www.peppermillreno.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://links.mail.peppermillresorts.com/els/v2/9eNyBP~4deB7/UWpESTVSOXd3MWNRWTUzaDFLelpRdngreGdNSGs1UFJucVN2ZENMam5pS0RFbXQ3eFhTRDhsZEFE...
Effective URL: https://www.peppermillreno.com/about-us/privacy-policy/
Submission: On December 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form data-v-de6544d6="" class="pepvalidate-v3 ignore-js full-width no-text-here">
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width check-in active filled"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="text mobile-hidden">Check-In<span data-v-de6544d6="" class="tablet-hidden"> Date</span></span> <span data-v-de6544d6=""
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        </svg></span> <input data-v-de6544d6="" name="check_in" autocomplete="off" type="text" readonly="readonly" data-dateformat="MM d" data-mindate="December 6 2023" data-onhide="FILTER-WIDGET-DATEPICKER-HIDE"
        data-onselect="FILTER-WIDGET-DATEPICKER-SELECT" data-range="true"></label></p>
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width check-out active filled"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="text mobile-hidden">Check-Out<span data-v-de6544d6="" class="tablet-hidden"> Date</span></span> <span data-v-de6544d6=""
        class="handle"><svg data-v-de6544d6="" class="ic_calendar">
          <use data-v-de6544d6="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_calendar"></use>
        </svg></span> <input data-v-de6544d6="" name="check_out" autocomplete="off" type="text" readonly="readonly" data-dateformat="MM d" data-mindate="December 7 2023" data-onhide="FILTER-WIDGET-DATEPICKER-HIDE"
        data-onselect="FILTER-WIDGET-DATEPICKER-SELECT" data-range="true"></label></p>
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width reservation-offer-code"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="text">Offer Code</span> <input data-v-de6544d6="" data-error-msg="Please enter a valid offer code."
        data-regex="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" name="offer_code" type="text"></label></p>
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width filters"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="text"><span data-v-de6544d6="">Choose Filters</span></span> <span data-v-de6544d6="" class="handle"><svg data-v-de6544d6=""
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        </svg></span> <input data-v-de6544d6="" name="filters" autocomplete="off" type="text" readonly="readonly" value=""></label></p>
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width submit-wrapper filter-submit"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><input data-v-de6544d6="" type="button" value="CHECK RATES" class="check-rates-button"></label></p>
  <p data-v-de6544d6="" class="full-width reservation-iata"><label data-v-de6544d6=""><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="text">IATA</span> <input data-v-de6544d6="" name="iata" type="text"></label></p>
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    <div data-v-122eb98f="" class="view">
      <ul data-v-122eb98f="">
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" class="title">Bed</li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="bed_type" data-value="1-KING" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> 1 King </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="bed_type" data-value="2-KING" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> 2 Kings </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="bed_type" data-value="2-QUEEN" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> 2 Queens </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" class="title">Price per Night</li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="price" data-value="0-100" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Below $100 </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="price" data-value="100-200" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> $100 to $200 </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="price" data-value="200-300" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> $200 to $300 </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="price" data-value="300-10000" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> $300 or more </li>
      <ul data-v-122eb98f="">
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" class="title">Smoking</li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="smoking" data-value="YES" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Smoking </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="smoking" data-value="NO" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Non-Smoking </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" class="title">Accessibility</li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="accessibility" data-value="hearing impaired" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Hearing Impaired </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="accessibility" data-value="roll-in shower" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Roll-In Shower </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="accessibility" data-value="bathtub with bars" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Bathtub with Bars </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" class="title">Room Size</li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="sq_ft" data-value="100-400" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Small </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="sq_ft" data-value="400-750" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Medium </li>
        <li data-v-122eb98f="" data-id="sq_ft" data-value="750-10000" class=""><span data-v-122eb98f="" class="filter-checkbox"><svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="checked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_24px"></use>
            </svg> <svg data-v-122eb98f="" class="unchecked">
              <use data-v-122eb98f="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#ic_check_box_outline_blank_24px"></use>
            </svg></span> Large </li>
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          Rates</a> <a data-v-de6544d6="" href="#container" class="btn resort-page no-touch-effect"><span data-v-de6544d6="" class="when-stuck">View Filters</span> <span data-v-de6544d6="" class="when-unstuck">View Rooms</span></a></div>

