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Submitted URL: https://businessfinland.fi/
Effective URL: https://www.businessfinland.fi/suomalaisille-asiakkaille/etusivu
Submission: On September 20 via manual from FI — Scanned from FI

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Business Finland käyttää verkkosivustoillaan ja palveluissaan sekä näiden
mobiilisovelluksissa erilaisia teknisiä sovelluksia. Evästeiden ja kerätyn
tiedon tarkoituksena on helpottaa verkkoliikenteen analysointia ja sitä kautta
parantaa asiakaskokemusta sekä verkkosivuilla että eri palveluissa. Lue lisää
tällä sivustolla käytettävistä evästeistä.
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Vain välttämättömät evästeet Salli valinta Salli kaikki evästeet
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Evästeilmoitus [#IABV2SETTINGS#] Tietoja
 Välttämättömät (32)  Käyttäjäasetukset (2)  Analytiikka (28)  Markkinointi (86)
 Luokittelemattomat (16)
Välttämättömät evästeet auttavat tekemään verkkosivustosta käyttökelpoisen
sallimalla perustoimintoja kuten sivulla siirtymisen ja sivuston suojattujen
alueiden käytön. Verkkosivusto ei toimi kunnolla ilman näitä evästeitä.

NimiTarjoajaTarkoitusVoimassaTyyppi``www.businessfinland.fiUsed by Microsoft
Power BI platform to display graphics on the website.PersistentHTMLcctStröer
Media DeutschlandNecessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website.1
vuosiHTTPai_session [x2]content.powerapps.com
MicrosoftPreserves users states across page requests.1
päiväHTTPARRAffinity [x2]Microsoft
www.businessfinland.fiUsed to distribute traffic to the website on several
servers in order to optimise response
times.SessionHTTPARRAffinitySameSite [x2]Microsoft
www.businessfinland.fiUsed to distribute traffic to the website on several
servers in order to optimise response
times.SessionHTTPcookietestcontent.powerapps.comThis cookie is used to determine
if the visitor has accepted the cookie consent
box.SessionHTTPAI_bufferMicrosoftUsed in context with the "AI_sentBuffer" in
order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also
allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates.
SessionHTMLAI_sentBufferMicrosoftUsed in context with the "AI_buffer" in order
to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also allows the
website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates.
SessionHTMLobject(quot;#-#-#T#:#:#.#Zquot;)MicrosoftRegisters statistical data
on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website
operator. SessionHTMLmanifests.artifactscontent.powerapps.comUsed by Microsoft
Power BI platform to display graphics on the
website.PersistentHTMLmanifests.extensionscontent.powerapps.comUsed by Microsoft
Power BI platform to display graphics on the
website.PersistentHTMLmanifests.productscontent.powerapps.comUsed by Microsoft
Power BI platform to display graphics on the
website.PersistentHTMLmanifests.tabscontent.powerapps.comUsed by Microsoft Power
BI platform to display graphics on the
website.PersistentHTMLtest_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the user's browser
supports cookies.1 päiväHTTPSERVERIDEyeotaThis cookie is used to assign the
visitor to a specific server - this function is necessary for the functionality
of the website.1 päiväHTTPAWSALBSiteimproveRegisters which server-cluster is
serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to
optimize user experience. 7 päivääHTTPAWSALBCORSSiteimproveRegisters which
server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load
balancing, in order to optimize user experience. 7 päivääHTTPli_gcLinkedInStores
the user's cookie consent state for the current domain180
päivääHTTPPHPSESSID [x2]nip-cache.businessfinland.fi
LyytiPreserves user session state across page
requests.SessionHTTPCOOKIE_SUPPORTsuite.icareus.comThis cookie determines
whether the browser accepts cookies.1
vuosiHTTPJSESSIONIDsuite.icareus.comPreserves users states across page
prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
attacks.SessionHTTPASP.NET_SessionIdwww.businessfinland.fiPreserves the
visitor's session state across page
requests.SessionHTTPCookieConsentCookiebotStores the user's cookie consent state
for the current domain1 vuosiHTTPTiPMixwww.businessfinland.fiRegisters which
server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load
balancing, in order to optimize user experience. 1
päiväHTTPx-ms-routing-namewww.businessfinland.fiRegisters which server-cluster
is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to
optimize user experience. 1 päiväHTTPbscookieLinkedInThis cookie is used to
identify the visitor through an application. This allows the visitor to login to
a website through their LinkedIn application for example.1
vuosiHTTPCONSENTYouTubeUsed to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing
category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for GDPR-compliance of
the website. 2 vuottaHTTP

