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Submission: On February 27 via manual from VE — Scanned from US

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Home – FREE VERSIONSharkGate2024-02-07T21:06:01+00:00


Quick, easy firewall setup process.

Protection works for every type of website

The ultimate hacker protection for any site

Imagine your website, impervious to even the craftiest hackers. SharkGate
doesn’t just imagine it – we make it reality. SharkGate’s cutting-edge AI learns
from and transforms attacks on any site into a robust layer of immunity for all
sites. Every attempted breach, makes us – and you – stronger.

Get Protected



Quick, easy firewall setup process.

Protection works for every type of website

The ultimate hacker protection for any site

Continuous vulnerability scanning for your site

Utilize world’s top threat intelligence databases

Imagine your website, impervious to even the craftiest hackers. SharkGate
doesn’t just imagine it – we make it reality. Fusing cutting-edge AI and machine
learning technology, SharkGate learns from and transforms attacks on any site
into a robust layer of immunity for all sites. Every attempted breach, makes us
– and you – stronger.

Get Protected



SharkGate shifts cyber protection to a situation where an attack on one site
enables a global immunity to be immediately developed to protect all sites in
the network from similar attacks.It’s an interconnected fortress where every
assault only tightens the security for everyone. It’s powerful solution,
revolutionizing the very concept of firewall protection. With SharkGate, your
website is using an ever-learning, ever-evolving network of defense,
strengthening your security with each passing moment


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It’s not just about protection, it’s about peace of mind. Knowing that you’re
not alone, that your site is protected by a global shield that grows more
formidable with each passing second.


Experience unparalleled security and peace of mind with SharkGate’s
industry-leading malware protection – sign up now to safeguard your website and
join our growing community of satisfied customers.



   Stay ahead of bot attacks with our monthly updated protection, blocking
   thousands of attacks daily with our free version. Benefit from unmetered DDoS
   protection and experience a potential website speed increase of up to 70%

 * * ✓ Complete onboarding and setup available, free-of-charge
   * ✓ 24/7 Customer Support
   * ✓ Increase website speed up to 70%
   * ✓ Block Bad Bots
   * ✗ Block Hackers
   * ✗ Security Audit & Recommendations
   * ✗ Site Uptime Monitoring
   * ✗ Real-time firewall rule updates
   * ✗ SharkGate Malware Scanner
   * ✗ Cleanup if Any Malware is found on your website
   * ✗ Advanced DDoS Protection



$1895/ mo

   Building on all Starter Plan features, we enhance protection with SharkGate’s
   advanced AI for superior hacker blocking. Security is further reinforced with
   automated audits, tailored recommendations, weekly rule updates, plus site
   uptime monitoring and alerts.

 * * ✓ Complete onboarding and setup available, free-of-charge
   * ✓ 24/7 Customer Support
   * ✓ Increase website speed up to 70%
   * ✓ Block Bad Bots
   * ✓ Block Hackers
   * ✓ Security Audit & Recommendations
   * ✓ Site Uptime Monitoring
   * ✗ Real-time firewall rule updates
   * ✗ SharkGate Malware Scanner
   * ✗ Cleanup if Any Malware is found on your website
   * ✗ Advanced DDoS Protection

Start Now


$6995/ mo

   Experience unparalleled security with our highest level of protection,
   featuring real-time rule updates. Plus peace of mind through malware
   monitoring of your site, complemented by unlimited malware removal should any
   viruses ever be detected

 * * ✓ Complete onboarding and setup available, free-of-charge
   * ✓ 24/7 Customer Support
   * ✓ Increase website speed up to 70%
   * ✓ Block Bad Bots
   * ✓ Block Hackers
   * ✓ Security Audit & Recommendations
   * ✓ Site Uptime Monitoring
   * ✓ Real-time firewall rule updates
   * ✓ Monthly Malware Scan of your site
   * ✓ Cleanup if Any Malware is found on your website
   * ✓ Advanced DDoS Protection

Start Now


Our firewall is currently protecting a vast number of business websites across
four continents. The following is a small subset of the hosting companies that
host websites we are protecting. A rapidly growing number of them recommend our
service to their customers to keep their websites clean.


