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Text Content

Support Communities to Reconnect and Regenerate.
 * Reconnection
 * Participation
 * Regeneration
 * Podcast
 * Sponsor
 * Donate


 * Reconnection
 * Participation
 * Regeneration
 * Podcast
 * Sponsor
 * Donate



Run to Reconnect is a movement to support local regenerative farming, food and
living systems living systems via inspirational reconnective journeys

 * Inspire
 * Support

 * Inspire
 * Celebrate
 * Support

 * Educate
 * Grow


Run To Reconnect is a charity that inspires and supports you to reconnect with
yourself, your community, and the environment by learning about, planning, and
acting on regenerative practices and challenges individually and collectively.

John Salton, a 63-year-old ultra-runner, as he runs across Australia by a route
never done before. Along the way, we will inspire, support and celebrate the
people and projects that are making a positive difference in the world. Run To
Reconnect is more than just a run, it’s a journey of transformation. Are you
ready to join us?

Read More
support r2R

Join Us As We Inspire Personal, Social, Physical and Environmental Reconnection…




Challenge yourself, your family, your friends and take the 21, 42, or 63 day
challenge and raise funds to protect our agricultural land and regenerative food
systems… And be inspired by regenerative communities across Australia as we
follow an incredible athlete run cross Australia via a route never before

Who is John Salton?
The Science of Running

John Salton is a 63-year-old ultra-endurance athlete who loves running, cycling,
and challenging himself to achieve the impossible.

He discovered running at the age of 54 in 2013 and since then he has completed
dozens of ultra-marathons, including some of the toughest and longest races in

John’s passion for running started when he competed in the first year of the Baw
Baw Classic Run (42k) in March 2013. He was hooked by the thrill and joy of
running in nature and pushing his limits. He continued to run longer and harder
races throughout the year, such as the Wilson Prom 60 (60k), the Surf Coast 100
(100k), and the Alpine Miler (100 miles/160k).

John’s running achievements are impressive, but they are not his only
accomplishments. He is also a former World Masters cyclist who participated in
the finals of the criterium and the 90 km road race in 2000. He is also a
successful businessman, a loving husband, and a proud father of three.

John’s latest and greatest challenge is to run across Australia by a
never-before-attempted route that is considered impossible by foot until now. He
will run from Steep Point, Shark Bay in WA, to Byron Bay Light House in NSW,
covering a distance of 4,800 km in 63 consecutive days. He will run through the
Gibson and the Simpson deserts, crossing the infamous French Line, a 440 km
passage of 1,100 sand dunes.

John’s run across Australia is not just a personal quest, but also a charity
event that aims to inspire millions of people to reconnect with themselves,
their communities, and the environment through regenerative practices and
challenges. Along the way, he will showcase and support the communities and
projects that are reconnecting and regenerating themselves, their communities,
and the environment.

John invites you to join him on this journey of a lifetime and become a better
version of yourself. You can follow his progress, support his cause, and take on
your own regenerative challenge by visiting his website:

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support r2R

John took up running in 2017 (?) In October 2019 (?) in preparation for the
planned Run to Reconnect in 2020 (postponed by CoVid) he set himself a personal
40 day challenge: to run up and done Mt Buffalo in the Victorian Alps twice
every day.

During this challenge, unbeknownst to John, Strava launched the world wide
November Run Climbing Challenge. Of 165,972 participants, John came in 2nd.

A remarkable achievement considering he didn't know the challenge was on (only
being notified by a friend), didn't run for the entire month (as he started on
the 3rd of November) and he was 60 years of age at the time.

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Delve into the fascinating science behind the exceptional running technique of a
remarkably fit and vibrant 63-year-old, who conquers ultra marathons regularly
and is one of Australia’s fittest individuals. After taking up running only 5
years ago John Salton has honed a method that intertwines biomechanics,
efficient energy utilization, personalized training strategies and scientific
breathing techniques.

