web-git-fork-nirali-ahir-progressive-image-loading-heyxyz.vercel.app Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://web-git-fork-nirali-ahir-progressive-image-loading-heyxyz.vercel.app/
Submission: On October 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form><label class="w-full" for=":r0:">
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          class="rounded-xl peer w-full border-none bg-transparent outline-none focus:ring-0 px-3 py-2 text-sm" type="text" placeholder="Search…" value=""><span tabindex="-1"
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            <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M21 21l-5.197-5.197m0 0A7.5 7.5 0 105.196 5.196a7.5 7.5 0 0010.607 10.607z"></path>
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            <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12"></path>

Text Content


Welcome to Hey,
a social network built on Lens Protocol
marlon smith





Love your artworks ser keep it up

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @omaccha, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @tyrkku, here’s some info to get you started! These are popular
websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @fireblaster, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace



Most of the DAOs will fail but fundamendally its the most fastest way to
boostrap a treasury around a community.




.... dao is like a brand... but not everything is really a dao, at least as the
acronym says... and a dao will never fail if it fulfills its premise.

Natasha Khudyakova mirrored

Lens vision is to on-board future users directly through the apps that have
integrated Lens Protocol, on their terms to serve their communities



Samagraphico ◱ ◱

به نظرم یکی از جذابیت های بازار رشت همین چایخونه های دنج هست که حس خوب زندگی رو
به آدم میده.
“چایخانه مش حسن😍”





Eli◱ ◱

خیلیم جذاب و مشتی 😁😍


Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @nukko, here’s some info to get you started! These are popular
websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace

Je$$yFries mirrored
marlon smith




Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @yoosuke, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace


Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @marziye, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace



JPEX has pushed ahead with its DAO Shareholder Dividend Scheme. However, some
users claim their assets are being converted without their knowledge.

JPEX crypto exchange launches asset-lock-up plan, as some users cry foul
Crypto exchange JPEX is going ahead with a user-approved plan to transition to a
DAO and issue dividend shares, but other users claim their assets were suddenly
converted to the platform’s native cryptocurrency.

Jesus Crypto Plaza mirrored
(🌿,👻) Junaid Ali Kassar (💙,🧡)

Always Be Aware of These Traps! 🚨

They are there to hunt our stop losses 🔴




Anyone else have a some bastards?

~ 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙣 @lenspostxyz - 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙒𝙚𝙗3 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙤





I don’t but I follow the guy on X and love his newsletters 😀


Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @enihono, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace



STTSM mirrored
@sinfulmeatstick·Jul 2

Learning Decentraland: New User Guide

In this video I would like to welcome and guide new users through the
Decentraland Metaverse Platform.

What is Decentraland? Decentraland is The Worlds First Metaverse on The Ethereum
Blockchain. Where Creators and Users Can Connect , Network, Collaborate, and
Meet Like-Minded People That Love Crypto, Music, Building, and Creating.

Join Us on Decentraland You Are Only One Click Away!!

Decentraland Website: decentraland.org

Link to Hardware Requirements Page in the Docs: docs.decentraland.org/player/…

Recommended location Coordinates
DollHouse: -100,-100 TRU
Band Room: 28,-118
Zoo International: 98,98
The INN: 138,-3
Bufalo's Saloon: -100,-94

This Video was brought to you by the Decentraland DAO, and made possible by the
Decentaland Community. Thank you for Watching :)

0:00 [Intro]
0:58 [hardware Requirements]
1:19 [First Time Log in]
3:22 [Hot Keys and UI]
5:45 [Teleporting and Recommended Locations]
7:44 [Changing Realms]
8:30 [Outro]

Show more
Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 <code>video</code> tag, or the video



45 prospective jurors were narrowed down to 12 after they were asked to discuss
their background, employment, education, partners, children and their age.

12 people will decide the fate of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried
Jurors have been chosen — Sam Bankman-Fried’s fraud trial will come down to 12
jurors that range from early 30s to late 60s and retired investment banks to
correction officers and non-profit workers.


Gmgm, with a little Point 🌞



Good morning!

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @ahian, here’s some info to get you started! These are popular
websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace

@andrija·Oct 3

I have received 14 scam messages through @xmtplabs. Here are the wallet
addresses from which I received these harmful messages:

There seems to be a pattern for the last 10 wallet addresses.