The SharkGate Ecosystem protects websites against current and next-generation
cyber threats using 3 core components. These core components are the SharkGate
Plugin, SharkGate Website Threat Defence Database (“WTDD”) and the SharkGate AI
(“Deep Sea”). This Ecosystem provides the solution to protect websites against
current and next-generation threats.

SharkGate Firewall & Plugin

Provides unrivalled hacker protection as well as a vulnerability scanner.
Powered using the collective intelligence of the SharkGate AI (“Deep Sea”) and
the SharkGate Website Threat Defence Database (“WTDD”). Embracing the future of
the internet and jumping ahead of all existing players in the industry by
utilising the latest technological advances to remove the fundamental pain
points of existing firewall services (endpoint, WAF reverse proxies, etc.) and
creating the latest generation of firewall protection.

SharkGate’s AI (“Deep Sea”)

Coordinates the memory of each attack encountered on any site worldwide and thus
enables any site on the SharkGate network to mount a strong response if the
attack is attempted again. Using techniques based on the human immune system it
creates ‘adaptive’ rules that evolve as an adaptation to threats received and
prepares for future similar, but yet unseen, attacks.

Website Threat Defence Database (“WTDD”)

SharkGate’s threat intelligence store. It grows and becomes more intelligent
with every site that joins the network and as more existing threat data feeds
and data providers contribute to the ecosystem. We expect the WTDD to eventually
become the World’s largest repository of threat intelligence for website

World’s largest threat intelligence feed

SharkGate is creating one of the World’s largest threat intelligence feeds. The
Website Threat Defence Database (WTDD) is a cybersecurity threat intelligence
store. It becomes more intelligent and robust with each website that joins the
network and as more threat data providers join the ecosystem.

For paying subscribers our data feed provide data such as Firewall Rules,
Malicious IPs, Hacker Fingerprints (agents, referrers, networks, etc.), Hacker
Payloads, Spam Visitors, Malicious File Updates (attack shells, file upload
scripts, cryptominers, etc.), Infected Plugins and Infected Themes

The data stored in the WTDD is available for security organizations to be
utilized in their products and services as a paid monthly subscription. The data
is served programmatically via APIs conforming to industry standard formats
(JSON, etc.) and a set of SDK’s. We are also generating a monthly report from
the data, which anyone can subscribe to, also as a monthly paid subscription.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

– Benjamin Franklin

“It is truly maddening to see examples of bad guys sharing data, tricks, methods
and good guys having no effective way of doing it.”

– Anton Chuvakin, research VP at Gartner


Watch your hacker website protection in action – In real time!

We are proud of our Cloud-Based hacker firewall protection, so we have built a
dashboard to let all our customers see it live in action protecting their
websites. The SharkGate™ dashboard is really easy to understand and you can
login 24×7 to see real-time data on what SharkGate is doing to continuously
protect your website.

The SharkGate™ dashboard shows you all the attacks on your website that
SharkGate™ has blocked and which countries those attacks have come from. Be
warned though, our customers tell us that looking at the dashboard can become
addictive because it also includes other handy stuff such as visitor numbers by
day by country.

The dashboard is integrated with SharkGate’s A.I security engine to offer simple
to use features that allow you to increase the security of your website. For
example it offers recommendations that you can auto apply with just one click.
Simple and easy protection

Security Recommendations For Your Site

Revolutionize your web security with SharkGate’s intelligent analysis feature.
We’ve turned the often-complicated realm of firewall settings, HTTPS and SSL
levels into a breeze. Our advanced algorithms dissect your website’s security
setup, providing straightforward recommendations to enhance your protection. But
it doesn’t stop at advice; SharkGate offers one-click solutions that
automatically implement these fixes, freeing you from the complexities of web

At SharkGate, we believe your focus should remain where it belongs—on your
business. We shoulder the burden of cybersecurity so you don’t have to. With us,
there’s no need to moonlight as a security expert. Let our dedicated team of
professionals keep your business site fortified against malicious hackers. Trust
SharkGate to not just be your security solution, but your digital peace of mind.
With us, your website isn’t just secure—it’s Water-tight!

