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Submission: On June 19 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

POST /cart

<form action="/cart" method="post" class="relative overflow-y-auto flex-auto" novalidate="">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-gutter bg-border">
    <template x-for="(item, index) in state.items" :key="item.key">
      <div class="flex py-4 section-x-padding transition bg-scheme-background" :class="{ 'opacity-50 cursor-wait': item.updating }" :data-cart-item-index="(index + 1)" :data-cart-item-key="item.key" data-cart-row="">
        <template x-if="!(item.featured_image.url === null)">
          <div class="flex-shrink-0 w-10 md:w-20 mr-4">
            <a :href="item.url" class="block" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
                      <img class="w-full text-transparent" :src="getSizedImageUrl(item.featured_image.url, '110x')" :srcset="getCartImgSrcset(item.featured_image.url)" :width="item.featured_image.width" :height="item.featured_image.height" :alt="item.product_title" sizes="(min-width: 48em) 5rem, 3.5rem">
                      <pre x-text="item.featured_image.src"></pre>
        <div class="flex-auto">
          <a class="f--heading font-size--m md--up--font-size--l color--active-text" :href="item.url" x-text="item.product_title"></a>
          <template x-if="item.variant_title">
            <p class="text-sm" x-text="item.variant_title"></p>
          <template x-if="item.selling_plan_allocation">
            <p class="text-sm" x-text=""></p>
          <template x-for="property in flatProperties(" :key="">
            <p class="text-sm">
              <span x-text=""></span>: <span x-text="property.value"></span>
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <ul class="lg:hidden mt-1 text-sm text-scheme-accent" aria-label="Discount">
              <template x-for="allocation in item.line_level_discount_allocations">
                <li class="">
                  <span x-text="allocation.discount_application.title"></span>
                  <template x-if="allocation.amount > 0">
                    <span class="whitespace-nowrap">−<span x-html="formatMoney(allocation.amount)"></span></span>
          <div class="flex mt-1 lg:mt-2 items-center">
            <button class="w-6 p-1" data-qty-adjust="minus" @click.prevent="qtyAdjust($event, item)" :aria-label="'Remove one ' + item.title">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-minus" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M20 11v2H4v-2z"></path>
            <input type="text" name="updates[]" class="min-w-0 w-6 py-1 text-center text-sm border-b-text border-current bg-transparent" min="1" aria-label="Quantity" data-qty-input="" pattern="[0-9]*" data-qty-adjust="set"
              @keyup.debounce.1000ms="keyupOnInput($event)" @change="qtyAdjust($event, item)" x-model.number="item.quantity" autocomplete="off">
            <button class="w-6 p-1" data-qty-adjust="plus" @click.prevent="qtyAdjust($event, item)" :aria-label="'Add one ' + item.title">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-plus" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M20 11v2h-7v7h-2v-7H4v-2h7V4h2v7z"></path>
          <button class="none lg:inline-block mt-1 lg:mt-2 text-sm" data-qty-adjust="remove" @click.prevent="qtyAdjust($event, item)">
            <small>Remove </small>
            <span class="visually-hidden" x-text="item.title"></span>
        <div class="ml-1 text-right">
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
              <span class="visually-hidden">Regular price</span>
              <del class="line-through" x-html="formatMoney(item.original_price)"></del>
              <span class="visually-hidden">Sale price</span>
              <span class="" x-html="formatMoney(item.final_line_price)"></span>
          <template x-if="!item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <span class="" x-html="formatMoney(item.final_line_price)"></span>
          <template x-if="item.unit_price_measurement">
            <div class="text-xs">
              <span x-html="formatMoney(item.unit_price)"></span> / <span x-text="item.unit_price_measurement.reference_value"></span>
              <span x-text="item.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit"></span>
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <ul class="hidden lg:block mt-1 text-sm text-scheme-accent" aria-label="Discount">
              <template x-for="allocation in item.line_level_discount_allocations">
                <li class="">
                  <span x-text="allocation.discount_application.title"></span>
                  <template x-if="allocation.amount > 0">
                    <span class="whitespace-nowrap">−<span x-html="formatMoney(allocation.amount)"></span></span>
  <div class="border-t-grid border-grid-color py-4 section-x-padding">
    <label for="CartSpecialInstructions" class="text-sm"> Add a note to your order </label>
    <textarea name="note" id="CartSpecialInstructions" class="block mt-1 p-2 w-full border-text border-current text-sm bg-transparent" :class="{ 'opacity-50 cursor-wait' : noteUpdating }" x-text="state.note"
      @keyup.debounce.1000ms="keyupOnInput($event)" @change="updateNote($event)">              </textarea>
  <div class="bottom-0 py-4 section-x-padding bg-scheme-background border-t-grid border-grid-color">
    <div :class="{ 'opacity-50  cursor-wait': updating }">
      <template x-if="state.cart_level_discount_applications.length" x-for="application in state.cart_level_discount_applications">
        <p class="flex justify-between text-scheme-accent">
          <span class="visually-hidden">Discount</span>
          <span x-text="application.title"></span>
          <span class="ml-2" x-html="formatMoney(application.total_allocated_amount)"></span>
      <p class="flex justify-between">
        <span class="ml-2" x-html="formatMoney(state.total_price)"></span>
      <p class="my-2 md:my-4 text-sm accent-links-scheme text-right"> Tax included and shipping calculated at checkout </p>
      <div class="text-right">
          <input type="submit" name="checkout" class="cursor-pointer py-2 px-4 w-full  bg-scheme-accent text-scheme-accent-overlay border-text border-scheme-text hover:bg-scheme-text hover:text-scheme-text-overlay" :disabled="updating"
            value="Check out">
        <div class="w-full md:mt-2 additional-checkout-buttons ">
          <div class="dynamic-checkout__content" id="dynamic-checkout-cart" data-shopify="dynamic-checkout-cart"></div>

