rqygk.defigaht.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://rqygk.defigaht.com/
Submission: On May 12 via api from US — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

POST https://app.convertkit.com/forms/3351751/subscriptions

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POST https://app.convertkit.com/forms/3351751/subscriptions

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POST /blog/25-ways-to-exercise-without-realizing-it/#gf_2

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POST https://app.convertkit.com/forms/5899139/subscriptions

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Steve Kamb
Steve Kamb
Last Updated: December 8, 2023

Evidence Based
Expert Reviewed

I know plenty of people who hate exercise but WANT to find a way to like it.

And that’s what today’s post is all about:

Exercising in a way where life doesn’t suck AND helps you reach your goals.

Luckily, this is exactly what we do for a living!

 * “Exercise” sucks! Do this instead:
 * 40 ways to exercise without realizing it.
 * Next steps, and my personal challenge to you:

I know what it’s like to hate exercise, and ALSO want to lose weight and see
results. Ugh.

We’ve built an entire company and community around helping people overcome these
obstacles – our Online Coaching Program helps people find exercises they love,
and also how to make the right nutritional choices.

We are all on a unique journey and we’d love to help you with yours!

Exercise doesn’t have to suck. Let our coaches help you level up your life!


“But Steve, I don’t like to exercise!”

While some are like Odie and love to run around all day, others are like
Garfield and feel like they must be allergic to exercise.

I hear this every day, and I’m not surprised.

After all, I think “exercise” sucks too.

This is why we’re gonna focus on exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise!

After all, nutrition is like 90% of the equation. 

Exercise is merely a supporting actor, which is why we don’t ever NEED to spend
time doing exercise we hate.

We’ve already talked extensively on Nerd Fitness on how to eat nutritiously, so
I won’t hash that out here.

So let’s talk about exercise.

Sure, it would be great if we all strength trained 5 days a week and got super
strong, but the reality is most of us don’t have that time – or the desire – to
hit the gym.

And more importantly – the best exercise program is the one you actually do!

Thus today we’re going to focus on TWO key elements of getting more exercise in
our lives:


Did you know ‘fidgeting’ (aka “small micromovements”) can account for up to 350
additional calories burned per day?

Per the New York Times:

> Overweight people have a tendency to sit, while lean ones have trouble holding
> still and spend two hours more a day on their feet, pacing around and
> fidgeting, researchers are reporting in findings published today.
> The difference translates into about 350 calories a day…

350 extra calories burned per day ain’t no joke!

As we cover in our “How many calories should I eat every day?” guide, burning an
extra 350 calories per day can result in sustainable weight loss and maintenance
over time for many.

Not only that, but when you factor in inertia (an object at rest tends to stay
at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion), it paints a pretty
interesting picture:

> We spend our lives trying to be more “efficient.” What if the key to weight
> loss is to be LESS efficient?

From standing up more frequently to parking FARTHER away from the grocery store,
every additional step or movement counts. Today’s guide shares TONS of ways to
get yourself used to moving more frequently.

I’m actually air drumming and shuffling my feet as we speak!


Who cares what the optimal workout is?

Unless you have a very specific physique you’re trying to build, ANY exercise is
good exercise.

From dancing to yoga to climbing to roughhousing with your kids, it all counts.

This brings me to today’s point:

Exercise is a bonus. Exercise helps your heart get stronger, can help build
muscle, usually gets you outside the house and absorbing vitamin D, and brings
you a litany of other health benefits. Also, any additional calories burned is a

Exercise can help us make fewer unhealthy food choices. Instead of “I earned
this” you can start telling yourself: “If I’m going to exercise regularly, I
might as well make it worth it by eating right too.”

Daily exercise is a constant reminder that we are leveling up our lives – that
we should continue to make other good choices or we’re practically wasting our

This is the type of stuff we focus on – with personalized instruction, with each
of our online coaching clients.

Some clients are learning Olympic lifting, while others are simply focusing on
taking the stairs more and tracking their food.

We are all on a unique journey and we’d love to help you with yours!

Our coaching program makes getting healthy fun. Seriously! Learn how we can help
you on your journey:


#1) Hiking, especially with friends – Strap on a pair of shoes, get out of the
comfy confines of your hobbit-hole, and go explore the world around you!

Make sure you follow our Beginner Hiking Guide on how to find a hiking spot near
you, what shoes to wear, what to bring with you, and more.

#2) Walking – No time to hike? Go for a simple walk. Even a 15-minute brisk walk
is enough time to get close to a mile walked, which gets you one step closer to

Do you have a 30-minute meeting at work? Have a walking meeting instead. Steve
Jobs was known for doing this.

