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Update Sherwood
Your #1 source for Dominic Sherwood
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Welcome to UpdateSherwood, your first source for British actor Dominic Anthony
Sherwood since 2015. You may recognize Dominic for his role of Jace Herondale in
the ABC Family's TV series "Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments", based on the
popular book series "The Mortal Instruments" written by Cassandra Clare. We aim
to provide you with all the latest news, photos, and much more. Thank you for

Official Links

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Upcoming Events

APR 10 - 11, 2021
Mortal Hunters Con. Dusseldorf, Germany
MAY 29 - 31, 2021
Heroes of the Shadow World. New York City, USA
JULY 3 - 4, 2021
The Hunters of Shadow 4. Paris, France
SEPT 4 - 5, 2021
Pandemonium Con. London, UK

MOVIE: VAMPIRE ACADEMY Dominic as: Christian Ozera Released: 2016
Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, half human-half vampire, a guardian of the Moroi,
peaceful, mortal vampires living discreetly within our world. Her calling is to
protect the Moroi from bloodthirsty, immortal Vampires, the Strigoi.

TV SERIES: SHADOWHUNTERS Dominic as: Jace Herondale Released: 2016 - 2019
After her mother disappears, Clary must venture into the dark world of demon
hunting, and embrace her new role among the Shadowhunters.

MOVIE: TAKE DOWN Dominic as: James Herrick Released: 2016
Students at a reforming school for rebellious rich kids take matters into their
own hands after the campus is taken hostage by a group of criminals.

MOVIE: DON'T SLEEP Dominic as: Zack Bradford Released: 2017
After moving into a cottage together, two young lovers confront the horrors of a
forgotten childhood.

TV SERIES: PENNY DREADFUL, CITY OF ANGELS Dominic as: Kurt Released: 2020
Series inspired by 'Penny Dreadful, set in 1938 Los Angeles, exploring a mix of
supernatural and reality with characters connected to the deity Santa Muerte and
the Devil.
Shop here


About: Dominic Sherwood
Established: April 2015
Currently Online: 5
Website Visits: 4576533

Our site claims no credit for any videos posted on this site unless stated
otherwise. Information on this blog are copyright to their respectful owners. If
there is any content appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish
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January 13, 2021


For the first question he said that he enjoyed spending the time in LA with his
pets during quarantine even though he missed his family and friends.

The second question is about believing in ghosts and supernatural. He said he
doesn’t really believe in that, even though once he stayed in a haunted house.

Next question is about what he misses about England. He said he misses his
family, his friends, pubs, the attitude and not having deadly poisonous animal

If he could be any other person in the world for a few days he would be Hitler
and get hit by a car. But if he had to do something funny, Robert Downey Jr.
because he enjoyed his journey to who he is today.

They asked him if he has new projects but he can’t say anything about it.

The next question is about what he is the most proud of accomplishing this year.
He said that he made some improvements to himself and that he’s proud of it.

In 2021 he looks forward the CoVid-19 vaccine and being able to travel and leave
LA for a little bit.

His favourite cast mate to travel would be either Matt or Alberto, he travelled
with both and he can’t pick between them.

If he could be in any tv show he would be in “Taxi” with Danny De Vito, the
original one.

If he could direct any movie based on a book it would be on “Letters from
Alcatraz” which he read some years ago.

He said Dan really loves when he’s home and he’s worried about what will happen
when he will go back to work.

The country he’d really like to visit would be in Southern Asia because he
really likes those places. When it’s safe to do so, obviously.

If he could be anything else in Shadowhunters he would be a demon because they
have the best powers and abilities. So maybe Jonathan.

His path to learning Spanish isn’t going well but he’ll continue learning and he
hopes he’ll do some progresses.

It’s hardest scene in Shadowhunters is the one in Jace’s mind because emotional
scenes are the most draining ones and if he could be a superhero he would be
Superman or if British approves, he could also be Captain America.

One of his favourite things they did on Shadowhunters is showing that men can
also be emotional, in the parabatai scene for example.

For the last question he had to choose between being a lead role or working as a
supporting role with his favourite actors/actresses. He said it depends. He was
a lead in Shadowhunters, but he accepted Penny Dreadful because he had the
possibility to work with big names. 

