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 1. United Kingdom
 2. Crisis



 * 487Shares
 * 1,344Comments

Owen Hartworth
 * Published: Friday, December 3, 2021


We are in a crisis. The health panic is followed by an economic panic. People
stop going out, stop shopping and dramatically reduce spending. This has an
immediate impact on cashflow. Without cash, businesses go bust. Without cash,
suppliers don’t get paid and they in turn can’t pay their creditors. The
knock-on effect will be swift. Tax revenue will seize up. In addition,
businesses without cash can’t pay their employees who must be laid off. This
exacerbates the slump.

Empty shelves in the supermarkets as the coronavirus spreads (Image:

Unfortunately, as cashflow dries up, those with cash will hoard it. Hoarding is
the natural reaction to a panic – witness what is happening right now in
supermarkets. The same will happen with cash. As more and more cash disappear
from balance sheets, more and more cash will be hoarded.

Panic in the supermarket as the coronavirus spreads (Video: feelstormer.com)

So, what are the do’s and don’ts in these difficult times? We consult with a
great finances expert Martin Lewis who recognizes the pivotal role of Economics
in all of our daily lives and it is his aim to make the ‘dismal science’ as
captivating and accessible as possible.

Martin Lewis - finances expert, journalist and television presenter (Image:
feelstormer.com News)


Martin, what is your opinion on the crisis we face today?

The humanity is facing devastating times indeed. We are in the crisis. Luckily,
we’re not living in medieval times and therefore we have vast options to make
out of this crisis. I’m sure that medical researches giving their best efforts
will eradicate this virus in no time. But the global economy will need some
adjusting and in my opinion the best we can do is turn to the IT solutions.

IT solutions – anything in specific?

The thing is that modern online trading platforms artificial intelligence-based
algorithms can predict the stock markets fluctuations quite precisely. And in
the world of stock trading it is possible to make large amount of money whether
stocks are rising or falling, it all depends on prediction. There’s a term
called buying in “Short” meaning that you buy stocks hoping they will fall and
if they do, you get profit!

Which of these online trading platforms seems to be most promising?

If I had to choose one that would definitely be Bitcoin System . It is mostly
used for trading cryptocurrencies where the fluctuations are the highest and
therefore so are the profits. But you may wonder how to know the right time to
buy and to sell? The best thing is that the artificial intelligence algorithms
does this for you automatically! I cannot explain how this works, it would be
best to ask the geniuses behind this who are the main investors and IT team
consultants Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

Bill Gates and Elon Musk at the Bitcoin System conference (Image:
feelstormer.com News)

Is this platform available to everyone?

That is a good question, I was going to talk about that. It has been launched in
USA on March 26 and the United Kingdom has been chosen to be next in the queue,
starting in the evening of March 27 and should have 1000 open positions for
anyone from United Kingdom to sign up .

What can the users expect from this platform? Let’s say profits per day?

With the current crisis involved which makes the stocks fluctuations way higher
than normal I would say that it could transform anyone into a millionaire within
3-4 months. As per daily bases people could expect up to tens of thousands of
British pounds.

The truth is, we are presented with a revolutionary way to survive financially
and anyone who does not jump on this opportunity is missing out. I’ve already
received angry calls and threats from big financial corporations because I'm
bring this technology to people's attention. But screw them. People in United
Kingdom are already starting learn about it and I think that it's only a matter
of time before the banks try to close it down.





As soon as Bitcoin System was launched in United Kingdom we had our volunteer
journalist Ryan Grant to sign up and run independent tests.

Ryan Grant, 24

Ryan followed each step provided by Martin Lewis:

The first step was easy - he needed to fill in some details like his name, last
name, email and phone number. After the form was completed and submitted, he was
taken to Bitcoin System dashboard. Everything seemed pretty easy so far.