You should know Tim, a member of our Nerd Fitness community who lost 50 pounds –
while injured – just by fixing his nutrition and going for long walks every day!

I’m proud that Tim used the philosophies laid out in our online courses under
Nerd Fitness Prime to get his results!

#3) LARP – Live Action Role Playing. Might seem silly to those on the outside,
but to those playing, it’s an amazing adventure that reminds us how awesome our
imaginations are.

Also, depending on the game, you could be wearing a heavy costume, swinging
heavy weaponry, and running for your life!

#4) Rock Climbing – I love rock climbing. It’s one of the best arm/back/forearm
workouts in existence, you get to feel like a badass when you reach the top of
the wall, and all climbing routes are graded so you can level up the challenge
as you get stronger/fitter/better.

It’s a fit nerd’s dream!

#5) Geocaching – If rock climbing is a fit nerd’s dream, then geocaching is an
adventure nerd’s dream brought to life. Become a real-life treasure-hunter (Lara
Croft? Nathan Drake? You decide!), and get a great workout in while you’re at

Or, if you’re truly nerdy, you can do some Digital Geocaching with Pokemon Go or
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

#6) Dancing – Ever tried serious swing dancing? You’ll be sweating within ten
minutes. How about hip-hop? Drenched in sweat, and sore as hell the next day.

Zumba? Tango? Flamenco? You’d be surprised at what you can sign up for and what
will elevate your heart rate.

#7) Roughhousing with your kids. I don’t have kids, but when I do, you can bet
your ass I’ll be the dad out rolling around in the backyard with them. Don’t
forget what it’s like to be a kid – it keeps you young.

I really enjoyed this article from Art of Manliness on the importance of

#8) Climbing on stuff – A few years back, I attended a great conference,
Midoricon, and I was walking through the woods with NF Rebel Joe (No, not THAT

It was awesome to see this guy, having lost 100 pounds since finding Nerd
Fitness, explore the woods like it was no problem: climbing on stumps, balancing
on fallen trees, climbing trees, and more. 

We work with LOTS of Coaching Clients to get them outdoors and help build them
“fun climbing programs” that burn tons of calories but don’t really feel like

Let us build a fun “playout” program that helps you get stronger and lose weight
without needing a gym! Learn more:

#9) Martial arts – Be honest. You watched The Matrix, you heard Neo go “I know
Kung Fu” and you wanted to be able to one day say the same thing.

Whether it’s Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, or Capoeira (breakdance
fighting, seriously), there’s a martial art out there that will make you feel
like a badass.

And might help you defeat your archenemy. 

#10 Consider a standing desk – Although we all know that correlation does not
prove causation, it’s no surprise that there’s a strong correlation between
sitting all day and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Why not fix your posture, strengthen your legs, get more “fidget time” in, and
spend the day being more productive with a standing desk? I have THIS desk and
it allows me to switch between sitting and standing.

If you don’t want to stand all day, make sure you read up on our guide, “how to
survive sitting all day in an office.”

#11) Have an active meeting – Hat tip to Charlie Hoehn on this one. If somebody
wants to meet up with you for coffee, suggest something active: throwing a
baseball, tossing a frisbee, going for a hike – anything that gets you up and

I say yes to pretty much anybody that invites me to play golf. Wink wink.

#12) You know… that thing that consenting adults do?

Yeah. Do that.


Moving on…

#13) Clean! – Ugh, nobody likes to clean the house/apartment. It’s not my
favorite thing to do. So I instead make a game out of it.

I see how much I can accomplish with a single song blasting at max volume, while
probably also dancing. I also CRUSH podcasts while doing the dishes.

Of course, after getting through one song, I figure “Welp, I’ve already started,
might as well keep going.”

#14) Try handstands – This is a fun activity that builds up some serious arm and
core strength and will leave you sweating bullets after even a few minutes.

So go find a park, go do handstands, cartwheels, somersaults, and whatever else
makes you feel young again.

Here’s our guide on How to Do Handstands.

#15) Parkour – Our Beginner’s Guide to Parkour is one of the most popular on
Nerd Fitness. I don’t care how old you are, there’s no reason you can’t get
started with rolling around in your yard and vaulting over picnic tables and
bike racks.

Or, you can do it in your office:

#16) Playout – Is Parkour too serious for you? Try a playout! Spiderman was on
to something – climbing walls, swinging from skyscrapers, and popping flips
around the bad guys.

You might not be able to swing between buildings, but you can definitely visit a
playground in your area and get creative!

