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I am a U.S. Resident over the age of 18, I agree to the E-Consent, Credit
Authorization, Advertising Disclosure, Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions,
and I may receive special offers.
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We use 256-bit SSL technology to encrypt your data


$100 TO $2,500






Simplified, so you can get on your way. Leading security technology, for your
peace of mind.



Fill out our short, secure online loan request and submit.



Get approved in as little as 2 minutes.



Your money directly into your account in as little as one business day. Why


Fill out our short, secure online loan request and submit.


Get approved in as little as 2 minutes.


Your money directly into your account in as little as one business day. Why



Cash Spark was designed to help you request the loan you need, for any reason! A
personal loan is money you borrow for any kind of reason for personal use, such
as unexpected car repairs, home improvement projects, vacations, help paying for
a wedding, and all other emergency situations. By completing our short loan
request form, you could have your cash in as little as one business day. There
are absolutely no hidden fees.

Our process is safe, secure, fast and reliable. No waiting in lines or going to
a physical store. Request your loan straight from your mobile phone, or
computer. You may be approved in minutes, and your cash will be deposited
straight into your bank account.

So don't wait. Fill out our form to request the loan you've been searching for
with Cash Spark.


As a member of the Online Lenders Alliance (OLA), we are committed to a
responsible lending policy that complies not just with the letter of federal
law, but also with its spirit: to treat people fairly and with respect. Visit
the OLA to learn more about the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act.

THE OPERATOR OF THIS WEBSITE is a for-profit advertising network. We receive
compensation, in the form of referral fees, from lenders, aggregators, credit
repair services, or other offers that we direct you to. Therefore, the amount of
compensation provided, along with other factors, may impact which offer you are
presented. The offer you receive may be coming from the company that bid the
most for your information. The operator of this website does not always provide
you with an offer with the best rates or terms. Our website does not include all
companies or all available offers. We encourage you to research all available
loans options for your situation.

* The operator of this website does not broker loans to lenders and does not
make cash advances or credit decisions. This Website does not constitute an
offer or solicitation to lend. This site will submit the information you provide
to a lender. In some cases, you may be given the option of obtaining a loan from
a tribal lender. Tribal lenders are subject to tribal and certain federal laws
while being immune from state law including usury caps. If you are connected to
a tribal lender, please understand that the rates and fees may be higher than
state-licensed lenders and you may be required to agree to resolve any disputes
in a tribal jurisdiction. Additionally, your information may be going to an
aggregator and not a lender. Your information can be sold multiple times leading
to multiple offers from lenders, aggregators, and other marketers. Providing
your information on this Website does not guarantee that you will be approved
for a cash advance. The operator of this Website is not an agent, representative
or broker of any lender and does not endorse or charge you for any service or
product. Not all lenders can provide up to $2,500. Cash transfer times may vary
between lenders and may depend on your individual financial institution. In some
circumstances faxing may be required. This service is not available in all
states, and the states serviced by this Website may change from time to time and
without notice. For details, questions or concerns regarding your cash advance,
please contact your lender directly. Cash advances are meant to provide you with
short term financing to solve immediate cash needs and should not be considered
a long term solution. Residents of some states may not be eligible for a cash
advance based upon lender requirements.

** Lenders may perform credit checks with the three credit reporting bureaus:
Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion. Credit checks or consumer reports through
alternative providers may be obtained by some lenders.

ANTI-SPAM POLICY: We strictly prohibit any reference or advertisement of our
brand and web site using unsolicited email messages. Violation of this policy
will cause partnership termination and further actions permitted by the law. If
you feel you have been sent unsolicited messages promoting our brand or website
and would like to register a complaint, please refer to our Privacy Policy. We
will investigate all complaints and take necessary action.

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