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Effective URL: https://www.zebra.com/us/en/about-zebra/contact-zebra.html?tactic_type=EDM&tactic_detail=AV_AB_WELCOME2023_VertUnknown...
Submission: On May 16 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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By Industry
By Business Need
Zebra Intelligent Edge Solutions

See All Solutions
By Industry
By Industry

Zebra's Industry Solutions can give your business a competitive advantage by
connecting people, assets and data to help you make better decisions.

See all By Industry
Retail Technology Solutions

Scale and energize your retail strategy with a digital backbone that unifies
your team, informs priorities and drives results with Zebra's retail technology

Warehouse and Distribution

Zebra’s mobile computing, scanning, and printing solutions connect each
operational area in your warehouse to give you the agility to realize
transformational gains.

Healthcare Technology Solutions

Zebra's healthcare technology solutions provide patient identity management,
mobile health devices, and business intelligence data to improve efficiency.


Zebra’s manufacturing technology solutions enable manufacturers to become more
agile, optimize plant floor performance and embrace market changes.

Field Operations

Zebra's market-leading solutions and products improve customer satisfaction with
a lower cost per interaction by keeping service representatives connected with
colleagues, customers, management and the tools they use to satisfy customers
across the supply chain.

Transportation and Logistics

In today's world, the demands on transportation and logistics companies are
higher than ever. Dedicated Warehouse, Fleet and Delivery, and Yard and Terminal
solutions enable visibility to every aspect of your business and keep operations
running flawlessly around the clock.


Zebra's hospitality technology solutions equip your hotel and restaurant staff
to deliver superior customer and guest service through inventory tracking and

Energy and Utilities

Empower your field workers with purpose-driven mobile technology solutions to
help them capture and share critical data in any environment.


Learn how Zebra's public sector technology solutions empower state and local
governments to improve efficiency with asset tracking and data capture devices. 


Zebra's range of Banking technology solutions enables banks to minimize costs
and to increase revenue throughout their branch network. Learn more.

By Business Need
By Business Need

Zebra's range of solutions which combine hardware, software and services can be
tailored to your business needs to help you make better decisions.

See all By Business Need

Analytics from Zebra help maximize business productivity and accelerate
automation with a best in class data intelligence platform.

Intelligent Automation

Zebra's Intelligent Automation solutions pair man with machine like never before
and transform your operations into dynamic and highly efficient workflows.

Vision Solutions

Sense, analyze and act with assets in real-time with Zebra's vision technology

Zebra Location and Tracking Technology

Zebra Location and Tracking Technology Solutions offer an inclusive tracking
portfolio to power precise actions, optimize your workflow and drive your KPIs.

Inventory Management

Zebra's inventory management and tracking solutions combine innovative hardware
and software to improve customer satisfaction and business operations.

Mobile Workforce

Enable and enhance front-line collaboration with a fully-scalable suite of
communication tools.

Technology Migrations

The warehouse is changing and Zebra’s portfolio of Android devices can help you
adapt quickly to ensure you are on the path to faster, leaner operations.

Product Security

Zebra devices, solutions and services are designed with security in mind,
without hindering productivity.

Small and Growing Businesses

Zebra offers Warehouse Solutions to help your team with shipping, receiving,
picking and inventory needs.

E-commerce Fulfillment

Zebra barcode scanners and mobile computers help retailers master high-velocity
e-commerce fulfillment and e-commerce order fulfillment.

Zebra Intelligent Edge Solutions
Zebra Intelligent Edge Solutions

Zebra's Intelligence Edge Solutions connects your business assets, data and
people giving you insights to make best-action decisions in real time.

See all Zebra Intelligent Edge Solutions
Zebra MotionWorks™

Zebra MotionWorks Real-time Location Systems (RTLS) provide complete location
sensing of assets, inventory, and people through RFID technology to solve
complex business problems and build a competitive advantage.