Käyttäjäasetusevästeiden avulla sivusto tallentaa nimettömiä tietoja kuten
kielivalintoja tai käyttäjän sijainteja, jotka muuttavat sivuston käyttäytymistä
ja ulkonäköä.

settings and outputs when using the Developer Tools Console on current
session.PersistentHTMLGUEST_LANGUAGE_IDsuite.icareus.comDetermines the preferred
language of the visitor. Allows the website to set the preferred language upon
the visitor's re-entry. 1 vuosiHTTP

Analytiikkaevästeet auttavat sivuston omistajia ymmärtämään, miten käyttäjät
ovat vuorovaikutuksessa sivustojen kanssa, keräämällä ja raportoimalla tietoja

NimiTarjoajaTarkoitusVoimassaTyyppiabNeustarThis cookie is used by the website’s
operator in context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine
or change content on the website. This allows the website to find the best
variation/edition of the site. 1 vuosiHTTPai_user [x2]content.powerapps.com
MicrosoftUsed by Microsoft Application Insights software to collect statistical
usage and telemetry information. The cookie stores a unique identifier to
recognize users on returning visits over time.1
vuosiHTTPWFESessionIdMicrosoftStores data on the time spent on the website and
its sub-pages, during the current session. SessionHTTP_gaGoogleRegisters a
unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the
website.2 vuottaHTTP_ga_#GoogleUsed by Google Analytics to collect data on the
number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first
and most recent visit. 2 vuottaHTTP_gatGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to
throttle request rate1 päiväHTTP_gidGoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to
generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.1
päiväHTTPiv [x2]EpiserverRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. 2
vuottaHTTPnmstatSiteimproveThis cookie contains an ID string on the current
session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor
enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience.1000
päivääHTTPsentryReplaySessionembed-cdn.spotifycdn.comRegisters data on visitors'
website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.
data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to
compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
owner.SessionPixelimage.aspxSiteimproveRegisters statistical data on users'
behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
SessionPixelcollectGoogleUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the
visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing
channels.SessionPixelAnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedInUsed in connection with
data-synchronization with third-party analysis service. 30
päivääHTTPPugTPubMaticUsed to determine the number of times the cookies have
been updated in the visitor's browser. Used to optimize the website's server
efficiency. 30 päivääHTTPrnsbidReact and
ShareOdottaaPersistentHTMLrnsbid_tsReact and
ShareOdottaaPersistentHTMLtrack.gifReact and
ShareOdottaaSessionPixel.EPiForm_BIDwww.businessfinland.fiThis cookie is used to
distinguish the browser that the visitor is using. The server automatically
assigns an ID string to that browser, so that the website can identify the
visitor again when reentering the website.3
kuukauttaHTTP.EPiForm_VisitorIdentifierwww.businessfinland.fiThis cookie is used
to identify the visitor when reentering the website, by using the ID string
contained in the .EPiForm_BID cookie.3
vuottaHTTPln_orLinkedInRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. 1
päiväHTTPmsd365mkttrsAzureRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
SessionHTTPtimeStampwww.businessfinland.fiSets a timestamp for when the last
successful request was made to the server.SessionHTMLtdGoogleRegisters
statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics
by the website operator. SessionPixel

Markkinointievästeitä käytetään verkkosivustoilla kävijöiden seurantaan.
Tarkoituksena on näyttää mainoksia, jotka ovat sopivia ja kiinnostavia
yksittäisille käyttäjille, ja siten arvokkaampia julkaisijoille ja kolmansien
osapuolten mainostajille.

päivääHTTPCAdformUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.30
päivääHTTPCMAdformUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.1
päiväHTTPCM14AdformRegisters user behaviour and navigation on the website, and
any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing advertisement
and for efficient retargeting. 14 päivääHTTPuid [x2]Adform
CriteoRegisters a unique user ID that recognises the user's browser when
visiting websites that use the same ad network. The purpose is to optimise
display of ads based on the user's movements and various ad providers' bids for
displaying user ads.2 kuukauttaHTTPUserID1Adition TechnologiesThis cookie is
used to collect information on a visitor. This information will become an ID
string with information on a specific visitor – ID information strings can be
used to target groups with similar preferences, or can be used by third-party
domains or ad-exchanges.3 kuukauttaHTTPanjAppnexusRegisters a unique ID that
identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.3
kuukauttaHTTPuuid2AppnexusRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning
user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.3 kuukauttaHTTPtuStröer Media
DeutschlandUsed to target ads by registering the user's movements across
websites.1 vuosiHTTPuuStröer Media DeutschlandUsed to target ads by registering
the user's movements across websites.1 vuosiHTTPad-idAmazonUsed by Amazon
Advertising to register user actions and target content on the website based on
ad clicks on a different website.200 päivääHTTPad-privacyAmazonUsed by Amazon
Advertising to register user actions and target content on the website based on
ad clicks on a different website.400 päivääHTTPIDSYNCOathUsed to identify the
visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the
visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third party
advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. 1
vuosiHTTParcki2audrte.comCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in
order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more
relevant. 15 päivääHTTParcki2_adformaudrte.comPresents the user with relevant
content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement
hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.15
päivääHTTPbkpaBluekai.comPresents the user with relevant content and
advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.6
kuukauttaHTTPbkuBluekai.comRegisters anonymised user data, such as IP address,
geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with
the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user's movement on websites
that use the same ad network.6 kuukauttaHTTP_fbp Meta Platforms, Inc.Used by
Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding
from third party advertisers.3 kuukauttaHTTP_gcl_auGoogleUsed by Google AdSense
for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their
services. 3 kuukauttaHTTP_lfa [x2]sc.lfeeder.comUsed in context with
Account-Based-Marketing (ABM). The cookie registers data such as IP-addresses,
time spent on the website and page requests for the visit. This is used for
retargeting of multiple users rooting from the same IP-addresses. ABM usually
facilitates B2B marketing purposes.1
vuosiHTTP_lfa_test_cookie_stored [x2]sc.lfeeder.comUsed in context with
Account-Based-Marketing (ABM). The cookie registers data such as IP-addresses,
time spent on the website and page requests for the visit. This is used for
retargeting of multiple users rooting from the same IP-addresses. ABM usually
facilitates B2B marketing purposes.SessionHTTPis [x2]EpiserverRegisters a unique
ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.1
päiväHTTPCMIDCasale MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to
the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.1
vuosiHTTPCMPROCasale MediaCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
3 kuukauttaHTTPCMPSCasale MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted
ads.3 kuukauttaHTTPdemdexAdobe Inc.Via a unique ID that is used for semantic
content analysis, the user's navigation on the website is registered and linked
to offline data from surveys and similar registrations to display targeted
ads.180 päivääHTTPdpmAdobe Inc.Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows
third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This
pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates
real-time bidding for advertisers.180 päivääHTTPIDEGoogleUsed by Google
DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or
clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy
of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.1
vuosiHTTPpagead/landingGoogleCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
SessionPixelv_usre-volution.aiCollects data about the user's visit to the site,
such as the number of returning visits and which pages are read. The purpose is
to deliver targeted ads.14 päivääHTTPads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed by Google
AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on
the visitor's online behaviour across
a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for
targeted ads.180 päivääHTTPbcookieLinkedInUsed by the social networking service,
LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.1
vuosiHTTPli_sugrLinkedInCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order
to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. 3
kuukauttaHTTPlidcLinkedInUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for
tracking the use of embedded services.1 päiväHTTPUserMatchHistoryLinkedInUsed to
track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement
based on the visitor's preferences. 30 päivääHTTPuuidMediMathCollects data on
the user's visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The
registered data is used for targeted ads.1
vuosiHTTPKRTBCOOKIE_#PubMaticRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's
device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID
is used to allow targeted ads.30 päivääHTTPeudZeta GlobalRegisters user data,
such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the
user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user's
movement on websites that use the same ad network.1 vuosiHTTPrudZeta
GlobalRegisters user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited
websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad
display based on the user's movement on websites that use the same ad network.1
vuosiHTTPrudsZeta GlobalRegisters user data, such as IP address, geographical
location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose
of optimising ad display based on the user's movement on websites that use the
same ad network.SessionHTTPpxrcLiveRampThis cookie registers data on the
visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance. 2
kuukauttaHTTPrlas3LiveRampCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to
the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.1
vuosiHTTP_lfasc.lfeeder.comUsed in context with Account-Based-Marketing (ABM).
The cookie registers data such as IP-addresses, time spent on the website and
page requests for the visit. This is used for retargeting of multiple users
rooting from the same IP-addresses. ABM usually facilitates B2B marketing
purposes.PersistentHTML_lfa_expirysc.lfeeder.comContains the expiry-date for the
cookie with corresponding name. PersistentHTMLSEUNCYSemasioRegisters a unique ID
that identifies the user's device for return visits.1
vuosiHTTPsp_landingSpotifyUsed to implement audio-content from Spotify on the
website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in
context with audio-content - This can serve statistics and marketing purposes.
400 päivääHTTPsp_tSpotifyUsed to implement audio-content from Spotify on the
website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in
context with audio-content - This can serve statistics and marketing purposes.
400 päivääHTTPsa-user-idStackAdaptUsed to track visitors on multiple websites,
in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 1
vuosiHTTPsa-user-id-v2StackAdaptUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in
order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 1
vuosiHTTPsa-user-id-v3StackAdaptOdottaa1 vuosiHTTPTapAd_3WAY_SYNCSTapadUsed for
data-synchronization with advertisement networks.2
kuukauttaHTTPTapAd_DIDTapadUsed to determine what type of devices (smartphones,
tablets, computers, TVs etc.) is used by a user.2 kuukauttaHTTPTapAd_TSTapadUsed
to determine what type of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs etc.) is
used by a user.2 kuukauttaHTTPmatchadformDataxuPresents the user with relevant
content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement
hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.30
päivääHTTPmatchliverampDataxuSets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third
party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This
pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates
real-time bidding for advertisers.30 päivääHTTPwfivefivecDataxuCollects data on
the user's visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The
registered data is used for targeted ads.13 kuukauttaHTTPAFFICHE_WWeboramaUsed
by the advertising platform Weborama to determine the visitor's interests based
on pages visits, content clicked and other actions on the website.1
vuosiHTTPmsd365mkttrAzureCollects information on user behaviour on multiple
websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of
advertisement on the website.SessionHTTPA3YahooCollects information on user
behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize
the relevance of advertisement on the website.1
vuosiHTTPLAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with
to track user’s interaction with embedded
content.SessionHTTPremote_sidYouTubeNecessary for the implementation and
functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
SessionHTTPrequestsYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded
content.SessionHTTPServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogYouTubeNecessary for the
implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
PersistentIDBTESTCOOKIESENABLEDYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with
embedded content.1 päiväHTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeTries to estimate the
users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.180
päivääHTTPYSCYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from
YouTube the user has seen.SessionHTTPyt.innertube::nextIdYouTubeRegisters a
unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLyt.innertube::requestsYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeUsed to track user’s
interaction with embedded content.PersistentHTMLYtIdbMeta#databasesYouTubeUsed
to track user’s interaction with embedded
content.PersistentIDByt-remote-cast-availableYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installedYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devicesYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-idYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-periodYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-appYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-nameYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube videoSessionHTML

