_DEFAULT_THEME ) {
                        css( 'overflow', '' ).
                        css( 'padding-right', '-=' + getScrollbarWidth() )

                // Unbind the document events.
                $document.off( '.' + STATE.id )

                // Trigger the queued “close” events.
                return P.trigger( 'close' )
            }, //close

             * Clear the values
            clear: function( options ) {
                return P.set( 'clear', null, options )
            }, //clear

             * Set something
            set: function( thing, value, options ) {

                var thingItem, thingValue,
                    thingIsObject = $.isPlainObject( thing ),
                    thingObject = thingIsObject ? thing : {}

                // Make sure we have usable options.
                options = thingIsObject && $.isPlainObject( value ) ? value : options || {}

                if ( thing ) {

                    // If the thing isn’t an object, make it one.
                    if ( !thingIsObject ) {
                        thingObject[ thing ] = value

                    // Go through the things of items to set.
                    for ( thingItem in thingObject ) {

                        // Grab the value of the thing.
                        thingValue = thingObject[ thingItem ]

                        // First, if the item exists and there’s a value, set it.
                        if ( thingItem in P.component.item ) {
                            if ( thingValue === undefined ) thingValue = null
                            P.component.set( thingItem, thingValue, options )

                        // Then, check to update the element value and broadcast a change.
                        if ( thingItem == 'select' || thingItem == 'clear' ) {
                                val( thingItem == 'clear' ? '' : P.get( thingItem, SETTINGS.format ) ).
                                trigger( 'change' )

                    // Render a new picker.

                // When the method isn’t muted, trigger queued “set” events and pass the `thingObject`.
                return options.muted ? P : P.trigger( 'set', thingObject )
            }, //set

             * Get something
            get: function( thing, format ) {

                // Make sure there’s something to get.
                thing = thing || 'value'

                // If a picker state exists, return that.
                if ( STATE[ thing ] != null ) {
                    return STATE[ thing ]

                // Return the submission value, if that.
                if ( thing == 'valueSubmit' ) {
                    if ( P._hidden ) {
                        return P._hidden.value
                    thing = 'value'

                // Return the value, if that.
                if ( thing == 'value' ) {
                    return ELEMENT.value

                // Check if a component item exists, return that.
                if ( thing in P.component.item ) {
                    if ( typeof format == 'string' ) {
                        var thingValue = P.component.get( thing )
                        return thingValue ?
                                [ format, thingValue ]
                            ) : ''
                    return P.component.get( thing )
            }, //get

             * Bind events on the things.
            on: function( thing, method, internal ) {

                var thingName, thingMethod,
                    thingIsObject = $.isPlainObject( thing ),
                    thingObject = thingIsObject ? thing : {}

                if ( thing ) {

                    // If the thing isn’t an object, make it one.
                    if ( !thingIsObject ) {
                        thingObject[ thing ] = method

                    // Go through the things to bind to.
                    for ( thingName in thingObject ) {

                        // Grab the method of the thing.
                        thingMethod = thingObject[ thingName ]

                        // If it was an internal binding, prefix it.
                        if ( internal ) {
                            thingName = '_' + thingName

                        // Make sure the thing methods collection exists.
                        STATE.methods[ thingName ] = STATE.methods[ thingName ] || []

                        // Add the method to the relative method collection.
                        STATE.methods[ thingName ].push( thingMethod )

                return P
            }, //on

             * Unbind events on the things.
            off: function() {
                var i, thingName,
                    names = arguments;
                for ( i = 0, namesCount = names.length; i < namesCount; i += 1 ) {
                    thingName = names[i]
                    if ( thingName in STATE.methods ) {
                        delete STATE.methods[thingName]
                return P

             * Fire off method events.
            trigger: function( name, data ) {
                var _trigger = function( name ) {
                    var methodList = STATE.methods[ name ]
                    if ( methodList ) {
                        methodList.map( function( method ) {
                            PickerConstructor._.trigger( method, P, [ data ] )
                _trigger( '_' + name )
                _trigger( name )
                return P
            } //trigger
        } //PickerInstance.prototype

     * Wrap the picker holder components together.
    function createWrappedComponent() {

        // Create a picker wrapper holder
        return PickerConstructor._.node( 'div',

            // Create a picker wrapper node
            PickerConstructor._.node( 'div',

                // Create a picker frame
                PickerConstructor._.node( 'div',

                    // Create a picker box node
                    PickerConstructor._.node( 'div',

                        // Create the components nodes.
                        P.component.nodes( STATE.open ),

                        // The picker box class

                    // Picker wrap class

                // Picker frame class

            // Picker holder class

        ) //endreturn
    } //createWrappedComponent

     * Prepare the input element with all bindings.
    function prepareElement() {


            // Store the picker data by component name.
            data(NAME, P).

            // Add the “input” class name.

            // If there’s a `data-value`, update the value of the element.
            val( $ELEMENT.data('value') ?
                P.get('select', SETTINGS.format) :

        // Only bind keydown events if the element isn’t editable.
        if ( !SETTINGS.editable ) {


                // On focus/click, open the picker.
                on( 'focus.' + STATE.id + ' click.' + STATE.id, function(event) {

                // Handle keyboard event based on the picker being opened or not.
                on( 'keydown.' + STATE.id, handleKeydownEvent )

        // Update the aria attributes.
        aria(ELEMENT, {
            haspopup: true,
            expanded: false,
            readonly: false,
            owns: ELEMENT.id + '_root'

     * Prepare the root picker element with all bindings.
    function prepareElementRoot() {
        aria( P.$root[0], 'hidden', true )

      * Prepare the holder picker element with all bindings.
    function prepareElementHolder() {



                // For iOS8.
                keydown: handleKeydownEvent,

                'focus.toOpen': handleFocusToOpenEvent,

                blur: function() {
                    // Remove the “target” class.
                    $ELEMENT.removeClass( CLASSES.target )

                // When something within the holder is focused, stop from bubbling
                // to the doc and remove the “focused” state from the root.
                focusin: function( event ) {
                    P.$root.removeClass( CLASSES.focused )

                // When something within the holder is clicked, stop it
                // from bubbling to the doc.
                'mousedown click': function( event ) {

                    var target = event.target

                    // Make sure the target isn’t the root holder so it can bubble up.
                    if ( target != P.$holder[0] ) {


                        // * For mousedown events, cancel the default action in order to
                        //   prevent cases where focus is shifted onto external elements
                        //   when using things like jQuery mobile or MagnificPopup (ref: #249 & #120).
                        //   Also, for Firefox, don’t prevent action on the `option` element.
                        if ( event.type == 'mousedown' && !$( target ).is( 'input, select, textarea, button, option' )) {


                            // Re-focus onto the holder so that users can click away
                            // from elements focused within the picker.