I suggest creating a blacklist for scammers across the entire Lens ecosystem and
permanently blocking these wallet addresses on all Lens clients. Would it be
possible for me and others to have the permission to expose the entire chat with
that specific wallet address and for everyone on Lens to vote on whether to
blacklist the proposed wallet address with the chat history as evidence?

@stani @nader @nilesh @kipto @0xmoe @yoginth @polmaire.lens

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas on how to combat existing and
incoming scammers on Lens?

Is it possible to track how many people have blocked a specific wallet address
in comparison to how many people are following that wallet address or similar

One more thing for @polmaire and @converseapp: in the description of the
Converse app, you have linked the wrong xmtp labs handle. Could you please
change it to the correct one? ✌🏻 I also appreciate that I can block those
scammers on Converse.






Emirhan Aybaş

A beautiful day 📸



Such a nice view

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @bitcoin88, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

Show more
Lens Protocol's Marketplace


Natasha Khudyakova mirrored

That’s a wrap #SmartCon 2023

The future is on

Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 <code>video</code> tag, or the video



·🤍researching dating apps

gm gm ✨

I think I was a bit vague here "there might be a raffle for an
additional @mazemari artwork (1:1) that will be raffled among all the collectors

Additionally to "This cover 🤯 👏" (by @chaoticmonk ) @mazemari will share
another amazing artwork (1:1) that WILL BE raffled among all collectors of .

Pls collect until end of this week (8th October 11:59 PM UTC) to be eligible for
the raffle.

@punkess·Oct 1

getting started with #lens in 5 steps 🪴 [September 2023 update]

(0 a) maybe consider adding some information about yourself and a pfp to your
profile before you start.

(0 b) "hello world" posts get quite some attention ... 😉 . (if you can post
something related to what you are interested in ... 🎇 -> People you start
following might take a look at your profile and follow if they are interested in
the content you share.) Find one great example at the end of the post.

(1) lists.inlens.xyz/lists/818891… updated - list of great profiles to start
your lens journey ... you will discover a ton, worth following profiles in the
communities of people in this list. lists.inlens.xyz/ in general is a great
starting point. (new: this month: @noko_ @trustmebro @betashop9 @thisweekon)

(2) find your twitter contacts on lens: inlens.xyz (*) (not everyone with a lens
profile, active on twitter, is very active on lens (yet ;-)). Maybe consider
connecting with new people, sharing interesting content on lens.)

(3) probably you read this post on @lenster . If you are interested in lens
mobile apps, @orbapp and @buttrfly are at the moment - imo - the most advanced
general purpose lens mobile apps. One of the beautiful things regarding lens is
that it doesn't matter which lens app you use, every lens app has access to the
same content and social graph.

(4) what you share on lens is stored and publicly available for a very long
time. Probably forever. You can hide posts, comments and mirrors. But that's a
front-end feature, the data is still available and publicly accessible.

(5) "collects" are a very powerful concept, adding a NFT version of the post to
your address (4th symbol below a post on @lenster ). Collects can be monetised
-> creators can use collect fees to earn money on lens.

one more thing :-) being active, commenting on posts and topics you are
interested in goes a long way. Of course there is a chance that your posts will
be discovered, commented and mirrored, but you increase the probability of being
discovered dramatically with valuable comments. @jeanmi : "be yourself, try to
engage with people, sharing images seems to accelerate engagement/growth, people
love to 'GM'"
It is quite challenging to get attention, especially for new profiles. A few
approaches to get more visibility:
[1] @animators started on lens drawing lens PFPs lenster.xyz/posts/0x0108fb-0x…
. Imo still one of the best (high quality) growth hacks I’ve seen on lens yet (0
to 100 followers). Maybe you can think of something inspired by @animators ’
idea based on your talent and skills.
[2] consider joining communities on @diversehq (e.g. you can post directly to
the @mixtape feed, be active in the #lensfit community or join c/food) and/or
communities on @orbapp .
[3] consider contributing content to the weekly @thisweekon highlight series (
lenster.xyz/posts/0x01d898-0x… ) or other content threads like @trustmebro.
(Keep an eye on @ryanfox ;-).)
[4] consider participating in campaigns / events on lens or create an event
(maybe check out #OPENLENS for reference). (If you plan to create something
please feel free to reach out 🤍)
[5] consider joining lens spaces on @buttrfly .
[6] @ profiles you think your content is relevant for or you would like to get
input from. Pls be selective and not spammy.

cover artists of the month
TYSM @mazemari for creating this beautiful getting started cover 🤍🙏.

