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Division of Student Affairs
 * Care
 * Engage
 * Transform

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Appalachian State University


Our work creates a culture of care that builds a foundation for students to
thrive and be resilient.


Health and Wellness
 * Counseling & Psychological Services
 * Counseling for Faculty/Staff
 * Health Services
 * Intramural Sports
 * Intercultural Student Affairs
 * University Health and Safety Council
 * University Recreation
 * Wellness to Wellness & Prevention Services
 * Women's Center

Safety and Emergencies
 * AppCares
 * Campus Police
 * Interpersonal Violence
 * Prevent Suicide
 * Red Flag Campaign

Child Care
 * Camp UREC
 * Child Development


Our diverse, student-centered community fosters local-to-global learning,
leadership, engagement, and service.


Service and Involvement
 * Black Student Association
 * Club Council
 * Club Sports
 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Fraternity and Sorority Life
 * Outdoor Programs
 * Leadership at Appalachian State
 * Student Government Association
 * Trailhead Academies

 * Academic Integrity
 * Graduate Assistant Preview Program

 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Henderson Springs LGBT Center
 * Looking Glass Gallery
 * Multicultural Center
 * Reneweable Energy Initiative
 * Student Union
 * University Housing

 * Appalachian State Policy Manual
 * Engage
 * Parents and Family
 * Student Conduct


We transform students into dynamic leaders and lifelong learners who will make a
difference in their communities and throughout the world.


Support and Service
 * Alternative Service Experience
 * Legal Clinic
 * Off Campus
 * Off Campus Housing
 * Orientation
 * Plemmons Student Union

 * Campus Activities
 * Child Development
 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Counseling & Psychological Services
 * Electronic Student Services
 * Intercultural Student Affairs
 * Off-Campus Student Services
 * Office of Student Affairs
 * Office of the Dean of Students
 * Orientation
 * Parent and Family Services
 * Plemmons Student Union
 * Student Conduct
 * Student Health Services
 * Student Legal Services
 * University Housing
 * University Recreation
 * Wellness & Prevention Services

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 * About
   * About App Votes
   * Recognition
 * Voter Registration
 * Voting FAQs
 * Vote by Mail
 * What's On My Ballot?
 * Resources

 * About
   * About App Votes
   * Recognition
 * Voter Registration
 * Voting FAQs
 * Vote by Mail
 * What's On My Ballot?
 * Resources

Beginning in the Fall of 2021, AppVotes in conjunction with the Office of
Community-Engaged Leadership will host a Voter Coalition. So, what is a Voter
Coalition? The goal of the coalition is to increase civic engagement on campus
every year through activities such as educational presentations, voter
registration parties, and getting people to the polls. You can expect 1-2
meetings per month, opportunities to educate yourself and your peers on the
democratic process, and to help engage everyone on our campus in voting.
Interested in joining? Email to get started!



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You have to be 18 to vote, which means a lot of people’s first time casting a
ballot is in college.

That’s why Appalachian State University's Director of the Office of
Community-Engaged Leadership Heather Jo Mashburn says higher education
institutions should support them in doing that.

“We believe that we have an important role to play in preparing our students to
participate in a democracy," she said. "And doing that very intentionally and in
a disciplined way to be nonpartisan is really our goal.”


Mar 6

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