Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On May 15 via api from IE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form id="switchLangFrm" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="lngParam" id="lngParam" value="">

Text Content

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Copyright ©2022 eClinicalWorks. All rights reserved. version Portal8.6.5.3

Password GuideLines
Guidelines for creating secure passwords
The first step in protecting your online privacy is creating astrong password.
To help you choose a secure password, we have added password strength meter that
lets you know visually how safe your password is as soon as you create it.

Tips for creating a secure password:

 * Password should be minimum 8 characters
 * Do not use words that can be found in the dictionary.
 * Mix capital and lowercase letters.
 * Include symbols like @ , _ , # , * and numbers.
 * Don't use a password that contains personal information (name, birth date,
 * Don't use keyboard patterns (qwerty) or sequential numbers (1234).
 * Don't make your password all numbers, uppercase letters or lowercase letters.
 * Don't use repeating characters (aaazzz).

Tips for keeping your password secure:
 * Never tell your password to anyone.
 * Never write your password down.
 * Never send your password by email.
 * Periodically change your password.


Password Policy
Guidelines for creating secure passwords
The first step in protecting your online privacy is creating a strong password.
To help you choose a secure password, Please refer below password policy.

Password Policy:

 * Password should be minimum 9 characters.
 * Password should contain One Upper Case, One Lower Case, One Digit and One
   Special Character.
 * Special characters allowed are # , ? , ! , @ , $ , % , ^ , & , _ , * , - .
