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Text Content

Copyright © 1952-2024
Re-evaluation Counseling Community Resources, Inc.
all rights reserved.
 * member log in

 * home

 * thought of the day

 * contact

 * For People New to RC
 * The Origins of RC
 * Articles and Publications
   * Translations and Language Liberation
     * Acholiluo
     * Afrikaans
     * Amharic
     * Arabic
     * Euskara (Basque)
     * Chinese
     * Hrvatskijezik (Croatian)
     * Dansk (Danish)
     * Nederlands (Dutch)
       * Nederlands Voorlopige Vertalingen
     * Esperanto
     * Farsi
     * Filipino
     * Suomea (Finnish)
     * Français (French)
     * Frisian
     * Deutsch (German)
     * Greek
     * Hebrew
     * Hindi
     * Magyar (Hungarian)
     * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
     * Italiano (Italian)
     * Japanese
     * Kannada
     * Kiswahili
     * Korean
     * Malayalam
     * Marathi
     * Norsk (Norwegian)
     * Polski (Polish)
     * Portuguès (Portuguese)
     * Limba Român (Romanian)
     * Russian
     * Sami
     * Shona
     * Slovensky (Slovak)
     * Español (Spanish)
     * Svenska (Swedish)
     * Tamil
     * Telugu
   * Subscriptions
   * Present Time & Other Journals
     * Present Time
     * For Subscribers to Digital Present Time
       * Contents 198
       * Contents 199
       * Contents 200
       * Contents 201
       * Contents 202
       * Contents 203
       * Contents 204
       * Contents 205
       * Contents 206
       * Contents 207
       * Contents 208
       * Contents 209
       * Contents 210
       * Contents 211
       * Contents 212
     * PDF Downloads
     * Recent Articles
     * RC Journals
   * Online/Downloadable Books, Pamphlets, and Audio Recordings
     * RC Theory
   * Publication Updates, Supplements, and Corrections
     * Fundamentals Teaching Guide Part II (Liberation) Readings
     * Fundamentals Teaching Guide Resources
       * Fundamentals Teaching Guide Part I
   * Resources for RC Editors
   * Rational Island Publications website help
   * Articles by category
     * Community Building
     * RC Liberation Theory
     * Ending Racism
     * Transformation of Society
     * Teaching RC
       * Articles About Teaching
       * Fundamentals Class Outlines
     * Care of the Environment
     * Other Important Categories
     * Articles from recent issues of Present Time
   * Important Articles by Harvey Jackins
 * Human Liberation
   * Our Work to End Racism and Genocide
   * International Liberation and Commonality Reference People
   * Draft Liberation Policy Statements
     * Draft Program for Native Liberation
     * Care of the Environment Draft Policy and Draft Program on Climate Change
     * Women's Policy Statement
     * Draft Policy on Disability Liberation
     * Liberation of Basque People
     * Raised Poor Draft Policy Statement
     * "Mental Health" Oppression and Liberation
     * Older Draft Policy Statements
     * Drafts of drafts
   * Liberation theory articles
   * No Limits for Women
     * Mission Statement
     * NGO Forum CSW60 No Limits workshops
     * Publications
     * Photos of No Limits at Beijing Plus 20
     * Video excerpts of No Limits at Beijing Plus 20
     * Women's March
     * The Basics of RC Women’s Liberation
   * Language Liberation
   * Re-evaluation Foundation
     * About the Re-evaluation Foundation
     * Information for Contributors
     * Grant applicants
     * Selected projects
       * Overview
       * Leadership Global Majority
       * Global Initiatives
       * Development of Young People
       * Care of the Environment and Sustaining All Life
     * Foundation leadership
     * Foundation finances
     * Contact the Foundation
   * Articles by Tim on the Transformation of Society
 * RC literature
 * Three RC Websites
   * Three RC Websites
 * Care of the Environment
   * Climate Change and the RC Communities
   * Unified Goal on the Climate
   * Care of the Environment
   * Sustaining All Life
   * Climate Change Resources (from outside the RC Community)
 * Community Organization