Embracing the principles of proper foot strike, stride length, and posture,
their technique minimizes impact on joints and maximizes propulsion.

Incorporating the latest findings in sports science, John Salton leverages
knowledge about muscle engagement, oxygen utilization, endurance training and
diet. The personalized approach involves meticulous attention to factors such as
heart rate zones, nutrition, recovery techniques, caloric intake and nutrients.
The synergy of these elements not only defies conventional expectations of aging
but propels this seasoned athlete to achieve remarkable feats of stamina and
vitality. Unlock the secrets of their running prowess, where the amalgamation of
scientific insights and individualized strategies propels not just a runner, but
a testament to the potential of age-defying athleticism.

support r2R






3 challenges over 63 days - 21, 42, or 63. Choose your adventure: Personal,
social, physical or environmental - or a combination -  63 options to customise
your journey. Inspire yourself, your family, your school or your community. Team
up, share the plan, encourage and celebrate your journey and what you learn.


While John Salton, 63 year-old ultra-runner, runs across Australia by a
never-before-attempted route, we invite you to choose a personal regenerative
journey of your own.

It could be anything that helps you reconnect with your health, nature, or each

It could be a physical, mental, or environmental challenge that you practice for
21, 42 or 63 days. It could be an individual, family, community, or collective
journey that you share with others.

We'll inspire you bring yourself to reconnect each day, to regenerate yourself,
your family, your community, or environment. And you won’t be alone on this
journey. You will be part of a community of people who are on their own
regenerative journeys, and who will support and celebrate each other along the

You will also be supporting a great cause. Along this journey, we will be
raising funds to establish a network of regenerative learning centres. These
centres will focus on regenerative living and lifestyle systems, such as food,
agriculture, housing, community, and economy. They will offer experience,
education, and hands-on participation in regenerative practices that we so
urgently need for sustaining life.

So, are you ready to join the journey of a lifetime? All you need to do is sign
up, commit, explore, learn, and share your regenerative journey.

You will get access to exclusive content, resources, and perks, and you will
also get a free Run To Reconnect t-shirt.

The cost is only $100 for the 40-day journey and $150 for the 63-day journey.

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Faucibus ullamcorper est nibh aenean etiam non varius volutpat pellentesque
magnis bibendum facilisis cras varius tristique platea facilisis fames elementum
ultricis Gravida commodo montes scelerisque at dictumst.


Thriving in Regenerative Communities

Our vision is a world where all future generations can thrive in regenerative
communities where the personal, social, physical and environmental reconnect to
regenerate our world.

Our vision is a world where all future generations can thrive in regenerative
communities where the personal, social, physical and environmental reconnect to
regenerate our world.

We exist to celebrate and support communities to grow awareness, take action,
and develop the skills and knowledge of regenerative systems of living; food and
agriculture, living and housing, finance and economic systems.

Run To Reconnect is more than just a run, it’s a journey. A journey that starts
within, and then expands to the world around you. A journey that challenges you
to grow personally, socially, physically, and environmentally.

A journey that inspires you to reconnect and regenerate. In a world increasingly
challenged, Run to Reconnect emerges as a beacon of inspiration and
transformation. This event is not merely a run; it's a profound call to action,
urging us to rediscover the vital thread that binds us to our environment and to
each other.

The imperative to reconnect is undeniable, and Run to Reconnect stands as a
catalyst for change, a dynamic force propelling us toward regenerative ways of
being, living and sustainable food systems. In our pursuit of progress, we've
often neglected the interconnectedness that sustains us. Run to Reconnect
invites us to pause, reflect, and actively engage in reshaping our relationship
with the environment. By embracing regenerative practices, we not only heal the
Earth but also rejuvenate ourselves.

The benefits are manifold — from cultivating resilience in ecosystems to
fostering physical and mental well-being in individuals. This event is a
rallying cry for a harmonious coexistence with our planet, an embodiment of the
belief that by reconnecting, we can forge a regenerative future that sustains
life. Join us on this transformative journey, where every step is a testament to
the power of collective action and a commitment to building a world where
reconnection is not just a choice but a way of life.