Continuous Vulnerability Scans

Our proprietary technology does more than simply guard your website; it offers a
proactive approach to web security, constantly scanning your site for
vulnerabilities. Instead of waiting for threats to occur, our system identifies
potential weaknesses in your cyber defenses, providing you with an invaluable
edge in today’s evolving digital landscape.

A unique blend of intuitive design and cutting-edge technology, the SharkGate
Firewall dashboard gives you real-time insights about your website’s security
health. By translating complex data into user-friendly reports, we ensure you
are always aware of your site’s status and can respond to issues with speed and
precision. But we don’t just highlight problems—we’re here to help you solve
them. Our platform is designed to empower you, providing not just awareness, but
also actionable solutions to fix and eliminate vulnerabilities. With SharkGate
Firewall, you’re not just protected—you’re ahead of the curve.

Website Rewards!!

Get rewarded for having an infection-free website! SharkGate Token Rewards are
now available for all sites protected by SharkGate Firewall and having a paid
subscription. Users can see the tokens awarded to them on the SharkGate

The SharkGate Token Rewards program is a unique approach to incentivizing
businesses to take their online security seriously. By contributing anonymised
hacker activity information to SharkGate, businesses are rewarded with SharkGate
tokens. These tokens can then be used to access premium services offered by



SharkGate’s journey to solve the website cybersecurity crisis.
Check out our past victories and have a quick glimpse of upcoming key

Oct. 2018
OneHourSiteFix, the seed of SharkGate, established as one the World's leading
malware cleaning & protection services

Dec. 2018
Obtained partnership for SharkGate to provide security services for one of
Europe's largest legal organisations

Jan. 2020
Obtained initial seed funding From Business Finland
Now we can really get going!

Dec. 2020
Obtained further funding from Business Finland
We are on a roll!

Q4 2021
SharkGat AI 'Deep Sea' beats all competitors in independent tests
We knew it would!

Q3 2022
Funding agreement with Revenue Capital - Okay now we are ready to scale!

Q4 2022
Sharkgate hits milestone of protecting over 5000 sites
A great start!

Feb. 2023
SharkGate Threats API released

April. 2023
SharkGate Rewards and Vulnerability analysis launched

Nov. 2023
SharkGate is the Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Conference pitch winner 2023
A rising star in the cybersecurity space

Q2 2024
SharkGate hits milestone of protecting over 1 million sites



Our founder members have worked for over 20 years with a number of leading
multinational companies to build and deliver the leading enterprise and
cybersecurity systems in the industry. Cybersecurity is our passion, which is
why we’re constantly pushing the technology boundaries and have been attracting
the best-hidden talent in the industry to make it happen.

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”
– Jim Collins

Tomi KervinenCo-Founder

A specialist in IT consulting, database technologies and entrepreneurship, with
a 25-year-long career. Owned and managed a company that provided all development
services for Nokia’s global B2B portal and eCommerce system. A certified
technical consultant in SAP and Oracle. Worked also with Tieto, Fujitsu,
Accenture and IBM.

Jonathan MorrisseyCo-Founder

Certified Architect and Application Developer with over 25 years experience
working on mission-critical and high throughput large-scale systems.

Lead Enterprise Architect for the largest B2B portal in Europe. Lead Developer
at German Stock Exchange, UBS Warburg, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, Accenture, IBM.

Marc RobertsCo-Founder

Founder of a popular Threat Analysis Website and Scam Detection System that is
now used by millions of users. Blockchain and Deep Learning evangelist, a serial
entrepreneur with numerous successful dot-com startups with a solid 30 year IT
history, working for IBM, Nokia and Oracle.

Yann LafargueCo-Founder

Seasoned international Head of Marketing & Communications with more than 18
years in global agency, local and HQ in-house experience, from start-ups to
A-brands in Silicon Valley, Europe and beyond. Entrepreneurial spirit and global
brand builder with expertise in digital media, fintech, banking, entertainment,
and tech communications working for Banco Santander / PagoNxt, Netflix, TomTom &
HK Strategies.