            // If there’s a click on an actionable element, carry out the actions.
            on( 'click', '[data-pick], [data-nav], [data-clear], [data-close]', function() {

                var $target = $( this ),
                    targetData = $target.data(),
                    targetDisabled = $target.hasClass( CLASSES.navDisabled ) || $target.hasClass( CLASSES.disabled ),

                    // * For IE, non-focusable elements can be active elements as well
                    //   (http://stackoverflow.com/a/2684561).
                    activeElement = getActiveElement()
                    activeElement = activeElement && ( activeElement.type || activeElement.href )

                // If it’s disabled or nothing inside is actively focused, re-focus the element.
                if ( targetDisabled || activeElement && !$.contains( P.$root[0], activeElement ) ) {

                // If something is superficially changed, update the `highlight` based on the `nav`.
                if ( !targetDisabled && targetData.nav ) {
                    P.set( 'highlight', P.component.item.highlight, { nav: targetData.nav } )

                // If something is picked, set `select` then close with focus.
                else if ( !targetDisabled && 'pick' in targetData ) {
                    P.set( 'select', targetData.pick )
                    if ( SETTINGS.closeOnSelect ) {
                        P.close( true )

                // If a “clear” button is pressed, empty the values and close with focus.
                else if ( targetData.clear ) {
                    if ( SETTINGS.closeOnClear ) {
                        P.close( true )

                else if ( targetData.close ) {
                    P.close( true )

            }) //P.$holder


      * Prepare the hidden input element along with all bindings.
    function prepareElementHidden() {

        var name

        if ( SETTINGS.hiddenName === true ) {
            name = ELEMENT.name
            ELEMENT.name = ''
        else {
            name = [
                typeof SETTINGS.hiddenPrefix == 'string' ? SETTINGS.hiddenPrefix : '',
                typeof SETTINGS.hiddenSuffix == 'string' ? SETTINGS.hiddenSuffix : '_submit'
            name = name[0] + ELEMENT.name + name[1]

        P._hidden = $(
            '<input ' +
            'type=hidden ' +

            // Create the name using the original input’s with a prefix and suffix.
            'name="' + name + '"' +

            // If the element has a value, set the hidden value as well.
                $ELEMENT.data('value') || ELEMENT.value ?
                    ' value="' + P.get('select', SETTINGS.formatSubmit) + '"' :
            ) +


            // If the value changes, update the hidden input with the correct format.
            on('change.' + STATE.id, function() {
                P._hidden.value = ELEMENT.value ?
                    P.get('select', SETTINGS.formatSubmit) :

    // Wait for transitions to end before focusing the holder. Otherwise, while
    // using the `container` option, the view jumps to the container.
    function focusPickerOnceOpened() {

        if (IS_DEFAULT_THEME && supportsTransitions) {
            P.$holder.find('.' + CLASSES.frame).one('transitionend', function() {
        else {

    function handleFocusToOpenEvent(event) {

        // Stop the event from propagating to the doc.

        // Add the “target” class.
        $ELEMENT.addClass( CLASSES.target )

        // Add the “focused” class to the root.
        P.$root.addClass( CLASSES.focused )

        // And then finally open the picker.

    // For iOS8.
    function handleKeydownEvent( event ) {

        var keycode = event.keyCode,

            // Check if one of the delete keys was pressed.
            isKeycodeDelete = /^(8|46)$/.test(keycode)

        // For some reason IE clears the input value on “escape”.
        if ( keycode == 27 ) {
            P.close( true )
            return false

        // Check if `space` or `delete` was pressed or the picker is closed with a key movement.
        if ( keycode == 32 || isKeycodeDelete || !STATE.open && P.component.key[keycode] ) {

            // Prevent it from moving the page and bubbling to doc.

            // If `delete` was pressed, clear the values and close the picker.
            // Otherwise open the picker.
            if ( isKeycodeDelete ) { P.clear().close() }
            else { P.open() }

    // Return a new picker instance.
    return new PickerInstance()
} //PickerConstructor

 * The default classes and prefix to use for the HTML classes.
PickerConstructor.klasses = function( prefix ) {
    prefix = prefix || 'picker'
    return {

        picker: prefix,
        opened: prefix + '--opened',
        focused: prefix + '--focused',

        input: prefix + '__input',
        active: prefix + '__input--active',
        target: prefix + '__input--target',

        holder: prefix + '__holder',

        frame: prefix + '__frame',
        wrap: prefix + '__wrap',

        box: prefix + '__box'
} //PickerConstructor.klasses

 * Check if the default theme is being used.
function isUsingDefaultTheme( element ) {

    var theme,
        prop = 'position'

    // For IE.
    if ( element.currentStyle ) {
        theme = element.currentStyle[prop]

    // For normal browsers.
    else if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
        theme = getComputedStyle( element )[prop]

    return theme == 'fixed'

 * Get the width of the browser’s scrollbar.
 * Taken from: https://github.com/VodkaBears/Remodal/blob/master/src/jquery.remodal.js
function getScrollbarWidth() {

    if ( $html.height() <= $window.height() ) {
        return 0

    var $outer = $( '<div style="visibility:hidden;width:100px" />' ).
        appendTo( 'body' )

    // Get the width without scrollbars.
    var widthWithoutScroll = $outer[0].offsetWidth

    // Force adding scrollbars.
    $outer.css( 'overflow', 'scroll' )

    // Add the inner div.
    var $inner = $( '<div style="width:100%" />' ).appendTo( $outer )

    // Get the width with scrollbars.
    var widthWithScroll = $inner[0].offsetWidth

    // Remove the divs.

    // Return the difference between the widths.
    return widthWithoutScroll - widthWithScroll

 * PickerConstructor helper methods.
PickerConstructor._ = {

     * Create a group of nodes. Expects:
     * `
            min:    {Integer},
            max:    {Integer},
            i:      {Integer},
            node:   {String},
            item:   {Function}
     * `
    group: function( groupObject ) {

            // Scope for the looped object

            // Create the nodes list
            nodesList = '',

            // The counter starts from the `min`
            counter = PickerConstructor._.trigger( groupObject.min, groupObject )

        // Loop from the `min` to `max`, incrementing by `i`
        for ( ; counter <= PickerConstructor._.trigger( groupObject.max, groupObject, [ counter ] ); counter += groupObject.i ) {

            // Trigger the `item` function within scope of the object
            loopObjectScope = PickerConstructor._.trigger( groupObject.item, groupObject, [ counter ] )

            // Splice the subgroup and create nodes out of the sub nodes
            nodesList += PickerConstructor._.node(
                loopObjectScope[ 0 ],   // the node
                loopObjectScope[ 1 ],   // the classes
                loopObjectScope[ 2 ]    // the attributes

        // Return the list of nodes
        return nodesList
    }, //group

     * Create a dom node string
    node: function( wrapper, item, klass, attribute ) {

        // If the item is false-y, just return an empty string
        if ( !item ) return ''

        // If the item is an array, do a join
        item = $.isArray( item ) ? item.join( '' ) : item

        // Check for the class
        klass = klass ? ' class="' + klass + '"' : ''

        // Check for any attributes
        attribute = attribute ? ' ' + attribute : ''

        // Return the wrapped item
        return '<' + wrapper + klass + attribute + '>' + item + '</' + wrapper + '>'
    }, //node

     * Lead numbers below 10 with a zero.
    lead: function( number ) {
        return ( number < 10 ? '0': '' ) + number

     * Trigger a function otherwise return the value.
    trigger: function( callback, scope, args ) {
        return typeof callback == 'function' ? callback.apply( scope, args || [] ) : callback

     * If the second character is a digit, length is 2 otherwise 1.
    digits: function( string ) {
        return ( /\d/ ).test( string[ 1 ] ) ? 2 : 1

     * Tell if something is a date object.
    isDate: function( value ) {
        return {}.toString.call( value ).indexOf( 'Date' ) > -1 && this.isInteger( value.getDate() )

     * Tell if something is an integer.
    isInteger: function( value ) {
        return {}.toString.call( value ).indexOf( 'Number' ) > -1 && value % 1 === 0

     * Create ARIA attribute strings.
    ariaAttr: ariaAttr
} //PickerConstructor._

 * Extend the picker with a component and defaults.
PickerConstructor.extend = function( name, Component ) {

    // Extend jQuery.
    $.fn[ name ] = function( options, action ) {

        // Grab the component data.
        var componentData = this.data( name )

        // If the picker is requested, return the data object.
        if ( options == 'picker' ) {
            return componentData

        // If the component data exists and `options` is a string, carry out the action.
        if ( componentData && typeof options == 'string' ) {
            return PickerConstructor._.trigger( componentData[ options ], componentData, [ action ] )

        // Otherwise go through each matched element and if the component
        // doesn’t exist, create a new picker using `this` element
        // and merging the defaults and options with a deep copy.
        return this.each( function() {
            var $this = $( this )
            if ( !$this.data( name ) ) {
                new PickerConstructor( this, name, Component, options )

