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URL: https://hellobonafide.com/products/relizen
Submission: On November 30 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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GET /collections/shop

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POST /cart/add

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          <div class="c-product-purchase__description"> Single Box<br>
            <small>One time purchase</small>
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          <div class="c-product-purchase__description"> Monthly Plan<br>
            <small> $41 paid monthly </small>
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            <label>Save <span class="savings">29%</span></label>
            <span class="c-product-purchase__price c-product-purchase__price--sub" js-product-price="16" data-price="$41"> $41<small>/mo</small>
            <span class="c-product-purchase__price c-product-purchase__price--original"> $57<small>/mo</small>
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            data-monthly-price="37.0" value="39498964992063">
          <div class="c-product-purchase__description"> 3 Month Plan<br>
            <small> $111 paid quarterly </small>
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            <label>Save <span class="savings">35%</span></label>
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            <span class="c-product-purchase__price c-product-purchase__price--original"> $57<small>/mo</small>
      <div class="c-product-purchase__subscription-best"> Best value </div>
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                <p class="bundle-creator__bundle-offers__bundle-offer__details__tagline"> HEALTHY HAIR BUNDLE </p>
                <h4 class="bundle-creator__bundle-offers__bundle-offer__details__headline"> Add Silvessa Oral Capsule </h4>
                <p class="bundle-creator__bundle-offers__bundle-offer__details__copy"> Thicker hair from the inside out* </p>
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Relief from menopausal hot flashes
60 tablets per box (1-month supply)
4.2 out of 5 star rating

1012 Reviews
Recommended by more than 7,050 doctors


Relief from menopausal hot flashes
60 tablets per box (1-month supply)
4.2 out of 5 star rating

1012 Reviews
Recommended by more than 7,050 doctors

Relizen® provides powerful, hormone-free relief to women experiencing menopausal
hot flashes and night sweats, so they can stay cool and dry all day and night. 

Click here
to view the full ingredient list.
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Hassle-free, automatic refills.

Every 30 days (or at your selected frequency) you will receive your Relizen
shipment containing your selected quantity of boxes (60 tablets per box) with
free shipping. You will continue to be charged with each shipment.

You can cancel at any time.

To avoid your next charge, please cancel at least 5 business days before your
next processing date. To cancel, you may contact our customer support center at
1-833-266-2343 or email support@hellobonafide.com with your name, the email you
placed your purchase with, and request to cancel.


Serving Size:
2 Tablets

Servings per Container:

Amount Per 2 Tablets:
Purified Cytoplasmic Blend (proprietary Swedish Flower pollen extract (Sérélys)
in the form of Pollen + Pistil Extract PI-82, and Pollen Extract GC-FEM).

Other Ingredients Include:
Isomalt, Maltodextrin, Microcrystalline cellulose, Acacia, Magnesium Stearate,
Vitamin E (as d-α-tocopheryl succinate), Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
(alternatively HPMC), Silica, Polysorbate.

High Quality Standards:
At Bonafide, we are committed to ensuring our products are both safe and

All Bonafide products are scientifically validated and have been thoroughly
tested for safety, efficacy, and potency. Together with our FDA-registered, NSF
certified GMP† manufacturing facility, we rigorously test our products for
contaminants such as microorganisms and heavy metals, like lead, to ensure that
our products are safe and of the highest quality, because you deserve relief
without compromise.

Premium QualityScientifically ValidatedCertified GMP

† GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations are enforced by the FDA to
assure product safety by requiring that manufacturers adequately control
manufacturing operations. NSF International independently registers
manufacturers as meeting GMP requirements.


Take two tablets of Relizen once a day, with or without food. It's important
that you take Relizen every day for at least 3 months to get the best results
for hot flash relief.*

Give Relizen time to work in your body. Take Relizen every day for at least 3
months for best results. In clinical trials, women taking Relizen saw best
results at month 3 and beyond.


All orders will be processed within 24 hours of transaction, and will ship the
next business day.

Standard shipping takes approximately 3-7 business days after processing.

Our products are backed by clinical research and doctors alike, and we’re
confident you’ll love them as much as we do - but on the off chance that you
don’t, please reach out to us. We are able to accept product returns for
unopened, sealed products within 30 days of the purchase date.

Delivered every 10 days Delivered every 30 days Delivered every 60 days
Delivered every 90 days Delivered every 120 days Delivered every 180 days
Single Box
One time purchase
Monthly Plan
$41 paid monthly
Save 29%
$41/mo $57/mo
3 Month Plan
$111 paid quarterly
Save 35%
$37/mo $57/mo
Best value



Thicker hair from the inside out*

Learn more

+$26/mo $52 Monthly Save 18%*
Add to cart  —  $37 /mo Item already in your cart.
Free shipping
Cancel at anytime


Our plant-based formula features Bonafide Pollen, a proprietary blend of four
botanicals sourced from Sweden. These hormone-free ingredients work in harmony
to rebalance your body’s temperature.

