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J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan; 93(1): 182–189.
Published online 2007 Nov 13. doi: 10.1210/jc.2007-2155
PMCID: PMC2190741
PMID: 18000096


Miroslav Dumic, Karen Lin-Su, Natasha I. Leibel, Srecko Ciglar, Giovanna Vinci,
Ruzica Lasan, Saroj Nimkarn, Jean D. Wilson, Ken McElreavey, and Maria I. New

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (M.D., R.L.), University
Hospital Rebro, Zagreb, Croatia 41000; Department of Pediatric
Endocrinology/Division of Adrenal Steroid Disorders (K.L.-S., S.N., M.I.N.),
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029; Department of
Pediatric Endocrinology (N.I.L.), Columbia University, New York, New York 10032;
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics (S.C.), Clinical Hospital Merkur,
Zagreb, Croatia 10000; Department of Internal Medicine/Endocrinology (J.D.W.),
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas 75390; and
Reproduction, Fertility, and Populations (G.V., K.M.), Institut Pasteur, 75724
Paris, France
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Maria I. New, M.D.,
Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Division of Adrenal Steroid Disorders
Program, 1 Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1198, New York, New York 10029. E-mail:
Received 2007 Sep 25; Accepted 2007 Nov 2.
Copyright © 2008 by The Endocrine Society
This article has been corrected. See the correction on page 1083.

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

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Context: We report herein a remarkable family in which the mother of a woman
with 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis was found to have a 46,XY karyotype in
peripheral lymphocytes, mosaicism in cultured skin fibroblasts (80% 46,XY and
20% 45,X) and a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary (93% 46,XY and 6%

Patients: A 46,XY mother who developed as a normal woman underwent spontaneous
puberty, reached menarche, menstruated regularly, experienced two unassisted
pregnancies, and gave birth to a 46,XY daughter with complete gonadal

Results: Evaluation of the Y chromosome in the daughter and both parents
revealed that the daughter inherited her Y chromosome from her father. Molecular
analysis of the genes SOX9, SF1, DMRT1, DMRT3, TSPYL, BPESC1, DHH, WNT4, SRY,
and DAX1 revealed normal male coding sequences in both the mother and daughter.
An extensive family pedigree across four generations revealed multiple other
family members with ambiguous genitalia and infertility in both phenotypic males
and females, and the mode of inheritance of the phenotype was strongly
suggestive of X-linkage.

Conclusions: The range of phenotypes observed in this unique family suggests
that there may be transmission of a mutation in a novel sex-determining gene or
in a gene that predisposes to chromosomal mosaicism.

Normal sexual differentiation in 46,XY individuals relies on a complex cascade
of numerous genes, many of which have yet to be identified
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11). Defects in these genes can cause disorders of sexual
development of varying severity. The external genitalia and Müllerian structures
are typically female in women with complete 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis in
association with streak gonads bilaterally. Because the gonads are dysgenetic
and nonfunctional, spontaneous pubertal development seldom occurs in these women
(12), and successful pregnancy is even more unusual; unassisted pregnancy is
unheard of (1). There have been a few instances of fertility in 46,XX/46,XY true
hermaphrodites (13), but no reports of fertility in a 46,XY woman. Pregnancy in
Turner syndrome is reported to be possible in about 2% of cases, although it is
rare for unassisted pregnancy to occur in nonmosaic Turner patients possessing
only a 45,X line (14).

Herein we report the extraordinary case of a fertile woman with normal ovaries
and a predominantly 46,XY ovarian karyotype, who gave birth to a 46,XY female
with complete gonadal dysgenesis. The karyotype of this phenotypically normal
mother was 46,XY in blood, 80% 46,XY and 20% 45,X in cultured skin fibroblasts,
and 93% 46,XY, 6% 45,X, and <1% 46,XX in the ovary. The family pedigree on the
mother’s side was notable for the presence of seven individuals over four
generations with either sexual ambiguity, infertility, or failure to menstruate,
including one individual with documented 45,X/45,XY mixed gonadal dysgenesis.
Both the mother and the 46,XY daughter were screened for mutations in a number
of genes known to be involved in mammalian testis determination. In all genes
screened (see below), the open reading frame was found to be normal. This
suggests that a mutation in a novel sex-determination gene or a gene that
predisposes to chromosomal mosaicism may be responsible for the phenotype in
this family.