    // Set the defaults.
    $.fn[ name ].defaults = Component.defaults
} //PickerConstructor.extend

function aria(element, attribute, value) {
    if ( $.isPlainObject(attribute) ) {
        for ( var key in attribute ) {
            ariaSet(element, key, attribute[key])
    else {
        ariaSet(element, attribute, value)
function ariaSet(element, attribute, value) {
        (attribute == 'role' ? '' : 'aria-') + attribute,
function ariaAttr(attribute, data) {
    if ( !$.isPlainObject(attribute) ) {
        attribute = { attribute: data }
    data = ''
    for ( var key in attribute ) {
        var attr = (key == 'role' ? '' : 'aria-') + key,
            attrVal = attribute[key]
        data += attrVal == null ? '' : attr + '="' + attribute[key] + '"'
    return data

// IE8 bug throws an error for activeElements within iframes.
function getActiveElement() {
    try {
        return document.activeElement
    } catch ( err ) { }

// Expose the picker constructor.
return PickerConstructor


 * Date picker for pickadate.js v3.5.6
 * http://amsul.github.io/pickadate.js/date.htm

(function ( factory ) {

    // AMD.
    if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd )
        define( ['picker', 'jquery'], factory )

    // Node.js/browserify.
    else if ( typeof exports == 'object' )
        module.exports = factory( require('./picker.js'), require('jquery') )

    // Browser globals.
    else factory( Picker, jQuery )

}(function( Picker, $ ) {

 * Globals and constants
var DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7,
    _ = Picker._

 * The date picker constructor
function DatePicker( picker, settings ) {

    var calendar = this,
        element = picker.$node[ 0 ],
        elementValue = element.value,
        elementDataValue = picker.$node.data( 'value' ),
        valueString = elementDataValue || elementValue,
        formatString = elementDataValue ? settings.formatSubmit : settings.format,
        isRTL = function() {

            return element.currentStyle ?

                // For IE.
                element.currentStyle.direction == 'rtl' :

                // For normal browsers.
                getComputedStyle( picker.$root[0] ).direction == 'rtl'

    calendar.settings = settings
    calendar.$node = picker.$node

    // The queue of methods that will be used to build item objects.
    calendar.queue = {
        min: 'measure create',
        max: 'measure create',
        now: 'now create',
        select: 'parse create validate',
        highlight: 'parse navigate create validate',
        view: 'parse create validate viewset',
        disable: 'deactivate',
        enable: 'activate'

    // The component's item object.
    calendar.item = {}

    calendar.item.clear = null
    calendar.item.disable = ( settings.disable || [] ).slice( 0 )
    calendar.item.enable = -(function( collectionDisabled ) {
        return collectionDisabled[ 0 ] === true ? collectionDisabled.shift() : -1
    })( calendar.item.disable )

        set( 'min', settings.min ).
        set( 'max', settings.max ).
        set( 'now' )

    // When there’s a value, set the `select`, which in turn
    // also sets the `highlight` and `view`.
    if ( valueString ) {
        calendar.set( 'select', valueString, {
            format: formatString,
            defaultValue: true

    // If there’s no value, default to highlighting “today”.
    else {
            set( 'select', null ).
            set( 'highlight', calendar.item.now )

    // The keycode to movement mapping.
    calendar.key = {
        40: 7, // Down
        38: -7, // Up
        39: function() { return isRTL() ? -1 : 1 }, // Right
        37: function() { return isRTL() ? 1 : -1 }, // Left
        go: function( timeChange ) {
            var highlightedObject = calendar.item.highlight,
                targetDate = new Date( highlightedObject.year, highlightedObject.month, highlightedObject.date + timeChange )
                { interval: timeChange }

    // Bind some picker events.
        on( 'render', function() {
            picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).on( 'change', function() {
                var value = this.value
                if ( value ) {
                    picker.set( 'highlight', [ picker.get( 'view' ).year, value, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
                    picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).trigger( 'focus' )
            picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).on( 'change', function() {
                var value = this.value
                if ( value ) {
                    picker.set( 'highlight', [ value, picker.get( 'view' ).month, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
                    picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).trigger( 'focus' )
        }, 1 ).
        on( 'open', function() {
            var includeToday = ''
            if ( calendar.disabled( calendar.get('now') ) ) {
                includeToday = ':not(.' + settings.klass.buttonToday + ')'
            picker.$root.find( 'button' + includeToday + ', select' ).attr( 'disabled', false )
        }, 1 ).
        on( 'close', function() {
            picker.$root.find( 'button, select' ).attr( 'disabled', true )
        }, 1 )

} //DatePicker

 * Set a datepicker item object.
DatePicker.prototype.set = function( type, value, options ) {

    var calendar = this,
        calendarItem = calendar.item

    // If the value is `null` just set it immediately.
    if ( value === null ) {
        if ( type == 'clear' ) type = 'select'
        calendarItem[ type ] = value
        return calendar

    // Otherwise go through the queue of methods, and invoke the functions.
    // Update this as the time unit, and set the final value as this item.
    // * In the case of `enable`, keep the queue but set `disable` instead.
    //   And in the case of `flip`, keep the queue but set `enable` instead.
    calendarItem[ ( type == 'enable' ? 'disable' : type == 'flip' ? 'enable' : type ) ] = calendar.queue[ type ].split( ' ' ).map( function( method ) {
        value = calendar[ method ]( type, value, options )
        return value

    // Check if we need to cascade through more updates.
    if ( type == 'select' ) {
        calendar.set( 'highlight', calendarItem.select, options )
    else if ( type == 'highlight' ) {
        calendar.set( 'view', calendarItem.highlight, options )
    else if ( type.match( /^(flip|min|max|disable|enable)$/ ) ) {
        if ( calendarItem.select && calendar.disabled( calendarItem.select ) ) {
            calendar.set( 'select', calendarItem.select, options )
        if ( calendarItem.highlight && calendar.disabled( calendarItem.highlight ) ) {
            calendar.set( 'highlight', calendarItem.highlight, options )

    return calendar
} //DatePicker.prototype.set

 * Get a datepicker item object.
DatePicker.prototype.get = function( type ) {
    return this.item[ type ]
} //DatePicker.prototype.get

 * Create a picker date object.
DatePicker.prototype.create = function( type, value, options ) {

    var isInfiniteValue,
        calendar = this

    // If there’s no value, use the type as the value.
    value = value === undefined ? type : value

    // If it’s infinity, update the value.
    if ( value == -Infinity || value == Infinity ) {
        isInfiniteValue = value

    // If it’s an object, use the native date object.
    else if ( $.isPlainObject( value ) && _.isInteger( value.pick ) ) {
        value = value.obj

    // If it’s an array, convert it into a date and make sure
    // that it’s a valid date – otherwise default to today.
    else if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
        value = new Date( value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ], value[ 2 ] )
        value = _.isDate( value ) ? value : calendar.create().obj

    // If it’s a number or date object, make a normalized date.
    else if ( _.isInteger( value ) || _.isDate( value ) ) {
        value = calendar.normalize( new Date( value ), options )

    // If it’s a literal true or any other case, set it to now.
    else /*if ( value === true )*/ {
        value = calendar.now( type, value, options )

    // Return the compiled object.
    return {
        year: isInfiniteValue || value.getFullYear(),
        month: isInfiniteValue || value.getMonth(),
        date: isInfiniteValue || value.getDate(),
        day: isInfiniteValue || value.getDay(),
        obj: isInfiniteValue || value,
        pick: isInfiniteValue || value.getTime()
} //DatePicker.prototype.create

 * Create a range limit object using an array, date object,
 * literal “true”, or integer relative to another time.
DatePicker.prototype.createRange = function( from, to ) {

    var calendar = this,
        createDate = function( date ) {
            if ( date === true || $.isArray( date ) || _.isDate( date ) ) {
                return calendar.create( date )
            return date