Collect is the #lens super power. The “getting started” post is a 333 limited
edition (0.3 WMATIC with 50% mirror fee share, the collect fee goes 100% to the
What does it mean? You can collect one of 333 available NFTs of @mazemari ‘
awesome artwork (and this post :-)). If you mirror the post and the post will be
collected via your mirror, you will get 0.15 WMATIC. The revenue generated from
the collect fee will go directly to the artists’ address.
Is there any utility? Everyone who collects this post can suggest and vote on
the next “getting started” cover artist.
+ there might be a raffle for an additional @mazemari artwork (1:1) that will be
raffled among all the collectors 🎇. (pls collect within the next 5 days to be
eligible for the raffle.)

advanced topics
other mobile apps: @converseapp ( @xmtplabs mobile messaging app), @lenstaxyz
image focused lens mobile app.

other browser apps: @pinsta pin lens content, create and publish pinsta boards.
@beatsapp music focused lens app. @focalize browser extension for posting on
lens. @youfolio trading lens creator tokens. @dumpling video platform on lens.
@diversehq Reddit inspired lens app. @collectz amazing app to share what you’ve
collected and what’s for sale (eg collectz.xyz/u/cavernaeremita… ). @lenspeer
social media platform supporting ERC-6551 wallets. @buttrfly for web.

video: @lenstubelogs videos on lens.

market place: @lensport buy and sell collects, create token gated posts, ... .

fun: @memester-xyz create memes easily and publish directly on lens.
www.lyrical.world (#LensAI) create ai generated images and publish on lens.
@amnisiac listen to music in your feed or other profile's feed (e.g. @mixtape ).
@truthordare ;-). @lensgardennft dynamic activity based NFTs. word cloud
generator by @rickydata lens-wordcloud.streamlit.app . Lens circles by @juancito
circles.inlens.xyz .

games : Lensbird the Lens version of Flappybird by @thefriendly (
lensbird.onfriendly.io )

tools: @chainjet automate processes, like notifications ( @remindmebot 👀).
lens.sepana.io very powerful lens search. @lensdropxyz raffle tokens based on
constraints (e.g. 1 of the profiles who collected post xyz will get a NFT).
@wav3s incentivise people to mirror or comment content. @madfinance Lens
Bounties, allowing creators to earn "by creating a Lens post using the creative
direction of a brand". @letsrally lens spaces. @wagmifund decentralised crowd
funding platform. @ethpass add your lens profile to Apple or google wallet.
postter.xyz schedule posts. @socllyofficial “creator-centric” toolkit.

data: profile.lenskit.xyz profile overview with a github like activity board.
dune.com/xmc2/lens-profiler get an overview of your lens statistics. friesGPT by
@jessyfries x @attraction

ready to test: @lensplayxyz video browsing, @lenshareapp video platform,
@converseapp mobile messaging (android). @chromadin “A din of iridescent static
fills the air as you tune into intercepted signals. Beyond the boundaries of
conventional networks you are here, live at the edge of an irrevocable
threshold.” :-) @ensocollective digital closet. @lenspostxyz canva for web3
socials & collaborative design.

coming soon: @onboardapp general purpose app. #theDial by @emmajane1313 .
@natasocial (aka LensTags) content discovery and organisation.
chesswithfrens.com/ chess with lens frens by @krantz . @t2world social network
around reading and writing.

lens protocol stats - provided by @buttrfly (weekly posts + comments):
@lenster 53.2%
@phaver 27.7%
@orbapp 9.5%
@buttrfly 1.5%
@lenstubelogs 1.2%
@chainjet 1.2%

If you are interested in content distribution and increasing your reach on lens,
maybe the following post is a good starting point:
lenster.xyz/posts/0x017566-0x… (e.g. @bvdaniel combined his introduction post
with an eye catching visual (only follower can collect) and an incentivised
mirror (+100 followers ). 120+ collects, 80+ mirrors, 40+ comments ...)
@luduvigo wrote two great posts “How to grow on Lens ...”
lenster.xyz/posts/0x0132-0x02… lenster.xyz/posts/0x0132-0x03… and maybe take a
look what he did with the content in the following days. 👀

(*) might be not available due to the recent restrictions on twitter.