Text Content

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Check-In Date

Check-Out Date

Offer Code

Choose Filters


 * Bed
 * 1 King
 * 2 Kings
 * 2 Queens
 * Price per Night
 * Below $100
 * $100 to $200
 * $200 to $300
 * $300 or more

 * Smoking
 * Smoking
 * Non-Smoking
 * Accessibility
 * Hearing Impaired
 * Roll-In Shower
 * Bathtub with Bars
 * Room Size
 * Small
 * Medium
 * Large

Check Rates View Filters View Rooms

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Privacy Policy 

Peppermill is committed to safeguarding your privacy while visiting the
Peppermill website, namely, www.peppermillreno.com, Peppermill’s mobile site,
and Peppermill’s Peppermill Resort Spa Casino downloadable mobile application
(“Application”) (collectively, the "Site").  For the avoidance of doubt, the
Peppermill Sports Book App is governed by a separate privacy policy.  Our goal
is to provide you with an Internet experience that delivers the information,
resources and services that are most relevant to you. To achieve this goal, part
of the operation of the Site includes the gathering of certain types of
information about Site users. Because we understand that your privacy is
important, we wish to explain the types of information we gather and the way in
which we use it. The following Privacy Policy applies to the Site. 

Use of the Site signifies your consent, as well as the consent of the company
for whom you use the Site and whose information you submit (if any), to this
online Privacy Policy, including the collection and use of information by
Peppermill, as described in this Privacy Policy. Continued access and use of the
Site without acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy relieves Peppermill
from responsibility to the user. 

This Privacy Policy covers four types of information gathered at the Site:
personal, non-personal, aggregated, and biometric information.  The term
"personal information" refers to data you voluntarily provide in connection with
use of the Site that identifies you and/or the company on whose behalf you are
accessing and using the Site. “Personal Information” includes , without
limitation, an individual’s name, email, street address, telephone number,
geolocation information, image, gender, and other such information provided by
the individual.  The term “Non-Personal Information” means information that by
itself typically cannot be used to identify or contact you, such as demographic
information (e.g., age, profession, or gender), IP addresses, browser types,
domain names, and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of our
Site.  The term "aggregated data" refers to general information regarding
visitors and users of the Site that relates to use of the Site (e.g., traffic
patterns, number of visits to certain pages, visits from other web sites or to
third-party web sites linked to the Site, use of particular services and
interest in services, information or features of the Site or other parties made
available through or found at the Site).  The term “biometric information”
refers to, primarily, facial recognition information or a faceprint, that
uniquely identifies a specific natural person, including, data collected from
facial recognition technology or data from a photo or photo identification
document that contains the image of the face of a person with sufficient
resolution that artificial intelligence or a machine learning algorithm is able
to match the data with other biometric data to positively identify the person.

What information is collected about you? How do we use it? 

We take the utmost care to ensure that the personal information we obtain from
you is not used in a way that you may be unaware of or not agreeable to. You may
wish to submit an information request about Peppermill, participate in one of
our promotions, make a purchase or reservation through our Site, or subscribe to
our e-mail or postal mailing lists. In response, we may ask for information such
as your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, gender, age,
or credit card information, as applicable.  In the event you opt to provide us
with this information, we will only use it for the purpose for which it was
provided or the purpose specified on the information gathering form.  We may
also collect geolocation information as provided by your phone or other mobile
device to the extent that you allow this option on your mobile device.  If you
access our Platform through a mobile device, you may adjust the settings on your
mobile device to allow or prevent the sharing of location information.  For
example, you can disable “Location” (or “Location Services” on IOS-based
devices) on your mobile device to prevent sharing your location information with
Political Social Media, or only disable “Bluetooth” to prevent the sharing of
information collected via nearby Bluetooth proximity beacons.  Please note that
if you disable the sharing of location information, you may be unable to access
some features of our Platform that are designed for mobile devices.  