Matthew MorelCo-Founder

Highly experienced Chief Marketing Officer with more than 23 years’ experience
in professional services, capital markets, FMCG, technology, fintech and
telecommunications sectors. A driven and entrepreneurial leader with expertise
in building global award-winning and engaging brands that include Deloitte,
Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Group plc and Sanne Group plc.



Below we’ve provided answers to some common questions. If you still have any
further information needed please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the
contact form below.

 * General

Do I need to change my hosting company to take advantage of SharkGate™

No, there is no need to change your current hosting company to leverage the
protection provided by SharkGate™. This is because SharkGate operates on a
cloud-based model, leaving your existing server setup and website untouched. The
beauty of this system is that it not only safeguards your website but also
secures everything your website runs on. Therefore, hackers are effectively kept
at bay from your website as well as from any underlying infrastructure. So, rest
assured, with SharkGate, you receive comprehensive protection without the hassle
of changing your hosting company.

How easy is it to add SharkGate™ protection to a

It’s really easy and we can do it for you. It involves a simple change to what
is called your website’s nameservers. When our friendly engineers are fixing
your website hack they can do it all for you or if you prefer take you step by
step through the process. It normally takes less than 5 minutes to do and our
team promise not to talk techie, unless you want to!)

Will adding SharkGate™ protection to my site slow down its

No! Odd as it sounds our protection can for many sites speed up your website
performance by as much as 70%. This is because we use something called a CDN
network and as your site goes through SharkGate we give it a turbo boost. We
will get one of our techies to write up some really in-depth details about the
protection and post up here later for those that are interested in finding out

What is SharkGate?SharkGate2022-10-27T00:08:18+00:00

SharkGate is the World’s pioneering Cyber Security solution designed exclusively
to protect websites against hackers. It has been set up to address the current
worldwide crisis where every day, cybercriminals compromise thousands of
websites. With an estimated 1.98 billion websites on the internet and at least
7% of those infected with malware at a given time, the hackers are currently
running amok and the cybercrime damage costs are staggering.

SharkGate protects any website from all malicious attacks using a combination of
the collective intelligence of SharkGate’s AI (“Deep Sea”) and SharkGate’s
Website Threat Defence Database (“WTDD”).  SharkGate moves website cyber
protection to a situation where an attack on one site in the network enables a
global immunity to be immediately developed to protect all sites in the network
from similar attacks. A solution where all websites share in the evolving of the
firewall and that actually uses the power of the hackers own attacks against

Why do hackers hack websites ?SharkGate2018-10-07T21:18:36+00:00

Please see a blog entry our team did about this on our OneHourSiteFix website
“Why Do Hackers Hack Websites”

So is SharkGate an antivirus software ?SharkGate2023-06-25T14:05:50+00:00

Kind of …. but instead of personal computers or personal devices our focus is on
protecting websites. Hackers, well their automated bots, find vulnerable sites
by searching for sites with known vulnerabilities (via google dorks for
instance) and then their bots can infect and take over those sites in just a
matter of a few seconds.

SharkGate is a way of protecting your site from being broken into by the hackers
by standing in the way and blocking them. Hacking of websites is rampant due to
the large money to be gained from such malicious activities. For example, see
this transparency report from Google about sites it has found that are currently

As more sites start using SharkGate does that make the security stronger for all
websites ?SharkGate2018-10-07T21:19:22+00:00

Yes, the more sites using SharkGate as a security solution the stronger the
whole security Ecosystem becomes as more data is fed into the ‘Deep Sea’ AI and
WTDD and used by the AI to create new protection rules. SharkGate learns from
every attack.

