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Why do some people break through and make an impact while others get stuck going
through the motions?

In every organization there are Impact Players—those indispensable colleagues
who can be counted on in critical situations and who consistently receive
high-profile assignments and new opportunities. Whether they are on center stage
or behind the scenes, managers know who these top players are, understand their
worth, and want more of them on their team. While their impact is obvious, it’s
not always clear what actually makes these professionals different from their

In Impact Players, New York Times bestselling author and researcher Liz Wiseman
reveals the secrets of these stellar professionals who play the game at a higher
level. Drawing on insights from leaders at top companies, Wiseman explains what
the most influential players are doing differently, how small and seemingly
insignificant differences in how we think and act can make an enormous impact,
and why—with a little coaching—this mindset is available to everyone who wants
to contribute at their highest level.  

Based on a study of 170 top contributors, Wiseman identifies the mindsets that
prevent otherwise smart, capable people from contributing to their full
potential and the five practices that differentiate Impact Players:

 * While others do their job, Impact Players figure out the real job to be
 * While others wait for direction, Impact Players step up and lead.
 * While others escalate problems, Impact Players move things across the finish
 * While others attempt to minimize change, Impact Players are learning and
   adapting to change. 
 * While others add to the load, the Impact Players make heavy demands feel

Wiseman makes clear that these practices—and the right mindset—can help any
employee contribute at their fullest and shows leaders how they can raise the
level of play for everyone on the team. Impact Players is your playbook for the
new workplace.

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    336 Seiten
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    Harper Business
 4. Erscheinungstermin
    19. Oktober 2021
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    15.24 x 2.77 x 22.86 cm
 6. ISBN-10
 7. ISBN-13
 8. Alle Details anzeigen

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 1. Multipliker, überarbeitet und aktualisiert: Wie die besten Vorfächer jeden
    intelligenter machen.
    Liz Wiseman
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 2.127
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    89 Angebote ab 9,74 $
 2. Workbook for Impact Players by Liz Wiseman: How to Take the lead, Play
    bigger, and multiply your Impact
    Bright Press
    5,0 von 5 Sternen 1
    9,07 $ Versand
 3. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever
    Michael Bungay Stanier
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 6.825
    Erhalten Sie es bis Montag, 28. März
    9,55 $ Versand
    Nur noch 2 vorrätig – bestellen Sie bald.
 4. Beyond Happiness: How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for
    Growth and Impact
    Jenn Lim
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 34
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    46 Angebote ab 12,75 $
 5. Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work
    Liz Wiseman
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 150
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    Erhalten Sie es bis Dienstag, 29. März
    10,45 $ Versand
    Nur noch 1 vorrätig – bestellen Sie bald.
 6. The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism
    Hubert Joly
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 432
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    85 Angebote ab 7,59 $
 7. The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World
    Dorie Clark
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 483
    Gebundene Ausgabe
    10,05 $ Versand

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“If you’re trying to navigate the new world of work, this book is your GPS. With
solid research and sparkling examples, Wiseman shows how to do the things they
don’t teach us in school—tackling ambiguous problems, surmounting unforeseen
obstacles, hitting moving targets, and traveling beyond the boundaries of your
job description to make a real contribution.” -- Daniel H. Pink, number one New
York Times bestselling author of When, Drive, and To Sell is Human

“If you want to stand out early in your career, this book is required reading.
Liz Wiseman highlights the practical, often surprising habits that will help you
reach your potential and make your mark.” -- Adam Grant, number one New York
Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

“Impact Players will teach you how to have empathy for your boss without kissing
up, how to step up and take charge even when you don’t have formal authority,
and when to step back and follow, so you can make big things happen for your
team and your career.” -- Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor and Just Work

“Liz Wiseman has done it again. Impact Players is an engaging and practical
guide to how anyone can be more effective at work. In a refreshing departure
from the relentless emphasis on leadership that dominates the field, Wiseman
digs into the important question of how people make themselves valuable and how
they find ways to make an impact when and where it matters most.” -- Amy C.
Edmondson, professor, Harvard Business School, and author of The Fearless

“In building innovative Silicon Valley companies and running US economic
diplomacy, I’ve learned that Impact Players are the essential ingredient for
growing transformative organizations. And Liz Wiseman’s book gives you the
recipe. Impact Players will help you develop the desperately needed next
generation of bold, principled, transformational leaders to address our
challenges and make sure the world of tomorrow is a better world for all.” --
Keith Krach, former United States undersecretary of state, chairman and CEO of
DocuSign and Ariba

"Being busy? Easy. Having an impact and making a difference? Well, that’s hard,
really hard. Liz Wiseman, in her typically brilliantly, generous, and rigorous
way, shows how any of us can change what we do so we too can be an Impact
Player. This book is every bit as important and as good as Multipliers. And that
book changed the working world.” -- Michael Bungay Stanier, author of The
Coaching Habit

“Impact Players is a gold mine! It is filled with powerful insights and
actionable recommendations on how to move beyond being a competent employee to
being a truly impactful team player. This should be required reading for
individual contributors and leaders alike.” -- Tina Seelig, professor and
executive director, Knight-Hennessy Scholars, Stanford University

