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MobiDrive | 1T Personal Cloud Storage | Store, Sync, Secure and Share your Files
| 1 User / 1 Year

MobiDrive is the secure cloud storage ensuring your important files are easily
accessible on any Windows PC. Keep your local storages clean and your files safe
with up to 1 TB (1000 GB) of cloud space. From its powerful file management
options, to its cross-platform and file-sharing capabilities, let’s have a look
at everything MobiDrive has to offer.

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Reseller Ratings


MobiDrive | 2T Personal Cloud Storage | Store, Sync, Secure and Share your Files
| 1 User / 1 Year

MobiDrive is the secure cloud storage ensuring your important files are easily
accessible on any Windows PC. Keep your local storages clean and your files safe
with up to 2 TB (2000 GB) of cloud space. From its powerful file management
options, to its cross-platform and file-sharing capabilities, let’s have a look
at everything MobiDrive has to offer.

MobiDrive Security offers state-of-the-art encryption technology, ensuring that
your data remains secure and protected from unauthorized access. With
military-grade encryption algorithms, your information is virtually impenetrable
to hackers and cybercriminals.

This easy-to-use app provides a user-friendly interface, allowing you to quickly
and easily encrypt and decrypt your files. You can also create custom passwords
for your files, adding an extra layer of protection.

MobiDrive Security supports all popular file formats, including documents,
images, and videos. You can store your files locally on your device or on cloud
storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

With MobiDrive Security, you can rest easy knowing that your sensitive data is
safe and secure. Don't take any chances with your important files – try
MobiDrive Security today!

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More Information Operating System Windows Features

MobiDrive | 1T Personal Cloud Storage | Store, Sync, Secure and Share your Files
| 1 User / 1 Year

MobiDrive Features

Safe & Practical Storage

 * Quickly Sync, Store or Download any file and folder.
 * Dedicated MobiDrive folder integrated with Windows Explorer for fast and easy
   syncing of files.

In-Depth File Management

 * Store and manage any file type.
 * Sync only specific folders to your PC with Selective sync feature.
 * Get a quick view of recent files and other practical information with the
   handy desktop widget.
 * Enjoy advanced integration with MobiSystems apps on all platforms.
 * View and manage recently accessed files (Recent files).
 * 180 days of File Protection - Each file stored in the Bin will be there for
   30 days before being removed. This includes access to each file’s Version
   Histories for up to 30 days back.

 On-The-Go & Sharing Capabilities

 * Cross-platform sync to MobiDrive’s browser version, as well as the Android
   and iOS apps.
 * Share files as an attachment or using a handy Download link.

System Requirements

MobiDrive | 1T Personal Cloud Storage | Store, Sync, Secure and Share your Files
| 1 User / 1 Year

MobiDrive System Requirements

Windows PC

 * Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 11
 * Processor: 32-bit and 64-bit architectures are both supported
 * Memory: 1 GB
 * Storage: 500 MB of free space
 * Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later
 * .NET version: .NET 4.8 (installed by OfficeSuite Setup if not present)


 * Supported OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop or later


 * Supported OS: iOS 15.0 or later

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You're reviewing:MobiDrive Personal 1000 (Yearly subscription)




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