How can I get in touch with you?SharkGate2018-10-07T21:22:36+00:00

You can reach us on Twitter, Facebook or via email marketing@sharkgate.net

Interested in working with us or getting involved with

Email marketing@sharkgate.net


There is no denying there is a desperate need for a new way to protect sites
from hackers. Think about how Google transformed the search economy. Think how
Uber and Airbnb transformed their sectors and brought untold easy to customers
lives. SharkGate will do the same for website cybersecurity. Further information
to help participants understand the existing crisis and our solution to the
problem can be found in our whitepaper




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SHKG Creation and SharkGate Platform Conditions:

Explanatory Note & Governance Terms

1 Principles

1/. By transferring Ether (ETH) to the Smart Contract System and the Smart
Contract System creating SharkGate Tokens (“SHKG”), the User understands and
accepts that the User makes a contribution into a Smart Contract System for the
development of the SharkGate platform, as described in the SharkGate
Crowdfunding Whitepaper (SharkGate Platform” / “the Whitepaper”). For the
Whitepaper and/or further information on the SharkGate Platform, visit:
https://sharkgate.net . The information contained in the Whitepaper and on the
website is of descriptive nature only, are not binding and do – unless
explicitly referred to herein – not form part of the Terms as set forth under
para. 4 below.

2/. The User understands and accepts that while the individuals and entities,
assigned to this task will make reasonable efforts to develop and complete the
SharkGate Platform, it is possible that such development may fail and User’s
SHKG may become useless and/or valueless due to technical, commercial,
regulatory or any other reasons (see also Chapter 5 regarding Risks). The User
is also aware of the risk that even if all or parts of the SharkGate Platform
are successfully developed and released in full or in parts, due to a lack of
public interest, the SharkGate Platform could be fully or partially abandoned,
remain commercially unsuccessful or shut down for lack of interest or other
reasons. The User therefore understands and accepts that the transfer of ETH to
the Smart Contract System and the creation of SHKG by the Smart Contract System
carry significant financial, regulatory and/or reputational risks (including the
complete loss of value of created SHKGs, if any, and attributed features of the
SharkGate Platform).

3/. The User furthermore understands and accepts that in the creation of the
SHKG, any implemented governing rights of the User, as well as the assignment of
the execution of the SharkGate Platform, are smart contract based – the terms
and conditions applicable thereon are set forth in the Smart Contract System
Code, consisting of software code, existing on the Ethereum Blockchain. To the
extent the terms contained herein or in any other document or communication
contradict the ones set forth in the Smart Contract System, the terms of the
Smart Contract System shall prevail. Furthermore, neither this document nor any
other document or communication may modify or add any additional obligations or
covenants to FNAS, the publisher of these terms or the developers of the Smart
Contract System functions and/or any other person, entity and/or affiliates
involved with the deployment of the Smart Contract System and the setting up of
the SharkGate Platform beyond those set forth in the Smart Contract System.

4/. By transferring ETH to the Smart Contract System, the User expressly agrees
to all of the terms and conditions set forth in Smart Contract System Code
existing on the Ethereum blockchain (at the addresses set forth under para 3)
and in this document (together the “Terms”), which is incorporated by reference
herein. The User further confirms to have carefully reviewed the Smart Contract
System Code, its functions and these Terms and under hereby confirm to fully
understand the risks and costs of creating SHKG and contributing into a Smart
Contract System for the development of the SharkGate Platform.

5/. This document, the SharkGate Whitepaper, and related documents do not
constitute a prospectus of any sort, is not a solicitation for investment and
does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. It
is a description of the functionality of a Smart Contract System.

6/. By transferring ETH to the Smart Contract System and/or receiving SHKG, no
form of partnership, joint venture or any similar relationship between the Users
and/or other individuals or entities involved with the deployment of the Smart
Contract System and the setting up of the SharkGate Platform is created.

7/. SHKG are only for use in connection with the SharkGate Platform under the
terms of the Smart Contract System and under the terms of the SharkGate platform
(to be released), and only constitute a transferable representation of
attributed functions of the Smart Contract System.

8/. Ownership of SHKG carries no rights expressly or implied other than the
right to use SHKG as a means to enable usage of and interaction with the
SharkGate Platform if successfully completed and deployed (see section 3). In
particular, the User understands and accepts that SHKG does not represent or
constitute any ownership right or stake, share or security or equivalent rights
or any right for receive future revenues shares, IP rights or any other form of
participation in or relating to the SharkGate Platform and/or the SharkGate

9/. Through the allocation of SHKG to a User, the User receives no right to
receive any revenues generated by the intellectual property rights developed as
part of the SharkGate Platform or any other assets. The User understands and
accepts that SHKG does not represent or constitute any ownership right or stake,
share or security or equivalent right in or relating to the SharkGate Platform,
SharkGate and/or any software, any public or private company, corporation,
entity or property.