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Informed written consent was obtained from the subjects.


Factrel (100 μg) was given iv with sequential blood drawn at baseline and at
timed intervals for 2 h.


Cortrosyn (0.25 mg) was given iv, and blood was drawn at baseline and 1 h after


hCG (5000 U) was given im daily for 3 d.


Steroid hormone assays were performed by standard RIA as described (15,16,17).


Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed on a paraffin section slide of
the gonad using the CEP probe for Y and the chromosome X centromeric control
probe (Vysis, Downer’s Grove, IL).


Maternity testing was performed by using the short tandem repeat kit AmpFlSTR
Profiler Plus (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Nine short tandem
repeats were analyzed (D3S1358, VWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818,
D13S317, and D7S820) using thermal cycling conditions, capillary electrophoresis
was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and products were
analyzed using the ABI 3100 capillary electrophoresis instrument and GeneScan
software (Applied Biosystems).

The Y chromosomes of the proband and her two parents were typed using the marker
Y chromosome Alu polymorphism (YAP) as described (18). The entire open reading
frame of the sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene was amplified and directly
sequenced as described (2,3).

Using the PCR primers (Table 1 1),), the open reading frames of seven genes
known to be involved in sexual development were sequenced.


Primer pairs used for the amplification of genes involved in mammalian sex

SequenceDMRT1 exon

Open in a separate window

The DMRT1 and DMRT3 genes were sequenced using lymphocyte DNA isolated from the
patient. The conditions of amplification were as follows: for DMRT1 exon 1,
incubation at 95 C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for 1 min, 68 C for 1
min, and 72 C for 30 sec; for DMRT1 exons 2 and 4, incubation at 95 C for 5 min
followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for 1 min, 57 C for 30 sec, and 72 C for 1 min;
for DMRT1 exon 3, incubation at 95 C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for
1 min, 62 C for 1.30 min, and 72 C for 30 sec; for DMRT1 exon 5, incubation at
95 C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for 1 min, 50 C for 30 sec, and 72
C for 30 sec. For DMRT3 exon 1, the PCR conditions were incubation at 95 C for 5
min followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for 1 min and 62 C for 1.30 min with no
extension time. For DMRT3 exon 2, two amplicons were used to amplify the entire
exon for direct sequencing. Both primer pairs of each amplicon were used at the
conditions of incubation at 95 C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of 95 C for 1
min and 60 C for 1 min with no extension time.

Amplification of the coding region of the BPESC1 gene was performed using PCR
for 35 cycles at 95 C for 30 sec, 56 C for 30 sec, and 72 C for 30 sec. PCR
products were directly sequenced using the forward primer for each amplicon.

The reaction conditions for amplifying and sequencing the WNT4 open reading
frame were identical to that described for the BPESC1 gene above. PCR products
were sequenced using the forward primer of each amplicon.

Exon 1 of the DAX1 open reading frame was amplified using three amplicons, and
exon 2 was amplified in one step. PCR amplification was performed as indicated
for the BPESC1 gene as described above with the exception of the primer pairs
DAX1 exon1 F2/DAX1 exon 1 R2 where the annealing temperature was 58 C and the
annealing time was 45 sec. Direct sequencing of all amplicons was performed
using both the forward and reverse primers.

Amplification and sequencing of the DHH gene was performed as described by
Umehara et al. (19).

The TSPYL gene was sequenced using the conditions of 95 C for 5 min, followed by
35 cycles of 95 C for 1 min, 60 C for 1 min, and 72 C for 1 min. A final
extension of 72 C for 5 min was included.

The amplification conditions for all SOX9 amplicons were 95 C for 5 min,
followed by 35 cycles of 95 C for 1 min, 61 C for 1 min, and 72 C for 1 min. A
final extension of 72 C for 10 min was also performed.

The open reading frame of the SF1 gene was amplified and directly sequenced
using conditions described (20).



This 17-yr-old woman from Croatia was the product of a 39-wk gestation,
delivered by cesarean section due to a maternal hip fracture. Birth weight was
3.8 kg, and length was 52 cm. She was breastfed for 1 yr. She sought medical
attention at age 17 yr because of lack of breast development and primary
amenorrhea. Intelligence was normal, determined by her standing as a top student
in her class.