    // Create objects if possible.
    if ( !_.isInteger( from ) ) {
        from = createDate( from )
    if ( !_.isInteger( to ) ) {
        to = createDate( to )

    // Create relative dates.
    if ( _.isInteger( from ) && $.isPlainObject( to ) ) {
        from = [ to.year, to.month, to.date + from ];
    else if ( _.isInteger( to ) && $.isPlainObject( from ) ) {
        to = [ from.year, from.month, from.date + to ];

    return {
        from: createDate( from ),
        to: createDate( to )
} //DatePicker.prototype.createRange

 * Check if a date unit falls within a date range object.
DatePicker.prototype.withinRange = function( range, dateUnit ) {
    range = this.createRange(range.from, range.to)
    return dateUnit.pick >= range.from.pick && dateUnit.pick <= range.to.pick

 * Check if two date range objects overlap.
DatePicker.prototype.overlapRanges = function( one, two ) {

    var calendar = this

    // Convert the ranges into comparable dates.
    one = calendar.createRange( one.from, one.to )
    two = calendar.createRange( two.from, two.to )

    return calendar.withinRange( one, two.from ) || calendar.withinRange( one, two.to ) ||
        calendar.withinRange( two, one.from ) || calendar.withinRange( two, one.to )

 * Get the date today.
DatePicker.prototype.now = function( type, value, options ) {
    value = new Date()
    if ( options && options.rel ) {
        value.setDate( value.getDate() + options.rel )
    return this.normalize( value, options )

 * Navigate to next/prev month.
DatePicker.prototype.navigate = function( type, value, options ) {

    var targetDateObject,
        isTargetArray = $.isArray( value ),
        isTargetObject = $.isPlainObject( value ),
        viewsetObject = this.item.view/*,
        safety = 100*/

    if ( isTargetArray || isTargetObject ) {

        if ( isTargetObject ) {
            targetYear = value.year
            targetMonth = value.month
            targetDate = value.date
        else {
            targetYear = +value[0]
            targetMonth = +value[1]
            targetDate = +value[2]

        // If we’re navigating months but the view is in a different
        // month, navigate to the view’s year and month.
        if ( options && options.nav && viewsetObject && viewsetObject.month !== targetMonth ) {
            targetYear = viewsetObject.year
            targetMonth = viewsetObject.month

        // Figure out the expected target year and month.
        targetDateObject = new Date( targetYear, targetMonth + ( options && options.nav ? options.nav : 0 ), 1 )
        targetYear = targetDateObject.getFullYear()
        targetMonth = targetDateObject.getMonth()

        // If the month we’re going to doesn’t have enough days,
        // keep decreasing the date until we reach the month’s last date.
        while ( /*safety &&*/ new Date( targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ).getMonth() !== targetMonth ) {
            targetDate -= 1
            /*safety -= 1
            if ( !safety ) {
                throw 'Fell into an infinite loop while navigating to ' + new Date( targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ) + '.'

        value = [ targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ]

    return value
} //DatePicker.prototype.navigate

 * Normalize a date by setting the hours to midnight.
DatePicker.prototype.normalize = function( value/*, options*/ ) {
    value.setHours( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    return value

 * Measure the range of dates.
DatePicker.prototype.measure = function( type, value/*, options*/ ) {

    var calendar = this

    // If it’s anything false-y, remove the limits.
    if ( !value ) {
        value = type == 'min' ? -Infinity : Infinity

    // If it’s a string, parse it.
    else if ( typeof value == 'string' ) {
        value = calendar.parse( type, value )

    // If it's an integer, get a date relative to today.
    else if ( _.isInteger( value ) ) {
        value = calendar.now( type, value, { rel: value } )

    return value
} ///DatePicker.prototype.measure

 * Create a viewset object based on navigation.
DatePicker.prototype.viewset = function( type, dateObject/*, options*/ ) {
    return this.create([ dateObject.year, dateObject.month, 1 ])

 * Validate a date as enabled and shift if needed.
DatePicker.prototype.validate = function( type, dateObject, options ) {

    var calendar = this,

        // Keep a reference to the original date.
        originalDateObject = dateObject,

        // Make sure we have an interval.
        interval = options && options.interval ? options.interval : 1,

        // Check if the calendar enabled dates are inverted.
        isFlippedBase = calendar.item.enable === -1,

        // Check if we have any enabled dates after/before now.
        hasEnabledBeforeTarget, hasEnabledAfterTarget,

        // The min & max limits.
        minLimitObject = calendar.item.min,
        maxLimitObject = calendar.item.max,

        // Check if we’ve reached the limit during shifting.
        reachedMin, reachedMax,

        // Check if the calendar is inverted and at least one weekday is enabled.
        hasEnabledWeekdays = isFlippedBase && calendar.item.disable.filter( function( value ) {

            // If there’s a date, check where it is relative to the target.
            if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
                var dateTime = calendar.create( value ).pick
                if ( dateTime < dateObject.pick ) hasEnabledBeforeTarget = true
                else if ( dateTime > dateObject.pick ) hasEnabledAfterTarget = true

            // Return only integers for enabled weekdays.
            return _.isInteger( value )

        safety = 100*/

    // Cases to validate for:
    // [1] Not inverted and date disabled.
    // [2] Inverted and some dates enabled.
    // [3] Not inverted and out of range.
    // Cases to **not** validate for:
    // • Navigating months.
    // • Not inverted and date enabled.
    // • Inverted and all dates disabled.
    // • ..and anything else.
    if ( !options || (!options.nav && !options.defaultValue) ) if (
        /* 1 */ ( !isFlippedBase && calendar.disabled( dateObject ) ) ||
        /* 2 */ ( isFlippedBase && calendar.disabled( dateObject ) && ( hasEnabledWeekdays || hasEnabledBeforeTarget || hasEnabledAfterTarget ) ) ||
        /* 3 */ ( !isFlippedBase && (dateObject.pick <= minLimitObject.pick || dateObject.pick >= maxLimitObject.pick) )
    ) {

        // When inverted, flip the direction if there aren’t any enabled weekdays
        // and there are no enabled dates in the direction of the interval.
        if ( isFlippedBase && !hasEnabledWeekdays && ( ( !hasEnabledAfterTarget && interval > 0 ) || ( !hasEnabledBeforeTarget && interval < 0 ) ) ) {
            interval *= -1

        // Keep looping until we reach an enabled date.
        while ( /*safety &&*/ calendar.disabled( dateObject ) ) {

            /*safety -= 1
            if ( !safety ) {
                throw 'Fell into an infinite loop while validating ' + dateObject.obj + '.'