10/. By transferring ETH to the Smart Contract and creating SHKG, the User
represents and warrants that:

a) the User has a deep understanding of the functionality, usage, storage,
transmission mechanisms and intricacies associated with cryptographic tokens,
like bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), and blockchain-based software systems;
b) the User has carefully reviewed the code of the Smart Contract System located
on the Ethereum blockchain at the addresses set forth under para 3 and fully
understands and accepts the functions implemented therein;
c) the User is legally permitted to transfer ETH to the Smart Contract System,
create and obtain SHKG in the User’s jurisdiction;
d) the User is legally permitted to receive software and contributing to the
Smart Contract System for the development of the SharkGate Platform;
e) the User is of a sufficient age to legally create and obtain SHKG;
f) the User will take sole responsibility for any restrictions and risks
associated with the creation of SHKG by the Smart Contract System as set forth
g) the User is not submitting ETH to the Smart Contract System to obtain SHKG
for the purpose of speculative investment;
h) the User is not obtaining or using SHKG for any illegal purposes;
i) the User is purchasing the functionality of the SHKG issued by the Smart
Contract System primarily to support the development, testing, deployment, and
operation of the SharkGate Platform, being aware of the commercial risks
associated with the SharkGate Platform;
j) the User waives the right to participate in a class action lawsuit or a
class-wide arbitration against any entity or individual involved with the
creation of SHKG;
k) the User understands the creation of SHKG does not involve the purchase of
shares or any equivalent in any existing or future public or private company,
corporation or other entity in any jurisdiction;
l) the User understands that the transfer of ETH to the Smart Contract System,
the creation of SHKG and the development of the SharkGate Platform carries
significant financial, regulatory and reputational risks as further set forth in
the Terms;
m) the User understands and expressly accepts that there is no warranty
whatsoever on SHKG, the Smart Contract System and/or the success of the
SharkGate Platform, expressed or implied, to the extent permitted by law, and
that the Smart Contract System is used and SHKG are created and obtained at the
sole risk of the User on an “as is” and “under development” basis and without,
to the extent permitted by law, any warranties of any kind, including, but not
limited to, warranties of title or implied warranties, merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose; the User understands that the User has, other
than as implemented in the Smart Contract System in case the Activation
Threshold has not been reached (see para 9), no right against any other party to
request any refund of the ETH submitted to the Smart Contract System for the
creation of the SHKG under any circumstance; and that
n) the User understands with regard to SHKG no market liquidity may be
guaranteed and that the value of SHKG over time may experience extreme
volatility or depreciate in full; the User understands that the User bears the
sole responsibility to determine if the User’s contribution to the Smart
Contract System for the development of the SharkGate Platform, the transfer of
ETH to the Smart Contract System, the creation, ownership or use of SHKG, the
potential appreciation or depreciation in the value of SHKG over time, the sale
and purchase of SHKG and/or any other action or transaction related to the
SharkGate Platform have tax implications for him; by creating, holding or using
SHKG, and to the extent permitted by law, the User agrees not to hold any third
party (including developers, auditors, contractors or founders liable for any
tax liability associated with or arising from the creation, ownership or use of
SHKG or any other action or transaction related to the SharkGate Platform;
o) should the User be a consumer and should any applicable consumer legislation
or cancellation rights apply to such User in relation to the creation and
obtainment of the SHKG, the User waives any such consumer and cancellation
rights unless otherwise prescribed by mandatory law; and
p) should any consumer legislation or cancellation rights apply in any
jurisdiction, the User acknowledges and accepts that any applicable cancellation
rights are waived and lost when the User transfer ETH to the Smart Contract and
thereby creates and obtains SHKG unless otherwise prescribed by mandatory law.