January 13, 2021


First question was about who is the best at giving gifts. Alberto said that the
only one that always gives him gifts is Katherine and said the coolest gifts
received from her is the complete screenplay of “The Godfather”.

The next question was for Matt and it was about the parabatai tracking scene and
what it was like to film it. Matthew said that he started laughing as soon as he
looked straight into Dom’s eyes, because one of his eyes is “wrong”. He also
thought that Dominic’s life purpose was boiling down to Matt having to look him
in the eye in that scene.

Irene then asked which book they’d open first if books were portals. Alberto
said Harry Potter, because he wants to be a wizard. Matt said he’d go into a
Harry Potter book and then he’d open up Moby Dick.

They then started critizicing Katherine’s gingerbread house.

Next question was about who caused the most chaos on set and who behaved best.
Alberto said they all know the answers to the question: Kat was the one who
caused the most chaos and Dominic behaved best. Matt said he never caused
problems and Dominic agreed saying he was boring.

The last question was about who is the hardest to buy gifts for. Matt said he
thinks he’s the easier one, because he accepts everything. Dominic said Kat is
the tricky one because she wants everything.

November 25, 2020


The first question was about which song their character would absolutely have in
their playlist.
Matt said “Don’t stop me now” by Queen, Kat said “Fragile World” by Simon Lewis,
Nicola said that in season three it would probably be “Single Ladies” by
Beyoncé, “Redemption Song”  by Bob Morley and the Wallers for season two and
Star Wars’ imperial March for season one. Will said “Lasagna Man” by Adele,
which isn’t real but it’s perfect for his character and Dom said “Danger Zone”
by Kenny Loggins.

In the second question they’ve been asked if they missed training for fighting
They all said they wouldn’t be able to do the same things they did during
Shadowhunters now. It was hard work and they all enjoyed working out together
and Kat added that they were all like big brothers to her and helped her doing
the exercise correctly. They also said that Kat was the only one who got out
without serious injuries. Dom said Will was the only one who didn’t hit him, in
fact Matt punched him in the face and Kat stabbed him.

The last question is about what they miss the most about Shadowhunters.
Kat was the first to answer and said she misses spend time with all the cast.
Alan said he too misses the cast, especially Matt’s explainations about cows.
Matt and Nicola agreed with Kat, Nicola added that they were her first friends
after she became a mum. Will said he also misses the craft table but mostly he
misses his character and screaming at people. Nicola then asked him what his
favorite thing at the craft table was and he said he loved the nuts, while
Matthew remembers the ham and chees melted croissant.

November 22, 2020


The first question was about Matt and Kat’s new project “Push” and they both
said they’re playing very different character from what they were used to and
they had a lot of fun filming it, there’s a lot going on. Matt also said that
people will debate about the characters.

Irene’s question was about their characters Kurt, Mia and Alec: if they’d like
each other when they’d first meet and how would they organise an escape plan
together. Kat said that Mia and Alec probably would do some kind of archery
competition and that they’d be confused  about Kurt’s outfit. Dom said Alec
wouldn’t like the other people and Matt added he would be perplexed on why
they’re not wearing fighting gear but they’ll keep it professional and they’ll
try to find an escape plan.

Evelin’s question was about who managed to stay in a better shape during the
show without messing up their diets. Dom mentioned that Alberto was way too in
good shape and had to “diet back” at one point. Matt said that the show was
filmed in a long period of time so when they had time off it was really hard to
stick to the diet and Dom added that they started eating cheeseburgers and
donuts on the first day of freedom.

Next question was about what they took from set. Dom and Matt started saying
that Kat got everything, she came in with a trolley and took everything she
could and that know she’s denying so she wouldn’t get sued. They then started
talking about how they tried to hide things that happened while shooting, like
when some things fell or Dom punching the mirror and hiding is bloody hand or
Kat’s broken heel in Paris.

For the next question they had to tell a funny story from set. Matt said the day
when they were fighting a demon and he shot an arrow to the microphone. Dom
mentioned when they shoot zooms scenes on their face because it was very hard to
not burst out laughing. Kat also mentioned the first scene with the werewolves
in season one.

Elizabeth’s question was about what would they do when the pandemic will end.
Dom plans to go back to England as soon as he can and then wherever work needs
him to be. Matt said Dom shouldn’t leave because he just got there. They then
started talking about Dan and how big he is and how he needs more attention than
an actual child.