Zebra SmartLens™ for Retail

Zebra’s SmartLens™ for Retail Asset Visibility makes your store a smart store
with automatic sensing of the location and movement of merchandise, associates,
shoppers and assets and turns that data into easy-to-read actionable

Zebra Savanna™

Zebra Savanna is at the heart of a new generation of enterprise applications and
solutions that will digitally transform the way you work.

Fetch Robotics

Robotics automation for warehousing, 3PLs, distribution, manufacturing

Mobile Computers
Barcode Scanners
Printing Supplies
Locating Systems Hardware and Software
Industrial Machine Vision and Fixed Scanners
Autonomous Mobile Robots
Environmental Sensors

See All Products
Mobile Computers
Mobile Computers

Zebra's range of mobile computers equip your workforce with the devices they
need from handhelds and tablets to wearables and vehicle-mounted computers.

See all Mobile Computers
Handheld Computers
Vehicle Mount Computers
Wearable Computers

Zebra's desktop, mobile, industrial, and portable printers for barcode labels,
receipts, RFID tags and cards give you smarter ways to track and manage assets.

See all Printers
Desktop Printers
Mobile Printers
Industrial Printers
Small Office/Home Office Printers
ID Card Printers
Print Engines
Barcode Scanners
Barcode Scanners

Zebra's 1D and 2D corded and cordless barcode scanners anticipate any scanning
challenge in a variety of environments, whether retail, healthcare, T&L or

See all Barcode Scanners
General Purpose Handheld Barcode Scanners
General Purpose Hands-Free and On-Counter Scanners
Ultra-Rugged Barcode Scanners
Multi-Plane Scanners
Fixed Mount Barcode Scanners
Interactive Kiosks
Printing Supplies
Printing Supplies

Choose Zebra's reliable barcode, RFID and card supplies carefully selected to
ensure high performance, print quality, durability and readability.

See all Printing Supplies
Labels and Tags
Hospital Bracelet and Patient ID Barcode Wristbands
Event Wristbands
RFID Labels and Tags
Receipt Paper
Card Laminates and Overlays
Card Printer Ribbons
Card Printer Cleaning Supplies

Zebra's extensive range of RAIN RFID readers, antennas, and printers give you
consistent and accurate tracking.

See all RFID
Handheld RFID Readers and RFID-enabled Scanners
Fixed RFID Readers and Infrastructure
RFID Antennas
RFID Printers
Integrated RFID Portals
RFID Labels and Tags
Locating Systems Hardware and Software
Locating Systems Hardware and Software

Zebra's location technologies provide real-time tracking for your organization
to better manage and optimize your critical assets and create more efficient

See all Locating Systems Hardware and Software
Ultra Wideband
Zebra Bluetooth Low Energy Devices

Zebra's rugged tablets and 2-in-1 laptops are thin and lightweight, yet rugged
to work wherever you do on familiar and easy-to-use Windows or Android OS.

See all Tablets
ET4x Series
ET4x-HC Series
ET5x Series
L10 Series
ET8x Series
Industrial Machine Vision and Fixed Scanners
Industrial Machine Vision and Fixed Scanners

With Zebra's family of fixed industrial scanners and machine vision
technologies, you can tailor your solutions to your environment and

See all Industrial Machine Vision and Fixed Scanners
Fixed Industrial Scanners
Smart Sensors and Cameras
Frame Grabbers
Vision Controllers
I/O Cards
3D Sensors
Machine Vision Cameras
Autonomous Mobile Robots
Autonomous Mobile Robots

See all Autonomous Mobile Robots

Discover Zebra’s range of accessories from chargers, communication cables to
cases to help you customize your mobile device for optimal efficiency.

See all Accessories
Printer and Print Engine Accessories
Mobile Computer and Tablet Accessories
Barcode Scanner Accessories
Interactive and Micro Kiosk Accessories
Industrial Machine Vision Fixed Scanners Accessories
Zebra Intelligent Cabinets
PowerPrecision and Battery Management

Zebra OEM scan engines and private label scanners, imagers, mobile computers and
other technology offer flexible integration and rapid product development.