Together, let's journey each day towards a brighter, regenerative future.

Read More



As a sponsor, you will provide financial or in-kind support to Run To Reconnect
in exchange for recognition and exposure for your brand, products, or services.
You will also have the opportunity to engage with our audience, network with
other sponsors, and participate in our events and activities.

We have different levels of sponsorship packages that offer different benefits
and opportunities, depending on your budget and goals. You can choose the
package that suits you best, or we can customize one for you. We will work
closely with you to ensure that your sponsorship is aligned with your corporate
values and objectives, and that you get the most out of your investment. 


By sponsoring Run To Reconnect, you will gain access to a large and diverse
audience of people who are interested in fitness, wellness, sustainability, and
social impact. You will also enhance your brand image and reputation by showing
your commitment to a worthy cause that makes a positive difference in the world.
You will also increase your visibility and reach by being featured on our
website, social media, newsletters, press releases, and other promotional

You will also have the chance to showcase your products or services at our
events and activities, and to receive feedback and testimonials from our
participants and supporters.


As a sponsor, you can expect to receive regular updates and reports on the
progress and impact of Run To Reconnect. You can also expect to receive
professional and courteous service from our team, who will be happy to answer
any questions and address any concerns you may have. You can also expect to be
invited and welcomed to our events and activities, where you can meet and
interact with our founder, John Salton, our project manager, our team members,
and other sponsors. You can also expect to be thanked and acknowledged for your
generous and valuable support, both publicly and privately.


Donate Now

A world where all future generations can thrive in regenerative communities.


To inspire and assist people across the world to live in regenerative
communities in connection with themselves, each other, and the environment.


Truth, transparency and openness. Do no harm and make no judgments.


Thank you for your interest in supporting Run To Reconnect, a charity event that
aims to inspire millions of people to reconnect with themselves, their
communities, and the environment through regenerative practices and challenges.



Join us on this transformative journey as we raise crucial funds to support the
establishment of the first Regional Regenerative Educational Centre. Nestled in
the heart of the Australian Alps, specifically in Bright, the Centre will be
situated at the source of Australia's largest water catchment. This pivotal
institution and the vision for a network that will grow from it, is dedicated to
advancing knowledge and experience in regenerative food and living systems.

The Centre’s mission is to provide comprehensive training and education on
regenerative agricultural practices, as well as insights into regenerative food
and living systems. Offering hands-on training opportunities and on-site work
experiences in regenerative economic systems, the Centre aims to empower
individuals with knowledge, hands on experience and practical skills. Moreover,
by situating itself in Bright, the Centre is strategically positioned to attract
thousands of visitors annually, elevating the profile of regenerative food and
living systems.

Your support contributes to a sustainable future by fostering education and
awareness in this vital field.




To accept donations via this form you will need to install one of our payment
add-ons. To learn more about your payment add-on options, visit the following
page ( Important: Delete this
tip before you publish the form.

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Credit Card


Join us on this transformative journey as we raise crucial funds to support the
establishment of the first Regional Regenerative Educational Centre. Nestled in
the heart of the Australian Alps, specifically in Bright, the Centre will be
situated at the source of Australia's largest water catchment.

This pivotal institution and the vision for a network that will grow from it, is
dedicated to advancing knowledge and experience in regenerative food and living

The Centre’s mission is to provide comprehensive training and education on
regenerative agricultural practices, as well as insights into regenerative food
and living systems. Offering hands-on training opportunities and on-site work
experiences in regenerative economic systems, the Centre aims to empower
individuals with knowledge, hands on experience and practical skills.

Moreover, by situating itself in Bright, the Centre is strategically positioned
to attract thousands of visitors annually, elevating the profile of regenerative
food and living systems. Your support contributes to a sustainable future by
fostering education and awareness in this vital field.

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