Click here
to view the full ingredient list.
 * Subscriptions
 * Ingredients
 * How to use
 * Shipping info



Hassle-free, automatic refills.

Every 30 days (or at your selected frequency) you will receive your Relizen
shipment containing your selected quantity of boxes (60 tablets per box) with
free shipping. You will continue to be charged with each shipment.

You can cancel at any time.

To avoid your next charge, please cancel at least 5 business days before your
next processing date. To cancel, you may contact our customer support center at
1-833-266-2343 or email support@hellobonafide.com with your name, the email you
placed your purchase with, and request to cancel.


Serving Size:
2 Tablets

Servings per Container:

Amount Per 2 Tablets:
Purified Cytoplasmic Blend (proprietary Swedish Flower pollen extract (Sérélys)
in the form of Pollen + Pistil Extract PI-82, and Pollen Extract GC-FEM).

Other Ingredients Include:
Isomalt, Maltodextrin, Microcrystalline cellulose, Acacia, Magnesium Stearate,
Vitamin E (as d-α-tocopheryl succinate), Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
(alternatively HPMC), Silica, Polysorbate.

High Quality Standards:
At Bonafide, we are committed to ensuring our products are both safe and

All Bonafide products are scientifically validated and have been thoroughly
tested for safety, efficacy, and potency. Together with our FDA-registered, NSF
certified GMP† manufacturing facility, we rigorously test our products for
contaminants such as microorganisms and heavy metals, like lead, to ensure that
our products are safe and of the highest quality, because you deserve relief
without compromise.

Premium QualityScientifically ValidatedCertified GMP

† GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations are enforced by the FDA to
assure product safety by requiring that manufacturers adequately control
manufacturing operations. NSF International independently registers
manufacturers as meeting GMP requirements.


Take two tablets of Relizen once a day, with or without food. It's important
that you take Relizen every day for at least 3 months to get the best results
for hot flash relief.*

Give Relizen time to work in your body. Take Relizen every day for at least 3
months for best results. In clinical trials, women taking Relizen saw best
results at month 3 and beyond.


All orders will be processed within 24 hours of transaction, and will ship the
next business day.

Standard shipping takes approximately 3-7 business days after processing.

Our products are backed by clinical research and doctors alike, and we’re
confident you’ll love them as much as we do - but on the off chance that you
don’t, please reach out to us. We are able to accept product returns for
unopened, sealed products within 30 days of the purchase date.


Take two tablets once per day, with or without food.


In a clinical trial,1 Relizen was shown to significantly reduce hot flash
frequency by month two. Results improve over time.  

Data shows that Relizen’s hot flash, night sweat, and sleep benefits continue to
improve over time with consistent, daily use1,2


At Bonafide, we are committed to ensuring our products are both safe and
effective. All of our products are free of hormones, parabens, soy, gluten,
GMOs, and common allergens.

Every product is clinically tested and scientifically validated. Together with
our FDA-registered, GMP† manufacturing facility, we rigorously test our products
for consistency, quality, purity, and potency.

Read more about our quality and safety >


Reduces fatigue * ¹

Calms irritability * ¹

Improves sleep * ¹


The proof is in the numbers. Bonafide rigorously researches and tests the safety
and efficacy of our products.

Women experienced less frequent, less intense hot flashes ³

Women experienced less frequent, less intense night sweats ³

Women plan to continue taking Relizen ³

Frequently bought together

Frequently bought together

Relief from vaginal dryness Revaree

1652 Reviews
Revaree® provides powerful, hormone-free relief from vaginal dryness, with an
easy-to-use vaginal insert that renews your body’s moisture for everyday comfort
and intimacy.
Learn More
Increased sexual satisfaction Ristela

385 Reviews
Ristela® provides powerful, hormone-free support for sexually active women who
want to enhance their response to sexual stimulation.
Learn More
Relief from mood swings and irritability.* Serenol

204 Reviews
Serenol provides powerful, hormone-free relief from mood swings, irritability
and uneasiness due to hormonal fluctuations like PMS and menopause.
Learn More
Relief from vaginal odor¹ Clairvee

113 Reviews
Clairvee® is the easiest way to rebalance your vaginal microbiome - just one
pill per day for 15 days reduces odor¹, itching, and discharge all month long*.
Learn More
Gut Probiotic

2 Reviews
A hardworking combination of good bacteria that supports digestion and immunity.
Learn More
Multi Vitamin

1 Reviews
A multivitamin that includes essential vitamins and minerals to complement a
woman’s diet.
Learn More

Add relief to your routine.


Two Pills
Take two pills once daily,
with a glass of water.
Over 2 Months
Use consistently for at least two months for best results.

Relizen is a small, easy-to-swallow pill.