We also may collect Non-Personal Information.  To the extent we are able to do
so, we may link your Non-Personal Information with your Personal information. 
We may also link information collected online with information we collect
offline or that is collected online by third parties.  

Information collected on the Site may be used to:

 * Plan and purchase Peppermill accommodations or tickets
 * Enter your email in our promotions or sweepstakes
 * Send marketing communications or surveys to you
 * Respond to your questions or suggestions
 * Improve the quality of your visit to our Site
 * Customize content and layout of the Site to each individual user 

Most forms will provide an opt-out option to allow you to choose not to
participate in Peppermill lists and future online marketing. In deciding whether
or not to join such lists, please note that they are only used for Peppermill
purposes or in joint promotions with a Peppermill partner. We do not sell, rent
or share any of your personal information with any other party, nor use it for
unapproved commercial purposes. However, in connection with poker tournaments,
we may share the information set forth on the entry form with our partners and
co-sponsors.  Furthermore, on occasion, we may provide your personal information
to service providers or contractors to perform functions on our behalf, such as,
but not limited to, companies or individuals hired to deliver Peppermill’s
promotional materials via e-mail and direct mail, promote Peppermill’s social
media presence and activities, to develop, enhance, market or provide any of
Peppermill’s services, to process credit card payments and to assist Peppermill
with sending communications and performing other marketing and support
functions.  You may request to be removed from our lists at any time. All emails
distributed to our lists will contain easy, online access to unsubscribe. 

This Site uses Google Analytics (and in the future may use other similar sites
or services), a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), to
better assist Peppermill in understanding how the Site is used.  Google
Analytics will place cookies on your computer that will generate information
that we select about your use of the Site, including your computer's IP
address.  That information will be transmitted to and stored by Google.  The
information will be used for the purpose of evaluating consumer use of the Site,
compiling reports on Site activity for Peppermill's use, and providing other
services relating to Site activity and usage.  Google may also transfer this
information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third
parties process the information on Google's behalf.  You may refuse the use of
cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser.  Please note that
by doing so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Site.  The
use of cookies by Google Analytics is covered by Google's privacy policy.  

Through the Site, Peppermill may make available areas that allow for user
interaction, including blogs, forums, bulletin board services, chat areas, or
other message and communications features.  Some of these forums may require
registration.  Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these
areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding
to disclose your personal information. 

Biometric Information 

For the safety, security, and surveillance purposes, Peppermill may collect and
use biometric information primarily in the form of facial recognition
information or a biometric identifier through the use of facial recognition
technology.  Cameras installed throughout the Peppermill public areas and
entrances and exits at the Peppermill.  

Facial recognition is a technology that uses computer-generated filters to
transform face images into numerical expressions that can be compared to
determine their similarity.  The process involves several steps:   Face
detection: The camera detects and locates the image of a face, either alone or
in a crowd.  Face analysis: The image of the face is captured and analyzed.

Converting and matching: The face analysis results are converted into a unique
code or faceprint, which is then compared to a database of stored faceprints to
find a match.  This technology is used by Peppermill for the safety and security
of our guests, our employees, our property and in cooperation with law
enforcement and gaming regulators.  


Permission for Use 

Peppermill may collect and use personal information that you submit at the Site
in any manner that is consistent with uses stated in this Privacy Policy or
disclosed elsewhere at the Site at the point you submit such personal
information. At the time you submit personal information or make a request, the
intended use of the information you submit will be apparent in the context in
which you submit it and/or because the Site states the intended purpose. By
submitting personal information at the Site, you are giving your consent and
permission for any use that is consistent with uses stated in this Privacy
Policy or disclosed elsewhere at the Site at the point you submit such personal
information, and such consent will be presumed by Peppermill, unless you state
otherwise at the time you submit the personal information. Please do not request
any such communications on behalf of an individual or company if you are not
authorized to make the request.

Peppermill may collect, store and share biometric information that is collected
while you are inside the Peppermill public areas.  The Peppermill has signage in
its public areas that provide notice that biometric information may be
collected, stored and shared for your safety and security.  By entering the
Peppermill public areas, Peppermill will presume you have consented to the
collection, storage and sharing of biometric information for safety, security
and surveillance purposes only.  

