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Secure, fast, and upgrade-safe, Checkout Extensibility provides everything
developers and merchants need to optimize the checkout experience for buyers.
Not only that, but Partners can now deploy their customizations through a custom
app or public app on the Shopify App Store. Read more about how it works.

by Ainsley Wilson
Jun 22, 2022

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For years, Shopify has helped merchants of all sizes deliver the most reliable,
highest-converting checkout on the planet. Fast, intuitive, and simple, Shopify
Checkout has set the standard for what a checkout should be, while Shop Pay, our
accelerated checkout, delivers a buying experience that's four times faster—and
a conversion rate that's 11% higher—than the competition. 

The only problem? Customizing Shopify Checkout was a slow and painful process,
making it difficult for brands and Shopify Partners to adapt Shopify Checkout to
meet unique business needs—until now.


Optimized for over 16 years, Shopify Checkout is built for speed and conversion
right out of the box. It also includes built-in features for adding express
checkouts, local payment methods, tipping options, and more. But as brands grow,
they may want to make more advanced customizations to their checkout—whether
they're trying to increase average order value or comply with local business

In the past, Shopify Plus brands could make advanced customizations to the look
and functionality of their checkout by requesting access to their
checkout.liquid theme file and directly editing the code. This required working
with a developer to build bespoke customizations, or a cumbersome process for
installing partner customizations. Checkout.liquid didn't provide direct APIs
for making changes to Shopify Checkout, often resulting in sub-par buyer
experiences and poor performance. Developers also needed to perform periodic
upgrades to customized checkouts in order to access new features without
breaking any customizations.

This method of customizing Shopify Checkout was both time-consuming and
expensive—so our team invested in a faster, upgrade-safe way for brands to
customize their checkout.


We wanted to make it faster and easier for Shopify Plus brands to customize
their checkout—while offering even more opportunity for developers to build
creative solutions for Shopify Checkout. So we built a way for brands to
customize their checkout using powerful apps and branding tools instead of
editing code.

Checkout extensibility makes it easier for Shopify Plus merchants to customize
their checkout in a way that’s app-based, upgrade-safe, higher-converting, and
integrated with Shop Pay. It includes a suite of powerful platform features that
give brands the ability to make code-free customizations to their checkout using
apps. And it also gives them the flexibility to build the exact experience they
want by developing custom apps for bespoke customizations using a collection of
components and APIs.

This is where developers come in. For the first time, Shopify is unlocking the
ability for developers to deploy checkout customizations through a custom app or
public app on the Shopify App Store.

With checkout UI extensions, you can add elements to Shopify Checkout like
product offers, custom fields, custom content, loyalty programs, and more. These
extensions show up in guest checkout and Shop Pay, creating a unified experience
for buyers wherever they choose to check out. Moreover, you don’t have to worry
about duplicating branding settings in your app because extensions automatically
inherit the branded appearance of the store’s checkout.

> Checkout UI extensions automatically adapt to the various checkout flows,
> creating a unified experience for buyers wherever they choose to check out.

Checkout UI extensions are adaptable to various flows, creating a unified
experience for buyers wherever they choose to checkout.

Shopify Functions give you the flexibility to extend or replace native Shopify
server-side business logic so you can customize the discounts applied to orders,
products, or shipping. For example, you could build a Function that provides
tiered discount options, such as spend $100 get $20 off. And soon, you'll be
able to build Shopify Functions that include cart validations.

You can also build apps for Shopify Checkout that track customer events using
the web pixel app extension and apps that add a post-purchase page to checkout
using post-purchase extensions.

And finally, brands can make advanced customizations to the appearance of their
checkout using the Branding API. While they can use the checkout editor to make
basic customizations, like customizing the colors and fonts in their checkout,
the branding API opens the door to a world of possibilities. For example, brands
can add their favicon or completely customize the corner radius on any buttons
in their checkout.

UI extensions automatically inherit a merchant’s brand settings.

Checkout extensibility is built on the latest platform technology, allowing for
a faster checkout experience that results in up to 1% higher conversion on
average. And the UI components and APIs that power checkout extensibility run in
a sandboxed environment, giving brands additional security—unlike the old way of
customizing Shopify Checkout.


Today, checkout extensibility is available for in-checkout pages, which include
the Information, Shipping, and Payment pages of checkout. It empowers merchants
and developers to build creative, upgrade-safe customizations for Shopify
Checkout, replacing the need for checkout.liquid.

As a result, checkout.liquid is deprecated and will no longer work for
in-checkout pages on August 13, 2024. Any brands that customize their
in-checkout pages with checkout.liquid will need to upgrade to checkout

This opens an exciting opportunity for developers to help brands by building
apps that extend Shopify Checkout or upgrading brands to checkout extensibility.

Brands can continue customizing their post-checkout pages, which includes their
Thank You Page and Order Status Page, with checkout.liquid for now. However,
they’ll soon be able to customize these pages using checkout extensibility. This
functionality is currently in developer preview.

Have any feedback on checkout extensibility? Share it on Github.


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 * Selling Shopify: How to Educate Your Clients About Shopify

by Ainsley Wilson
Last updated Jun 22, 2022
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by Ainsley Wilson
Jun 22, 2022

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