Last question was about where they would like to play and which character if
they could choose their next role. Matt would play a bad guy in a jungle who
will be attacked by an animal at one point, Dom and Kat said they’d like to go

November 22, 2020


First question: date and place of birth. Matt got the place right, Kent, but
said that Dom’s birthday is everyday in his heart. Dom said Matt was born in
Dumb-Dumb town on Novambuary 32nd. Then they discussed that Matt was born in NYC
and moved to  dumb-dumb town after that moment, and that they also named the
wing after him.

Second question: the other one’s student job. Dom said Matt has never worked a
day in his life, so they started discussing about how they actually met if he
had never worked before: a guy who was always on set for no reason. His student
job actually was as an astrophysics intern. Dom’s student job was a barman but
Matt thought it was a job at a summer camp. Matt also asked if every British
male has to work in a pub at least once in their life.

Third question: favourite country they’ve traveled to together. Dom said Crete
and Matt said Spain, then he complained that the question was about a country
and not the specific place so Dom said that what he wrote actually was the
Sanskrit for “Spain”. They both actually enjoyed Spain and Greece very much
because they’ve visited beautiful places (like the zoo, Matt added).

Fourth question: the worst nickname they gave to each other. Matt answered first
saying “coworker”, then Dominic showed his paper on which it was written “fat
Matt”, but then said that on set they were all jealous of his body.

Fifth question: each other’s hidden talent. Dom went first because Matt had no
idea what his hidden talent was and said it was “acting”. While for Matt Dom’s
talent is looking stupid while sleeping and Dominic agreed, adding that he also
throws punches while he sleeps.

Sixth question:  the other’s favorite meal. Matt was quite sure about his answer
and went first saying Dom’s favorite meal to cook is the sheperd’s pie. Dom
agreed and then answered the question saying Matt doesn’t eat and lives of the
energy of the universe, just like plants. They then started discussing
photosynthesis and the visible spectrum.

November 19, 2020


The first question was about what he does when he’s having a bad day.
He replied that he’d talk to his friends, hang out with Dan or do surfing, but
he also adds that it’s a personal thing so it would be different for everyone.

Next question was about how exactly he got involved in Shadowhunters.
He explained that agents get a list with all the roles available at the moment,
you go in for an audition and if you fit the criteria you get called again until
eventually you get the offer.

Caroline’s question was about the skills learned on set and Dom said that it’s
very useful to keep up with what he has learned in case it gets useful in future
roles. He mentioned martial arts, surfing and gun training.

Lena asked what he has been tricked into believing or doing.
He replied that when he was in Australia, some fans told him that the birds
would bite him and so he was constantly afraid of birds when walking, but then
it turned out to be a prank for tourists.

Next question is about the hardest thing for him when he’s acting.
He says that connecting to characters who lost someone is very hard, but all the
emotional scenes usually are.

He then received a question on the chat asking where he leaves his pets when
he’s not in LA.
He replied that there’s a dog hotel that Dan really likes to go to or sometimes
friends look after them or also people working in pet care. But he has always
been in LA lately and Dan was able to go on set with him on Penny Dreadful.

In the next question he’s been asked if he ever thought he could have done a
part in a movie better than the actual actor.
“Every film I’ve ever seen” but no, never. He said he sometimes watches the
parts he was close to get and think that he could have done that but at the same
time it’s not beneficial and he tries not to.

The next person asked about the idea of creating an animal rescue since he loves
animals so much.
He said he had never thought of that because it’s really hard work and he
doesn’t have the time to that and it wouldn’t be fair because he wouldn’t commit
100% but he’d like to to go volunteer and help soon. He also added he’s really
careful when he takes part in fundraisers and he makes sure the money really go
where they say they’ll be going, he really has to be sure before doing

Next question is about whether he’d like to do comedies and sitcoms.
He said that he’d like to because he hasn’t really tried it yet so he would
definitely consider it.

Michaela’s question was “if you had the world’s attention for 30 seconds what
would you do”?
“I’d show my bum” - Faccina con lacrime di gioia - he would actually try to
encourage people to be nice and more understanding of other people’s
individuality like spiritualism, gender identity, sexuality profession,
nationality. He adds that he always see people online get aggressive with each
other because they disagree and he thinks it’s not fair to do it without having
heard their opinion first.