Secure Reservations 

If you decide to make an online reservation at the Site, you will be linked to a
reservation interface and third party booking engine (“Booking Engine Vendor”)
currently provided by LMS, a leading Property Management System and online
reservation systems vendor. While it appears to be part of our Site, the
reservation functionality is in fact provided by a third party Booking Engine
Vendor. We understand that security remains the primary concern of online
consumers and have chosen the Booking Engine Vendor carefully. The Booking
Engine Vendor has implemented comprehensive security programs, and:

 * Has either a VeriSign Secure Server ID, or
 * All information sent to the Site, if in an SSL session, is encrypted,
   protecting against disclosure to third parties. 

Our use of information received from Booking Engine Vendor is dictated by
Booking Engine Vendor’s privacy policy and not this Privacy Policy. 

Protecting your information 

We would like our Site visitors to feel confident about using the Site to plan
and purchase their accommodations, so Peppermill is committed to protecting the
information we collect. Peppermill has implemented a privacy and security
program to keep information that is stored in our systems protected from
unauthorized access, and Peppermill will comply with all applicable local,
state, and federal laws concerning privacy and security of personally
identifiable information. 

Our Site is hosted in a secure environment. The Site servers/systems are
configured with data encryption, or scrambling, technologies, and
industry-standard firewalls. When you enter personal information during the
reservation process, or during a customer email sign-up, your data is protected
by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure safe transmission.  After you
have submitted your information online to Peppermill, we recommend that you end
your browser session before leaving your computer.  In spite of these
protections, Peppermill cannot guarantee the security of any data submitted over
the Internet. 

Withdrawing Consent to Use 

If, after permitting use of your personal information, you later decide that you
no longer want Peppermill to include you on its mailing list or otherwise
contact you or use your personal information in the manner disclosed in this
Privacy Policy or at the Site, simply tell us by sending an e-mail to
unsubscribe@peppermillresorts.com, or by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” button at
the bottom of our email communication to you.  Additionally, you may send an
email to unsubscribe@peppermillresorts.com with the phrase “Privacy Opt-out:
“Company Mailings” in the subject line, or write to us at the address provided
below, and we will remove you from Peppermill’s mailing list. 

Use of Aggregated Data 

Peppermill is interested in improving the Site and may develop and offer new
features and services. We monitor aggregated data regarding use of the Site for
marketing purposes and to study, improve and promote use of the Site. In
connection with such purposes, Peppermill may share aggregated data with third
parties collectively and in an anonymous way. Disclosure of aggregated data does
not reveal personal information about individual Site users in any way that
identifies who they are or how to contact them. 

Exceptions to the Privacy Policy 

Peppermill has three exceptions to these limits on use of personal information: 

(1) Peppermill may monitor and, when we believe in good faith that disclosure is
required, disclose information to protect the security, property, assets and/or
rights of Peppermill from unauthorized use, or misuse, of the Site or anything
found at the Site. 

(2) Peppermill may disclose information when we reasonably believe we are
required to do so by law, or in connection with a subpoena or government
request; however, only to the extent necessary and in a manner that seeks to
maintain the privacy of the individual. 

(3) Peppermill may transfer data in the event of the sale of the entire company
or a majority of its assets, or in a merger or acquisition of the company.  

Use of Cookies 

To enable features at the Site, Peppermill may assign one or more "cookies" to
your Internet browser. Cookies, among other things, speed navigation through our
Site, keep track of information so that you do not have to re-enter it each time
you visit our Site, and may provide you with customized content. A cookie is an
Internet mechanism composed of a small text file containing a unique
identification number that permits a web server to send small pieces of
information or text by means of your browser and place them on your computer's
hard drive for storage. This text lets the web server know if you have
previously visited the web page. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to find
out the identity of any user. 

We use cookies to collect and maintain aggregated data (such as the number of
visitors) to help us see which areas are most popular with our users and improve
and update the content on our site. While in the process of browsing our site,
you also provide us with information that doesn't reveal your personal identity
-- what type of destination you're exploring, for example. We use this
aggregated data only as explained in this Privacy Policy. We do not connect
aggregated data to any name, address, or other identifying information. 

