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Our Core Mens Mojaris redefine traditional Indian men's shoes, offering a
seamless fusion of timeless elegance and contemporary design. Available in
classic white, cream, and black, these versatile Indian shoes are perfect
sherwani shoes for Indian weddings and other special occasions. Effortlessly
paired with a Kurta, Nehru jackets, or an Indian waistcoat, they elevate any
South Asian ensemble.



The Perrenial Mojari

Our mission was simply to create Mojaris that suited the modern-day man. A shoe
that represents South Asian men in the west and can be worn over again. Buy
once, treasure forever.

Indian Mojaris for Men

It's rare to find a pair of Mojaris that actually feel as good as they look. At
Majora, we take great pride in producing the finest Mojaris on the market, and
new Contemporaries are no different. We spent 9 months developing a new Mojari.
Perrenial, comfortable Mojaris.

Indian Mojaris That Feel As Good As They Look

Whether you’ve got a South Asian wedding coming up or you’re just looking to
upgrade your Indian wardrobe, our luxury Mojaris/Mojris are the perfect
solution. We’ve
sourced the best materials in a few neutral colors so they can go with multiple
outfits.  Shop now and receive an Iron-coated shoehorn.

What Separates Our Luxury Mojaris For Men From the Rest?

Majora’s Mojaris will quickly become your most complimented pair of shoes. Our
commitment to creating a new style of Mojaris that are actually comfortable sets
our products apart from the rest. On top of that, depending on the colour, this
is a shoe that can be worn for the office, boardroom, or the date. With weddings
season fast approaching, there’s no better shoe to own. Don’t take our word for
it. Just look at the reviews we’ve received.


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   5.0 rating (50 votes) (50)
   Regular price $164.67 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $164.67 CAD
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   5.0 rating (20 votes) (20)
   Regular price $164.67 CAD
   Regular price $121.33 CAD Sale price $164.67 CAD
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   5.0 rating (10 votes) (10)
   Regular price From $164.67 CAD
   Regular price $121.33 CAD Sale price From $164.67 CAD
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   5.0 rating (2 votes) (2)
   Regular price $138.67 CAD
   Regular price $121.33 CAD Sale price $138.67 CAD
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Free Iron Shoehorn with every Contemporary Mojari
Majora Shoe Horn