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Amazon.com: Echo Dot (5th Gen) | Charcoal with TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug Mini :
Amazon Devices & Accessories
 * Amazon Devices
 * Echo & Alexa
   Previous page
    1.  Smart Displays
        NEW Echo Show 5
        5.5" smart display with Alexa and 2 MP camera
    2.  NEW Echo Show 5 Kids
        5.5" smart display designed for kids
    3.  NEW Echo Show 8
        8" HD smart display with Alexa and 13 MP camera
    4.  Echo Show 10
        10.1" HD smart display with motion and Alexa
    5.  Echo Show 15
        Full HD 15.6" smart display with Alexa and Fire TV built in | Remote
    6.  Smart Home Control
        NEW Echo Hub
        An easy-to-use control panel for your smart home devices
    7.  Smart Speakers
        NEW Echo Pop
        Full sound in a compact smart speaker
    8.  NEW Echo Pop Kids
        Our kid-friendly Echo Pop designed with magic in mind
    9.  Echo Dot
        Vibrant sound in a compact smart speaker with Alexa
    10. Echo Dot Kids Edition
        Our kid-friendly Echo Dot
    11. Echo
        Premium sound with built-in smart home hub
    12. Echo Studio
        Our best-sounding smart speaker with Dolby Atmos and spatial audio
    13. Alexa on the go
        Echo Auto
        Add Alexa to your car
    14. NEW Echo Buds
        Wireless bluetooth 5.2 earbuds with Alexa
    15. NEW Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation
        Wireless earbuds with active noise cancellation and Alexa
    16. Smart Glasses
        NEW Echo Frames (3rd Gen, 2023 release)
        Eyeglasses with Alexa
    17. Carrera Smart Glasses with Alexa (2023 release)
        Carrera eyeglasses with Alexa
    18. Echo Frames
        Eyeglasses with Alexa
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 * Fire Tablets
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    1.  Fire Tablets
        Fire 7
        Most compact & affordable, designed for the whole family
    2.  Fire HD 8
        HD entertainment on-the-go
    3.  NEW Fire HD 10
        Widescreen entertainment, casual gaming & light productivity
    4.  NEW Introducing Fire Max 11
        Our most powerful tablet yet - brilliant 11” screen
    5.  Fire Kids Pro
        Fire HD 8 Kids Pro
        Kids tablet, with preset filter for ages 6-12 and sleeker case
    6.  NEW Fire HD 10 Kids Pro
        Older kids learning and entertainment
    7.  Fire Kids Tablets
        Fire 7 Kids
        Most affordable and lightweight, perfect for kids 3-7
    8.  Fire HD 8 Kids
        Most versatile, with long battery life and 32GB storage
    9.  NEW Fire HD 10 Kids
        Fast and responsive for gaming and education
    10. Fire Tablet Bundles
        Fire HD 8 + Luna Controller
        Includes Fire HD 8 tablet with Luna controller for gaming
    11. NEW Introducing Fire Max 11 Ultimate Productivity Bundle
        Entertainment & productivity powerhouse
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 * Fire TV
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    1.  Streaming Devices
        Fire TV Stick Lite
        Essential streaming under $30
    2.  Fire TV Stick
        HD streaming with convenient TV controls
    3.  NEW Fire TV Stick 4K
        An ultra-cinematic 4K experience
    4.  NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max
        Our most powerful 4K streaming stick
    5.  Fire TV Cube
        Ultimate 4K streaming with hands-free voice control
    6.  Smart TVs
        NEW Fire TV 2-Series
        HD entertainment for any room (32-40")
    7.  Amazon Fire TV 4-Series
        Everyday entertainment with support for vivid 4K Ultra HD (43-55")
    8.  Amazon Fire TV Omni Series
        A home theater experience with convenient hands-free voice control
    9.  NEW Amazon Fire TV Omni QLED Series
        Watch your movies and shows come to life with a brilliant 4K QLED
        display (43-75")
    10. NEW TCL S3 FHD LED Fire TV
        Experience your favorite movies and TV shows in stunning Full HD
    11. NEW TCL S4 4K UHD Fire TV
        Incredibly full featured home theater TV with 4K UHD resolution (43-75")
    12. NEW TCL Q6 QLED 4K Fire TV
        Premium picture technology with outstanding value for endless
        entertainment (55-75")
    13. Hisense U6 QLED 4K Fire TV
        Use Hisense's exclusive ULED technologies to boost color, contrast,
        brightness, and motion (50-58")
    14. Insignia HD Fire TV
        HD smart TV with Fire TV experience built-in (24-39")
    15. Insignia FHD Fire TV
        Full HD smart TV with Fire TV experience built-in (24-42")
    16. Toshiba HD Fire TV
        Endless entertainment with Fire TV built-in (32-43")
    17. NEW Toshiba 4K UHD Fire TV
        Endless entertainment with Fire TV built-in (43-65")
    18. Insignia 4K UHD Fire TV
        4K UHD smart TV with Fire TV experience built-in (43-75")
    19. Companion Devices
        NEW Alexa Voice Remote Pro
        Our best-ever remote helps you find everything. Even itself.
    20. Alexa Voice Remote
        With power and volume controls
    21. Fire TV Blaster
        Add Alexa voice control for TV and soundbar
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 * Kindle
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    1.  Kindle E-readers
        The lightest and most compact Kindle
    2.  Kindle Paperwhite
        Now with a 6.8" display and adjustable warm light
    3.  Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition
        Our best Kindle Paperwhite yet
    4.  Kindle Oasis
        Go where your story takes you
    5.  Kindle Scribe
        Kindle for reading and writing
    6.  Kindle Kids
        With 1 year of Amazon Kids+, a kid-friendly cover, and a 2-year
        worry-free guarantee
    7.  Kindle Paperwhite Kids
        Waterproof and worry-free
    8.  Kindle Bundles
        Kindle Essentials Bundle
        Includes Kindle, Cover, and Power Adapter
    9.  Kindle Paperwhite Essentials Bundle
        Includes Kindle Paperwhite, Fabric Cover, and Power Adapter