You may not notice a significant difference yet, but trust that Relizen is hard
at work and keep taking daily.



In clinical trials, Relizen was shown to significantly reduce hot flash
frequency by month two. ²*



Staying cool and sleeping better. In clinical trials, Relizen was shown to
reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes even more at month three, plus
help you sleep better and stay asleep for longer.¹



It keeps getting better! Data shows that Relizen’s hot flash, night sweat, and
sleep benefits continue to improve over time with consistent, daily use. So
stick with it! ⁴



Through our proprietary purification process, we unlock the unique healing
benefits of pollen from four specific plants grown in Sweden. Exclusive Bonafide
pollen balances your body's temperature, keeping you cool and dry at every
moment. Discover hormone-free relief from menopausal hot flashes and night
sweats. * ¹ ⁵ ⁶

Want to know more?

What is Relizen? Relizen is a carefully formulated, hormone-free supplement made
with pure, plant-based ingredients, so you can get incredibly effective and safe
relief from hot flashes and night sweats.* How does Relizen work? Rather than
going through the hormonal pathways in your body like other menopausal
supplements do, Relizen works like an internal thermostat to give your body back
its natural ability to regulate its temperature, without hormonal side effects.
How long does Relizen take to work? Relizen takes time to work. In clinical
studies, the majority of women felt significant improvement in the frequency and
intensity of hot flashes and night sweats by month 3, and survey data shows that
relief improves with prolonged use. We recommend you take Relizen every day for
at least three months for best results. Does Relizen have any side effects?
Relizen is plant-based and does not have any hormonal side-effects. Relizen has
been used safely in Europe by over 1 million women, where it has been available
for over 15 years. In clinical studies, any side effects reported were no
different than those reported by people taking placebo tablets (sugar pills). If
you have specific concerns, we recommend that you speak with your doctor. How do
I know if Relizen is right for me? Relizen is intended for the woman who is
experiencing hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. Are
Bonafide products covered by health insurance? By Medicare/Medicaid? At this
time, our products are not covered by traditional insurance. That said, some
healthcare HSA or FSA cards cover part or all of the cost of certain Bonafide
products, so we recommend reaching out to your HSA/FSA provider to confirm if
you can use your HSA or FSA funds.

Once you’ve confirmed that your HSA or FSA does cover Bonafide products, you
should be able to place an order for any of our products; we’ve taken all of the
necessary steps on our end to ensure you can access the proof of payment needed
to file a reimbursement claim. We also recommend consulting your provider to
determine what documentation is required to have your claim approved, as many
providers require a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) in addition to a receipt.
What's the best way to place my FSA or HSA order? First, double-check the
balance on your FSA or HSA account and that your plan covers Bonafide products.
You can place an order online, using your FSA or HSA card (as you would any
other credit card), or by calling our Customer Care Team for assistance at
1-833-266-2343, Monday to Friday 9AM - 6PM ET. Have more questions about
Relizen? Check out the FAQs.


We’ve been there—really! Many of our support team members take our products, and
all of us want to help you succeed. How can we help?

 * Email Us:support@hellobonafide.com
 * Call Us:1-833-266-2343
 * Text Us:1-415-319-9551
 * Chat Us:Click to start a conversation



That's why we've spent years rigorously researching, sourcing, and testing the
purest ingredients to create safe and effective solutions.

Read our story


Reviews represent individual experiences and may not reflect clinical results.
Individual results may vary. In clinical trials, Relizen relieved hot flashes as
compared to placebo within 3 months.*

4.2 star rating

4.2 star rating
Based on 1012 reviews
4.2 out of 5 stars Based on 1012 reviews






Write A Review

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Most recent
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Theresa R.
Verified Buyer

5 star rating
It took about 3 months
It took about 3 months but almost eliminated my hot flashes!
read more about review content It took about 3 months but almost


Bella F.
Verified Buyer

5 star rating
No RX needed for hot flash relief.
I have been taking Relizen since 2020 when my doctor prescribed HRT for hot
flashes. I had sweats in the night that caused me to change out my pajamas. A
friend turned me on to Relizen. It took about 3 weeks and ever since, no hot
flashes! I take zero prescriptions and only supplements. So nice to be
Read moreread more about review content I have been taking Relizen since


Verified Reviewer

1 star rating
Did Absolutely Nothing
I really really wanted this product to work . After a month of taking exactly as
prescribed, my night sweats were as bad if not worse at times , I gained weight
and noticed an increase in facial redness which I never had experienced prior to
taking this. Simply too expensive for a very disappointing
Read moreread more about review content I really really wanted this product
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 29 2023

Hi Michelle, we're sorry to hear that Relizen didn't meet your expectations. As
a quick reminder, we recommend taking Relizen every day for at least three
months, as it was during this timeframe that the majority of women in our
clinical studies felt significant improvement in both the frequency and
intensity of hot flashes and night sweats (with increased relief associated with
prolonged use). Across multiple clinical trials, no serious adverse events were
reported alongside the use of Relizen; however, we know that every person is
different. We see that a member of our Customer Care team has recently been in
touch with you to discuss your experience - please let us know if we can provide
further information or assistance.


