www.nterone.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013ZL6PnG7byD6wsGcMSdDPUIG3n3JglwtmvZG4GOtcs0IJCy8KLrpLlQHIizkxrR6wxF1j4Mebu0rkqU8KxDY...
Effective URL: https://www.nterone.com/training/cisco/courses/advaci
Submission: On April 18 via api from CH — Scanned from DE

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Advanced ACI is a 5-day course designed to help students understand new and
advanced features of Cisco ACI 5.x with VMware v6.x that help simplify, scale,
and optimize complex data center networking environments.

Upcoming Classes
Classes represented in green are guaranteed to run.

DateFormatLengthLocationStart TimeTime ZonePrice2022-05-16 to 2022-05-20Live
OnlineEN5 DaysAmericas10:00 AMEastern Time (US & Canada)
2022-06-06 to 2022-06-10Live OnlineEN5 DaysEMER 9:00 AMLondon
2022-07-04 to 2022-07-08Live OnlineEN5 DaysAPAC10:00 AMSingapore
2022-07-18 to 2022-07-22Live OnlineEN5 DaysAmericas10:00 AMEastern Time (US &
2022-08-29 to 2022-09-02Live OnlineEN5 DaysEMER10:00 AMLondon
2022-09-26 to 2022-09-30Live OnlineEN5 DaysAmericas10:00 AMEastern Time (US &
2022-11-28 to 2022-12-01Live OnlineEN4 DaysAmericas10:00 AMEastern Time (US &

Prerequisites and Course Objectives


The knowledge and skills that a learner should have before attending this course
are as follows:

 * Good understanding of networking protocols
 * Recommend CCNP Certification or equivalent knowledge
 * Good understanding of the VMware environment
 * Recommend attendance of the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage
   (Version 6.0) (VICM)


Course Objectives:

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall

 * Describe Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fundamentals
 * Configure Complex External Routing (L3Out) Scenarios, including OSPF, BGP,
   VRF Leaking and Transit Routing
 * Implement ACI Virtual Edge (AVE) with Distributed Firewall
 * Deploy Remote Leaf
 * Understand Advanced ACI Topics, such as Tenant SPAN
 * Understand and Implement ACI Multi-site with Multi-site Orchestrator (MSO)

Course Outline

Module 1: Implement Cisco ACI Fundamentals

 * ACI Topology
 * ACI management networks
 * Virtual eXtensible LAN (VXLAN)
 * NTP Server on ACI Fabric Switches
 * Whitelist Model

Module 2: Cisco ACI External Network Connectivity

 * L3 Out
 * ACI Physical and External Domains
 * Route Reflection
 * OSPF Route Redistribution
 * ACI as a Transit Network

Module 3: Cisco Tenant Span

 * Visibility and Troubleshooting

Module 4: Cisco vzAny

 * vzAny
 * Multisite Contracts

Module 5: Application Virtual Edge (AVE)

 * Application Virtual Edge Architecture
 * Microsegmentation
 * AVE and Virtual Pod (vPOD)
 * AVE L4-L7 Services
 * vcplugin AVE Install / Upgrade / Uninstall / Migration
 * vCenter Plugin – RBACModule 6: Cisco L4-7 Services
 * L4-7 Service Integration
 * ACI Distributed Firewall
 * ACI Service Graph

Module 7: Cisco ACI Logging

 * Syslog
 * Contract Logging
 * ACI Permit/Deny Logging

Module 8: Implement Remote Leafs

 * Remote Leaf Use Cases
 * Physical Remote Leaf - Overview, Requirements and Basic Design
 * Physical Remote Leaf - Discovery
 * Physical Remote Leaf - Unicast
 * Remote Leaf Multicast Forwarding Port channels
 * Remote Leaf Deep Dive

Module 9: ACI Multi-site

 * ACI Anywhere
 * Multi Site Back to Back Spine
 * L4-L7 Services in ACI Multi-Site
 * ACI Multisite with MPOD
 * ACI Multipod Multicast on BigSky Single Chip
 * ACI Multisite - Multicast on BigSky Single Chip
 * ACI Multi-Site & L4-L7 Service Integration


Lab Outline:

 * Discovery Lab 0: Accessing the NterOne Lab Devices
 * Discovery Lab 1: Validate Fabric Discovery for ACI v5
 * Discovery Lab 2: Configure NTP
 * Discovery Lab 3: Create Access Policies and vPC
 * Discovery Lab 4: Enable Layer 2 Connectivity in the Same EPG
 * Discovery Lab 5: Integrate APIC with VMware vCenter Using VMware VDS with
   EPG Connectivity
 * Discovery Lab 6: Configure External Network Connectivity – Create Trunks to
   External Switch
 * Discovery Lab 7: Configure External Layer 3 Connectivity - OSPF Routing
 * Discovery Lab 8: Configure VRF Leaking
 * Discovery Lab 9: Configure Transit Routing
 * Discovery Lab 10: Configure External Layer 3 Connectivity – BGP Routing
 * Discovery Lab 11: Configure Tenant Span
 * Discovery Lab 12: Configure ACI Virtual Edge (AVE)
 * Discovery Lab 13: Distributed Firewall with AVE
 * Discovery Lab 14: Configure Syslog
 * Discovery Lab 15: Multi-Site Orchestrator User Setup
 * Discovery Lab 16: APIC Infrastructure Verification
 * Discovery Lab 17: Creating a Multi-Site Tenant
 * Discovery Lab 18: ACI Multi-Site Use Cases
 * Discovery Lab 19: IP Address Mobility across Two Availability Zones

Who Should Attend

The primary audience for this course is as follows:

 * Network Administrator
 * Server Administrator
 * Network Engineer
 * Systems Engineer
 * Technical Solutions Architect

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The NterOne team will be happy to answer your questions.

Email: sales@nterone.com

Phone: 703-972-2288


Please contact me in regards to ADVACI: Advanced ACI.


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