            // If we’ve looped into the next/prev month with a large interval, return to the original date and flatten the interval.
            if ( Math.abs( interval ) > 1 && ( dateObject.month < originalDateObject.month || dateObject.month > originalDateObject.month ) ) {
                dateObject = originalDateObject
                interval = interval > 0 ? 1 : -1

            // If we’ve reached the min/max limit, reverse the direction, flatten the interval and set it to the limit.
            if ( dateObject.pick <= minLimitObject.pick ) {
                reachedMin = true
                interval = 1
                dateObject = calendar.create([
                    minLimitObject.date + (dateObject.pick === minLimitObject.pick ? 0 : -1)
            else if ( dateObject.pick >= maxLimitObject.pick ) {
                reachedMax = true
                interval = -1
                dateObject = calendar.create([
                    maxLimitObject.date + (dateObject.pick === maxLimitObject.pick ? 0 : 1)

            // If we’ve reached both limits, just break out of the loop.
            if ( reachedMin && reachedMax ) {

            // Finally, create the shifted date using the interval and keep looping.
            dateObject = calendar.create([ dateObject.year, dateObject.month, dateObject.date + interval ])

    } //endif

    // Return the date object settled on.
    return dateObject
} //DatePicker.prototype.validate

 * Check if a date is disabled.
DatePicker.prototype.disabled = function( dateToVerify ) {

        calendar = this,

        // Filter through the disabled dates to check if this is one.
        isDisabledMatch = calendar.item.disable.filter( function( dateToDisable ) {

            // If the date is a number, match the weekday with 0index and `firstDay` check.
            if ( _.isInteger( dateToDisable ) ) {
                return dateToVerify.day === ( calendar.settings.firstDay ? dateToDisable : dateToDisable - 1 ) % 7

            // If it’s an array or a native JS date, create and match the exact date.
            if ( $.isArray( dateToDisable ) || _.isDate( dateToDisable ) ) {
                return dateToVerify.pick === calendar.create( dateToDisable ).pick

            // If it’s an object, match a date within the “from” and “to” range.
            if ( $.isPlainObject( dateToDisable ) ) {
                return calendar.withinRange( dateToDisable, dateToVerify )

    // If this date matches a disabled date, confirm it’s not inverted.
    isDisabledMatch = isDisabledMatch.length && !isDisabledMatch.filter(function( dateToDisable ) {
        return $.isArray( dateToDisable ) && dateToDisable[3] == 'inverted' ||
            $.isPlainObject( dateToDisable ) && dateToDisable.inverted

    // Check the calendar “enabled” flag and respectively flip the
    // disabled state. Then also check if it’s beyond the min/max limits.
    return calendar.item.enable === -1 ? !isDisabledMatch : isDisabledMatch ||
        dateToVerify.pick < calendar.item.min.pick ||
        dateToVerify.pick > calendar.item.max.pick

} //DatePicker.prototype.disabled

 * Parse a string into a usable type.
DatePicker.prototype.parse = function( type, value, options ) {

    var calendar = this,
        parsingObject = {}

    // If it’s already parsed, we’re good.
    if ( !value || typeof value != 'string' ) {
        return value

    // We need a `.format` to parse the value with.
    if ( !( options && options.format ) ) {
        options = options || {}
        options.format = calendar.settings.format

    // Convert the format into an array and then map through it.
    calendar.formats.toArray( options.format ).map( function( label ) {

            // Grab the formatting label.
            formattingLabel = calendar.formats[ label ],

            // The format length is from the formatting label function or the
            // label length without the escaping exclamation (!) mark.
            formatLength = formattingLabel ? _.trigger( formattingLabel, calendar, [ value, parsingObject ] ) : label.replace( /^!/, '' ).length

        // If there's a format label, split the value up to the format length.
        // Then add it to the parsing object with appropriate label.
        if ( formattingLabel ) {
            parsingObject[ label ] = value.substr( 0, formatLength )

        // Update the value as the substring from format length to end.
        value = value.substr( formatLength )

    // Compensate for month 0index.
    return [
        parsingObject.yyyy || parsingObject.yy,
        +( parsingObject.mm || parsingObject.m ) - 1,
        parsingObject.dd || parsingObject.d
} //DatePicker.prototype.parse

 * Various formats to display the object in.
DatePicker.prototype.formats = (function() {

    // Return the length of the first word in a collection.
    function getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) {

        // Grab the first word from the string.
        // Regex pattern from http://stackoverflow.com/q/150033
        var word = string.match( /[^\x00-\x7F]+|\w+/ )[ 0 ]

        // If there's no month index, add it to the date object
        if ( !dateObject.mm && !dateObject.m ) {
            dateObject.m = collection.indexOf( word ) + 1

        // Return the length of the word.
        return word.length

    // Get the length of the first word in a string.
    function getFirstWordLength( string ) {
        return string.match( /\w+/ )[ 0 ].length

    return {

        d: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's string, then get the digits length.
            // Otherwise return the selected date.
            return string ? _.digits( string ) : dateObject.date
        dd: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
            // Otherwise return the selected date with a leading zero.
            return string ? 2 : _.lead( dateObject.date )
        ddd: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then get the length of the first word.
            // Otherwise return the short selected weekday.
            return string ? getFirstWordLength( string ) : this.settings.weekdaysShort[ dateObject.day ]
        dddd: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then get the length of the first word.
            // Otherwise return the full selected weekday.
            return string ? getFirstWordLength( string ) : this.settings.weekdaysFull[ dateObject.day ]
        m: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then get the length of the digits
            // Otherwise return the selected month with 0index compensation.
            return string ? _.digits( string ) : dateObject.month + 1
        mm: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
            // Otherwise return the selected month with 0index and leading zero.
            return string ? 2 : _.lead( dateObject.month + 1 )
        mmm: function( string, dateObject ) {

            var collection = this.settings.monthsShort

            // If there's a string, get length of the relevant month from the short
            // months collection. Otherwise return the selected month from that collection.
            return string ? getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) : collection[ dateObject.month ]
        mmmm: function( string, dateObject ) {

            var collection = this.settings.monthsFull

            // If there's a string, get length of the relevant month from the full
            // months collection. Otherwise return the selected month from that collection.
            return string ? getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) : collection[ dateObject.month ]
        yy: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
            // Otherwise return the selected year by slicing out the first 2 digits.
            return string ? 2 : ( '' + dateObject.year ).slice( 2 )
        yyyy: function( string, dateObject ) {

            // If there's a string, then the length is always 4.
            // Otherwise return the selected year.
            return string ? 4 : dateObject.year

        // Create an array by splitting the formatting string passed.
        toArray: function( formatString ) { return formatString.split( /(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|y{4}|yy|!.)/g ) },

        // Format an object into a string using the formatting options.
        toString: function ( formatString, itemObject ) {
            var calendar = this
            return calendar.formats.toArray( formatString ).map( function( label ) {
                return _.trigger( calendar.formats[ label ], calendar, [ 0, itemObject ] ) || label.replace( /^!/, '' )
            }).join( '' )
})() //DatePicker.prototype.formats

 * Check if two date units are the exact.
DatePicker.prototype.isDateExact = function( one, two ) {

    var calendar = this

    // When we’re working with weekdays, do a direct comparison.
    if (
        ( _.isInteger( one ) && _.isInteger( two ) ) ||
        ( typeof one == 'boolean' && typeof two == 'boolean' )
     ) {
        return one === two

    // When we’re working with date representations, compare the “pick” value.
    if (
        ( _.isDate( one ) || $.isArray( one ) ) &&
        ( _.isDate( two ) || $.isArray( two ) )
    ) {
        return calendar.create( one ).pick === calendar.create( two ).pick

    // When we’re working with range objects, compare the “from” and “to”.
    if ( $.isPlainObject( one ) && $.isPlainObject( two ) ) {
        return calendar.isDateExact( one.from, two.from ) && calendar.isDateExact( one.to, two.to )

    return false

 * Check if two date units overlap.
DatePicker.prototype.isDateOverlap = function( one, two ) {

    var calendar = this,
        firstDay = calendar.settings.firstDay ? 1 : 0

    // When we’re working with a weekday index, compare the days.
    if ( _.isInteger( one ) && ( _.isDate( two ) || $.isArray( two ) ) ) {
        one = one % 7 + firstDay
        return one === calendar.create( two ).day + 1
    if ( _.isInteger( two ) && ( _.isDate( one ) || $.isArray( one ) ) ) {
        two = two % 7 + firstDay
        return two === calendar.create( one ).day + 1

    // When we’re working with range objects, check if the ranges overlap.
    if ( $.isPlainObject( one ) && $.isPlainObject( two ) ) {
        return calendar.overlapRanges( one, two )

    return false

 * Flip the “enabled” state.
DatePicker.prototype.flipEnable = function(val) {
    var itemObject = this.item
    itemObject.enable = val || (itemObject.enable == -1 ? 1 : -1)