Luokittelemattomat evästeet ovat evästeitä, joita parhaillaan luokittelemme
yhdessä yksittäisten evästeiden tarjoajien kanssa.


Evästeet ovat pieniä tekstitiedostoja, joita sivustot voivat käyttää tehdäkseen
käyttäjäkokemuksesta tehokkaamman.

Lain mukaan voimme tallentaa evästeitä laitteellesi, mikäli se on ehdottoman
tärkeää sivuston toiminnan kannalta. Tarvitsemme suostumuksesi kaikenlaisten
evästeiden käytölle.

Tämä sivusto käyttää erityyppisiä evästeitä. Jotkut evästeet ovat sivuillamme
esiintyvienkolmansien osapuolten palveluiden asettamia.

Voit muuttaa tai peruuttaa hyväksyntäsi sivustollamme evästeilmoituksen kautta.

Lue Tietosuojaehdoistamme lisää siitä keitä olemme, miten voit ottaa meihin
yhteyttä ja miten käsittelemme henkilökohtaisia tietojasi.

Ole hyvä ja ilmoita hyväksymistunnuksesi ja -päivämäärä, kun otat meihin
yhteyttä liittyen hyväksymiseesi.
Evästeilmoitus päivitetty viimeksi 14.9.2023, tekijä: Cookiebot
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Asiakkaille Suomessa

Suomi elää yritystemme kyvystä myydä kestäviä ratkaisuja ja in­no­vaa­tioi­ta

Viestit päättäjille


Lue lisää

Tarjoamme in­no­vaa­tio­ra­hoi­tus­ta ja kan­sain­vä­lis­ty­mis­pal­ve­lui­ta,
edistämme matkailua ja in­ves­toin­te­ja Suomeen

Tutustu meihin

Ukrainan ja Venäjän ti­lan­ne­tie­toa yrityksille

Tilannetietoa yrityksille

Business Finland ja Suomen kestävän kasvun ohjelma (RRF)

Lue lisää

Millainen on suomalaisen bisneksen tulevaisuus?

Kuuntele Business Finlandin uusi Kasvupodi

Kuuntele podcast

Suomi elää yritystemme kyvystä myydä kestäviä ratkaisuja ja in­no­vaa­tioi­ta

Viestit päättäjille


Lue lisää

Tarjoamme in­no­vaa­tio­ra­hoi­tus­ta ja kan­sain­vä­lis­ty­mis­pal­ve­lui­ta,
edistämme matkailua ja in­ves­toin­te­ja Suomeen

Tutustu meihin

Ukrainan ja Venäjän ti­lan­ne­tie­toa yrityksille

Tilannetietoa yrityksille

Business Finland ja Suomen kestävän kasvun ohjelma (RRF)

Lue lisää

Millainen on suomalaisen bisneksen tulevaisuus?

Kuuntele Business Finlandin uusi Kasvupodi

Kuuntele podcast

Suomi elää yritystemme kyvystä myydä kestäviä ratkaisuja ja in­no­vaa­tioi­ta

Viestit päättäjille

 * 1
 * 2
 * 3
 * 4
 * 5
 * 6

 * Ajankohtaista
 * Oikopolut











 * Vienti ja kansainvälistyminen
 * Rahoitus
 * Ohjelmat
 * Ekosysteemien rakentaminen
 * Matkailun edistäminen


 * Market opportunities
 * Team Finland Asset 11
 * Finnish Solutions Asset 11
 * Matkailun tilastot ja tutkimukset
 * Julkaisuhaku


 * Tule asiakkaaksi
 * Ota yhteyttä
 * Tapahtumat
 * Rahoitushaut
 * Rahoituksen ohjeet, ehdot ja lomakkeet
 * Muutoksen hakeminen





Miten rahoituspäätökset tehdään? Miten rahojen käyttöä seurataan? Miten Business
Finlandia valvotaan? Tässä kuusi kohtaa Business Finlandin rahoituksen
käytännöistä. Tutustu myös Business Finlandin rahoittamiin hankkeisiin avoimessa











Katso kaikki tapahtumat, uutiset ja haut



Business Finland tarjoaa yhtenäisen palvelupolun innovaatiotoimintaan,
kansainvälistymiseen, investointeihin ja matkailun edistämiseen.
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Katso tästä yhteystietomme.
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Business Finland etsii huippuosaajia auttamaan suomalaisia yrityksiä kasvamaan
ja kansainvälistymään nopeammin sekä kehittämään innovaatioista globaaleja
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Business Finland
Porkkalankatu 1

Kirjaamo Asset 11


029 50 55000
arkisin klo 8.00-16.30


Tule asiakkaaksi




Whistleblower-palaute Asset 11

Business Finland Venture Capital Asset 11

Eurooppalaiset ohjelmat


Twitter Asset 11

LinkedIn Asset 11

Facebook Asset 11

Instagram Asset 11

Tilaa uutiskirje

Tietosuoja Vaihda evästeasetuksia
Asset 11