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Join us each morning on 5 in 5 with ANZ, a daily podcast hosted by Bernard
Hickey that gives you the five things you need to know about the global economy
and financial markets in under five minutes.

And then hear from our global team of economists and strategists who will delve
into key market trends and its impacts in Asia Pacific.


5 in 5 with ANZ is available wherever you listen to podcasts, search '5 in 5
with ANZ' to listen and follow.

For Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube scan the QR codes or use the links to go
straight to the show.



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subscribing to our show's Substack, for free.

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Bernard Hickey is a leading financial journalist and editor based in New Zealand
with over 20 years’ global experience,
including roles with Reuters, The Financial Times Group and Fairfax Media.


5 in 5 with ANZ - a daily global economy and markets podcastClick to play video


Volatile financial markets...economic forecasts…bond yields, banking liquidity,
rate movements… 

In the world of global finance, the news is always changing. 

I’m Bernard Hickey, host of Five in Five with ANZ… 

I’ll sort through all the market noise every morning to bring you the five
things you need to know ahead of your first meeting. 

Catherine: “The market has been significantly affected by the banking issues
that we’ve seen over the years.. 

Adelaide: “I think you’re likely to see Capital look to Asia as a place to

Then I’ll do a deeper dive into the biggest stories, with insights from ANZ’s
global research team, on how it impacts your part of the world. 

Catherine: “We are seeing a much more convincing downward trend..”

Khoon: “The banking system here in Asia is very far removed from the problems
that’s plaguing the US and Europe.” 

Five in Five with ANZ, a daily podcast, dropping August 1st. 

Follow now wherever you get your podcasts. 


For enquiries about the show and its content, contact 5 in 5 with ANZ.

To learn how ANZ can help you or your business on key themes, get in touch with


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