 * Mark a collection of dates as “disabled”.
DatePicker.prototype.deactivate = function( type, datesToDisable ) {

    var calendar = this,
        disabledItems = calendar.item.disable.slice(0)

    // If we’re flipping, that’s all we need to do.
    if ( datesToDisable == 'flip' ) {

    else if ( datesToDisable === false ) {
        disabledItems = []

    else if ( datesToDisable === true ) {
        disabledItems = []

    // Otherwise go through the dates to disable.
    else {

        datesToDisable.map(function( unitToDisable ) {

            var matchFound

            // When we have disabled items, check for matches.
            // If something is matched, immediately break out.
            for ( var index = 0; index < disabledItems.length; index += 1 ) {
                if ( calendar.isDateExact( unitToDisable, disabledItems[index] ) ) {
                    matchFound = true

            // If nothing was found, add the validated unit to the collection.
            if ( !matchFound ) {
                if (
                    _.isInteger( unitToDisable ) ||
                    _.isDate( unitToDisable ) ||
                    $.isArray( unitToDisable ) ||
                    ( $.isPlainObject( unitToDisable ) && unitToDisable.from && unitToDisable.to )
                ) {
                    disabledItems.push( unitToDisable )

    // Return the updated collection.
    return disabledItems
} //DatePicker.prototype.deactivate

 * Mark a collection of dates as “enabled”.
DatePicker.prototype.activate = function( type, datesToEnable ) {

    var calendar = this,
        disabledItems = calendar.item.disable,
        disabledItemsCount = disabledItems.length

    // If we’re flipping, that’s all we need to do.
    if ( datesToEnable == 'flip' ) {

    else if ( datesToEnable === true ) {
        disabledItems = []

    else if ( datesToEnable === false ) {
        disabledItems = []

    // Otherwise go through the disabled dates.
    else {

        datesToEnable.map(function( unitToEnable ) {

            var matchFound,

            // Go through the disabled items and try to find a match.
            for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {

                disabledUnit = disabledItems[index]

                // When an exact match is found, remove it from the collection.
                if ( calendar.isDateExact( disabledUnit, unitToEnable ) ) {
                    matchFound = disabledItems[index] = null
                    isExactRange = true

                // When an overlapped match is found, add the “inverted” state to it.
                else if ( calendar.isDateOverlap( disabledUnit, unitToEnable ) ) {
                    if ( $.isPlainObject( unitToEnable ) ) {
                        unitToEnable.inverted = true
                        matchFound = unitToEnable
                    else if ( $.isArray( unitToEnable ) ) {
                        matchFound = unitToEnable
                        if ( !matchFound[3] ) matchFound.push( 'inverted' )
                    else if ( _.isDate( unitToEnable ) ) {
                        matchFound = [ unitToEnable.getFullYear(), unitToEnable.getMonth(), unitToEnable.getDate(), 'inverted' ]

            // If a match was found, remove a previous duplicate entry.
            if ( matchFound ) for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {
                if ( calendar.isDateExact( disabledItems[index], unitToEnable ) ) {
                    disabledItems[index] = null

            // In the event that we’re dealing with an exact range of dates,
            // make sure there are no “inverted” dates because of it.
            if ( isExactRange ) for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {
                if ( calendar.isDateOverlap( disabledItems[index], unitToEnable ) ) {
                    disabledItems[index] = null

            // If something is still matched, add it into the collection.
            if ( matchFound ) {
                disabledItems.push( matchFound )

    // Return the updated collection.
    return disabledItems.filter(function( val ) { return val != null })
} //DatePicker.prototype.activate

 * Create a string for the nodes in the picker.
DatePicker.prototype.nodes = function( isOpen ) {

        calendar = this,
        settings = calendar.settings,
        calendarItem = calendar.item,
        nowObject = calendarItem.now,
        selectedObject = calendarItem.select,
        highlightedObject = calendarItem.highlight,
        viewsetObject = calendarItem.view,
        disabledCollection = calendarItem.disable,
        minLimitObject = calendarItem.min,
        maxLimitObject = calendarItem.max,

        // Create the calendar table head using a copy of weekday labels collection.
        // * We do a copy so we don't mutate the original array.
        tableHead = (function( collection, fullCollection ) {

            // If the first day should be Monday, move Sunday to the end.
            if ( settings.firstDay ) {
                collection.push( collection.shift() )
                fullCollection.push( fullCollection.shift() )

            // Create and return the table head group.
            return _.node(
                        min: 0,
                        max: DAYS_IN_WEEK - 1,
                        i: 1,
                        node: 'th',
                        item: function( counter ) {
                            return [
                                collection[ counter ],
                                'scope=col title="' + fullCollection[ counter ] + '"'
            ) //endreturn
        })( ( settings.showWeekdaysFull ? settings.weekdaysFull : settings.weekdaysShort ).slice( 0 ), settings.weekdaysFull.slice( 0 ) ), //tableHead

        // Create the nav for next/prev month.
        createMonthNav = function( next ) {

            // Otherwise, return the created month tag.
            return _.node(
                ' ',
                settings.klass[ 'nav' + ( next ? 'Next' : 'Prev' ) ] + (

                    // If the focused month is outside the range, disabled the button.
                    ( next && viewsetObject.year >= maxLimitObject.year && viewsetObject.month >= maxLimitObject.month ) ||
                    ( !next && viewsetObject.year <= minLimitObject.year && viewsetObject.month <= minLimitObject.month ) ?
                    ' ' + settings.klass.navDisabled : ''
                'data-nav=' + ( next || -1 ) + ' ' +
                    role: 'button',
                    controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table'
                }) + ' ' +
                'title="' + (next ? settings.labelMonthNext : settings.labelMonthPrev ) + '"'
            ) //endreturn
        }, //createMonthNav

        // Create the month label.
        createMonthLabel = function() {

            var monthsCollection = settings.showMonthsShort ? settings.monthsShort : settings.monthsFull

            // If there are months to select, add a dropdown menu.
            if ( settings.selectMonths ) {

                return _.node( 'select',
                        min: 0,
                        max: 11,
                        i: 1,
                        node: 'option',
                        item: function( loopedMonth ) {

                            return [

                                // The looped month and no classes.
                                monthsCollection[ loopedMonth ], 0,

                                // Set the value and selected index.
                                'value=' + loopedMonth +
                                ( viewsetObject.month == loopedMonth ? ' selected' : '' ) +
                                        ( viewsetObject.year == minLimitObject.year && loopedMonth < minLimitObject.month ) ||
                                        ( viewsetObject.year == maxLimitObject.year && loopedMonth > maxLimitObject.month )
                                    ) ?
                                    ' disabled' : ''
                    ( isOpen ? '' : 'disabled' ) + ' ' +
                    _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' }) + ' ' +
                    'title="' + settings.labelMonthSelect + '"'

            // If there's a need for a month selector
            return _.node( 'div', monthsCollection[ viewsetObject.month ], settings.klass.month )
        }, //createMonthLabel

        // Create the year label.
        createYearLabel = function() {

            var focusedYear = viewsetObject.year,

            // If years selector is set to a literal "true", set it to 5. Otherwise
            // divide in half to get half before and half after focused year.
            numberYears = settings.selectYears === true ? 5 : ~~( settings.selectYears / 2 )

            // If there are years to select, add a dropdown menu.
            if ( numberYears ) {

                    minYear = minLimitObject.year,
                    maxYear = maxLimitObject.year,
                    lowestYear = focusedYear - numberYears,
                    highestYear = focusedYear + numberYears

                // If the min year is greater than the lowest year, increase the highest year
                // by the difference and set the lowest year to the min year.
                if ( minYear > lowestYear ) {
                    highestYear += minYear - lowestYear
                    lowestYear = minYear