On exam, she was an articulate, tall, thin woman. The height was 187 cm (>95th
percentile) with a mid-parental target height of 181 cm. Her weight was 68 kg.
She had a normal frontal hairline. There was mild facial acne but no facial
hair. She had Tanner stage I breasts and Tanner stage IV pubic hair. External
female genitalia were normal, without clitoromegaly or labial fusion. The
vaginal introitus was normal. Pelvic examination revealed a hypoplastic uterus
with no palpable gonads. Bone age was 14 yr at a chronological age of 17 yr.
Karyotype on peripheral blood (performed twice) was 46,XY. Further investigation
revealed that multiple family members on the mother’s side had ambiguous
genitalia, infertility, or problems with sexual identity (see Fig. 2 2).). This
led to the decision to karyotype the mother.

Open in a separate window
Figure 2

Family members: II-3, woman with masculine appearance, no breasts, infertile,
moved away from hometown because of unacceptable appearance and died during
World War II at age of 62 yr; II-4, woman who died at age 76 yr; II-6, woman who
died at age 68 yr; II-7, man who died at age 64 yr; III-5,6, woman with
hirsutism who died around age 60 yr; III-9, ambiguous genitalia with hirsutism
(beard), raised as female, family was ashamed of her and hid her from public,
died at age 55 yr; III-10, man with confused gender identity, infertile,
committed suicide at age 24 yr; III-13, normal man who died at age 70 yr;
III-14, normal woman; *IV-3, 46,XY fertile man; *IV-4, fertile woman with a
predominantly 46,XY ovary (patient 2, mother); *IV-5, 46,XX fertile woman; IV-7,
woman with absent uterus and ovaries [established outside of Zagreb, and history
was obtained from patient 1 (daughter)], on hormone replacement, died at age 42
yr from multiple sclerosis; *IV-8, normal fertile woman; *IV-9, normal fertile
man; *IV-10, 46,XX fertile woman; *IV-11, normal fertile man; *IV-12, 46,XY
normal fertile man; *IV-27, 46,XX fertile woman; *V-3, 46,XY complete gonadal
dysgenesis; *V-5, 46,XX fertile woman; *V-6, 46,XY male with ambiguous
genitalia, bifid scrotum, and hypospadias, hypoplastic testes in scrotum;
stretched penile length 5 cm; high gonadotropins (LH 20.9 IU/liter, FSH 59.1
IU/liter), infertile, testosterone 15.4 nmol/liter, estradiol 0.04 nmol/liter,
prolactin 4.3 ng/ml; *V-7, normal woman; *V-8, normal man; *V-9, normal woman;
*V-10, normal man; *V-11, 46,XX normal woman with normal hormones; *V-12, normal
woman; *V-13, normal man; *V-16, normal woman; *V-20, normal man; V-21,
infertile woman, tried in vitro fertilization without success; V-23, normal
male; *V-28, 46,XY/45,X mixed gonadal dysgenesis, gonadoblastoma; *VI-1, normal
woman; *VI-2, normal woman; *VI-3, normal woman; *VI-4, normal woman; *VI-5,
normal man. *, Personal examination by M. Dumic.


This 52-yr-old phenotypically normal woman underwent normal pubertal development
and reached spontaneous menarche at age 11 yr. She had a history of two
pregnancies, the first of which resulted in a spontaneous miscarriage. Her
second pregnancy was uneventful, except that her daughter was delivered by
cesarean section due to a recent hip fracture in the mother from a motor vehicle
accident. She breastfed the daughter for 1 yr. She continued to have regular
menses until menopause at age 49, after which time she received hormone
replacement therapy for 2 yr.

Physical examination revealed a feminine-appearing woman with a normal body
habitus (Fig. 1 1).). The height was 177 cm. There was no receding hairline or
balding of the scalp and no acne or facial hair. Breasts and pubic hair were
Tanner stage V, although pubic hair was sparse. The external genitalia were
normal with no clitoromegaly or labial fusion. The vaginal introitus was normal.
Pelvic examination revealed a uterus in retroverted position with no adnexal
masses. The karyotype in peripheral blood was 46,XY (20 cells).

Open in a separate window
Figure 1

Patient 2 (mother) and laparascopic photograph of right ovary of patient 2.