See all OEM
RFID Modules
Zebra Aurora™ Vision Software
Array Imager Scan Engines
Linear Imager Scan Engines
Fixed Mount
Laser Scan Engines
Software Decode
Environmental Sensors
Environmental Sensors

Use Zebra's Temperature Monitoring and Sensing devices for vaccines,
pharmaceuticals, biologics and any temperature-sensitive products.

See all Environmental Sensors
Ready-to-Use Indicators
Printable Indicators
Electronic Sensors
Need Support?
Software Solutions
Device Software

See All Software
Software Solutions
Software Solutions

Workforce Management

Keep labor costs low, your talent happy and your organization compliant. Create
an agile operation that can navigate unexpected schedule changes and customer
demand to drive sales, satisfy customers and improve your bottom line.

Task Management and Communication

Empower the front line with prioritized task notification and enhanced
communication capabilities for easier collaboration and more efficient task

Inventory Management and Loss Prevention

Get full visibility of your inventory and automatically pinpoint leaks across
all channels.

Forecasting, Planning and Pricing

Reduce uncertainty when you anticipate market volatility. Predict, plan and stay
agile to align inventory with shifting demand.

Location and Tracking

Advance your digital transformation and execute your strategic plans with the
help of the right location and tracking technology.

Device Software
Device Software

Mobile Computer Software

Drive down costs while driving up employee, security, and network performance
with software designed to enhance Zebra's wireless infrastructure and mobile

Printer Software

Explore Zebra’s printer software to integrate, manage and monitor printers
easily, maximizing IT resources and minimizing down time.

Scanner Software

Zebra barcode scanning software can help you stage a device or develop a fully
featured application with image and data capture as well as asset management.

RFID Software

RFID development, demonstration and production software and utilities help you
build and manage your RFID deployments more efficiently.

Device Monitoring and Management Software

Zebra's VisibilityIQ Foresight is a cloud based solution that aggregates data
from MDM and other device data sources to provide you with the business
intelligence you need to get the most out of your data investment.

Zebra DNA

Zebra DNA is the industry’s broadest suite of enterprise software that delivers
an ideal experience for all during the entire lifetime of every Zebra device.

Need Support?
Support and Visibility
Knowledge Center Resources

See All Services

Standard Services

Zebra's Standard Services include mobile readiness, business consulting,
infrastructure implementation, go-live support, and troubleshooting.

Signature Services

Zebra's Signature Services help you accelerate the speed at which you implement
new intelligent edge devices and software into your existing IT environment and

Solution Validation

Zebra's Solution Validation Services ensure that any new Zebra solution is
compatible and validated with the existing IT systems and custom workflows.

Solution JumpStart

Zebra's Solution Jumpstart helps businesses test new and improved data solutions
through proof of concept support in the form of best practice guidance and
access to Zebra engineering experts.

Learning as a Service

Zebra's training services create customized learning plans delivered in a
variety of formats - from on-demand eLearning to instructor-led training to
speed up user adoption of new edge-data solutions.

Software Integration

Zebra's Software Integration Services provide access to skilled developers,
leading UI/UX architects, and the latest integration capabilities for faster
time to value.

RFID Design

Zebra's RFID Design Services focus on commissioning, assessment design, and
go-live troubleshooting to optimize any RFID project regardless of scale.

Program Management

Zebra's Program Management Signature Services provide large scale deployment
consulting for Zebra products and Intelligent Edge Solutions.

MotionWorks Signature Service

Zebra Motionworks RTLS Signature Services include consulting, deployment and
support to enable this end-to-end location solution.

Voice Enablement

Voice Enablement unites voice capabilities with mobility technologies to expand
connectivity and reduce devices across your enterprise.

Workflow and Design Consulting

Workflow and Design Consulting uses time-tested methodologies to analyze your
business processes, existing infrastructure and technology, and recommend how to
optimize workflows using intelligent edge solutions.

Support and Visibility
Support and Visibility

Zebra OneCare™ Maintenance Plans

Our Zebra OneCare Support and Service goes above and beyond the manufacturer's
warranty to cover it all, including normal wear and tear, and accidental damage.