    10. Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition Essentials Bundle
        Includes Kindle Paperwhite Signature, Fabric Cover, and Wireless Charger
    11. NEW Kindle Scribe Essentials Bundle
        Includes a Kindle Scribe, Premium Pen, Fabric Cover, and Power Adapter
    12. Kindle Kids Essentials Bundle
        Includes a Kindle Kids (2022 release), Kids Cover, Power Adapter, and
        Screen Protector
    13. Kindle Paperwhite Kids Essentials Bundle
        Includes a Kindle Scribe, Premium Pen, fabric cover, and power adapter
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 * Connected Home
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    1.  Doorbells
        Ring Video Doorbell
        See, hear and speak to anyone at your door
    2.  Ring Video Doorbell 3
        See, hear and speak to anyone at your door
    3.  Ring Video Doorbell 4
        All-new Color Pre-roll Video
    4.  NEW Ring Battery Doorbell Plus
        Head-to-Toe HD+ Video, motion detection & alerts, and Two-Way Talk (2023
    5.  Ring Video Doorbell Wired
        See, hear and speak to anyone at your door
    6.  Ring Video Doorbell Pro
        See, hear and speak to anyone at your door
    7.  Ring Video Doorbell Pro 2
        See, hear and speak to anyone at your door
    8.  Blink Video Doorbell
        Two-way audio, HD video, motion and chime app alerts, Alexa enabled, and
        easy to install wired or wire-free
    9.  Cameras
        NEW Ring Stick Up Cam Pro
        Know like a Pro, outside or in.
    10. NEW Blink Outdoor 4
        4th Gen wire-free smart security camera
    11. NEW Blink Outdoor 4 Floodlight Camera
        700 lumen wire-free floodlight
    12. Blink Mini Pan-Tilt Camera
        Rotating Indoor Plug-In Smart Security Camera
    13. Blink Wired Floodlight Camera
        Smart Security Camera with 2600 LED Lumens
    14. Ring Always Home Cam
        Autonomous flying indoor cam with custom flight paths, multiple
        perspectives and in-flight live view
    15. NEW Ring Indoor Cam
        Compact plug-in indoor HD camera
    16. Ring Stick Up Cam Battery
        Battery-powered indoor/outdoor HD camera
    17. Blink Mini
        Indoor plug-in HD smart security camera
    18. Blink Indoor Camera Kit
        Wireless indoor home security camera system
    19. Blink Outdoor Camera Kit
        Wireless outdoor home security camera system
    20. Blink Outdoor + Floodlight
        Wireless, battery-powered HD floodlight mount and smart security camera
    21. Ring Spotlight Cam Plus Battery
        Battery-powered security camera with LED spotlights and siren
    22. Ring Spotlight Cam Pro Battery
        Battery-powered security camera with LED spotlights, siren, and 3D
        Motion Detection
    23. Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Plus
        Hardwired security camera with ultra-bright LED floodlights and security
    24. Ring Floodlight Camera Wired Pro
        Hardwired security camera with motion-activated LED floodlights and Talk
    25. Mobility
        NEW Ring Car Cam
        More ways to help protect your car
    26. Outdoor Lighting
        Ring Spotlight - Starter Kit
        Brighten up your blindspots
    27. Ring Solar Floodlight - Starter Kit
        Home security powered by the sun
    28. Ring Solar Pathlight - Starter Kit
        Brighter paths powered by the sun
    29. Ring Outdoor Smart Plug
        On or off from anywhere
    30. Smart Bulbs
        Ring A19 Smart LED Bulb - Starter Kit
        Control your lights from anywhere
    31. Security Systems
        Ring Alarm Pro 8 Piece Kit
        Enhanced whole-home security with built in eero Wi-Fi 6 router
    32. Ring Alarm Home Security System
        Protect your property from the inside out
    33. Appliances
        Amazon Smart Plug
        Add voice control to any outlet
    34. Amazon Smart Thermostat
        ENERGY STAR certified, DIY install, Works with Alexa
    35. Amazon Smart Air Quality Monitor
        Know your air, works with Alexa
    36. Echo Glow
        Multicolor smart lamp for kids
    37. NEW Echo Hub
        An easy-to-use control panel for your smart home devices
    38. Wifi Systems
        NEW eero Max 7
        A whole new level of wifi, fast, performance.
    39. Amazon eero Pro 6E system (3-pack)
        eero's fastest system yet
    40. Amazon eero 6+ system (3-pack)
        eero's most affordable gigabit wifi system
    41. Amazon eero 6
        Fast, reliable Wi-Fi 6 for your connected home
    42. Amazon eero 6 system (3-pack)
        Fast reliable wifi for your whole home
    43. Amazon eero Pro 6 Router
        The most powerful eero yet
    44. Amazon eero Pro 6 system (3-pack)
        Gigabit Wi-Fi 6 for your whole home
    45. Amazon eero Beacon
        Plug-in wifi access point for eero systems (add-on)
    46. Household Robot
        Amazon Astro
        Household Robot for Home Monitoring, with Alexa
   Next page
 * Luna Gaming
   Previous page
    1. Controller & Bundles
       Luna Controller
       The best controller for Luna
    2. Luna Controller with 1-month of Luna+
       Includes Luna Controller and 1 month of Luna+
    3. Fire TV Stick 4K Max gaming bundle
       Includes Fire TV Stick 4K Max and Luna Controller
    4. Fire TV Stick 4K gaming bundle
       Includes Fire TV Stick 4K and Luna Controller
    5. Includes Fire TV Stick and Luna Controller
       Fire TV Stick gaming bundle
    6. Fire HD 10 gaming bundle
       Includes FHD 10 and Luna Controller
    7. Fire HD 8 gaming bundle
       Includes Fire HD 8 and Luna Controller
    8. On-the-go gaming bundle
       Includes Phone Clip and Luna Controller
   Next page
 * Day 1 Editions
   Previous page
    1. Day1 Editions
       Amazon Astro
       Household Robot for Home Monitoring, with Alexa
    2. Ring Always Home Cam
       Autonomous flying indoor cam with custom flight paths, multiple
       perspectives and in-flight live view
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 * Accessories
    * Fire TV Accessories
    * Fire Tablet Accessories
    * Kindle Accessories
    * Echo Accessories