“As we slowly get through the challenges of the global pandemic, we cannot
declare victory and go back to normal. We must look further forward to face a
future of unprecedented adversity and opportunity. We need more leaders with the
right mindset and skills to tackle our biggest and most important
challenges—like the climate crisis or technological disruption of jobs, work,
industries, and institutions. The world needs fewer people accepting the status
quo and more Impact Players who are actively working to create the future they
see is possible. This book is a playbook that will help individuals work at a
higher level, inspire teams to do great things, and enable organizations to
create a culture that fosters growth and to become high-impact organizations.”
-- Rob Nail, associate founder and former CEO, Singularity University

“Every colleague, teammate, and contributor wants to be the ‘go to,’
high-performing, high-contributing player. Some might call them indispensable.
Well, now you have the practical mindsets, strategies, and tools to achieve
those goals. It doesn’t take much, but it does take leaders and colleagues who
are able to apply simple techniques to extract that extra engagement sitting
just below the surface. Liz is a master, and every CHRO/CPO should read this
book. If you’re looking to take your organization and the amazing colleagues you
have to another level of contribution, this is the guide to help you get them
there!” -- Eric Hutcherson, chief people and inclusion of?cer, Universal Music

"As with all of Wiseman’s books, this is supremely well-researched, structured
and filled with relatable stories. If you want to develop the Impact Player
mindset and learn their specific practices, or want to have more Impact Players
on your team, this book is gold." -- Forbes


Liz Wiseman is a researcher and executive advisor who teaches leadership to
executives around the world.  She is the author of New York Times bestseller
Multipliers:  How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, The Multiplier
Effect:  Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools, and Wall Street Journal
bestseller Rookie Smarts:  Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work. 

She is the CEO of the Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development firm
headquartered in Silicon Valley, California.  Some of her recent clients
include:  Apple, AT&T, Disney, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Salesforce,
Tesla, and Twitter.  Liz has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and named one
of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world.   

She has conducted significant research in the field of leadership and collective
intelligence and writes for Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and a variety of
other business and leadership journals.  A former executive at Oracle
Corporation, she worked over the course of 17 years as the Vice President of
Oracle University and as the global leader for Human Resource Development. 

She is a frequent guest lecturer at BYU and Stanford University.  Liz holds a
Bachelors degree in Business Management and a Masters of Organizational Behavior
from Brigham Young University.



 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Harper Business (19. Oktober 2021)
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Gebundene Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 336 Seiten
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0063063328
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0063063327
 * Artikelgewicht ‏ : ‎ 490 g
 * Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.77 x 22.86 cm

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 6,675 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
    * Nr. 9 in Coaching (Bücher)
    * Nr. 21 in Personalmanagement (Bücher)
    * Nr. 35 in Kultur am Arbeitsplatz

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,7 von 5 Sternen 169 Sternebewertungen


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Liz Wiseman is a researcher and executive advisor who teaches leadership to
executives around the world. She is the author of New York Times bestseller
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, The Multiplier Effect:
Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools, and Wall Street Journal bestseller Rookie
Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work.

She is the CEO of the Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development firm
headquartered in Silicon Valley, California. Some of her recent clients include:
Apple, AT&amp;T, Disney, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Salesforce, Tesla,
and Twitter. Liz has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and in 2019 was
recognized as the top leadership thinker in the world.

She has conducted significant research in the field of leadership and collective
intelligence and writes for Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and a variety of
other business and leadership journals. She is a frequent guest lecturer at BYU
and Stanford University and is a former executive at Oracle Corporation, where
she worked as the Vice President of Oracle University and as the global leader
for Human Resource Development.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen It’s time to multiply your impact!!!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 21. Oktober 2021
I've long been a fan of Liz Wiseman's work and have given copies of Multipliers
to many clients and friends and cited in many of my conversations, podcast
interviews, and coaching calls. It was a game changer.And now Liz has published
Impact Players, which is the perfect follow-up book and one that we can all use
to play bigger and truly multiply our impact.I've worked in corporate consulting
for more than ten years and I've seen the rising stars and the people who just
get it and make a huge impact. I've also seen lots of other people drifting
along and sometimes even dragging the team down. So many of my clients ask how
do we get more of our employees to act like those stars. How do codify what they
are doing and help others?In Impact Players, Liz explains what the most
impactful players are doing and how we can leverage their mindset to help so
many others make the little changes needed to move up to the next level.This
book is a winner and I can't wait to share it with more people.Andy StorchAuthor
of Own Your Career Own Your Life
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Erica Dhawan
5,0 von 5 Sternen SO SO GOOD!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 19. Oktober 2021
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This book has really changed the way I think about innovation, teamwork,
leadership, and basically everything else I do in my work. I haven never seen an
author so succinctly describe what a true leader looks like as impact players.
As Liz said "They look for the most productive places to put their capability to
use. They make things work, and they get the job done, even when the job gets
difficult. They not only deliver results but they send ripples of positive
impact throughout their team and across the organization." Im quoting this book
regularly as I train my new hires and using it as a reminder for myself on what
great leaders look like. Generally speaking, I’m grateful for this book. It’s
not just a great book for business, but it’s also great for anyone who wants to
improve their relationships.