11/. As part of the creation process, the User will use own account (address) on
the Ethereum network, with a private key associated to this address and
password. The password is used to encrypt the User’s private key. Following the
creation of SHKG by the Smart Contract System, the SHKG will be transferred to
the User’s address by the Smart Contract System. The User understands that the
User must keep his password and private key safe and that the User may not share
them with anybody. The User further understands that if his private key and/or
password is lost or stolen, the User will not be able to generate a new password
or recover his private key, and if the User also loses his private keys and
password, the SHKG associated with the User’s account (address) will be
unrecoverable and will be permanently lost. Furthermore, the User understands
that there is no recovery mechanism for lost keys and passwords, so no one will
be able to help the User retrieve or reconstruct a lost password and private
keys and provide the User with access to any lost SHKG.

12/. SharkGate Platform Execution

The User understands and accepts that the development and execution of the
SharkGate Platform will be released by the Smart Contract System to the wallet
of a third party contractor. SharkGate has the right to engage subcontractors to
perform the entire or partial development and execution of the SharkGate
Platform. The scope of the development work will be triggered by the amount of
contribution received during the Contribution Period as set forth in the
Whitepaper (SharkGate Roadmap).

13/. The User understands and accepts that the User may not have any expectation
of influence over governance on the SharkGate Platform.
The User understands and accepts that the SharkGate Platform and/or SharkGate
Platform will need to go through substantial development works as part of which
they may become subject of significant conceptual, technical and commercial
changes before release. User understands and accepts that as part of the
development, an upgrade of the SHKG Token may be required (hard-fork of SHKG
Token) and that, if User decides not to participate in such an upgrade, he may
no longer use his SHKG token in the SharkGate Platform and that non-upgraded
SHKG Tokens may lose their functionality in full.

14/. Audit of the Smart Contract System has been, on a reasonable effort basis,
audited and approved by legal and technical experts with regard to the
conformity of the Smart Contract System’s functionality to the content of these
Terms. The technical experts have further confirmed that the Smart Contract
System has, with regard to both accuracy and security, been programmed according
to the current state of the art.

15/. However, the User understands and accepts that smart contract technology is
still in an early development stage and its application of experimental nature
which carries significant operational, technological, financial, regulatory and
reputational risks. Accordingly, while the audit conducted raises the level of
security and accuracy, the User understands and accepts that the audit does not
amount to any form of warranty, including direct or indirect warranties that the
Smart Contract System and the SHKG are fit for a particular purpose or do not
contain any weaknesses, vulnerabilities or bugs which could cause, inter alia,
the complete loss of ETH and/or SHKG.

16./ Risks – The User understands and accepts the risks in connection with
transferring ETH to the Smart Contract System and creating SHKG as exemplary set
forth above and hereinafter. In particular, but not concluding, the User
understands the inherent risks listed hereinafter:

a) Risk of software weaknesses: The User understands and accepts that the Smart
Contract System concept, the underlying software application and software
platform (i.e. the Ethereum blockchain) is still in an early development stage
and unproven, that there is no warranty that the process for creating SHKG will
be uninterrupted or error-free and that there is an inherent risk that the
software could contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities or bugs causing, inter alia,
the complete loss of ETH and/or SHKG.
b) Regulatory risk: The User understands and accepts that the blockchain
technology allows new forms of interaction and that it is possible that certain
jurisdictions will apply existing regulations on, or introduce new regulations
addressing, blockchain technology-based applications, which may be contrary to
the current setup of the Smart Contract System and which may, inter alia, result
in substantial modifications of the Smart Contract System and/or the SharkGate
Platform, including its termination and the loss of SHKG for the User.
c) Risk of abandonment / lack of success: The User understands and accepts that
the creation of the SHKG and the development of the SharkGate Platform may be
abandoned for a number of reasons, including lack of interest from the public,
lack of funding, lack of commercial success or prospects (e.g. caused by
competing projects). The User, therefore, understands that there is no assurance
that, even if the SharkGate Platform is partially or fully developed and
launched, the User will receive any benefits through the SHKG held by him.
d) Risk associated with other applications: The User understands and accepts
that the SharkGate Platform and/or particular SharkGate Platforms may give rise
to other, alternative projects, promoted by unaffiliated third parties, under
which SHKG will have no intrinsic value.
e) Risk of loss of private key: SHKG can only be accessed by using an Ethereum
wallet with a combination of User’s account information (address), private key
and password. The private key is encrypted with a password. The User understands
and accepts that if his private key file or password respectively got lost or
stolen, the obtained SHKG associated with the User’s account (address) or
password will be unrecoverable and will be permanently lost.
f) Risk of theft: The User understands and accepts that the Smart Contract
System concept, the underlying software application and software platform (i.e.
the Ethereum blockchain) may be exposed to attacks by hackers or other
individuals that that could result in theft or loss of SHKG or ETH, impacting
the ability to develop the SharkGate Platform.
g) Risk of Ethereum mining attacks: The User understands and accepts that, as
with other cryptocurrencies, the blockchain used for the Smart Contract System
is susceptible to mining attacks, including but not limited to double-spend
attacks, majority mining power attacks, “selfish-mining” attacks, race condition
attacks and other methods. Any successful attacks present a risk to the Smart
Contract System, expected proper execution and sequencing of SHKG transactions,
and expected proper execution and sequencing of contract computations.