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Philips Hue White and color Ambiance A19 Medium Lumen Smart LED Bulb, Bluetooth
& Zigbee Compatible (Hue Hub Optional), Compatible with Alexa & Google
Assistant, 1 BulbPhilips Hue White and color Ambiance A19 Medium Lumen Smart LED
Bulb, Bluetooth & Zigbee Compatible (Hue Hub Optional), Compatible with Alexa &
Google Assistant, 1 Bulb

Kasa Smart Plug HS103P2, Smart Home Wi-Fi Outlet Works with Alexa, Echo, Google
Home & IFTTT, No Hub Required, Remote Control,15 Amp,UL Certified, 2-Pack
WhiteKasa Smart Plug HS103P2, Smart Home Wi-Fi Outlet Works with Alexa, Echo,
Google Home & IFTTT, No Hub Required, Remote Control,15 Amp,UL Certified, 2-Pack

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67062 reviews
Price$36.85$31.99 Shipping Fee$10.87$10.88 Import Fees Deposit$4.42$3.84 Total
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Brand: Amazon
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 590 ratings
| 5 answered questions


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 * This bundle contains Echo Dot (5th Gen) Charcoal and Kasa Smart Plug Mini.
 * Control your smart plug without getting up - Use your voice to control your
   smart light bulb by saying, "Alexa, turn on the lights" for a hands free
 * Smart Outlet Control from Anywhere: Turn electronics on and off from anywhere
   with your smartphone using the Kasa app, whether you are at home, in the
   office or on vacation.
 * Energy Monitoring & Scheduling: Monitor every consumption of your plug-in
   devices and set timers and schedules to avoid waste for lamps, fan,
   humidifier, Christmas lights etc.
 * Expand your Smart Home - Easily manage your smart home using your voice to
   turn on lights, adjust thermostats, and lock doors with compatible devices.
 * Certified for Humans – Smart home made easy for non-experts. Setup with Alexa
   is simple.

