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Selecting the right ignition fuse can be confusing. What speed do I need? How
much of each type? At Skylighter we like to keep it simple! So, r...

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Airfloat charcoal is extremely fine mixed hardwood charcoal. The most commonly
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So what's an e-match tester? It's a circuit that safely tests the electrical
path to ensure your e-match is correctly connected and not a dud. Jus...

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Want to make black powder yourself? This kit contains enough chemicals to make
10 lbs. of black powder. This saves you about 20% vs. buying the che...

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Fireworks making uses a lot of pretty primitive tech. Over the years creative
fireworkers have augmented their age-old art with new methods and occasionally
some high-tech tools. From automatic computer controlled shell pasting machines
to today's 3D printed firework parts...

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PLANNING AND PREPPING STARS AND PRIME For this article, we'll be making cut
stars. You will need stars and supplies and tools to make these stars and can
find several items in your local grocery store, or dollar store. Have...

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WARNING: This kit contains chemicals that may be harmful to use or store. It
deals with the mixing and construction of pyrotechnic devices and as such, they
are sensitive to friction, heat, open flame and moisture and must be handled,...

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