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Repeat karyotype revealed the following: blood, 46,XY (100%) (20 nuclei); skin,
46,XY (100%) (50 nuclei); gonad, 46,XY (99.25%), 45,X (0.75%) (400 nuclei).



LHRH stimulation test

Time (min)LH (mIU/ml)FSH (mIU/ml)T (ng/dl)E2(ng/dl)Δ4A (ng/dl)DHEA
(ng/dl)Daughter 0135.7194.6911.178574 15162.5118.6 30232.7133.6 45241.5156.1 60229.7143.7 90193.9147.6 120156.1147.3720.591718Mother 022.948.9220.64296 15101.770.7 30114.581.8 45115.586.7 60109.284.0 9096.884.5 12075.177.5200.337102Normal
values (mean ± sd) XY329 ± 1662.5 ± 2.749 ± 20226 ± 110 XX31 ± 179.5 ± 5.887 ±
26296 ± 218

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Δ4A, Androstenedione; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; E2, estradiol; T,

LHRH stimulation test was consistent with gonadal failure/absent gonads.



hCG stimulation test

Time (h)T (ng/dl)E2(ng/dl)Δ4A (ng/dl)DHEA (ng/dl)Daughter Baseline900.529255 24
h1100.376424 48 h850.353207Mother Baseline252.744157 24 h460.533157 48

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Times (24 and 48 h) indicate blood was drawn 24 or 48 h after last dose of hCG.
Δ4A, Androstenedione; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; E2, estradiol; T,

hCG stimulation test revealed high baseline testosterone with little response to



ACTH stimulation test

Time (min)17OHP (ng/dl)17Δ5P (ng/dl)Δ4A (ng/dl)DHEA (ng/dl)T (ng/dl)E2
(ng/dl)DOC (ng/dl)B (μg/dl)F (μg/dl)Aldo (ng/dl)DHT
(ng/dl)Daughter 03632178574911.1250.4812.557 607388698821941.5563.3624.7910Mother 0197844157252.7190.249.0105 60159797118415343.2692.9231.1117Normal
baseline values (mean ± sd) 46,XY210 ± 110180 ± 18010 ± 60.65 ± 0.3415.6 ± 6.515
± 938 ± 15 46,XX150 ± 120196 ± 18718 ± 110.35 ± 0.3912.0 ± 6.711 ± 713 ± 8

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Aldo, Aldosterone; B, corticosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; DOC,
deoxycorticosterone; F, cortisol; 17OHP, 17-hydroxyprogesterone; 17Δ5P,
17-hydroxypregnenolone; Δ4A, Androstenedione; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; E2,
estradiol; T, testosterone. 

No evidence of a steroidogenic defect was demonstrated.


Normal kidneys and a left extrarenal pelvis were noted. The uterus was
hypoplastic on ultrasound. A small left gonad was present. No gonad was noted on
the right.


The patient underwent laparoscopic gonadectomy. No gonadal tissue was identified
on the right, although there was a normal fallopian tube on that side.


On the left, she had a small fragment of fibrous tissue with a small focus of
ovarian stroma. Inhibin staining was positive.


Repeat testosterone after gonadectomy was 51.8 ng/dl (normal range, 23.0–69.1


Repeat karyotype revealed the following: blood, 46,XY (100%) (20 nuclei); skin,
46,XY (80%)/45,X (20%) (50 nuclei); gonad, 46,XY (92.9%), 45,X (5.9%), 46,XX
(0.6%), 47,XXY (0.6%) (1000 nuclei).


LHRH stimulation test was consistent with menopause or absent gonads.


hCG stimulation test revealed no evidence of testicular function.


No evidence of a steroidogenic defect was demonstrated.


The uterus measured 8.8 cm × 4.5 cm × 5.5 cm and was normal in echotexture. The
endometrial stripe measured 4 mm. The right ovary measured 3.3 cm × 2.5 cm × 2.7
cm with normal venous and arterial flow. The left ovary measured 3.0 cm × 1.6 cm
× 2.5 cm with normal flow. There was no free fluid.


The uterus appeared mildly atrophic and had a mildly thickened endometrial
stripe. There were probable small myomas in the lower uterine segment. Both
ovaries were atrophic with no follicles or masses noted.