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     Control the lights with your voice.
 2.  Philips Hue 60W A19 White and Color Ambiance LED Smart Color Changing Bulbs
     - Pack of 3 - E26 - Indoor - Control with Hue App - Works with Alexa,
     Google Assistant and Apple HomeKitPhilips Hue 60W A19 White and Color A…
 3.  Amazon Basics Smart 7.5 Watt A19 Dimmable LED Light Bulb, 2700 K, Soft
     White, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, 60W Equivalent 800LM, Works with Alexa Only, 1-Pack,
     Certified for HumansAmazon Basics Smart 7.5 Watt A19…
 4.  Kasa Smart Light Bulbs, Full Color Changing Dimmable Smart WiFi Bulbs
     Compatible with Alexa and Google Home, A19, 9W 800 Lumens,2.4Ghz only, No
     Hub Required, 4 Count (Pack of 1), Multicolor (KL125P4)Kasa Smart Light
     Bulbs, Full Color C…
 5.  Kasa Smart Light Switch HS200P3, Single Pole, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz
     Wi-Fi Light Switch Works with Alexa and Google Home, UL Certified, No Hub
     Required, 3 Count -Pack of 1 , WhiteKasa Smart Light Switch HS200P3, S…
 6.  Kasa Smart Light Bulbs, Full Color Changing Dimmable Smart WiFi Bulbs
     Compatible with Alexa and Google Home, A19, 60 W 800 Lumens,2.4Ghz only, No
     Hub Required, 2-Pack (KL125P2), MulticolorKasa Smart Light Bulbs, Full
     Color C…
 7.  Amazon Basics - Smart A19 LED Light Bulb, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, 7.5W (Equivalent
     to 60W) 800LM, Works with Alexa Only, 1-Pack, Certified for Humans,
     MulticolorAmazon Basics - Smart A19 LED Lig…
 8.  Kasa Smart Light Switch HS200, Single Pole, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz
     Wi-Fi Light Switch Works with Alexa and Google Home, UL Certified, No Hub
     Required , WhiteKasa Smart Light Switch HS200, Sin…
 9.  Kasa Smart Dimmer Switch HS220, Single Pole, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz
     Wi-Fi Light Switch Works with Alexa and Google Home, UL Certified, No Hub
     Required, 1 PackKasa Smart Dimmer Switch HS220, Sin…
 10. Linkind Smart Light Bulbs,Smart Bulb That Work with Alexa & Google Home,LED
     Light Bulbs Color Changing,A19 E26 2.4Ghz RGB WiFi Light Bulbs Dimmable
     60W,800 Lumen,4 PackLinkind Smart Light Bulbs,Smart Bulb T…
 11. BlissLights Sky Lite Evolve - Star Projector, Galaxy Projector, LED Nebula
     Lighting, WiFi App, for Meditation, Relaxation, Gaming Room, Home Theater,
     and Bedroom Night Light Gift (Blue Stars)BlissLights Sky Lite Evolve - Star
 12. Kasa Smart Dimmer Switch HS220P3, Single Pole, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz
     Wi-Fi Light Switch Works with Alexa and Google Home, UL Certified,, No Hub
     Required, 3-PackKasa Smart Dimmer Switch HS220P3, S…
 13. Kasa Smart 3 Way Switch HS210 KIT, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi Light
     Switch works with Alexa and Google Home, UL Certified, No Hub Required,
     White,2 Count (Pack of 1)Kasa Smart 3 Way Switch HS210 KIT,…
 14. GE CYNC Smart LED Light Bulbs, Full Color and Color Changing, Bluetooth and
     Wi Fi, Works with Alexa and Google Home, A19 Bulbs (2 Pack)GE CYNC Smart
     LED Light Bulbs, Full Co…
 15. Kasa Smart 3 Way Dimmer Switch KIT, Dimmable Light Switch Compatible with
     Alexa, Google Assistant and SmartThings, Neutral Wire Needed, 2.4GHz, ETL
     Certified, No Hub Required, White (KS230 KIT v2)Kasa Smart 3 Way Dimmer
     Switch KIT,…
 16. Sengled Alexa WiFi Light Bulb - Smart Bulbs That Work with Alexa/Google
     Assistant, A19 Daylight (5000K) - No Hub Required, 800LM 60W High CRI)90
     Equivalent, Pack of 4Sengled Alexa WiFi Light Bulb - Smart…
 17. New Kasa Smart Bulb, Full Color Changing Dimmable Smart WiFi Light Bulb
     Compatible with Alexa and Google Home, A19, 9W 800 Lumens,2.4Ghz only, No
     Hub Required, 1-Pack (KL125), MulticolorNew Kasa Smart Bulb, Full Color Ch…
 18. Govee Smart WiFi LED Strip Lights, 50ft RGB Led Strip Lighting Work with
     Alexa and Google Assistant, Color Changing Light Strip, Music Sync, LED
     Lights for Bedroom and Gaming, Easy to InstallGovee Smart WiFi LED Strip
     Lights, 5…
 19. Amazon Basics Smart A19 LED Light Bulb, Dimmable Soft White, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi,
     60W Equivalent 800LM, Works with Alexa Only, 4-Pack, Certified for
     HumansAmazon Basics Smart A19 LED Lig…
 20. Amazon Basics Smart A19 LED Light Bulb, Color Changing, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, 60W
     Equivalent 800LM, Works with Alexa Only, 4-Pack, Certified for HumansAmazon
     Basics Smart A19 LED Lig…
 21. Kasa Smart Light Bulbs that works with Alexa and Google Home, Dimmable
     Smart LED Bulb, A19, 9W, 800Lumens, Soft White(2700K), CRI≥90, WiFi 2.4Ghz
     only, No Hub Required, 4-Pack(KL110P4)Kasa Smart Light Bulbs that works wi…
 22. Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Switch, Wi-Fi 2nd Gen, Neutral Wire Required,
     Works with Matter, My Leviton, Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Home/Siri &
     Wired or Wire-Free 3-Way, D26HD-2RW, WhiteLeviton Decora Smart Dimmer
     Switch, Wi…
 23. Kasa Smart LED Light Strip, 16.4ft WiFi LED Strip Works with Alexa, Google
     Home, SmartThings, High Brightness with 16 Million Colors, RGB, Grouping,
     Adjustable Length, Up to 25,000 Hours (KL400L5)Kasa Smart LED Light Strip,
 24. Kasa Smart Bulb, 1000 Lumens Full Color Changing Dimmable Smart WiFi Light
     Bulb Compatible with Alexa and Google Home, 11W, A19, 2.4Ghz only, No Hub
     Required (KL135P2), 2 Count (Pack of 1),WhiteKasa Smart Bulb, 1000 Lumens
 25. Sengled Smart Light Bulbs, Color Changing Alexa/Bluetooth Mesh, Dimmable
     LED Bulb A19 E26 Multicolor, High CRI, High Brightness, 8.7W 800LM,
     1PackSengled Smart Light Bulbs, Color Chang…
 26. Amazon Basics Single Pole Smart Switch, Neutral Wire Required, 2.4 Ghz
     WiFi, Works with Alexa, White, 4.65 x 2.91 x 1.74 inAmazon Basics Single
     Pole Smart…
