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Submitted URL: http://go.bizlibrary.com/MjMwLU1JRi03NTEAAAGHd0WwkD-55SJj87hse5GHWcOTdIVQsvxm3ptB5UqDFQLLlr5pH-VWqe8f9KdrtnFGVl_xhI0=
Effective URL: https://www.bizlibrary.com/align/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=mkto&utm_campaign=align-22&utm_content=note-from-chris&mkt_to...
Submission: On October 14 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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     You too can have impressive results like these
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OCTOBER 19 & 20, 2022
9 AM - 1 PM CST

Join our virtual conference to discuss best practices and trends within
training, employee development, and learning technology.
Register for ALIGN See the Agenda


It's hard connecting with other training and development professionals in a
virtual world. Finding new ways to grow your program can be even harder. Our
virtual conference will feature BizLibrary client speakers, industry experts,
breakout discussions, and more on practical application and exploration of key
principles to move your program forward.
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L&D challenges can range from ensuring compliance to upskilling effectively to
retaining talent with clear career paths. At ALIGN, you'll get fresh ideas for
addressing these challenges head on.


Hear from your peers on training best practices, theories, and trends that
you'll be able to start implementing immediately.


L&D Champions
HR Leaders
Training Pros
C-Suite Executives
Bonus – you can earn CPTD, CPTM, HRCI and SHRM professional development credits
for attending!


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Brandon Dempsey
Keynote- Wednesday, October 19
Brandon Dempsey is a serial entrepreneur and driving force behind his marketing
firm goBRANDgo! that specializes in outsourced marketing services for privately
held $10-100 million growth-oriented companies. He is also the Chair of EO
Accelerator, where he oversees a global program for entrepreneurship. Brandon’s
past startup companies include a remote work consulting company, a professional
employers organization, a business continuity planning firm, and a website
development agency which were all either sold or merged into larger
Matt Granados
LifePulse, Inc.
Keynote- Thursday, October 20
Matt Granados has been an entrepreneur since he was a teenager. Through his
entrepreneurial journey, he built his first million-dollar business by the age
of 24. To develop his businesses, Matt focused on developing his people. While
creating a 40-million-dollar sales organization from individuals hired primarily
from Craigslist, Matt created a way to combine structure and intention which
allow his “under-qualified” team to be the most effective, productive, and
self-motivated versions of themselves.
Chris Elliott
Chris Elliott is BizLibrary’s Chief Revenue Officer. He is a top-performing
executive and sales leader with a successful history of creating high-growth
SaaS cultures, and holds a proven track record of positively impacting sales
teams quickly. Chris brings with him more than 12 years of relevant experience
and passion for leading successful sales teams and driving a frictionless
customer experience. Chris encourages you to join his session on pushing your
program from zero to hero. You’ll leave with practical tips that allow you
garner executive support and send your program into orbit with best practice
Barb Bruno
Good as Gold Training
Barb Bruno is recognized internationally as one of the top experts in the Talent
Acquisition and Staffing and Recruiting Professions. Barb prides herself on
teaching techniques that help others reach a greater level of success.
Erin Pinkowski
Erin Pinkowski is the Chief Product Officer at BizLibrary. She joined the
company in 2013 as a marketing specialist and now oversees the teams responsible
for enhancing our content and platform products and increasing awareness of
those products within the market. Prior to joining BizLibrary, she worked as an
event manager in the hospitality industry. Hear from Chief Product Officer, Erin
Pinkowski, as she recaps all of the new content and platform enhancements from
the past few months and gives you a sneak peek into what the product and content
teams are focused on for the coming months!
ALIGN Award Winners
Various BizLibrary Clients
We know that BizLibrary clients are some of the hardest working L&D
professionals out there. We see first hand how your hard work pays off in the
form of effective training programs that achieve results – and that deserves
recognition! Tune into our five ALIGN award winners' presentations to hear
success stories on increased utilization, inclusive company cultures, how to hit
the ground running from day one, and the coveted training program of the year!


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word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word


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our solutions can help you deliver engaging and impactful learning to your

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