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Posts navigation Maduros: Men's Club ξυλοσομπες καλοριφερ βουλγαριας Τα φιλικά
της Τριτωνίας

There was only a waste of solitude and the silence of the sun. Our throats went
dry when, yards away, a sharp fusillade proved that we had overshot the turn. We
swallowed hard and went back, burning the road with our hasty tyres. Nothing
tickles the appetite like a nervous shock, and the dinner we ate in Ballestar,
having finally found the path, was certainly one of the best I have eaten in all
my life. None of us were able quite to get rid of a nervous and somewhat
childish giggle, which pursued us throughout the meal, and throughout the time
we spent after it, drinking the new wine of the district.

I felt the simile to be well chosen, even if he had said it because he was a
doctor. By the time the meal was over, we felt we had known each other all our
lives. The chauffeur was particularly unbending, possibly because he came from
Andalucia. Our comrades seemed to have been overcome by their lunch. We
determined to start off, and were walking down the street when I suddenly saw
them coming along, yawning, and with their eyes still half shut. They were
profuse in excuses, especially the chauffeur. We began to walk to Tierz, each of
us piled up with as many of the medical supplies as we could carry.

The captain of the column which was occupying Tierz joined us. He was also bound
for the same place and proposed to walk along with us. We were very glad of
this, and joyfully loaded his broad back and chest with as many parcels as we
could persuade him to carry. He made us take our guns with us, too, against the
danger, and this made the trip very heavy going. We walked out of Ballestar,
walking directly towards Monte Aragon. The castle surged up at us, seeming very
near now, and the little road appeared to be bringing it on top of us.

The path, which still bore traces of a plough, went up and down, dipping and
rising, and was sometimes bordered by low bushes behind which, by bending a
little, we could feel ourselves in comparative safety. We went along in Indian
file, and when we came to the open spaces which offered no protection the
captain, who was ahead, speeded up the pace. At the same moment a few bullets
began to fly.

Eventually we reached a plantation of maze and there we felt a little more
sheltered. Ahead of me, I could hear the captain telling some- thing to the
chauffeur:. I know all about the business from a prisoner we took this morning.


It appears that this priest perches himself up in one of the trees of that
little copse every day, with his gun and his pipe and enough ammunition and
tobacco to last the day. We keep on walking towards Monte Aragon. By this time
it is only four hundred yards away, and we are very relieved when the path takes
a bend to the right and we make our entry into Tierz.

It is hidden in a little valley, behind a fold in the ground, and we come upon
it suddenly by surprise. Tierz is a diminutive village, and like all the small
villages of Aragon, it is made of stone, and coloured a doubtful white. Two
streets present themselves for your selection, but it is needless to hesitate
over the choice. They both lead you faithfully to the square in front of the
church, which is the centre of the town. On either side of the square, the
large, clumsy houses look as if they had been built by children: two holes, a
door and a window, and another hole, the chimney, and nothing more.

Before reaching the church square, we cross four or five little streets which
pass us with an abrupt, clear white sweep down to the river. The church has been
burned, and in the square a nymph continues to blow water out of a vague hole in
her face. As we reached the square, a strange sight caught my eye. Two women
were walking towards us, pressed close in the lea of the houses, swathed in
splendid dressing-gowns and their feet in embroidered slippers.

You must get to know them, because the Swiss girl speaks such good English. When
the presentations were done, we found that one was a militia woman, and the
other a nurse, the wife of an Italian anti-Fascist who was chief of a patrol.
But we could go down to the river with you just for a minute, to have a look.
The captain slipped off to interview a batch of prisoners, and we, the two
doctors, and the chauffeur went down towards the river with the women.

We came out suddenly on to the bank of the river. It was full of naked
militia-men, leaping about and laughing and throwing water at each other.

The sun was sliding and slipping off their shining backs and stomachs, and their
legs flashed about like long pale fish in the water. One man was lying on his
back in midstream. He began beating the water with his arms and feet until it
churned up like whipped cream and spirted at his comrades like soda out of a
siphon. They splashed back at him in turn, or ran away shouting. For a moment I
did not look at the other two women.

I could feel them standing beside me on the bank, their brilliant draperies
moving in slow, colourful folds in the wind. The men in the water were jumping
up and down, waving and calling out to them to come in and join them. Suddenly,
they both opened their clothes and threw them away and dashed past me.


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They went down the bank into the water, their naked bodies glowing an ardent
amber colour in the sunlight. The doctors, the chauffeur, and we two, stood
looking at them and waiting there with nothing to say. Only the chauffeur at
last recovered something of his Andalusian loquacity. The Swiss woman came
towards us, her arms making curves through the air as she lifted them
alternately out of the water, the drops spraying off, and at each stroke half
her body rising above the surface, showing her ripe breasts.

When she came to where we were, she caught hold of a boulder with both hands,
and lay there in the water looking up at us. Her long muscular legs floated out
behind her. Of course sometimes one or other of them does a little masturbation,
but so respectfully that one has really nothing to say. Suddenly, an intense
sound of murmuring filled the air. I looked up.

It was going too fast to see the markings on the wings. The machine flew on,
disappeared in the direction of Monte Aragon, only to come back flying much
lower. Meanwhile a lively discussion had broken out in the water. Fascist or
not? But a big dark boy, with his body burnt brown, rushed up out of the river
and began climbing into his trousers. I can tell by the sound. Two minutes later
the aeroplane was back again, flying much lower and showing its black wings.
Everyone fled out of the water. I looked round anxiously for a place of refuge
and we both began running towards the bridge.

I thought we would get under it. As we reached it a wet hand clasped mine and
pulled me back.

The aeroplane laid a couple of eggs and flew off. Afterwards we heard that they
had fallen further away, on the other side of the village, and had injured a
child and killed a mule. Among the ungainly houses there was one of gracious
build, two storeyed, which had formerly belonged to the Mayor. I went in. It had
all the usual modern conveniences such as running water, and an air of ease and


There was a court behind it, and a terrace hung with vines where wicker chairs
stood waiting in the shade. I went up. At the entrance to a room on the second
floor a guard tried to stop me going in. A massive table occupied the centre of
the room, which was large, and preciously furnished with carved seventeenth
century pieces. The captain was seated at the table, with another man at his
side, and two soldiers were standing facing them from across the breadth of the

These soldiers belonged to a batch taken from the enemy. I came in for the end
of the interrogatory. Go to your family in Barcelona, or join up with our forces
and fight? I always wanted to, anyway.




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