 27. Sengled WiFi Color Changing Light Bulb, Alexa Smart Light Bulbs that Work
     with Alexa & Google Assistant, A19 RGB No Hub Required, 60W Equivalent
     800LM CRI>90, 4PackSengled WiFi Color Changing Light Bul…
 28. Sengled Alexa Light Bulb, S1 Auto Pairing with Alexa Devices, Color
     Changing Light Bulbs, Smart Light Bulbs that Work with Alexa, Bluetooth
     Mesh Smart Home Lighting, E26 60W Equivalent, 800LM, 4-PackSengled Alexa
     Light Bulb, S1 Auto Pairi…
 29. Kasa Smart LED Light Strip, 50 Color Zones RGBIC, 16.4ft Wi-Fi LED Strip
     Works w/ Alexa, Google Home & SmartThings, High Brightness, 16M Colors, PU
     Coating, Trimmable, 2 Yr Warranty (KL420L5)Kasa Smart LED Light Strip, 50
 30. Kasa Smart Motion Sensor Switch, Single Pole, Needs Neutral Wire, 2.4GHz
     Wi-Fi Light Switch, Works with Alexa & Google Assistant, UL Certified, No
     Hub Required(KS200MP2),White,2-PackKasa Smart Motion Sensor Switch, Sin…
 31. Govee RGBIC Floor Lamp, LED Corner Lamp Works with Alexa, Smart Modern
     Floor Lamp with Music Sync and 16 Million DIY Colors, Ambiance Color
     Changing Standing Lamp for Bedroom Living Room BlackGovee RGBIC Floor Lamp,
     LED Corner…
 32. Govee Smart Light Bulbs, WiFi Bluetooth Color Changing Light Bulbs, Music
     Sync, 54 Dynamic Scenes, 16 Million DIY Color RGB Light Bulbs, Work with
     Alexa, Google Assistant & Govee Home App, 4 PackGovee Smart Light Bulbs,
     WiFi Bluetoo…
 33. Echo Glow - Multicolor smart lamp, a Certified for Humans Device – Requires
     compatible Alexa deviceEcho Glow - Multicolor smart la…
 34. Govee Permanent Outdoor Lights, Smart RGBIC Outdoor Lights with 75 Scene
     Modes, 100ft with 72 LED Eaves Lights IP67 Waterproof for Halloween,
     Christmas, New Year, Work with Alexa, Google AssistantGovee Permanent
     Outdoor Lights, Sm…
 35. Govee Envisual TV LED Backlight with Camera, RGBIC Wi-Fi TV Backlights for
     55-65 inch TVs, Works with Alexa & Google Assistant, App Control, Music
     Sync TV Lights, H6199Govee Envisual TV LED Backlight with…
 36. DAYBETTER Smart WiFi Led Lights 100ft, Tuya App Controlled Led Strip
     Lights, Work with Alexa and Google Assistant, Timer Schedule , Color
     Changing Led Lights for Bedroom Party KitchenDAYBETTER Smart WiFi Led
     Lights 10…
 37. Govee Permanent Outdoor Lights, Smart RGBIC Outdoor Lights with 75 Scene
     Modes, 150ft with 108 LED Eaves Lights IP67 Waterproof for Halloween,
     Christmas, New Year, Work with Alexa, Google AssistantGovee Permanent
     Outdoor Lights, Sm…
 38. Govee Outdoor String Lights H7021, 96ft RGBIC Halloween Lights Outdoor with
     30 Dimmable IP65 Waterproof Warm White LED Bulbs, 2 Ropes of 48ft Outdoor
     String Lights Work with Alexa for DecorationGovee Outdoor String Lights
     H7021, 96ft…
 39. Govee TV LED Backlight, RGBIC TV Backlight for 55-75 inch TVs, Smart LED
     Lights for TV with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Control, Works with Alexa & Google
     Assistant, Music Sync, 99+ Scene Modes, AdapterGovee TV LED Backlight,
     RGBIC T…
 40. Govee Curtain Lights, WiFi Smart Halloween Window Lights LED, Color
     Changing Christmas Lights, Dynamic DIY Curtain String Lights for Bedroom
     Wall, Outdoor IP65 Waterproof, 5 x 6.6ft, 520 RGBIC LEDsGovee Curtain
     Lights, WiFi Smart Hallow…
 41. Govee Smart LED Light Bars, Work with Alexa and Google Assistant, RGBICWW
     WiFi TV Backlights with Scene and Music Modes for Gaming, Pictures, PC,
     Room DecorationGovee Smart LED Light Bars, Work wi…
 42. Govee Permanent Outdoor Lights, Smart RGBIC Outdoor Lights with 75 Scene
     Modes, 50ft with 36 LED Eaves Lights IP67 Waterproof for Halloween,
     Christmas, New Year, Work with Alexa, Google AssistantGovee Permanent
     Outdoor Lights, Sm…
 43. Govee Smart Light Bulbs, WiFi and Bluetooth Light Bulbs, Music Sync and 54
     Scene Modes, 9W 60W Equivalent WiFi Light Bulbs, Color Changing RGBWW Light
     Bulbs, Supports Alexa & Google Assistant, 2 PackGovee Smart Light Bulbs,
     WiFi and Blu…
 44. Govee RGBIC TV Light Bars, 15 Inches WiFi TV Backlight with Double Light
     Beads, Smart Light Bars with Multiple Placement Options Suitable for 45-70
     inch TVs, Work with Alexa and Google AssistantGovee RGBIC TV Light Bars, 15
 45. Govee 100ft RGBIC LED Strip Lights, Smart LED Lights Work with Alexa and
     Google Assistant, WiFi App Control Segmented DIY Multiple Colors, Color
     Changing Lights Music Sync, LED Lights for HalloweenGovee 100ft RGBIC LED
     Strip Lights, S…
 46. Govee Smart LED Strip Lights for Bedroom, 32.8ft WiFi LED Light Strip Work
     with Alexa Google Assistant, 16 Million Colors with App Control and Music
     Sync LED Lights for Party, 2 Rolls of 16.4ftGovee Smart LED Strip Lights
     for Bed…
 47. Govee Envisual LED Backlights for 75-85 inch TVs, 16.4ft RGBIC WiFi
     DreamView T1 TV Backlights with Camera, Works with Alexa & Google
     Assistant, App Control, LED Lights Scene Mode, H6199Govee Envisual LED
     Backlights for 75-8…
 48. Govee Smart LED Strip Lights, 16.4ft WiFi LED Strip Lighting Work with
     Alexa and Google Assistant, 16 Million Colors with App Control and Music
     Sync LED Lights for Bedroom, Kitchen, TV, Party, HolidayGovee Smart LED
     Strip Lights, 16.4ft…
 49. Govee WiFi Outdoor LED Strip Lights Waterproof, Halloween Decorations
     Outdoor, 65.6ft RGBIC Outdoor Lights Work with Alexa, App Control LED
     Outdoor Lights, Smart Halloween Lights, 2 Ropes of 32.8ftGovee WiFi Outdoor
     LED Strip Lights W…
 50. Govee Envisual TV LED Backlight T2 with Dual Cameras, 11.8ft RGBIC Wi-Fi
     LED Strip Lights for 55-65 inch TVs, Double Strip Light Beads, Adapts to
     Ultra-Thin TVs, Smart App Control, Music Sync, H605CGovee Envisual TV LED
     Backlight T2 w…
 51. Govee Floor Lamp, RGBIC Lyra Color Changing Corner Lamp, Modern LED Lights
     with Wi-Fi App Control, 64+ Scene, DIY Modes, Music Sync, Standing Lamp
     Suitable for Bedroom, Living Room, Gaming RoomGovee Floor Lamp, RGBIC Lyra