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David Larson
5,0 von 5 Sternen Leadership doesn’t just happen at the top
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 23. November 2021
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Liz Wiseman’s latest book intelligently addresses an issue I have had with the
management literature for a number of years.

In our increasingly complex work environments, organizational excellence doesn’t
only come from formal leaders. Everyone in the organization has an impact, for
better or worse. We have plenty of management books on leadership behaviors for
those in charge. This book focuses on how everyone else impacts the
organization, defining the key attributes of individuals who have an outsized
positive impact, regardless of their position.

As Wiseman describes in her book, the types of challenges increasingly faced in
modern organizations are messy problems, with unclear roles, unclear obstacles,
moving targets, and unrelenting demands. Mere contributors see these as a
distraction from their job, a reason to look for leadership, an added hassle, a
detour from their strengths, and a reason to ask for help. Impact players see
these as a chance to be useful, an opportunity to provide leadership, a chance
to do it better, a reason to build new capabilities, and a need to work

Impact players don’t just do their job—they do the job that’s needed. They don’t
just wait for direction—they step up, then step back. They don’t just escalate
issues—they overcome obstacles and finish stronger. They don’t just stick to
what they know best—they ask and adjust. And they don’t add to the burden by
mindlessly asking for help—they work to make work light for others.

The great thing about Wiseman’s research findings is that anyone can have a
positive impact—in fact, it’s not even that hard. It’s mainly a matter of being
a good team player.

Most people in organizations are not in leadership roles, and almost no leader
has had a leadership title from the beginning of their career. True leadership
is a set of behaviors that can be practiced from any perch. Those who exemplify
the behaviors in this book likely will become formal leaders, but they already
are leaders, even if they don’t have a title.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Must read for business leaders and those aspiring to make a
difference in their role at work
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 21. Oktober 2021
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I loved this book…couldn't put it down. Wiseman does an amazing job sharing
stories that illustrate her points and keep the reader engaged.

Impact Players is the perfect companion book to "Multipliers". It’s for both
leaders and contributors. As a surgeon, I see its application for me and my team
in the operating room…getting copies for the whole team to read.

I think this book is a must read for people just entering the workforce, those
who want to improve their output and those who lead teams.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 12. November 2021
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If possible, I think Impact Players even better than Multipliers, and that is
saying something because I’ve been recommending Multipliers as the best guide
for leaders since reading in 2019. My aspiration is to be a true Multiplier,
though I’m definitely not there yet! What is great about Impact Players is that
it is appropriate for every member of the team, from the most junior to the most
senior in an organization.

I devoured this book in an evening and immediately placed an order for every
member of my team as a small thank you from me for another long hard year of
working in a fully remote environment. What I appreciate about this book is that
like Multipliers, Liz offers suggestions for the practical application engaging
as an Impact Player. This is a great resource, and I'm looking forward to seeing
how my team puts some of these tools into action!

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Alisa Cohn
5,0 von 5 Sternen Another engaging and super useful book from Liz Wiseman
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 24. Oktober 2021
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I love Multipliers and recommend it to all my clients and Impact Players is an
incredible follow up. It's filled with insights about the ways you can change
your mindset to allow you to step in more gracefully and effectively. It's told
in Liz Wiseman's usual accessible and interesting style so you are hooked from
the very beginning. I also love her structured approach - she synthesizes each
chapter with a grid showing the contributor habit as compared to the impact
habit. I've already started using this in my work with my clients, in particular
the high impact habits and how to increase you impact. Highly recommended for
anyone who wants to lead and make a difference.

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Josh Porter
5,0 von 5 Sternen Eye opening and very much what I was looking for to accelerate
my performance
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 8. Dezember 2021
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Impact Players sheds light on the behaviors and outlook required to not only
differentiate yourself, but find more fulfillment. As a mid-career professional,
I've been looking for ways to improve my capabilities, but wasn't exactly sure
how to start. I've seen some leaders and high performers gain enormous respect,
but wasn't always clear on how they came to that status. I saw myself in so many
of the average contributor examples, but was inspired by how simple changes in
perspective can make a difference. The key is how you perceive new challenges.
It can either be a threat or an opportunity. You have a choice to take something
that could be messy and make it have a real impact.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Totally resonate with it, great book
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 2. Januar 2022
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Time and time again I see ppl with great potential (inconsistent performer)
getting stuck because they don't think of the big picture or what is really
important for the company... And it's so frustrating that they don't get it or
refuse to listen, really listen, particularly when their identity is wrapped up
so tightly with things that don't matter.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen If you have or want your own business or you are a manager
this book is a must read
Rezension aus Kanada am 19. Februar 2022
Verifizierter Kauf
Eye opening, easy to read, super valuable information.
If you are an employee that thrives more, read this. You might be an impact
player and you might even be on the wrong team.
If you are a manager, you want to read this.
If you are a business owner (or an aspiring one) and you have time for only one
book this week (or month), pick this one. So much information, you won't regret

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