                // If the max year is less than the highest year, decrease the lowest year
                // by the lower of the two: available and needed years. Then set the
                // highest year to the max year.
                if ( maxYear < highestYear ) {

                    var availableYears = lowestYear - minYear,
                        neededYears = highestYear - maxYear

                    lowestYear -= availableYears > neededYears ? neededYears : availableYears
                    highestYear = maxYear

                return _.node( 'select',
                        min: lowestYear,
                        max: highestYear,
                        i: 1,
                        node: 'option',
                        item: function( loopedYear ) {
                            return [

                                // The looped year and no classes.
                                loopedYear, 0,

                                // Set the value and selected index.
                                'value=' + loopedYear + ( focusedYear == loopedYear ? ' selected' : '' )
                    ( isOpen ? '' : 'disabled' ) + ' ' + _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' }) + ' ' +
                    'title="' + settings.labelYearSelect + '"'

            // Otherwise just return the year focused
            return _.node( 'div', focusedYear, settings.klass.year )
        } //createYearLabel

    // Create and return the entire calendar.
    return _.node(
        ( settings.selectYears ? createYearLabel() + createMonthLabel() : createMonthLabel() + createYearLabel() ) +
        createMonthNav() + createMonthNav( 1 ),
    ) + _.node(
        tableHead +
                min: 0,
                max: WEEKS_IN_CALENDAR - 1,
                i: 1,
                node: 'tr',
                item: function( rowCounter ) {

                    // If Monday is the first day and the month starts on Sunday, shift the date back a week.
                    var shiftDateBy = settings.firstDay && calendar.create([ viewsetObject.year, viewsetObject.month, 1 ]).day === 0 ? -7 : 0

                    return [
                            min: DAYS_IN_WEEK * rowCounter - viewsetObject.day + shiftDateBy + 1, // Add 1 for weekday 0index
                            max: function() {
                                return this.min + DAYS_IN_WEEK - 1
                            i: 1,
                            node: 'td',
                            item: function( targetDate ) {

                                // Convert the time date from a relative date to a target date.
                                targetDate = calendar.create([ viewsetObject.year, viewsetObject.month, targetDate + ( settings.firstDay ? 1 : 0 ) ])

                                var isSelected = selectedObject && selectedObject.pick == targetDate.pick,
                                    isHighlighted = highlightedObject && highlightedObject.pick == targetDate.pick,
                                    isDisabled = disabledCollection && calendar.disabled( targetDate ) || targetDate.pick < minLimitObject.pick || targetDate.pick > maxLimitObject.pick,
                                    formattedDate = _.trigger( calendar.formats.toString, calendar, [ settings.format, targetDate ] )

                                return [
                                        (function( klasses ) {

                                            // Add the `infocus` or `outfocus` classes based on month in view.
                                            klasses.push( viewsetObject.month == targetDate.month ? settings.klass.infocus : settings.klass.outfocus )

                                            // Add the `today` class if needed.
                                            if ( nowObject.pick == targetDate.pick ) {
                                                klasses.push( settings.klass.now )

                                            // Add the `selected` class if something's selected and the time matches.
                                            if ( isSelected ) {
                                                klasses.push( settings.klass.selected )

                                            // Add the `highlighted` class if something's highlighted and the time matches.
                                            if ( isHighlighted ) {
                                                klasses.push( settings.klass.highlighted )

                                            // Add the `disabled` class if something's disabled and the object matches.
                                            if ( isDisabled ) {
                                                klasses.push( settings.klass.disabled )

                                            return klasses.join( ' ' )
                                        })([ settings.klass.day ]),
                                        'data-pick=' + targetDate.pick + ' ' + _.ariaAttr({
                                            role: 'gridcell',
                                            label: formattedDate,
                                            selected: isSelected && calendar.$node.val() === formattedDate ? true : null,
                                            activedescendant: isHighlighted ? true : null,
                                            disabled: isDisabled ? true : null
                                    _.ariaAttr({ role: 'presentation' })
                                ] //endreturn
                    ] //endreturn
        'id="' + calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' + '" ' + _.ariaAttr({
            role: 'grid',
            controls: calendar.$node[0].id,
            readonly: true
    ) +

    // * For Firefox forms to submit, make sure to set the buttons’ `type` attributes as “button”.
        _.node( 'button', settings.today, settings.klass.buttonToday,
            'type=button data-pick=' + nowObject.pick +
            ( isOpen && !calendar.disabled(nowObject) ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
            _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ) +
        _.node( 'button', settings.clear, settings.klass.buttonClear,
            'type=button data-clear=1' +
            ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
            _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ) +
        _.node('button', settings.close, settings.klass.buttonClose,
            'type=button data-close=true ' +
            ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
            _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ),
    ) //endreturn
} //DatePicker.prototype.nodes

 * The date picker defaults.
DatePicker.defaults = (function( prefix ) {

    return {

        // The title label to use for the month nav buttons
        labelMonthNext: 'Next month',
        labelMonthPrev: 'Previous month',

        // The title label to use for the dropdown selectors
        labelMonthSelect: 'Select a month',
        labelYearSelect: 'Select a year',

        // Months and weekdays
        monthsFull: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
        monthsShort: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
        weekdaysFull: [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
        weekdaysShort: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],

        // Today and clear
        today: 'Today',
        clear: 'Clear',
        close: 'Close',

        // Picker close behavior
        closeOnSelect: true,
        closeOnClear: true,

        // The format to show on the `input` element
        format: 'd mmmm, yyyy',

        // Classes
        klass: {

            table: prefix + 'table',

            header: prefix + 'header',

            navPrev: prefix + 'nav--prev',
            navNext: prefix + 'nav--next',
            navDisabled: prefix + 'nav--disabled',

            month: prefix + 'month',
            year: prefix + 'year',

            selectMonth: prefix + 'select--month',
            selectYear: prefix + 'select--year',

            weekdays: prefix + 'weekday',

            day: prefix + 'day',
            disabled: prefix + 'day--disabled',
            selected: prefix + 'day--selected',
            highlighted: prefix + 'day--highlighted',
            now: prefix + 'day--today',
            infocus: prefix + 'day--infocus',
            outfocus: prefix + 'day--outfocus',

            footer: prefix + 'footer',

            buttonClear: prefix + 'button--clear',
            buttonToday: prefix + 'button--today',
            buttonClose: prefix + 'button--close'
})( Picker.klasses().picker + '__' )

 * Extend the picker to add the date picker.
Picker.extend( 'pickadate', DatePicker )