Next page

This bundle contains 2 items (may ship separately)
1 of Amazon Echo Dot (5th Gen) | Clearer audio, deeper bass, vibrant smart
speaker with Alexa | Charcoal

 * OUR BEST SOUNDING ECHO DOT YET – Enjoy an improved audio experience compared
   to any previous Echo Dot with Alexa for clearer vocals, deeper bass and
   vibrant sound in any room.
 * YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC AND CONTENT – Play music, audiobooks, and podcasts from
   Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify and others or via Bluetooth throughout
   your home.
 * ALEXA IS HAPPY TO HELP – Ask Alexa for weather updates and to set hands-free
   timers, get answers to your questions and even hear jokes. Need a few extra
   minutes in the morning? Just tap your Echo Dot to snooze your alarm.
 * KEEP YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE – Control compatible smart home devices with your
   voice and routines triggered by built-in motion or indoor temperature
   sensors. Create routines to automatically turn on lights when you walk into a
   room, or start a fan if the inside temperature goes above your comfort zone.
 * DESIGNED TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY – Amazon is not in the business of selling
   your personal information to others. Built with multiple layers of privacy
   controls, including a mic off button.
 * DO MORE WITH DEVICE PAIRING – Fill your home with music using compatible Echo
   devices in different rooms, create a home theatre system with Fire TV, or
   extend wifi coverage with a compatible eero network so you can say goodbye to
   drop-offs and buffering.

1 of Kasa Smart Plug Mini with Energy Monitoring, Smart Home Wi-Fi Outlet Works
with Alexa, Google Home & IFTTT, Wi-Fi Simple Setup, No Hub Required (KP115),
White – A Certified for Humans Device

 * Voice Control: Add voice control to any outlet. Kasa smart plugs that work
   with Alexa and Google Home Assistant. Enjoy the hands-free convenience of
   controlling any home electronic appliances with your voice via Alexa or Hey
 * Certified for Humans – Smart home made easy for non-experts. Setup with Alexa
   is simple.
 * Energy Monitoring & Scheduling: Monitor every consumption of your plug-in
   devices and set timers and schedules to avoid waste for lamps, fan,
   humidifier, Christmas lights etc.
 * Smart Outlet Control from Anywhere: Turn electronics on and off from anywhere
   with your smartphone using the Kasa app, whether you are at home, in the
   office or on vacation. Multiple Safety Guarantees – Overheating protection
   and fireproof shell help minimize burning hazards. A sliding safety cover
   protects children from electric shock.
 * Easy Set Up and Use: 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection required. Plug in, open the Kasa
   app, follow the simple instructions and enjoy with the wifi smart plug.
 * Trusted and Reliable: Designed and developed in Silicon Valley, Kasa is
   trusted by over 5 Million users and being the Reader’s Choice of PCMag 2020.
   UL certified for safety use. 2-year warranty.

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Our most popular smart speaker features a sleek design and improved audio for
vibrant sound anywhere in your home. With Echo Dot, you can stay on track with
help from Alexa, control compatible smart home devices and start routines with
your motion.






Climate Pledge


Echo Dot features improved speaker quality, delivering clearer vocals and deeper
bass for rich vibrant sound. Just ask Alexa to play music, podcasts, and
audiobooks and enjoy a dynamic audio experience anywhere in your home. Learn
more about Alexa Entertainment


Make your life easier at home. Alexa is ready to help throughout the day with
weather and news updates, hands-free timers and reminders, answers to your
questions, and can even tell you jokes.










Paired with compatible light bulbs, thermostats, and more, Echo Dot, with
built-in motion and temperature sensors, lets you control your smart home when
you’re at home or away. Create routines to automatically turn on/off lights or
play music at a scheduled time or when you walk into a room. Learn more about
the different ways you can connect your smart home device.


With a simple tap you can pause a song, end a call, or stop a timer. Need a few
extra minutes of sleep? Just tap to snooze.

Alexa and Echo devices are built with multiple layers of privacy protection.



Fill your home with music using compatible Echo devices in different rooms.
Learn more about Multi-Room Audio.


Watch TV with immersive sound when you set up Alexa Home Theater with compatible
devices. Learn more about Alexa Home Theater.


Extend your wifi coverage and say goodbye to drop-offs and buffering with eero
Built-in on a compatible eero network. Learn more about eero Built-in.



Plug in Echo Dot.


Connect to the internet with the Alexa app.


Ask Alexa for music, weather, news, and more.


You don't have to be an environmental scientist to make sustainable choices. We
considered sustainability in the design of this device. Here's how:


55% post-consumer recycled plastics
100% post-consumer polyester yarn
Device, cable, and adapter included


Amazon is building new wind and solar farms to produce clean energy equivalent
to the electricity used by this device.


To reduce its energy consumption, this device will enter Low Power Mode when it
is idle. Low Power Mode is not available for certain user configurations. To
learn more, see Low Power Mode Restrictions.