#17) Adult gymnastics – In the same vein as parkour, gymnastics will help you
build some of the BEST real-world strength you can get with any type of
exercise, and it’s all done in a playful way without a single weight being
picked up.

Swing from rings, somersault, flip onto pads, and more.

There are gyms all over the country.

#18) Yoga – Build flexibility and strength, plus learn to freaking relax.

There are a million kinds of Yoga, including awesome stuff like Acro-Yoga, baby
goat Yoga (not kidding), and Yoga with beer.

Sign up for a few different kinds and see which one lines up the best with what
you’re looking for.

#19) Play video games that make you active – Beat Saber. DDR (Dance Dance
Revolution) counts too. Just Move. Anything that gets you off your ass and

Oh, what’s that? You’re playing a normal game like Grand Theft Auto V? Make a
rule that you can only play while standing up, or that you have to do 10
push-ups every time you die.

That’s what I do to keep myself from spending twelve hours on the couch in
marathon gaming sessions!

#20) Play on a playground – Go down the slide, swing across the monkey bars,
climb the rope all, balance on the balance beam.

Create an obstacle course for yourself and see how quickly you can get through

You can even work out on a playground too:

#21) Play a musical instrument – Did you know playing musical instruments can
burn a boatload of calories too?

I imagine this is doubly true if you’re dancing around like Taylor Davies
playing the violin.

#22) Join a Rec League – New in town? Want to be active and meet people? Join a
co-ed kickball, softball, or tennis league.

You get to exercise AND it’s a great way to meet new people through exercise!

Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
 * The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
 * Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
 * Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.

#23) Bike to work – I know there are a lot of Rebels in our community who
dropped a bunch of weight by making one change: they biked to work, or biked to
their friend’s house, or started biking generally.

You get from Point A to Point B, you save money on gas, and you get a workout.

Plus, you can do it with friends!

Here’s our Guide to Biking if you want some help getting started. 

#24) Play a childhood game – What games did you play as a child? Capture the
flag? Kick the can? Simple tag?

Get a few friends together and give it a try – it will be the most fun you’ve
had in a while!

#25) Park at the far end of the parking lot – Every step counts.

Every tiny decision that is slightly different than the “OLD you” counts.

IT ALL COUNTS when it comes to burning more calories than you consume every day.

Getting in shape doesn't have to be miserable. Learn more:

#26) Take the stairs. It’s only two flights! And we are designed to move. You
can do this.

Sure, you’ll get winded the first handful of times. But it eventually becomes

And it all counts! Make a game out of it.

#27) Crush audiobooks while “exercising.” This is called ‘temptation bundling.‘
Pair something you love with an activity you’re trying to do more of.

But I bet if you could only listen to Harry Potter (for the 600th time) while
walking on a treadmill, you’d be more likely to get to the gym.

#28) Build stuff. Whether you’re building a fort with your kid in the backyard,
or trying to figure out why you have 5 extra screws in that IKEA dresser you’re
putting together, building stuff involves lots of moving and bending and picking
up and maneuvering.

Warning: you’ll swear no less than 100 times building furniture. Earmuffs! 

#29) Sit in a squat, or pike position on the floor while watching TV. No, not
leaning against the couch. Sitting up actively engaging your core!

You can also do some sort of stretch or movement like these bodyweight exercises
during commercials (or in the 15 seconds between Netflix episodes!)

#30) Impromptu dance parties. Kids or no kids, I find that great Disney songs
are fantastic for bringing out your inner child.

Blast the tunes, dance around the house, and be absurd. WHO CARES! As a wise
woman once said…”Let it gooooooo.”

#31) Go for a walk while on the phone. What if you just decided you had to stand
for all of your phone calls?

For starters, I know many people who do phone interviews while standing because
it makes them more alert and a better guest.

Next: you’re gonna get so many steps in while on the phone without realizing it!

#32) Having an impromptu picnic. Instead of sitting and gorging yourself at the
dining room table, why not eat on the floor?

Grab a blanket or a towel, eat in your living room or head out into the
backyard, and make it a picnic!

You’ll need to adjust your posture and seating style constantly.

#33) Sit in a squat. We cover this in our “How to Squat” guide, but sitting in a
deep squat – often for long timeframes – is built into us as a species! We’ve
just become soft from sitting in chairs all day long.

I try to accumulate 15 minutes of “squat time” each day – sitting in a squat
while reading a chapter in a book, or journaling, or answering an email with my
laptop on the ground.

Here I am sitting in a squat while reading Level Up Your Life (available online
and in bookstores nationwide!)

#34) The “Pull-up bar Tax”. Get yourself a door-frame pull-up bar. Put it on a
door that you have to cross through regularly.