The mother agreed to undergo gonadectomy because of the increased risk of
gonadoblastoma in gonads containing a Y chromosome. The internal structures were
those of a normal woman (see Fig. 1 1).). No Wolffian remnants were seen. The
uterus and fallopian tubes were left intact, and the ovaries were removed.


Pathology revealed a histologically unremarkable right ovary with several
corpora albicans, suggestive of previous ovulation. The left ovary contained
fibromuscular tissue with ovarian hilar cells, and an immunohistochemical stain
for inhibin showed a focus of positive cells confirming the presence of ovarian
stromal elements.



There is a remarkable family history of ambiguous genitalia and infertility
affecting both phenotypic men and women across four generations in the mother’s
family (Fig. 2 2).). The daughter inherited her Y chromosome from the father
(see below), thereby excluding involvement of the Y chromosome in the
development of sex reversal in this family. The pedigree is strongly suggestive
of X-linked inheritance of the phenotype, although autosomal dominant
sex-limited transmission cannot be excluded.


Maternity was established at a probability exceeding 99.15%. The analysis of the
Y chromosome polymorphism YAP revealed that this insertion was present in the Y
chromosome of the mother (defining her Y chromosome haplogroup as D/E), and the
insertion was not present in the Y chromosome of the daughter or her father
(Fig. 3 3).). These data indicate that the daughter inherited the Y chromosome
from her father, and the sequence was identical to that of a normal male. The
molecular analysis of the coding sequences of nine genes known to be involved in
sexual development (SOX9, SF1, DMRT1, DMRT3, TSPYL, BPESC1, DHH, WNT4, SRY, and
DAX1) revealed coding sequences in both the mother and daughter that are
identical to the normal reference sequences. Polymorphisms were not identified
in any of the analyzed genes.

Open in a separate window
Figure 3

PCR amplification of the YAP insertion polymorphism on the Y chromosome. Lane 1,
100-bp molecular mass marker; lane 2, water negative control; lane 3, father of
patient 2; lane 4, patient 2 (daughter); lane 5, patient 1 (mother). The Y
chromosome of the mother has the YAP insertion, which is absent from the
daughter and father.

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Although there have been reports of fertility in 46,XX/46,XY true hermaphrodites
with ovotestes (13) and in patients with mosaic and nonmosaic Turner syndrome
(21), we believe this to be the first report of fertility in a woman with a
predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary. The fact that this mother had normal
functioning ovaries, menstruated regularly, and achieved unassisted pregnancy
twice is remarkable. Additionally, her hormonal findings are compatible with a
normal menopausal woman. Of course, it should be noted that the incidence of
normal fertile females who have a 46,XY karyotype is not known because it is not
routine to check the karyotype in fertile women. Although the demonstration of
5.9% 45,X cells in the ovary is difficult to interpret, most cytogeneticists
agree that 5% does not indicate mosaicism. The finding of 20% 45,X cells in
fibroblasts cultured from skin indicates that she is a 46,XY/45,X mosaic, at
least in the skin. Individuals with a karyotype of 46,XY/45,X usually have
ambiguous genitalia or a male phenotype, although occasionally they can have a
Turner female phenotype (21). Our case is unique, however, because the presence
of bilateral ovaries or unassisted pregnancy has not previously been reported in
this form of mosaicism. Moreover, ovarian cells were predominately 46,XY; the
small percentage of X (5.9%) out of 1000 cells counted in the gonad might be due
to artifact or technical error. Pregnancy is believed to occur in about 2% of
women with Turner syndrome (14). Although fertility did occur in a woman with
mosaicism of an isodicentric Y chromosome (22), we believe that our case of
fertility in a female with a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary is
unprecedented. Of note, XY female wood lemmings (Myopus shisticolor), carrying
an Xp mutation, are fertile and produce X-containing oocytes (23). There have
also been reports of potential fertility in XY sex-reversed female mice. In the
B6.YDOM sex-reversed female mouse, almost all of the XY female mice, although
they lack estrous cyclicity, are able to mate and ovulate after treatment with
gonadotropins (24). Likewise, fertility has been described in XY female horses

The fact that this mother gave birth to a 46,XY female is even more remarkable.
However, the daughter’s clinical picture, unlike that of her mother, is more
typical of 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis, in which spontaneous puberty is
rare and fertility is unreported. The significant family history of ambiguous
genitalia and sex reversal across several generations presents a unique
opportunity to explore the genetics of sexual differentiation and perhaps
identify a novel gene involved in gonadal determination.