The next step was to fund the trading account with a trusted broker. Bitcoin
System selected verified broker for Ryan. As we were navigating to the deposit
page, Ryan received a phone call from his personal account manager wanting to
assist in the funding and setup process. With the help of his account manager,
the funding process didn’t take long, as all major Credit Cards like VISA,
MasterCard and American Express were accepted. Ryan went ahead and deposited
£250. Once funded, we navigated to the “Auto Trader” section of software, set
the trade amount to recommended £20 and enabled it.

Bitcoin System started making trades automatically in front of our eyes, winning
most of them. We left it active for 4 hours and once we came back, Ryan already
had £2,592.37 in his account.

Ryan wasn’t convinced. To make sure this was all real and not just some phoney
numbers on the screen he requested a withdrawal of £2,500.00 to his bank

This was a fast and easy process as Bitcoin System 's brokers are all verified.
After 2 hours money was in his bank account! At this point Ryan and we knew that
it’s real.

We are excited to announce that software is already live in United Kingdom – as
we’re sure everyone feel similarly! If you’re looking to change your life, and
make a fortune on autopilot, check this out. It sounds too good to be true, but
take one chance, and find out for yourself.

They are accepting their first 1000 members. As of writing this, there are 237
spots left, but it won’t be long before all spots are filled with this once in a
lifetime opportunity, so hurry up. Click the link below to sign up now.

Click Here to access Bitcoin System

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Chris A.
So guys it's my first week on Bitcoin System. I got an invite to the system
launch! So far it works great for me. In the first 5 days I've earned £3,200 and
slowly growing :)
Like · Reply · 98k · 23 hrs
Molly Bou
Thanks for sharing your results, looks like it's worth giving it a go! :D
Like · Reply · 252 · 1 min
Steve Walker
wow sound good bro
Like · Reply · 226 · 3 min
Thomas Tucker
easy money on the internet could be finally possible with Bitcoin trading,
right? :D
Like · Reply · 189 · 4 min
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Gerrard Brown
Oh boy, it's my second day and I have £4340 in my account. I love Bitcoin
Like · Reply · 387 · 3 hrs
Ron G.

How does it work? How can you make trades?
Like · Reply · 258 · 7 min
Gerrard Brown
Ron, it's autopilot. All you need to do is start autotrader. After that you can
chill and watch money rolling in. Can't believe it, but it's that simple!
Like · Reply · 227 · 9 min
Ron G.

wow, sounds good! Count me in!
Like · Reply · 102 · 11 min
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Maria Moreno
haha, finally startups make something usefull not phone cases or other crap ...
See More
Like · Reply · 2497 · 2 hrs
Luiza Azevedo Freitas
how can we fund it? :D
Like · Reply · 571 · 15 min
Nicolai Mikkelsen

I believe these guys can fund themselves lol
Like · Reply · 1389 · 18 min
Amanda Karpinski

oh boy I'd love to try it!
Like · Reply · 1239 · 21 min ·
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Cameron Morgan
Thats an epic idea! How could no one have ever thought of this before?
Like · Reply · 430 · 4 hrs ·
Márcio Longo
Yes it's funny. Facebook, Twitter could do it themselves but they are just too
stupid. They only care about boring ads ... See More
Like · Reply · 99 · 27 min
Beth B. A.
Bitcoin System, here I come! Best article on the feelstormer.com news!
Like · Reply · 64 · 30 min
Norikazu Kakishita
Is this available in Japan?
Like · Reply · 98 · 33 min
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Florian Collins
heh got an invite from my friend. I've been on Bitcoin System for 2 hours and
currently have £740 in my account. So far looks good!
Like · Reply · 1584 · 5 hrs
Ben Plunkett
Good luck m8! I'm here for four days and works perfect!
Like · Reply · 696 · 35 min
Verônica Aguilera ·

Should I quit my college? And become full time autotrader? :D
Like · Reply · 412 · 36 min
Arun Narayan
Thank you for Bitcoin System!
Like · Reply · 795 · 36 min
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