 * Registers the handles on the side
	$.fn.calculationForm = function(settings){
		var config = {};
		if(settings) $.extend(config, settings);
			var form = $(this);
				var me = $(this);
				$('select#calculation_' + me.attr('data-from')).change(function(){
					me.text($(this).find('> :selected').text());
			form.find('fieldset.calculation > div.visible-switch').each(function(){
				var me = $(this);
				var sources = $('[name="calculation[' + $(this).attr('data-variable') + ']"]');
				var value = $(this).attr('data-value');
					var source = $(this);
									me[$(this).prop('checked') ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('hidden').trigger('visible-switch');
					}else if(source.attr('type')=='checkbox'){
								me[source.prop('checked') ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('hidden').trigger('visible-switch');
							me[source.val()==value ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('hidden').trigger('visible-switch');
				sources.closest('div[data-variable]').on('visible-switch', function(){
			form.find('fieldset.calculation > div.visible-switch.hidden').trigger('visible-switch');
			form.find('fieldset.calculation > div[data-formula]').each(function(){
				var me = $(this);
				var fields = me.attr('data-formula').split(',');
				for(var i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
						var value = input.val();
						var busy = false;
						var queue = false;
						var __get = function(){
							queue = false;
							var values = $('#calculation form').serializeForm();
							values.field = me.attr('data-name');
							values.fields = me.attr('data-formula');
							json.post('/ajax/calculations/field', values, function(data){
								busy = false;
							}, function(ex, response){
								busy = false;
						var _evt = function(evt){
							if(value==input.val()) return;
							value = input.val();
								queue = true;
					})(form.find('fieldset.calculation [name="calculation[' + fields[i] + ']"]'));
			form.find('fieldset.calculation > div > div.field[data-type="number"] > span.input > input[type="text"]').keyup(function(){
				var value = $(this).val();
					var caret = $(this).caret();
					var _cs = value.substr(0, caret);
						caret = _cs.match(/\d|,/g).join('').length;
						caret = 0;
					value = value.match(/\d|,/g).join('');
					var parts = value.match(/(\d+)(,(\d+,?)*)?/);
					var number = '';
					for(var i=0; i<parts[1].length; i++){
						var index = parts[1].length - i - 1;
						if(i > 2 && (i%3)==0){
							number = parts[1].charAt(index) + '.' + number;
							number = parts[1].charAt(index) + number;
						number+= ',';
						if(parts[3]) number+= parts[3].match(/\d/g).join('');
					if(caret <= parts[1].length){
							caret += Math.floor(((3-(parts[1].length%3)) + caret) / 3);
							caret += Math.floor(caret / 3);
						caret += Math.floor(parts[1].length / 3);
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						console.log(matches, output);
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 * Registers the handles on the side
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 * Registers the handles on the side
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 * Registers the handles on the side
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						$('#reactions-count .notice').text('Er is nog niet gereageerd op deze vraag. Reageer jij?');
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										li.find('> a').attr('href', '/zoeken?q=' + escape(item.value));
										li.find('> a').attr('href', '/zoeken?q=' + escape(item.text));
									menu.find('> ul').append(li);
							}, function(ex, response){
								alert(ex + ', ' + response);
							menu.find('> ul > li').remove();
							menu.find('> ul').append(source.find('> ul > li').clone());
				}, 10);
		return this;

(function($) {
	$.fn.mobileSearch = function(settings){
		var config = {};
		if(settings) $.extend(config, settings);
			var source = $(this);
			var menu = null;
					menu = $(document.createElement('nav'));
					var form = $(document.createElement('form'));
					form.attr({action: '/zoeken'});
					form.html('<label><span><input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Zoek je berekening"></span><em></em></label>');
					menu.find('> ul').before(form);
						var value = $(this).val();
						if(value.length > 1){
							var url = '/ajax/calculations/search?q=' + escape(value);
							json.get(url, function(data){
								menu.find('> ul > li').remove();
								for(var i=0; i<data.items.length; i++){
									var item = data.items[i];
									var li = $(document.createElement('li'));
									li.find('> a').text(item.text);
										li.find('> a').attr('href', item.url);
									}else if(typeof(item.value)!='undefined'){
										li.find('> a').attr('href', '/zoeken?q=' + escape(item.value));
										li.find('> a').attr('href', '/zoeken?q=' + escape(item.text));
									menu.find('> ul').append(li);
							}, function(ex, response){
								alert(ex + ', ' + response);
							menu.find('> ul > li').remove();
							menu.find('> ul').append(source.find('> ul > li').clone());
				}, 10);
		return this;

	$('header nav').mobileMenu();
	$('header > div > span').mobileSearch();

function autocomplete() {
		var placesAutocomplete = places({
		    appId: 'plL3WG5LBQDA',
		    apiKey: 'af14e24e27727286e2d95292e6fb3193',
		    container: document.querySelector('#SearchPlaatsVan')

		var $address = document.querySelector('#SearchPlaatsVan')
		placesAutocomplete.on('change', function(e) {
		    $address.textContent = e.suggestion.value

		placesAutocomplete.on('clear', function() {
		    $address.textContent = 'none';

		var placesAutocomplete = places({
		    appId: 'plL3WG5LBQDA',
		    apiKey: 'af14e24e27727286e2d95292e6fb3193',
		    container: document.querySelector('#SearchPlaatsNaar')

		var $address = document.querySelector('#SearchPlaatsNaar')
		placesAutocomplete.on('change', function(e) {
		    $address.textContent = e.suggestion.value

		placesAutocomplete.on('clear', function() {
		    $address.textContent = 'none';

		// var input = document.getElementById('SearchPlaatsVan');
	// 	var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
		// var input2 = document.getElementById('SearchPlaatsNaar');
	// 	var autocomplete2 = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input2);	


function getResult(){
	var item = new Array();
	hash= window.location.hash.substring(1); //verkrijg de hash zonder #
	action = 'getresult';
	var url = window.location.origin + '/a-z/afstand';
	$.post(url, {hash: hash, action: action}, function(response){
		$('#afstand')[0].innerHTML = response;

function init(){

	if(window.location.hash.substring(1) && $('#afstand').length){
		if($('#afstand').length) autocomplete();	

$(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
	if($('#map-canvas').length) init();

if (window.location.hash) {
var time = 0;
var distance = 0;
var lineLenght;
var start;
var end;
var mode;

function getData(){
	var data = $('#map');
	mode = data.attr('data-mode');
	start = new google.maps.LatLng(data.attr('data-vanlat'),data.attr('data-vanlong')) 
	end = new google.maps.LatLng(data.attr('data-naarlat'),data.attr('data-naarlong'))

function seconds2time (seconds) {
    var hours   = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
    var minutes = Math.floor((seconds - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
    var seconds = seconds - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);
    var timeIntern = "";

    if (hours != 0) {
      timeIntern = hours+" uur ";
    if (minutes != 0 || time !== "") {
      minutes = (minutes < 10 && timeIntern !== "") ? "0"+minutes : String(minutes);
      timeIntern += minutes +" minuten";
    if (timeIntern === "") {
     	timeIntern = "Er is geen tijd bekend";
    else {
    return timeIntern;

function roundKm(number){
	var number = Math.round( number * 10 ) / 10;
	var number = number.toFixed(1);
	var number = parseFloat(number)

	return number;

var directionsDisplay;
var directionsService;
var bounds;
var polyLengthInMeters;

function initialize() {
	directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
	directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
	bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
	mapOptions = {
		mapTypeId : 'roadmap'
	var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions);

	var LineCoordinates = [start, end];
	var Line = new google.maps.Polyline({
		path : LineCoordinates,
		geodesic : true,
		strokeColor : '#FF0000',
		strokeOpacity : 1.0,
		strokeWeight : 2

	polyLengthInMeters = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeLength(Line.getPath().getArray());
	lineLenght = roundKm((polyLengthInMeters / 1000));
	document.getElementById('line').innerHTML += lineLenght + ' km';

function calcRoute() {

	var selectedMode = mode;
	var request = {
		origin : start,
		destination : end,
		travelMode : google.maps.TravelMode[selectedMode]
	directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
		if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
			// Display the distance:

			distance = roundKm((response.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value / 1000));
			document.getElementById('distance').innerHTML = distance + ' km';
			time = seconds2time(response.routes[0].legs[0].duration.value);
			// Display the duration:
			document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = time;


function loadMap(){

function goPost(url, params){
	if(url!=null && typeof(url)=='object') url = url.href;

	var form = $('<form method="post"></form>').appendTo(document.body);
	if(url!=null) form.attr('action', url);
	for(x in params){
		form.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + x + '" value="' + params[x] + '"/>');
	return false;

$('.tab-item').on('click', function(){
	if( !$(this).parent().hasClass('active') ){
		var mode = $(this).data('mode');
		var van = $( "div#van" ).text();
		var naar = $( "div#naar" ).text(); 
		var url = '/afstand';
		var params = {van:van, naar:naar, mode:mode}; 
		goPost(url, params);

function replaceVariables(){
	$('p').each(function() {
	    var text = $(this).text().replace('{afstandrecht}', lineLenght).replace('{afstandvervoer}', distance).replace('{tijd}', time);

$(document).ready(function() {
	setTimeout(loadMap, 150);