The mother and daughter were both screened for mutations in a number of genes
that are either known to be necessary or are excellent candidate genes for males
in human testicular development. Some of the genes known to be involved in
gonadal differentiation are outlined in Fig. 4 4 (4,5,6,7,26). Both the mother
and daughter had normal SRY (sex-determining region of the Y chromosome)
sequences, and the daughter inherited the Y chromosome from her father, thereby
excluding involvement of the nonrecombining male-specific portion of the Y
chromosome, including the SRY gene, in the development of sex reversal in this

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Figure 4

Genes involved in sexual differentiation: WT-1, Wilms’ tumor 1; SF-1,
steroidogenic factor 1; LHX1, LIM homeobox 1; LHX9, LIM homeobox 9; DMRT1 and
-3, doublesex and Mab3-related transcription factors 1 and 3 (located on
chromosome 9p24); SRY, sex-determining region of Y chromosome; SOX9,
SRY-box-related 9; DAX1, dosage-sensitive sex reversal locus-adrenal hypoplasia
congenita-critical region on the X, gene 1; WNT-4, wingless-type MMTV
integration site family, member 4 (member of Wnt family of locally secreted
growth factors); RSPO, R-spondins; FST, follistatin; BMP2, bone morphogenetic
protein 2; GATA-4, GATA-binding protein 4 (codes for a zinc finger transcription
factor); AR, androgen receptor; AMH-R, anti-Mullerian hormone receptor.

Included in the screen were the normal DMRT1 and DMRT3 genes. When deleted,
these genes are associated with male-to-female sex reversal. The analysis of
another gene that is associated with gonadal dysgenesis (TSPYL) also revealed a
normal sequence. Mutations in this gene are also associated with sudden infant
death and testicular dysgenesis in an Amish family (27).

The BPESC1 gene, which exhibits testis-specific expression and is located within
the homologous region in the human at 3q23 (28), was normal in both mother and
daughter. The DAX1 gene is located on Xp22 and appears to be necessary for
correct testis determination and, in the mouse at least, necessary for the
up-regulation of Sox9 expression (29). The gene WNT4 is critical for normal
ovarian and female sexual development. A mutation in WNT4 leads to Mullerian
duct regression and virilization in a 46,XX female (8), whereas duplication of
the locus containing WNT4 leads to 46,XY sex reversal (30). In the XY mouse, the
absence of Wnt4 is associated with a lack of Sertoli cell differentiation,
suggesting that the gene is involved in mammalian testis determination (31).
Sequence analysis of both DAX1 and WNT4 genes revealed normal wild-type male
coding sequences in both the mother and daughter.

The Desert hedgehog gene (Dhh) is a member of a family of signaling genes that
play an important role in regulating morphogenesis. Mutations in the human DHH
gene have been reported in a patient with 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis
accompanied by minifascicular neuropathy (19) and in women with complete gonadal
dysgenesis and the absence of somatic anomalies (32).

Other possible genes to explore in this remarkable family are the follistatin
(Fst) and the bone morphogenetic protein 2 (Bmp2) genes, which are both
expressed in the mouse embryonic ovary and appear to be important for ovary
organogenesis. Fst acts downstream of Wnt4 to inhibit the formation of the
XY-specific coelomic vessel and to maintain germ cell survival in the cortical
domain of the ovary. Bmp2 appears to also act downstream of Wnt4 but
independently of Fst (9,33). Mutations in Gata4 or Fog2 can also cause sex
reversal in mice (10,34,35) and are potential candidate genes to be explored.

Alternatively, because at least one other member of this extended family has
46,XY/45,X mixed gonadal dysgenesis (V-28), disorders of sexual development in
this family may be due to a mutant gene that predisposes to chromosomal
mosaicism and mixed gonadal dysgenesis. In either scenario, the transmission of
the phenotype is strongly suggestive of X-linked inheritance, although an
autosomal dominant sex-limited mutation cannot be formally excluded. Various
studies of familial 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis have suggested the existence of an
X chromosome locus that is necessary for testis determination (36,37,38,39),
perhaps on proximal Xp (40). The latter finding is consistent with observations
of deletions of Xp associated with 46,XX SRY-negative true hermaphroditism (11).