Zebra Managed Service

Zebra's Managed Service delivers worry-free device management to ensure ultimate
uptime for your Zebra Mobile Computers and Printers via dedicated experts.

VisibilityIQ™ Foresight

Zebra's VisibilityIQ Foresight is a cloud based solution that aggregates data
from MDM and other device data sources to provide you with the business
intelligence you need to get the most out of your data investment.

Technical Support

Find ways you can contact Zebra Technologies’ Support, including Email and Chat,
ask a technical question or initiate a Repair Request.

Circular Economy

Zebra's Circular Economy Program helps you manage today’s challenges and plan
for tomorrow with smart solutions that are good for your budget and the

Knowledge Center Resources
Knowledge Center Resources

Knowledge Center

The Zebra Knowledge Center provides learning expertise that can be tailored to
meet the specific needs of your environment. 

Certification Program

Customers, partners, industry professionals and Zebra employees can get
certified and be recognised for their competency with Zebra technologies.

Technical Printer Training

Zebra provides expert Technical Training where Repair Technicians and Engineers
gain expertise to support installation, use and repair of Zebra printers.

Zebra Certifications

Build your reputation with Zebra's certification offerings. Zebra offers a
variety of options that can help you progress your career path forward.

Training Resources

Zebra’s Learning Portal provides access to innovative learning opportunities
across our technologies and solutions.

Support and Downloads
Support and Downloads
Product Support
Support Resources
Support Notifications

Support and Downloads Home
Product Support
Product Support

Mobile Computers Support
Printers Support
Barcode Scanners Support
RFID Support
Tablets Support
Industrial Machine Vision and Fixed Scanners Support
Interactive Kiosks Support
Software Support
Laser Wristband Support
OEM Support
Intelligent Edge Solutions Support
Location Technologies Support
Environmental Sensors Support
Intelligent Cabinets Support
Support Resources
Support Resources

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Warranty Lookup
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Support Notifications
Support Notifications

Security and Vulnerability Alerts
Power Supply Unit Voluntary Recall
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Select Your Location: -No Selection- Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa
Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba
Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium
Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Botswana
Boznia and Herzegovina Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi
Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad
Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Curacao Cyprus
Czech Republic Côte d'Ivoire Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic
Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland
Island Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon
Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam
Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See (Vatican City State)
Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy
Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Republic of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Liechtenstein Lithuania
Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta
Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova,
Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru
Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger
Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau
Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru
Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda
Saint Barthelemy Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Maarten (Dutch Part)
Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa
San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro
Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia
South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Taiwan
Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and
Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda
Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan
Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis &
Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe Canada

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 * Afghanistan
 * Albania
 * Algeria
 * American Samoa
 * Andorra
 * Angola
 * Anguilla
 * Antarctica
 * Antigua and Barbuda
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 * Belgium
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 * Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
 * Botswana
 * Boznia and Herzegovina
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 * Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 * Colombia
 * Comoros
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 * Congo, Democratic Republic of the
 * Cook Islands
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 * Côte d'Ivoire
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 * Dominican Republic
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 * Equatorial Guinea
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 * French Guiana
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 * Guinea-Bissau
 * Guyana
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 * Holy See (Vatican City State)
 * Honduras
 * Hong Kong
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 * Korea, Republic of
 * Kuwait
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 * Lebanon
 * Lesotho
 * Liberia
 * Liechtenstein
 * Lithuania
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 * Monaco
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 * Niger
 * Nigeria
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 * Panama
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 * Russian Federation
 * Rwanda
 * Saint Barthelemy
 * Saint Kitts and Nevis
 * Saint Lucia
 * Saint Maarten (Dutch Part)
 * Saint Martin
 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 * Samoa
 * San Marino
 * Sao Tome and Principe
 * Saudi Arabia
 * Senegal
 * Serbia and Montenegro
 * Seychelles
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 * Somalia
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 * Thailand
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 * Uruguay
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 * Vanuatu
 * Venezuela
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 * Virgin Islands, U.S.
 * Wallis & Futuna
 * Western Sahara
 * Yemen
 * Yugoslavia
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