This device’s packaging is 100% recyclable. Fulfillment center packaging not


There may come a time when you want to trade in or recycle your device. Explore
options with Amazon Second Chance.


Echo Pop
Echo Dot (5th Gen)
Echo Show 5 (3rd Gen)
Echo (4th Gen)
Price From: - From: - From: - From: - Ratings 4.7 out of 5 stars (14,597) 4.7
out of 5 stars (64,685) 4.5 out of 5 stars (8,593) 4.7 out of 5 stars (141,507)
Audio Quality Full Sound Bigger Vibrant Sound Bigger Vibrant Sound Premium
Room-Filling Sound Speakers 1.95” front-firing speaker 1.73" front-firing
speaker 1.75" rear-firing speaker 3.0" neodymium woofer and dual front-firing
0.8" tweeters Great for Bedrooms and small spaces Any room (or rooms) Bedrooms
and offices Communal spaces like the living or family room Release Year 2023
2022 2023 2020 Hands-free with Alexa Motion Detection Temperature Sensor
Built-in Zigbee smart home hub eero Built-in Screen LED display on Echo Dot with
clock 5.5” color screen Camera 2 MP Privacy Controls Built-in microphone off
button and in-app privacy controls Built-in microphone off button and in-app
privacy controls Built-in camera shutter, microphone/camera off button and
in-app privacy controls Built-in microphone off button and in-app privacy
controls Dimensions 3.9”W x 3.3”D x 3.6”H 3.9”W x 3.9”D x 3.5”H 5.8"W x 3.6"D x
3.2"H 5.7”W x 5.7”D x 5.2”H




3.9” x 3.9” x 3.5” (100mm x 100mm x 89 mm)


10.7 oz (304g) Actual size and weight may vary by manufacturing process


1.73” (44 mm) front-firing speaker, Lossless High Definition

Wifi connectivity

Dual-band Wi-Fi supports 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4 and 5 GHz) networks. Does not
support connecting to ad-hoc (or peer-to-peer) wifi networks.

Amazon Sidewalk

A shared network that helps compatible devices work better at home and beyond
the front door. If wifi is lost, Sidewalk enables certain devices to stay
connected. Also, Sidewalk helps devices like water sprinklers and pet locators
work over longer distances. Sidewalk uses a small portion of your internet
bandwidth to provide these benefits to you and your neighbors via Sidewalk
Bridges (participating Echo and Ring devices), and is turned on for your device
unless you have previously turned off the setting. You can turn off Sidewalk at
any time. Learn more about Sidewalk.

Smart Home Device Compatibility

WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh, and Matter

Bluetooth connectivity

Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) support for audio streaming from your
mobile device to Echo Dot or from Echo Dot to your Bluetooth speaker.
Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) for voice control of connected mobile
devices. Hands-free voice control is not supported for Mac OS X devices.
Bluetooth speakers requiring PIN codes are not supported.

eero Built-in

Your wifi network must use a compatible eero router and your Echo device must
stay in range of a compatible eero device. You will need to link your eero and
Amazon accounts and manage eero Built-in from the eero mobile application to use
this feature. eero Built-in compatible Echo devices support up to 1,000 sq. ft.
of additional coverage, speeds up to 100 Mbps, and 10 or fewer connected
devices. Actual performance can vary and certain eero, Echo, or Alexa features
may be incompatible with eero Built-in. Learn more about eero Built-in
performance, availability and compatibility. Use of eero and eero-related
products and services, including eero Built-in, requires creation of an eero
account and agreement to eero’s Terms of Service. Review eero’s Privacy Notice.

System requirements

Echo Dot comes ready to connect to your wifi. The Alexa app is compatible with
Fire OS, Android, and iOS devices and also accessible via your web browser.
Supported operating systems. Certain skills and services may require
subscription or other fees.

Setup technology

Amazon Wi-Fi simple setup enables customers to connect smart devices to their
wifi network in a few easy steps. Wi-Fi simple setup is another way Alexa is
always getting smarter. Learn more about Wi-Fi simple setup.

Warranty and service

90-day limited warranty and service. Optional 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year
extended warranty available for U.S. customers sold separately. Use of Echo Dot
is subject to these terms.

Accessibility features

To enable features that personalize Alexa to your abilities, go to Settings →
Accessibility in the Alexa App.
• Adaptive Listening provides customers more time to finish speaking before
Alexa responds.
• Preferred Speaking Rate allows customers to control how fast or slow Alexa
speaks. To enable, say “Alexa, speak slower” or “Alexa, speak faster.”
• Request Sound will play an audible tone in addition to the visual indicator
when you speak to Alexa. To enable, say “Alexa, turn on Start of Request Sound.”
• Kindle Read Aloud will have Alexa read your Kindle books aloud.
• Notify When Nearby will play notification sounds when you’re detected near
your Echo device.
• Alexa Accessibility features also include several other settings for customers
with accessibility needs related to vision, hearing, mobility, and speech.

Included in the box

Echo Dot, glacier white power adapter (15W), and Quick Start Guide.


Echo Dot (5th Gen) - 2022 release

Privacy features

Wake word technology, streaming indicators, microphone off button, the ability
to view and delete your voice recordings, and more. Visit the Alexa Privacy Hub
to explore how Alexa and Echo devices are designed to protect your privacy.


Alexa speaks English and Spanish

Alexa Skills & Features

Alexa makes your life easier, more meaningful, and more fun by letting you voice
control your world. Alexa can help you get more out of the things you already
love and discover new possibilities you've never imagined. Discover and learn
what Alexa can do.

Software Security Updates

This device receives guaranteed software security updates until at least four
years after the device is last available for purchase as a new unit on our
websites. Learn more about these software security updates. If you already own
an Amazon Echo, visit Manage Your Content and Devices for information specific
to your device.