GET /search

<form class="my-6 section-x-padding" action="/search" method="get" role="search">
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            d="M10.533 17.438a6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96 6.96 6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96 6.96zm6.949-1.314a8.917 8.917 0 002.01-5.646c0-4.941-4.02-8.96-8.96-8.96-4.94 0-8.96 4.019-8.96 8.96 0 4.94 4.02 8.96 8.96 8.96 2.082 0 3.996-.72 5.52-1.916l4.962 4.96 1.415-1.413-4.947-4.945z">
      <span class="visually-hidden">Submit</span>

GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" class="input-group search" role="search">
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GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" class="input-group search" role="search">
  <input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last"><label for="search-logo_left_menu_spread-mobile" class="hidden">Submit</label>
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    <template x-if="loading &amp;&amp; !results">
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POST /contact#Contact-sections--16989834870962__footer

<form method="post" action="/contact#Contact-sections--16989834870962__footer" id="Contact-sections--16989834870962__footer" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="contact-form"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="customer"><input type="hidden"
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POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="localization_form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="shopify-localization-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-disclosure-form=""><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input
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  <div class="inline-block">
    <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="country-heading"> Country/region </h2>
    <div class="relative" data-disclosure-country="">
      <button type="button" class="text-sm border-b-text border-scheme-text py-1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="country-list" aria-describedby="country-heading" data-disclosure-toggle=""> Australia (AUD $) <span
          class="inline-block ml-1 w-3 fill-current">
          <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12 16.596L4.222 8.818l1.414-1.414L12 13.768l6.364-6.364 1.414 1.414z"></path>
      <ul id="country-list" class="disclosure-list absolute bg-scheme-background opacity-0 top-0 left-0 lg:left-auto lg:right-0 transform transition-opacity border-text border-theme-color py-1 sm:py-2" data-disclosure-list="" inert=""
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Afghanistan (AFN ؋)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AX" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Åland Islands (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Albania (ALL L)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Algeria (DZD د.ج)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Andorra (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Angola (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Anguilla (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Antigua &amp; Barbuda (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Argentina (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Armenia (AMD դր.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Aruba (AWG ƒ)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Ascension Island (SHP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" aria-current="true" data-value="AU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-scheme-text border-b-text">Australia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Austria (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="AZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Azerbaijan (AZN ₼)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bahamas (BSD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bahrain (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bangladesh (BDT ৳)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BB" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Barbados (BBD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Belarus (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Belgium (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Belize (BZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BJ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Benin (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bermuda (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bhutan (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bolivia (BOB Bs.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina (BAM КМ)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Botswana (BWP P)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Brazil (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">British Indian Ocean Territory (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="VG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">British Virgin Islands (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Brunei (BND $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Bulgaria (BGN лв.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Burkina Faso (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Burundi (BIF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cambodia (KHR ៛)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cameroon (XAF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Canada (CAD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CV" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cape Verde (CVE $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BQ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Caribbean Netherlands (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cayman Islands (KYD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Central African Republic (XAF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Chad (XAF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Chile (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">China (CNY ¥)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CX" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Christmas Island (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Colombia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Comoros (KMF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Congo - Brazzaville (XAF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Congo - Kinshasa (CDF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cook Islands (NZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Costa Rica (CRC ₡)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Côte d’Ivoire (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="HR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Croatia (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Curaçao (ANG ƒ)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Cyprus (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Czechia (CZK Kč)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Denmark (DKK kr.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DJ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Djibouti (DJF Fdj)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Dominica (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Dominican Republic (DOP $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="EC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Ecuador (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="EG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Egypt (EGP ج.م)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SV" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">El Salvador (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GQ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Equatorial Guinea (XAF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ER" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Eritrea (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="EE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Estonia (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Eswatini (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ET" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Ethiopia (ETB Br)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="FK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Falkland Islands (FKP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="FO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Faroe Islands (DKK kr.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="FJ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Fiji (FJD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="FI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Finland (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="FR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">France (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">French Guiana (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">French Polynesia (XPF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">French Southern Territories (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Gabon (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Gambia (GMD D)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Georgia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="DE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Germany (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Ghana (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Gibraltar (GBP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Greece (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Greenland (DKK kr.