17/. Taxation – The User bears the sole responsibility to determine if his
contribution into the Smart Contract System for the development of the SharkGate
Platform, the creation, ownership or use of SHKG, the potential appreciation or
depreciation in the value of SHKG over time, the sale and purchase of SHKG
and/or any other action or transaction related to the SharkGate Platform have
tax implications for him.

18/. By creating, holding or using SHKG, and to the extent permitted by law, the
User agrees not to hold any third party, including developers, auditors,
contractors or founders, liable for any tax liability associated with or arising
from the creation, ownership or use of SHKG or any other action or transaction
related to the SharkGate Platform.

19/. No Liability The User acknowledges and agrees that, to the fullest extent
permitted by any applicable law, the User will not hold any developers, auditors
contractors or founders of the SHKG, the Smart Contract System and/or SharkGate
liable for any and all damages or injury whatsoever caused by or related to the
use of, or the inability to use, SHKG or the Smart Contract System under any
cause or action whatsoever of any kind in any jurisdiction, including, without
limitation, actions for breach of warranty, breach of contract or tort
(including negligence) and that developers, auditors contractors or founders of
the Smart Contract System, the SHKG and/or the SharkGate Platform shall not be
liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential
damages, including for loss of profits, goodwill or data, in any way whatsoever
arising out of the use of, or the inability to use of the Smart Contract System,
the SharkGate Platform and/or SHKG.

20/. The User further specifically acknowledges that developers, auditors,
contractors or founders of the SHKG, Smart Contract System and/or the SharkGate
Platform are not liable, and the User agrees not to seek to hold them liable,
for the conduct of third parties, including other creators of SHKG, and that the
risk of creating, holding and using SHKG rests entirely with the User.

21/. By creating, holding or using SHKG, and to the extent permitted by law, the
User agrees not to hold any third party, including developers, auditors,
contractors or founders, liable for any regulatory implications or liability
associated with or arising from the creation, ownership or use of SHKG or any
other action or transaction related to the SharkGate Platform.

22/. Miscellaneous – The User understands and accepts that the network of miners
will be ultimately in control of the Smart Contract System. The User understands
that a majority of these miners could agree at any point to make changes to the
official Smart Contract System and to run the new version of the Smart Contract
System. Such a scenario could lead to SHKG losing intrinsic value.

23/. The User agrees that if any portion of these Terms is found illegal or
unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall, as to such
jurisdiction, be ineffective solely to the extent of such determination of
invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the validity or enforceability
thereof in any other manner or jurisdiction and without affecting the remaining
provisions of the Terms, which shall continue to be in full force and effect.

24/. The Terms govern the creation, ownership, and use of SHKG and supersede any
public statements about the launch of SHKG and/or the Smart Contract System made
by anyone in the past, present and future.

25/. By purchasing the SHKG token, I acknowledge that I have read and accepted
Sharkgate’s terms & conditions. I specifically acknowledge that any cancellation
rights or warranties granted in any applicable jurisdiction are simultaneously
lost with the immediate delivery of the SHKG token.

Final / 1st of May 2018

I have read and agree to the SHKG Creation and SharkGate Platform Conditions.


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