The next question was about books and he said that his workload got very busy
and all he’s been doing is reading scripts for the past weeks so he really
hadn’t time to read other things.

Last question is about what he thinks of success in acting, who are his idols
and what he admires the most about them.
He mentions Daniel Day Lewis and Helen Mirren because you can see that they care
a lot about what they do and they’re so talented and hard working.

November 18, 2020


For the first question, they’ve been asked what would their names be if they
were a cocktail and a song.
Dom said Katherine’s cocktail would be a Ginger Scotch and her song ‘Moss’ from
The Planets. For Kat he would be something old fashioned with a twist and his
song would be 'Go the distance’ from Hercules.

Sylke’s question was about the best advice they received professionally and
Dom said the best advice he has ever received was to always have your goal in
front of you, whatever you want to achieve. Kat’s is to never lose the sparkle
that makes you different.

Lina asked if there are any Clace bloopers that haven’t been shown.
Dom replied that every scene they filmed in four year has at least one blooper
and Kat agreed.

Next, they’ve been asked if there is any workout exercise that they hate.
Dom said he hates all of them and the only reason he does them is because of
work. Kat has a difficult relationship with burpees.

Carolina asked what they would do if they were given the opportunity to direct
an episode of Shadowhunters, giving a musical episode as a suggestion.
Dom said they told him they would have done one, and he told them he would have
agreed to do it only if Matt sang a solo in the episode, and he would never do
that. On the contrary, Kat said she would have done a musical episode and that
would be a funny thing to do. She also said that she would do a Shadowhunters
quarantine edition Dom likes the idea, but added that they would kill each other
because six/eight months without killing demons would have resulted in Jace
killing someone.

The last question is about the craziest thing they’ve always wanted to do.
Dom said he has done a lot of his and he needs to find new things to add to the
list. Kat said she wants to go to Machu Picchu, hiking and climbing it.

November 08, 2020

We’re SO happy to announce our first advent calendar!
From December 1st to December 25th we will celebrate together with a surprise
every day! ✨

You DON’T want to miss it!!

September 16, 2020


Q: What would Jace and Clary do during the quarantine?
D: Drinking.
K: And training.

Q: What type of project would you like to work together on and what roles would
you like to have?
K: I’d like to di a period piece, especially to wear a hoop skirt.

Q: What kind of animal would Jace and Clary get and who would it love more?
D: Whatever animal it is, it would love me more.
K: That’s true.

Q: What would you put in a cocktail if you could create one for each other?
K: I like Whiskey. For Dom I’d make a spicy cocktail because he has a spicy

Q: What character would you pick if you could change yours?
D: Isabelle, she has the best costumes.
K: Jonathan because he’s my favourite characters from the books.

Q: Which kind of Shadowhunters related tattoos you’d do other than the ones you
already have?
D: I wouldn’t do any others.
K: Probably another rune.
D: I’ve done one for every season and that’s it.

Q: What’s your funniest moment on set together?
D: I saw Kat falling asleep a lot of times, even while being on a chair. She
fell asleep in my arms during a scene in the bed.
K: He fell asleep too later in the scene.

Q: What advice would you give Clary and Jace knowing their characters?
D: Jace should have ignored Clary and walked past her the first time they met
because everything went down after that.
K: I would probably teel her to listen to the people around her.

Q: What injuries did you get on set?
D: I had the most stuns, so it was very likely for me to get injured, the worst
one is when I broke my ankle. I broke it on episode three and after that episode
you can see Jace was only standing still.
K: I got hurt when I was fighting Aline.

Q: Which evil was the worst one between Clary and Jace?
D: I’d say Jace as the Owl killed more people, but Clary was twinned to

September 15, 2020


Q: What would you choose if you could travel to any imaginary world?
A: Can I have superpowers or do I have to be a mundane? I’d love to go to
Hogwarts and be a wizard.
D: I would like to be in Matrix and have a wonderful perfect life.

Q: Which marvel or DC comics character would you like to play?
D: Alberto would be young Superman. He would be an amazing superman with his
“wavy gorgeous dark hair”. I’d like to be Dick Grayson, I love his story.

Q: What was your impression of each other?
A: We met at the auditions where he was speaking as Jace would do adn I was
confused because I was told he was British.
D: We bonded when we were in Toronto and started going out. He’s very passionate
about all he does.
A: I thought Dom was a really cool guy.
D: The more you knew me, the more it went downward.