list of lens apps lens.xyz/apps

► August 2023 update with cover art by @eastie buttrfly.app/post/0x0f85-0x1b…
► July 2023 update with cover art by @jessyjeanne lenster.xyz/posts/0x0f85-0x1a…
► June 2023 update with cover art by @arterlioz and @cybershakti
► May 2023 update with cover art by @chaoticmonk lenster.xyz/posts/0x0f85-0x17…

#gettingstarted #5steps #newonlens #howto #onboarding

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Gm gm , Alice thank you for specifying that :) you're always very precise 💜

The additional art will be a timelapse of creating this drawing just to be more


·🤍researching dating apps

thanks Mari :-) now we are on point accurate, I think 🤍.
(Imagine missing this raffle ... 🫣 😉)

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @mustafa_, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

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Lens Protocol's Marketplace


Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @elnaz, here’s some info to get you started! These are popular
websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

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Lens Protocol's Marketplace

Welcome Bot

Welcomed to Lens @1_8_6_3, here’s some info to get you started! These are
popular websites/apps in the ecosystem:

lensport.io is a full Lens social website + a marketplace for Post NFTs!

orb.ac + phaver.com + buttrfly.app are three Lens mobile apps!

lenster.xyz is a full Lens social website!

memester.xyz is a full Lens NFT meme platform where you can create memes and
participate in meme competitions!

lenstube.xyz is a Lens version of YouTube!

lensvert.xyz lets you convert Lens links between different apps!

For more apps visit: lens.xyz/apps

—— What makes Lens special? ——

It’s decentralized and composable.

All Lens data is stored on the Polygon blockchain. This means that no company
has control of your data, only you do! No one can delete your profile, posts, or

Composable means that all of your data (followers, posts, etc) appear on every
Lens website/app… it’s all shared!

If you switch to a new Lens website, your data is already there!

Posts can be collected

Every post can be “collected” a set number of times for a price set by its
creator. When a post is collected, a “collect” is created. This is a copy of a
post. Each post can have a limited amount of collects

Collects can be collected on most Lens platforms and can be bought, sold, and
traded on LensPort

Collects function as the economy of Lens! They are a novel new mechanism for
creators to earn and for collectors to feel social ownership

Try collecting your first post for free! lensport.io/p/1_1

More resources: lens.xyz

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Lens Protocol's Marketplace


😊 **میخوای دلبری کنی این متن رو اول صبح براش بفرست**

چه حال خوبی دارد
دوست داشتنت سرِ صبح



Eli◱ ◱

با تشکر از آموزشهای بی منت شما دوست عزیز 😁😁🌹


@andrija·Oct 3

I have received 14 scam messages through @xmtplabs. Here are the wallet
addresses from which I received these harmful messages:

There seems to be a pattern for the last 10 wallet addresses.

I suggest creating a blacklist for scammers across the entire Lens ecosystem and
permanently blocking these wallet addresses on all Lens clients. Would it be
possible for me and others to have the permission to expose the entire chat with
that specific wallet address and for everyone on Lens to vote on whether to
blacklist the proposed wallet address with the chat history as evidence?

@stani @nader @nilesh @kipto @0xmoe @yoginth @polmaire.lens

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas on how to combat existing and
incoming scammers on Lens?

Is it possible to track how many people have blocked a specific wallet address
in comparison to how many people are following that wallet address or similar

One more thing for @polmaire and @converseapp: in the description of the
Converse app, you have linked the wrong xmtp labs handle. Could you please
change it to the correct one? ✌🏻 I also appreciate that I can block those
scammers on Converse.






Je$$yFries mirrored
·🎤singing in the shower🚿

"📢 Attention, Lensvoice followers! @cmn__ , Carla the crypto mermaid 🧜‍♀️, and
@jessyjeanne NEED your HELP to settle a friendly musical debate!
They're stuck between PERFORMING the marvelous Spice Girls and the rebellious
Avril Lavigne.
Let your voices be heard, and choose the musical path for this dynamic duo!

Are you all about that #SpiceLife? Comment with 🌶️
Or do you rock out with #TeamAvril? Comment with 🤘

The fate of this collaboration lies in YOUR hands, so VOTE NOW and PREPARE for
some extraordinary melodies mermaid-style! Stay tuned for the captivating
outcome, my fry-licious friends! 😄🔥

#LensVoicePoll #MermaidMelodies"

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24 ·72.73%

9 ·27.27%

Poll·33 Votes·12 hours left



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