faxonfirearms.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://url8695.faxonfirearms.com/ls/click?upn=088q4yp-2FjFO7qDmQQAEANgMgdvkQI03ado7SchB3ul5a8FvUuOIQQHR6XeVXv3YI9iO0DCGb489GJsMOk...
Effective URL: https://faxonfirearms.com/blog/episode71?redirect_mongo_id=6418a23b13b7230034d13d5a&utm_source=Springbot&utm_medium=Email&...
Submission: On March 20 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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              ON TARGET</span></span></span></p>
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 1. Startseite
 2. The Faxon Blog and Podcast
 3. New Bolt Action Highlights | Episode 71: Faxon Blog & Podcast

Posted by Faxon Firearms Staff on Feb 7th 2023


This Week On The Show!

Dustin is joined by Jay Wilson (Director of Product Management) and Aaron
Meidinger (Design Engineer) to talk about the new Faxon Bolt Action that was
announced at SHOT Show 2023.

 * Learn more about the Faxon Bolt Action: https://faxonfirearms.com/boltaction/
 * Find Faxon's Booth for the 2023 NRA Annual
   Meeting: https://s15.a2zinc.net/clients/NRA/nraam2023/Publi...

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