Q: If you could be a drink, what drink would it be and what would your cocktail
name be?
A: My drink should be a fun one that you could drink anywhere, like a Gin Tonic
with fruity elements to give flavour.
D: I’d like to be a Gin Tonic but also a Tequila Sunrise. 

Q: In a fight between Jace and Blake, who would win?
A: It would be a super even fight.
D: It would probably be Blake, because Jace would think that it is stupid to
prove himself against a fire fighter. 

Q: Have you read “Red Son” and who’s your favourite character in Fortnite?
A: I haven’t, but Dom has.
D: I wanted to play to Fortnite with Alberto, we have a group of players [the

September 13, 2020


Q: Did Jace’s friendship with Simon helped Jace?
D: Jace had a particular view on the downworlders and having a friend as Simon
really helped him with the humanity.

Q: What did playing Jace meant to you?
D: The key thing about playing Jace is about the balance relating to the

Q: Which moment was the hardest to do and which one you loved the most?
D: One of my favourite moments was the scene with the parabatai oath because it
was a very pure and honest scene. The hardest was the scene inside Jace’s mind.

Q: What did you learn from Jace ans what did Jace learn from you?
D: Jace learned that he should stay off for a day and chill out, I learned that
I have to let people being part of my life.

Q: How have you being keeping up lately being in LA?
D: People usually think actors have a lot of parties but in reality we invest a
lot of time in finding new parts.

Q: How do you recover from a day of work?
D: It truly is a recovery because after a full day at work we’re exhausted. I
used to go out to dinner with Matt when we finished filming together.

Q: What’s your favourite (British) dish and what do you miss the most from the
D: My favourite dish is the Sunday roast, my mum does the best one, and of
course I miss my family the most.

Q: What’s your favourite brand of tea?
D: I like the tea very sweet and with milk. I don’t really miss it because I can
find it here too.

Q: Which character would you have liked Jace to have more interactions with?
D: Meliorn. I really liked the scenes with him and Jade is amazing.

Q: What prompted Jace to be Alec’s parabatai?
D: I see parabatai as soulmates, like a missing piece of you. So when they
realised that, being parabatai is the next step.

Q: What was it like playing Christian Ozera? And are there any similiarities
with Jace?
D: I adored Vampire Academy and we had a lot of fun.

Q: If you could work with your cast mates, what project would it be?
D: Matt and I want to do space cowboys. 

Q: What is your favorite location among the places you have filmed in?
D: When I filmed Take Down we were in Wales, in the coast, and it was amazing.
I’d love to work back home.

Q: Since it’s suicidal awareness month, what was your experience in
Shadowhunters and has it made you more aware of your mental health?
D: It made me more profoundly aware about it, because suicide was a concept for
Jace for a couple of times. On Shadowhunters the resolution was always the same,
relying on your friends and family.

August 27, 2020

We’re happy to say we’re in charge of Dominic’s official fanbook for Pandemonium
Con 3 by Zarata Events You can find all the information in the pictures below.

You’ll find the link to our accounts on our tumblr page.

August 11, 2020


Q: What aspects of your character did you enjoy playing the most?
A: My character just kills everyone. But he wanted the best for his family.
D: Is that true? He tortured and murdered me. One my favorite scene with Alan
was the one where Valentine kills Jace. In the script it was such an incredible
scene and he stabs me through the heart with the soul sword, and then we get on
set that day and they gave him a bottle knife and I thought “we’ve done two
season and I’ve been nearly killed by thousand of different things and he’s
gonna kill me with a bottle knife? That’s how Jace dies?”. The thing I liked the
most is the money.
L: I liked that sometimes he was nice, sometimes he was crazy, and it was great.

Q: Would you have liked another season of the show?
D: Of course. We wanted to go on.
N: One of the sad things is how quick it they canceled the show. There were
already a lot of conversations about what was going to happen next season, I was
super excited about a lot of stuff. I’m very glad we were given the finale.
A: What surprised me the most was the reaction of the fans, with the hashtag
“Save Shadowhunters”, the airplanes, subways, billboards.