And every time you go through, you have to do either 1 pull-up, 1 negative
pull-up, or 10 seconds of hanging from the bar.

Can’t do a pull-up yet? Learn how to get your first pull-up or chin-up.

#35) Lasers around the house. Set up colored string pulled tightly across your
kid’s rooms or in certain hallways, and you have to go over and under the lasers
each time you traverse the hallway.

Don’t touch the lasers!

#36) Climb a tree. Your level of safety and ability on this will be dependent on
your experience here, but I remember climbing trees like a monkey as a kid and
loving every minute of it.

Even if it’s just hanging from a tree branch or trying to scramble up to a low
branch, it can be a great way to “exercise.”

#37) The floor is lava. This is both great for exercising around your apartment,
for a fun date night or night with the kids, and for playing True American.
Though one is slightly more healthy than the other.

#38) Casual Parkour. From avoiding cracks on the sidewalk to balancing on curbs,
or jumping from tile to tile, or hopping up onto a bench and then back down, it
all counts!

Just get yourself to move differently than you would have otherwise! We are
currently working with a woman who has lost 100-pounds through our Coaching
Program, and her exercise is all “fun parkour in the woods behind the house!”

Let us build a weight loss program for you that’s ACTUALLY fun! Learn more:

#39) Literally fidget more! Yes, from tapping your toes to music and twitching
your legs to the beat of the music. Getting up and sitting back down. Doing laps
around your office.

You don’t need to get a standing desk or treadmill desk, but there’s a definite
correlation between those that can’t sit still and body composition.[1]

#40) Your kid is a backpack! From piggyback rides to playing horsey, staying
active with your kids is really powerful in instilling a love of fitness in

If you’re a badass mom like Brownwyn – a success story from Nerd Fitness Prime,
you can even do pull-ups while your kid holds on!

Here are more tips on how to work out as a whole family.

Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
 * The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
 * Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
 * Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.


If you are looking for more guidance beyond the 40 Fun Exercise Suggestions
above, we have three options to continue your journey:

1) Join our epic Online Coaching Program! We create personalized programs for
each customer based on their lifestyle, goals, and personality. From parkour in
the park to just walking more with your children, or even “becoming a badass
powerlifter,” we cater each experience to each person.

Learn how we make exercise fun and actually get results in our Online Coaching

2) If you’re looking for a bunch of fun ways to exercise, check out NF Journey.
Our fun habit-building app helps you move more frequently, eat healthier, and
level up your life (literally).

We assign fun missions daily to get you to exercise in a way that doesn’t
feel like exercise…because it’ll feel like a side quest instead.

Try your free trial (no credit card needed) right here:

3) Enlist in The Rebellion (it’s free)! Sign up for our biweekly newsletter and
join the Nerd Fitness Rebellion!

I’ll send you tons of free guides and bonuses to help you get started on your
journey today.

Sign up below:

Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
 * The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
 * Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
 * Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.

No matter which path you pick above, I want you to commit to trying something
new, or doing something different, at some point in the next week:

 * Say yes before you can say no. Stop saying “I don’t have time” and realize
   you do. Stop saying “I can’t afford it” and find a way to make it a priority.
   Do all of this before you can talk yourself out of it. The best way to do
 * Commit in advance. Put down a deposit and make an investment in yourself. I
   pre-paid 6 weeks of swing dance lessons. Having already paid for it, I knew
   I’d be just throwing my money away if I didn’t attend.
 * Go with a friend. I went to my swing classes alone, which forced me to
   further develop my social skills, but if you happen to be TOO afraid to
   attend a class, get a friend to drag you there.
 * Expect to suck. If you are learning a new skill, expect to suck at it. You’ll
   get better as long as you remember to…
 * Have fun. Remember, we could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Every day above
   ground is a blessing, so enjoy it!
 * When in doubt, move more.

That one thing you always wanted to try but have been putting off?

Today’s a good day to get started. Just take that FIRST step.

Google classes in your city. Find a site that focuses on beginners, and read
about it. If there’s a place to pre-pay or make a deposit, do it.

And then go.

Use 20 seconds of courage if you have to.

What’s the one new thing you’re going to try this month?



photo credit: Reiterlied 02/52 – Confidence, JD Hancock Garfield, treadmill
fall, Denes Paragi © 123RF.com, It’s Always Autumn: Lazer Hallway, lzflzf ©

Footnotes    ( returns to text)

 1. According to the New York Times!

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I’m Steve Kamb.
I’m a Nerd. I deadlift.

Nerd Fitness helps desk jockeys, nerds, and average Joes level up their lives.
There’s a lot of B.S. out there about fitness. We’re working to put a stop to

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