The serendipitous discovery of a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in this fertile
mother of a 46,XY daughter suggests that perhaps all mothers of 46,XY (SRY+)
females with complete gonadal dysgenesis should be carefully examined for an XY
karyotype as well. This extraordinary family affords an exceptional opportunity
to investigate potential factors that can induce ovarian differentiation and
function without the Xq critical region. Meanwhile, DNA has been obtained on 19
family members (three affected, 16 unaffected) across three generations in the
hopes of identifying the etiology of sex reversal in this interesting family.
Linkage analysis is a potential next step as efforts are being made to obtain
DNA from more affected members. A genome-wide search for deletions or
duplications in this mother and her daughter may serve to uncover novel gene
mutations responsible for sex reversal or may even reveal a genetic cause for
chromosomal mosaicism and mixed gonadal dysgenesis.

Go to:


We thank Dr. M. Lita Alonso for performing the fluorescence in situ
hybridization studies on the gonadal tissue of both patients. We also
acknowledge Dr. Dix Poppas and Dr. Isaac Kligman, who performed the surgical
procedures for these patients.

Go to:


This work was supported by the GIS-Institut des Malade Rares, National
Institutes of Health Grant HD-00072, a National Institutes of Health Rare
Diseases grant, the Children’s Hormone Foundation, and the Children’s Clinical
Research Center at Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to declare.

First Published Online November 13, 2007

Abbreviations: hCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin; YAP, Y chromosome Alu

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   Stafford P, Flynn CR, Morton DH, Stephan DA 2004 Mapping of a sudden infant
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   Lienhardt-Roussie A, Nivelon A, Verloes A, Schlessinger D, Gasparini P,
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 * Menke DB, Koubova J, Page DC 2003 Sexual differentiation of germ cells in XX
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 * Ketola I, Pentikainen V, Vaskivuo T, Ilvesmaki V, Herva R, Dunkel L,
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 * Viger RS, Mertineit C, Trasler JM, Nemer M 1998 Transcription factor GATA-4
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 * Espiner EA, Veale AM, Sands VE, Fitzgerald PH 1970 Familial syndrome of
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 * Sternberg WH, Barclay DL, Kloepfer HW 1968 Familial XY gonadal dysgenesis. N
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 * German J, Simpson JL, Chaganti RS, Summitt RL, Reid LB, Merkatz IR 1978
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 * Mann JR, Corkery JJ, Fisher HJ, Cameron AH, Mayerova A, Wolf U, Kennaugh AA,
   Woolley V 1983 The X linked recessive form of XY gonadal dysgenesis with a
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 * Rajender S, Thangaraj K, Gupta NJ, Leelavathy N, Rani DS, Nambiar RG,
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   2006 A novel human sex-determining gene linked to Xp11.21–11.23. J Clin
   Endocrinol Metab 91:4028–4036 [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

 * Abstract
 * Patients and Methods
 * Results
 * Discussion
 * Acknowledgments
 * Footnotes
 * References


Articles from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism are provided
here courtesy of The Endocrine Society