   * Guidelines
     * 2022 Guidelines for the RC Community
     * Guidelines for Use of the Electronic Lists
     * Goals of the RC Community
     * Articles Supporting the Guidelines
   * Workshops
     * Web site Organizing Tools
       * Web site Organizing Tools Class 1
       * Web site Organizing Tools Class 2
       * Web site Organizing Tools Class 3
       * Web site Organizing Tools Class 4
   * Forms
     * Regional and International
     * Outside USA
     * Inside the USA
     * Order Forms
     * Teacher Applications
   * COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the RC Community
   * Community Goals
   * Electronic Mailing Lists
   * RC Webinars
     * Listing of webinars
   * Local
     * Norway
     * Victoria, Australia
     * NYC/NJ metropolitan area
     * Alameda
     * Seattle RC Community
     * Washington DC RC Community
 * Counseling Practice
   * How to Begin
     * Online classes
       * Apply for Online Class
       * Lesson 1: Basic Human Nature/Listening
       * Lesson 2: Distress Recordings and Distress Patterns
       * Lesson 3: Discharge
       * Lesson 4: The Role of Counselor and Client
       * Lesson 5: Fundamental Counseling Techniques
       * Lesson 6: More on Contradictions
       * Lesson 7: And Even More on Techniques and Contradictions
       * Lesson 8: The Early Roots of Distress Recordings
       * Lesson 9: Co-counseling Session Reports
       * Lesson 10: Rational Human Needs and Addictions
       * Lesson 11: Oppression and Liberation: An Introduction
       * Lesson 12: The Counseling Relationship
       * Lesson 13: Thinking, Logic and Power
       * Lesson 14: Setting Goals
       * Lesson 15: Reality
       * Lesson 16: Our Goodness, Our Relationships, and Our Confidence and Hope
       * Lesson 17: More on Oppression and Liberation: The Basics and Ending
       * Lesson 18: Overview of Other Major Forms of Oppression
       * Lesson 19: Counseling on Relationships, Closeness, and Sex
       * Lesson 20: Care of the Environment
       * Lesson 21: RC Learning Theory
       * Lesson 22: RC Literature - Reading and Writing
       * Lesson 23: The RC Community, Teaching, Leaading and Inviting
       * While You Wait
     * Classes near you
     * How to Begin RC
   * Counseling Techniques
     * Commitments
   * Welcome to RC
   * Basic Theory
   * Perspectives
     * IRP Perspectives
     * Taking a Needed Initiative (on the climate emergency)
     * On the Middle East
     * On the Middle East
     * Ending War
     * On 9 / 11
   * Harvey Jackins
   * Videos on Community Building, Counseling, and Liberation
   * Glossary of RC Terms
     * Comprehensive Glossary of RC Terms
     * Glossary of terms for people new to RC
 * Search



Sustaining All Life:
World Social Forum


Raised Poor &
Climate Emergency
April 20
Gwen Brown
Janet Kabue



The articles here communicate the thinking of the author at the time they were
written. All of our thinking and policy evolves.


Introductions to RC theory, perspectives, and experiences, see


Present Time, Digital Present Time, other publications information and content.
Articles, online publications, RCTU CDs and downloads, translations, resources
for editors, and a link to the RC Bookstore.


A brief history of Re-evaluation Counseling


The liberation of humans from oppression and hurts is our primary goal. Examples
of our work on racism, classism, language liberation and other areas of human


Excellent books and pamphlets have been written about Re-evaluation Counseling,
for beginners and more experienced people.

Redirects to the RC Bookstore.


Our work on the environment, climate change, and Sustaining All Life.


The RC Communities maintain 3 different websites.


Forms (including self-calculating forms for online events), Guidelines, Goals,
workshop organizing, email lists, local websites, using Zoom for RC events.


An extended discussion of our theory and practice, including recent videos,
counseling techniques, "How to Begin RC," and our basic theory.


Search through the pages and publications contained in the RC website.