Sirlei S.
Verified Reviewer

1 star rating
I have canceled this bogus product in April 2023 and still YOUR ARE CHARGING MY
read more about review content I have canceled this bogus product
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 29 2023

Hi Sirlei, we're so sorry to hear about your unsatisfactory experience as this
definitely isn't what we aim for! We see that a member of our Customer Care team
has recently been in touch with you to resolve this. Please let us know if we
can provide further assistance or information!


Verified Reviewer

5 star rating
Great product
Three months ago, I was having hot flashes multiple times a day which disrupted
my sleep and interfered with my daily activities. Since I was concerned about
hormone therapy, my doctor suggested I try Relizen. Within 2 weeks the hot
flashes were diminished and by one month they were completely gone.
Read moreread more about review content Three months ago, I was having


5 star rating
Life Altering Results
I’m 46 years old and started menopause in the early spring. Initially, Hot
flashes and mood swings were sporadic and manageable. I experienced the same
symptoms for the same length of time (about 2 months) every year, so I didn’t
think much of it. This time was different. My symptoms progressed and became
Read moreread more about review content I’m 46 years old and started menopause
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 29 2023

Thank you for sharing your story with us! We're thrilled to hear that Relizen
has been life-altering for you, and we're excited that you're seeing results
with Ristela as well. We hope this is only the beginning of your success, and
and sending continued positive thoughts of relief your way.


Verified Buyer

5 star rating
Skeptical Susie
I read the reviews over and over and finally ordered it. So very happy I did. 2
1/2 months later and my hot flashes were cut drastically. I get maybe 2 bouts of
night sweats and i can sleep mostly thru the night. I would recommend this to
anyone. Thank you
read more about review content I read the reviews over and over


Verified Reviewer

5 star rating
Relief at last
I am 55 and I had several hot flashes every hour during the day. I couldn't get
a good night's rest due to the night sweats, so I was tired at work. I was
experiencing headaches, queasy stomach and rapid heartbeat prior to having a hot
flash. I was unhappy and embarrassed because I had no control over
Read moreread more about review content I am 55 and I had several hot flashes
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 22 2023

We're also so glad that you stumbled upon Bonafide, and that Relizen has made a
positive difference in your life. We hope you continue feel like your old self,
and if you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. 😊


cathy p.
Verified Reviewer

5 star rating
It works!
First, i only write reviews if something is very, very good, or very, very bad.
This product is excellent! I want you all to try it if you have hot flushes. I
had been experiencing 15-25 hot flushes per day. Really, really terrible
flushes. I was waking up several times a night due to the flushes. I
Read moreread more about review content First, i only write reviews if
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 22 2023

We're so glad that you decided to write a review for Relizen, Cathy! Thank you
for sharing your positive experience with us - we're thrilled to hear that
Relizen has helped you overcome your hot flushes and improve your daily life. We
hope this is only the beginning of your success.


5 star rating
I suffered horribly from night sweats and hot flashes. I finally went to my
doctor who said to try this product because I didn't want to start taking
hormones of any kind so quickly . So I figured if it didn't work then I could
always go the hormone route. After about 2 &1/2 weeks it was amazing that
Read moreread more about review content I suffered horribly from night
Comments by Store Owner on Review by Bonafide on Wed Nov 22 2023

Hi Jennifer, thank you so much for sharing your amazing experience with us!
We're thrilled to hear that Relizen has provided you with the relief and comfort
that you deserve, and appreciate you recommending this product to others. We
hope this is only the beginning of your success.


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500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 510, Harrison NY 10528

Bonafide®, Clairvee®, Relizen®, Revaree®, Ristela®, Serenol™, and Silvessa® and
their associated logos are trademarks of Bonafide Health, LLC. All third party
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Bonafide Health, LLC
products are protected by a number of patents including, but not limited to:
U.S. Patent Nos: 7,576,132; 8,709,434; 9,028,879; 9,028,890; 10,363,222 and

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
 * ¹ Elia D, Mares P. Genesis. 2008;135:12-15.
 * ² Winther K, et al. Climacteric. 2005;8:162-170
 * ³ Bernsley D, Sylla S, Komorowski J. Menopause. 2021;28(12):P-4.
 * ⁴ De Franciscis et al. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2020;26:4509-4514
 * ⁵ Munoz E. Vivace/I Biotechnology GmbH. Internal report. July 2012.
 * ⁶ Hellstrom AC. Muntzing J. Menopause. 2012; 19(7):825-829. 4.

 * Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh.

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