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Grenada (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GP" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guadeloupe (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guatemala (GTQ Q)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guernsey (GBP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guinea (GNF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Guyana (GYD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="HT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Haiti (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="HN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Honduras (HNL L)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="HK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Hong Kong SAR (HKD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="HU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Hungary (HUF Ft)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Iceland (ISK kr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">India (INR ₹)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ID" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Indonesia (IDR Rp)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IQ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Iraq (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Ireland (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Isle of Man (GBP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Israel (ILS ₪)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="IT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Italy (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="JM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Jamaica (JMD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="JP" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Japan (JPY ¥)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="JE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Jersey (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="JO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Jordan (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kazakhstan (KZT 〒)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kenya (KES KSh)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kiribati (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="XK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kosovo (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kuwait (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Kyrgyzstan (KGS som)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Laos (LAK ₭)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LV" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Latvia (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LB" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Lebanon (LBP ل.ل)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Lesotho (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Liberia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Libya (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Liechtenstein (CHF CHF)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Lithuania (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Luxembourg (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Macao SAR (MOP P)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Madagascar (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Malawi (MWK MK)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Malaysia (MYR RM)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MV" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Maldives (MVR MVR)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ML" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mali (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Malta (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MQ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Martinique (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mauritania (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mauritius (MUR ₨)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="YT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mayotte (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MX" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mexico (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Moldova (MDL L)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Monaco (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mongolia (MNT ₮)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ME" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Montenegro (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Montserrat (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Morocco (MAD د.م.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Mozambique (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Namibia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Nauru (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NP" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Nepal (NPR ₨)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Netherlands (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">New Caledonia (XPF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">New Zealand (NZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Nicaragua (NIO C$)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Niger (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Nigeria (NGN ₦)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Niue (NZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Norfolk Island (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">North Macedonia (MKD ден)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="NO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Norway (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="OM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Oman (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Pakistan (PKR ₨)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Palestinian Territories (ILS ₪)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Panama (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Papua New Guinea (PGK K)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PY" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Paraguay (PYG ₲)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Peru (PEN S/.)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Philippines (PHP ₱)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Pitcairn Islands (NZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Poland (PLN zł)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Portugal (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="QA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Qatar (QAR ر.ق)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="RE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Réunion (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="RO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Romania (RON Lei)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="RU" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Russia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="RW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Rwanda (RWF FRw)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="WS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Samoa (WST T)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">San Marino (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ST" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (STD Db)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Senegal (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="RS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Serbia (RSD РСД)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Seychelles (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Sierra Leone (SLL Le)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Singapore (SGD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SX" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Slovakia (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SI" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Slovenia (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SB" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Solomon Islands (SBD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Somalia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ZA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">South Africa (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="GS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (GBP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">South Korea (KRW ₩)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SS" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">South Sudan (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="ES" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Spain (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Sri Lanka (LKR ₨)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="BL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Barthélemy (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Helena (SHP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="KN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="LC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Lucia (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="MF" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Martin (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="PM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (EUR €)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="VC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (XCD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SD" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Sudan (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Suriname (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SJ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="SE" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Sweden (SEK kr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="CH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Switzerland (CHF CHF)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TW" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Taiwan (TWD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TJ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TZ" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tanzania (TZS Sh)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TH" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Thailand (THB ฿)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TL" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Timor-Leste (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Togo (XOF Fr)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TK" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tokelau (NZD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TO" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tonga (TOP T$)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TT" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Trinidad &amp; Tobago (TTD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TA" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tristan da Cunha (GBP £)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TN" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tunisia (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TR" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Türkiye (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Turkmenistan (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TC" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="TV" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Tuvalu (AUD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="UM" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $)</span>
        <li class="text-xs sm:text-sm w-28 sm:w-40">
          <a class="block p-2" href="#" data-value="UG" data-disclosure-option="" tabindex="-1">
                          <span class="border-transparent border-b-text">Uganda (UGX USh)</span>
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