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Transforming dreams into capital.

We are in the process of filing for approval to open a new stock exchange and
venture stock exchange. We will be the first Minority-owned company to operate a
national market system exchange in US history and the first venture exchange to
list and trade early-stage company stock.


We believe there is a better way to serve all people using the power of our
financial system. By expanding access to a purpose-driven capital market, we are
instilling trust, humanity, and fairness into finance.

Our Dream
the problem
Access to public capital markets.
Since the 1990’s there has been a decline in small-to-mid sized IPOs. Today,
small IPOs are nearly extinct and fewer companies have access to public capital
0 %
of exchange listed companies are Minority-owned businesses
0 %
of all jobs within a company are created after the company goes public*
*According to a US Treasury Department Task Force on IPOs


Without a vibrant listing marketplace, the listing gap between large and small
companies available to investors increases. Listing on a stock exchange allows
more people to build wealth, to build companies, and to build communities
creating living-wage, career-path job opportunities.

Our Solution


Becoming a member of the Dream Exchange makes the statement that your
organization supports our dream of a more diverse, accessible, and welcoming
stock market for people from every sector of society. We are currently opening
our doors for licensed broker-dealer firms to explore membership with our
exchange in anticipation of our future opening.

become a member
For everyone by us.
Joseph J. Cecala
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Dwain J. Kyles
Managing Member of DX Capital Partners

James Yong
Director/Partner, O'Hagan Meyer LLC
Bruce Trask
Chief Technology Officer

Raymond Edwards
Chief Exchange Architect

Tellis Williams
Chief Information Security Officer

Gustave “Gus” Tucker
Vice President of Member Services

Jane Hayton
Vice President of Public Relations

View Our Full Team Here


We host regular webinars on topics ranging from increasing access to capital for
small businesses, to diversity in finance, to capital market structure and
regulation. Click the link to find out when our next event is and register.

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Shaping our capital market structure requires knowing the historical and
existing market completely. Our research has been published in internationally
recognized scholarly papers and shared with informed legislators and regulators.
Download our most recent publication below.

In the News

This Black-Owned Stock Exchange Is Calling On The Public To Invest In Budding
Black-Owned Businesses
Ongoing racial inequalities and wealth gaps continue to prevent...
Dream Exchange CEO, Joe Cecala Joins Over 50 CEOs and Business Experts in the
Nation's Capital for the Black Business Policy Conference
The annual conference, co-sponsored by the National Business League and the
Dream Exchange Welcomes Jigar Vyas as Global Head of Marketing and Product
Dream Exchange has announced the appointment of Jigar Vyas as Global Head...
Dream Exchange Selects MEMX To Provide Proven Exchange Technology for New
Dream Exchange announced today that they have reached an agreement for MEMX...
IPC Systems Partners with Dream Exchange to Provide Extended Access to Public
Capital Markets with Their Connexus® Market Data Solution
IPC Systems, a leading provider of secure, compliant communications and
multi-cloud connectivity...
Opening New Doors For All Investors
Joe Cecala appears on Mornings with Maria with Maria Bartiromo...
Fox Business Maria Bartiromo
The first black-owned stock exchange in U.S. history is opening soon
Investing in stocks and bonds has always been one of the core...
The first black-owned stock exchange in U.S. history is opening soon.
Joe Cecala appears on the Claman Countdown with Liz Claman...
Fox Business
Minority-owned businesses, stock, and wealth.
With over 20 years of experience in business, Cecala is combating a...
US stock exchange upstart has a mission to help Black-owned companies go public
America's newest exchange hopeful wants to be the Branch Rickey of...
This Black-Owned Stock Exchange Is Calling On The Public To Invest In Budding
Black-Owned Businesses
Ongoing racial inequalities and wealth gaps continue to prevent...
Dream Exchange CEO, Joe Cecala Joins Over 50 CEOs and Business Experts in the
Nation's Capital for the Black Business Policy Conference
The annual conference, co-sponsored by the National Business League and the
Dream Exchange Welcomes Jigar Vyas as Global Head of Marketing and Product
Dream Exchange has announced the appointment of Jigar Vyas as Global Head...
Dream Exchange Selects MEMX To Provide Proven Exchange Technology for New
Dream Exchange announced today that they have reached an agreement for MEMX...
IPC Systems Partners with Dream Exchange to Provide Extended Access to Public
Capital Markets with Their Connexus® Market Data Solution
IPC Systems, a leading provider of secure, compliant communications and
multi-cloud connectivity...
Opening New Doors For All Investors
Joe Cecala appears on Mornings with Maria with Maria Bartiromo...
Fox Business Maria Bartiromo
The first black-owned stock exchange in U.S. history is opening soon
Investing in stocks and bonds has always been one of the core...
The first black-owned stock exchange in U.S. history is opening soon.
Joe Cecala appears on the Claman Countdown with Liz Claman...
Fox Business
Minority-owned businesses, stock, and wealth.
With over 20 years of experience in business, Cecala is combating a...
US stock exchange upstart has a mission to help Black-owned companies go public
America's newest exchange hopeful wants to be the Branch Rickey of...
This Black-Owned Stock Exchange Is Calling On The Public To Invest In Budding
Black-Owned Businesses
Ongoing racial inequalities and wealth gaps continue to prevent...
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networking software, DreamEx Connect.

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