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As a land-grant university, here at USU we don’t consider research projects to
be complete until they have been disseminated to the public. One of the primary
ways that researchers share their work is through academic presentations at
symposia, conferences, or other events. These presentations give you valuable
experience, practice in professional and research communication, and allow you
to network with other students, researchers, and the broader public.

Undergraduate students have numerous opportunities to present at USU, state, and
event national events specifically for undergraduate research and creative work.
Each of the events below is open to all disciplines.

In addition, many professional conferences allow undergraduates to present. Talk
to your research mentor to learn more about the best professional conferences in
your field. If you are accepted to present at a professional conference, you may
be eligible for Office of Research funding to help you cover your attendance

Learn More About Conference Funding


USU Fall Student Research Symposium
Where: Merrill-Cazier Library & Online
Registration open: October 1, 2022
Registration close: November 1, 2022
Event Date: December 8, 2022

The Fall Student Research Symposium offers an opportunity for Undergraduate
Researchers of all backgrounds and experience to present their research in an
open and friendly environment. The Fall 2021 event is still viewable to the
More About the Symposium
Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research
Where: University of Utah
Abstract submissions open: September 1, 2022
Abstract deadline: November 1, 2022
Event Date: February 17, 2023

UCUR is designed to showcase the best undergraduate work from students all over
the state. Undergraduates from all disciplines are invited to apply for the
conference, which provides an excellent opportunity to students to present their
work in a scholarly setting to students, faculty, field specialists and
community members. Presentations may include both visual and oral displays of
work in all academic disciplines, from art history to molecular biology.
More About UCUR
Utah Research on Capitol Hill
Where: Utah State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City, UT
Abstract submission open: October 1, 2022
Abstract deadline: October 15, 2022
Event Date: January 20, 2023

Utah’s Research on Capitol Hill is an annual celebration of undergraduate
research held in the Rotunda of the State Capitol. Organized by USU and the
University of Utah, it features the state’s two public research universities’
students and their research projects. Students of all disciplines from around
the state share the results of their investigations with legislators.
More About ROCH

USU Student Research Symposium
Where: Merrill-Cazier Library & Online
Registration open: February 1, 2023
Registration close: February 15, 2023
Event Date: April 11-12, 2023

Each spring, typically in April, undergraduate and graduate students are invited
to attend the Student Research Symposium. As a part of Research Week—a campus
celebration of research, scholarship, and creative activity—students will
present their research and gain valuable communications training from the best
of the best.
More About SRS
National Conference on Undergraduate Research
Where: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, WI
Abstract submissions open: October 3, 2022
Abstract deadline: November 30, 2022
Event Date: April 13-15, 2023

The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), established in 1987,
is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative
activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students.
Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of young
scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from
all corners of the academic curriculum.
More About the National Conference
Scholars Transforming through Research Program
Where: Alexandria, VA
Abstracts due: September 7, 2022
Event Date: October 23-24, 2022

The STR Program was developed as an expanded and enhanced program to replace
Posters on the Hill. STR is a six-month professional development opportunity for
undergraduate students and faculty mentors to build advocacy and research
communication skills and includes in-person training, virtual meetings, and a
virtual showcase. Ambassadors will network with Capitol Hill officials and
staff, other student and faculty teams, and researchers throughout the country.

Contact Student Research ( if you have questions.
More About the STR


Alongside presenting, publication of research or creative work is a great way to
share it with the public. Talk to your mentor about potential journals that may
be a good fit for your project, and consider submitting to Curiosity: The
Undergraduate Research Journal of Utah State University. You can also share any
of your presentation materials (such as your poster, abstract, or slides) to
Digital Commons! Both Curiosity and Digital Commons are completely open to the
public and will give you a permanent online record of your work.

Undergraduate Research


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