Kucheria K, Mohapatra I, Ammini AC, Bhargava VL, McElreavey K 1996 Clinical and
DNA studies on 46,XY females with gonadal dysgenesis. A report of six cases. J
Reprod Med 41:263–266 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Berta P, Hawkins JR, Sinclair AH, Taylor A, Griffiths BL, Goodfellow PN, Fellous
M 1990 Genetic evidence equating SRY and the testis-determining factor. Nature
348:448–450 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Sinclair AH, Berta P, Palmer MS, Hawkins JR, Griffiths BL, Smith MJ, Foster JW,
Frischauf AM, Lovell-Badge R, Goodfellow PN 1990 A gene from the human
sex-determining region encodes a protein with homology to a conserved
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McElreavey K, Vilain E, Abbas N, Herskowitz I, Fellous M 1993 A regulatory
cascade hypothesis for mammalian sex determination: SRY represses a negative
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Du H, Fewell G, Fulton L, Fulton R, Graves T, Hou SF, Latrielle P, Leonard S,
Mardis E, Maupin R, McPherson J, Miner T, Nash W, Nguyen C, Ozersky P, Pepin K,
Rock S, Rohlfing T, Scott K, Schultz B, Strong C, Tin-Wollam A, Yang SP,
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Liu WS, Eriksson L, Fredga K 1998 XY sex reversal in the wood lemming is
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Puffenberger E, Hu-Lince D, Parod JM, Craig DW, Dobrin SE, Conway AR, Donarum
EA, Strauss KA, Dunckley T, Cardenas JF, Melmed KR, Wright CA, Liang W, Stafford
P, Flynn CR, Morton DH, Stephan DA 2004 Mapping of a sudden infant death with
dysgenesis of the testes syndrome (SIDDT) by a SNP genome scan and
identification of TSPYL loss of function. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:11689–11694
[PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Crisponi L, Deiana M, Loi A, Chiappe F, Uda M, Amati P, Bisceglia L, Zelante L,
Nagaraja R, Porcu S, Ristaldi MS, Marzella R, Rocchi M, Nicolino M,
Lienhardt-Roussie A, Nivelon A, Verloes A, Schlessinger D, Gasparini P, Bonneau
D, Cao A, Pilia G 2001 The putative forkhead transcription factor FOXL2 is
mutated in blepharophimosis/ptosis/epicanthus inversus syndrome. Nat Genet
27:159–166 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Bouma G, Albrecht KH, Washburn LL, Recknagel AK, Churchill GA, Eicher EM 2005
Gonadal sex reversal in mutant Dax1 XY mice: a failure to upregulate Sox9 in
pre-Sertoli cells. Development 132:3045–3054 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref
Jordan BK, Mohammed M, Ching ST, Delot E, Chen XN, Dewing P, Swain A, Rao PN,
Elejalde BR, Vilain E 2001 Up-regulation of WNT-4 signaling and dosage-sensitive
sex reversal in humans. Am J Hum Genet 68:1102–1109 [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Jeays-Ward K, Dandonneau M, Swain A 2004 Wnt4 is required for proper male as
well as female sexual development. Dev Biol 276:431–440 [PubMed] [Google
Scholar] [Ref list]
Canto P, Soderlund D, Reyes E, Mendez JP 2004 Mutations in the desert hedgehog
(DHH) gene in patients with 46,XY complete pure gonadal dysgenesis. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab [Erratum (2004) 89:5453] 89:4480–4483 [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
[Ref list]
Menke DB, Koubova J, Page DC 2003 Sexual differentiation of germ cells in XX
mouse gonads occurs in an anterior-to-posterior wave. Dev Biol 262:303–312
[PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Ketola I, Pentikainen V, Vaskivuo T, Ilvesmaki V, Herva R, Dunkel L, Tapanainen
JS, Toppari J, Heikinheimo M 2000 Expression of transcription factor GATA-4
during human testicular development and disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
85:3925–3931 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Viger RS, Mertineit C, Trasler JM, Nemer M 1998 Transcription factor GATA-4 is
expressed in a sexually dimorphic pattern during mouse gonadal development and
is a potent activator of the Mullerian inhibiting substance promoter.
Development 125:2665–2675 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Espiner EA, Veale AM, Sands VE, Fitzgerald PH 1970 Familial syndrome of streak
gonads and normal male karyotype in five phenotypic females. N Engl J Med
283:6–11 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Sternberg WH, Barclay DL, Kloepfer HW 1968 Familial XY gonadal dysgenesis. N
Engl J Med 278:695–700 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
German J, Simpson JL, Chaganti RS, Summitt RL, Reid LB, Merkatz IR 1978
Genetically determined sex-reversal in 46,XY humans. Science 202:53–56 [PubMed]
[Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Mann JR, Corkery JJ, Fisher HJ, Cameron AH, Mayerova A, Wolf U, Kennaugh AA,
Woolley V 1983 The X linked recessive form of XY gonadal dysgenesis with a high
incidence of gonadal germ cell tumors: clinical and genetic studies. J Med Genet
20:264–270 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]
Rajender S, Thangaraj K, Gupta NJ, Leelavathy N, Rani DS, Nambiar RG, Kalavathy
V, Santhiya ST, Rajangam S, Gopinath PM, Chakravarty B, Singh L 2006 A novel
human sex-determining gene linked to Xp11.21–11.23. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
91:4028–4036 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]


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