Q: Is there any scene of Shadowhunters that was uncomfortable or difficult to
D: At the beginning of season two I remember reading the script and reading that
I would have been tortured by Valentine and I was supposed to be naked. And that
day I went to my trailer and I realized they were serious and it wasn’t a joke.
But then the director went “you’re right, it’s weird”.
N: The only thing I found embarassing is that Maryse is a very classy lady and
I’m not, I don’t use high heels or fancy clothes so I had to practice, walking
back and forth with the heels, I fell down a lot of times.

August 11, 2020


Q: Who would be your favourite character to play and why?
D: James Bond. If any male British actor tells you they don’t want to play James
Bond, they’re lying to you. In some point of my career I would like to play
James Bond.

Q: Have you ever been called by your character’s name and what was your
D: Sometimes. I was out with a friend of mine in a gay bar and someone was
staring at me and I heard them saying “that’s the guy who plays the gay guy on
Penny Dreadful” or when I played the bad guy on “The Cut” and once someone told
me “hey, you have to stop with you’re doing, you’re being a bad guy to those
people” and I was so confused. I like when people recognise me but they don’t
know from, so when they make eye contact they’re confused.

Q: Did you do anything weird during quarantine?
D: Not really, just surviving with my pets.

Q: You worked 6 months in Kenya, what did you do there?
D: When I was 18 I worked in the east coast of Kenya, I wanted to do something
that benefits other people. When you get there they’ll assign you jobs and I
worked in 3 separate orphanages. I was teaching, building, providing medical
reliefs and whatever was needed.

Q: It’s inspiring to see someone so passionate about what they do as you, did
you ever doubt if you wanted to do it anymore?
D: Yes, our field is so competitive, I lose jobs for a lot of reasons. There are
times I ask myself why I am still doing this, why pushing it so much when I’m
gonna lose for the wrong reasons? And for me the thing that keeps me going is
that in my entire life there was only one thing I wanted to do, to be an actor
and it means the world to me.

Q: Did you read the Shadowhunters books and what did you think about it?
D: I read the first one because I needed to understand the world, the scripts
were really different from the books so for me it was to understand how the
characters worked with each other. For example, if I read all the books I would
have known that Jace wasn’t Valentine’s son and in your mind you conscience
knows it when acting, so I avoided it. I have to learn how Jace learns and

Q: Are you a early bird or a night owl?
D: I’m not an early bird, I’m really bad in the mornings. I have to wake up when
the dog wakes up but I don’t like it and I don’t like people waking me up at

Q: Favourite moment with Matt and favourite moment with Luke?
D: With Luke Baines was when Jonathan was inside Jace’s body and I had to act
like Luke in this part and we sat down in a bar and discussed about it. With
Matthew Daddario when he was about to tell me he’s engaged and because of the
parabatai bond Jace already knew and that makes me happy.

Q: You have a lot of fight and training scenes in Shadowhunters, did you have
any stage combat classes before?
D: In season one we had a stunt team and in season two we had a different stunt
team, personally I felt like I had to cover my own martial arts so they taught
me everything, working with them was amazing. There was a big change between
season one and season two, Darren and his team elevated the fight scenes, the
weapons, all.

Q: Do you miss the UK? And when you come back where do you leave your pets?
D: I haven’t been back to the UK since I got Dan so I didn’t have the
opportunity to leave him. He stayed with my best friend a couple of times and he
loves it. Rajah goes to a cat hotel which is ridiculous and expensive but she
loves it. I miss home of course.

Q: What’s your favourite moment in Penny Dreadful?
D: The first time Michael and I kissed. We are two straight men unravelling
something they were unfamiliar with, but Michael Gladis is such an amazing actor
and such an incredibile person to be around that none of it felt odd. It was
such a nice moment cause everything worked, I was with someone I was comfortable
with, it was perfect.

Q: What was the most difficult thing to do in portraying Kurt in that period of
history, being a nazi or being a gay man?
D: Gay man and women didn’t have the rights they should have had at that time
and they weren’t respected the way they should have been still to these days. In
1938 it was illegal, so the scene where we had to go to the underground gay bar
was beautiful because everyone could be who they are, doing that was obviously
easier than the Nazi stuff, it was really hard work, difficult and something I
completely disagree with. I had to think like him, a lot of times when I came
home after work I had to cry and let my body get rid of all these feelings I had
to feel on set.

August 04, 2020


> - the kiss that will free the girl is the kiss that she most desires - 

(Source: secretlovepez)

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