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4.7 out of 5 stars
4.7 out of 5
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1%1 star


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Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more
about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t
use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a
review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed
reviews to verify trustworthiness.

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5.0 out of 5 stars A Perfect Pair for Smart Living
Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2023
Verified Purchase
The Echo Dot (5th Gen) and Kasa Smart Plug Mini bundle is a game-changer for
anyone looking to dip their toes into the world of smart home technology. As a
tech enthusiast, I've found this combination to be the ideal gateway to a more
connected and convenient lifestyle.

Echo Dot (5th Gen) - Your Voice-Controlled Assistant

The Echo Dot (5th Gen) is a compact and powerful smart speaker that serves as
your gateway to the world of voice-controlled technology. Its standout feature
is undoubtedly its voice assistant, Alexa. With just a voice command, you can
ask Alexa to play your favorite music, provide weather updates, set reminders,
control smart home devices, and answer your burning questions.

The sound quality of the Echo Dot is impressive, given its size. Whether you're
listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks, the audio is clear and rich. Plus,
the Echo Dot connects seamlessly with other Echo devices, allowing you to create
a multi-room audio system for an immersive listening experience.

The device's design is sleek and unobtrusive, blending seamlessly with your home
decor. Setup is a breeze, and you can personalize the device with a variety of
clock face options. The Echo Dot can also serve as an intercom system when you
have multiple Echo devices in your home, making it a convenient communication

Kasa Smart Plug Mini - Control Your Devices Remotely

The Kasa Smart Plug Mini is a versatile addition to your smart home ecosystem.
Its standout feature is its ability to turn any standard appliance or device
into a smart one. Simply plug it into an outlet, connect your device, and you
can control it remotely using the Kasa app or voice commands through Alexa.

Setting schedules and timers for your devices is a breeze with the Kasa app. You
can automate your lights, coffee maker, or any other plugged-in device to turn
on or off at specific times, helping you save energy and enhance security.

One of the most significant advantages of the Kasa Smart Plug Mini is its
compatibility with voice assistants like Alexa. This means you can control your
connected devices using just your voice. For example, you can say, "Alexa, turn
off the living room lamp," and it's done, adding a touch of magic to your
everyday life.

The setup process for the Kasa Smart Plug Mini is straightforward, and you don't
need a separate hub. It connects directly to your Wi-Fi network, making it a
hassle-free addition to your smart home.

The Perfect Synergy

Together, the Echo Dot (5th Gen) and Kasa Smart Plug Mini create a harmonious
smart home experience. You can use the Echo Dot to control your smart plug,
turning devices on or off without lifting a finger. For example, you can say,
"Alexa, turn off the coffee maker," and your morning coffee routine is

In conclusion, the Echo Dot (5th Gen) with Kasa Smart Plug Mini bundle is a
fantastic investment for anyone looking to make their home smarter and more
convenient. With Alexa's voice control and the Kasa Smart Plug's versatility,
you have the power to transform your home into a connected oasis. Whether you're
a tech enthusiast or simply seeking to simplify your daily routines, this bundle
is a perfect starting point on your smart home journey. It's a combination that
brings convenience, automation, and entertainment into your daily life. Highly

Read more
12 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars My first Echo
Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2023
Verified Purchase
I was originally nervous about getting this device as I really was sure why I
might want or need it. I figured I really wanted a mini speaker for music. It
was so easy to setup and I love Alexa on this speaker. It is cute and small but
has really nice sound. I love being able to set small reminders as well as order
recommendations etc. I am very glad I took the leap and added this smart device
to my home.

Read more
7 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Echo 5th Generation
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2023
Verified Purchase
I appreciate the volume increase and size but connectivity sucks!

Read more
Charly Uribe
5.0 out of 5 stars Love the color
Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2023
Verified Purchase
This Alexa went to my garage and definitely love the color.

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2 people found this helpful
Larry K
5.0 out of 5 stars Great replacement for an older Alexa that was difficult to
set up
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2023
Verified Purchase
I purchased this Dot to replace a 1st generation Alexa that dropped off my Wifi
and was very difficult to get re-paired to Wifi. The Old Alexa did not support
Bluetooth pairing, which I found was needed for a smart light bulb I received a
few months back, so there were a number of motivators to get a new generation

It was easy to pair, right out of the box and for such a small device, it has
great sound. It seems to be a little bit more sensitive to voices then the old
Alexa and has responded when it thought it heard the "Alexa..." command, but it
is not a frequant issue and sensitivity is noce when giving a command from a
neighboring room.

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Larry K
5.0 out of 5 stars Great replacement for an older Alexa that was difficult to
set up
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2023
I purchased this Dot to replace a 1st generation Alexa that dropped off my Wifi
and was very difficult to get re-paired to Wifi. The Old Alexa did not support
Bluetooth pairing, which I found was needed for a smart light bulb I received a
few months back, so there were a number of motivators to get a new generation

It was easy to pair, right out of the box and for such a small device, it has
great sound. It seems to be a little bit more sensitive to voices then the old
Alexa and has responded when it thought it heard the "Alexa..." command, but it
is not a frequant issue and sensitivity is noce when giving a command from a
neighboring room.
Images in this review

7 people found this helpful
alexa flores
5.0 out of 5 stars Great deal
Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2023
Verified Purchase
Great price combo

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4 people found this helpful
George morgan
5.0 out of 5 stars New gadget in house
Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2023
Verified Purchase
Just what I was looking for

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4 people found this helpful
Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Very stylish and good sound for a small speaker
Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2023
Verified Purchase
I was presently surprised when my internet supplier provided an Eero router with
my fiber cable package to discover that this echo device has a built in WiFi

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3 people found this helpful


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