You may occasionally receive cookies from unaffiliated companies or
organizations, to the extent they place advertising on our Site or are linked to
the Site. These third-party cookies may collect information about you when you
"click" on their advertising or content or link. This practice is standard in
the Internet industry. Because of the way in which the Internet operates, we
cannot control collection of this information by these third parties, and these
cookies are not subject to this Privacy Policy. 

Sweepstakes, Trivia Games, and Surveys 

From time to time, the Site may conduct sweepstakes, trivia games, or surveys.
If you choose to participate, we use your response to select sweepstakes
winners, to come up with the game or survey results and, sometimes, to publish
those results in aggregate on the Site. Except where necessary to run a
sweepstakes, we will never permanently record or report any response you give on
its own or connect it to your name or address. We will hold these responses only
as anonymous statistics. We will never sell or rent such information to any
third parties. 

Links Provided To Other Sites 

Peppermill may provide links to a number of other web sites that we believe
might offer you useful information and services. However, those sites may not
follow the same privacy policies as Peppermill. Therefore, we are not
responsible for the privacy policies or the actions of any third parties,
including without limitation, any web site owners whose sites may be reached
through this Site, nor can we control the activities of those web sites. We urge
you to contact the relevant parties controlling these sites or accessing their
on-line policies for the relevant information about their data collection
practices before submitting any personal information or other sensitive data. 

Accounts; Password and PIN Security 

Peppermill may allow Site users to select a password and account designation to
access his or her online player’s club account.  You are responsible for
maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account, and are fully
responsible for all activities that occur under your password and account.  You
agree to: (i) notify Peppermill immediately of any unauthorized use of your
password or account or any breach of security, and (ii) ensure that you fully
exit from your account at the end of each session.  You further agree not to use
anyone else's password on the Site.  Peppermill cannot and will not be liable
for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision. 
Your PIN associated with your player’s club account is only known to you and is
stored in encrypted format.  If you forget or lose access to your PIN, you will
need to appear in person at the Rewards Center and request for your PIN to be
reset.  If you forget or lose access to your online player’s club password, you
can reset it online at

Children's Information 

Peppermill does not knowingly solicit or collect personal information on the
Site from children under the age of 13 without prior verifiable parental
consent. If Peppermill learns that, despite these measures, a child under the
age of 13 has submitted personally identifiable information to Peppermill
through the Site, it will take reasonable measures to delete such information
from its records and to not use such information for any purpose (except where
necessary to protect the safety of the child or others as required by law).
Peppermill’s online player’s club is restricted to users over the age of 21. 

Do Not Track 

Your browser and other mechanisms may permit you to send do-not-track signals or
other similar signals to express your preferences regarding online tracking. 
However, because there is not yet a defined response to do-not-track requests,
our Site does not respond to your browser’s do-not-track request.  As noted
above, third parties, such as our advertising partners, may collect data that
relates to you.  We cannot control third parties’ responses to do-not-track
signals or other such mechanisms.  Third parties’ use of data relating to you
and responsiveness to do-not-track signals is governed by their respective
privacy policies. 

California Privacy Rights 

If you are a California resident, you have the right to request information from
us regarding the manner in which Peppermill shares certain categories of
personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes, in
addition to the rights set forth above.  Under California law, you have the
right to send us a request at the designated address listed below to receive the
following information:


 1. The categories of information we disclosed to third parties for their direct
    marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year;
 2. The names and addresses of the third parties that received the information;
 3. If the nature of the third party's business cannot be determined from their
    name, examples of the products or services marketed.

This information may be provided in a standardized format that is not specific
to you.  The designated email address for these requests can be found at:

Policy Modifications & Contacting Peppermill 

Peppermill reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time; notice
of changes will be published on this page. Changes will always be prospective,
not retroactive. If you have questions about our policies, please contact:
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 1-866-821-9996. 

Last Updated: August 2023


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2707 South Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89502 . 1-866-821-9996 | © 1996 - 2020
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, All Rights Reserved.