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OOPS #274

by Valsalia on May 24, 2024 at 2:40 pm
Chapter: Out-Of-Placers
Characters: Kalgkur, Varakses

Shading: Koof


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 1. PermanentGuest
    May 24, 2024, 4:06 pm | # | Reply
    He was speaking of “created”
    Like, they’re some kind of bio-engineered warrior race gone sentient.
    He could be referring to a creator deity?
    And coalesce:
    1. To come or grow together into a single mass.
    2. To come together as a recognizable whole or entity.
    3. To come together for a single purpose: synonym: mix.
    What does it all meaaaaaan?
    * PermanentGuest
      May 24, 2024, 4:06 pm | # | Reply
      wow this is the first time leaving a comment actually worked
      * SpecificYinglet
        May 24, 2024, 5:48 pm | # | Reply
        If you use the wordpress route, it works every time.
        * PermanentGuest
          May 25, 2024, 1:42 pm | # | Reply
          Switching to a different browser is what finally worked for me, oddly
          Though now I have to complete 5 captchas instead of one. Oh well.
          * SpecificYinglet
            May 25, 2024, 11:00 pm | # | Reply
            OK, if you must know de boss is cheap, and used Yinglet labor for
            zhe wensite design. Zo, here’s what to do.
            1: Go to zhe top of de page.
            2: hit tab until zhe SECRET MENU pops up just below zhe OOP banner
            on zhe right side.
            3: Hit zhe Login option.
            4: Login at wordpress.
            5: On zhe top left of zhe logged in screen, zhere is an option to
            retun to zhis page, do so.
            6: On zhe top of zhe OOP window zhere should be a wordpress banner,
            if not, refresh zhe window once. It should appear zhen.
            Now you should be able to post, without zhe captcha crap. Zhis was
            necessary because of huge, crippling amounts of spam postings zhis
            site was hit wizh, zo, zhings had to be where bots couldn’t just
            post crap on here.
            * Wilson
              May 26, 2024, 5:02 pm | # | Reply
              ^ Yes, all of this. Sometimes using yinglet web design is even
              more effective than captcha. It’s at least a thousand times easier
              to post once you learn the Specific trick!
            * biblioholic93
              May 26, 2024, 6:07 pm | # | Reply
              ^^ Seconded! And if you need mobile access you can paste the URL
              from your desktop through a self chat on Facebook, or text it to
              your own number or write it down. Whatever. Sadly I will not post
              the link here, that is too easy for bots to figure, but it’s a
              valsalia dot address.
              Still a pain to scroll posting on mobile personally, so I prefer
              desktop anyways. But who always has the time?
            * Sensei Le Roof
              May 27, 2024, 11:56 am | # | Reply
              It just wouldn’t let me click Post Comment. Even after captcha. So
              here’s hoping.
    * Apple_Boy
      May 25, 2024, 3:57 am | # | Reply
      I’ve been kicking around a crack-theory. Maybe it doesn’t even manage to
      clear that high a bar. But anyway, take the following points:
      The various “impulses” alter physiology for unknown purposes.
      The gorging impulse was specifically mentioned to be about bringing back
      nutrition for reproduction.
      Young baxxid are undifferentiated for decades.
      Now there’s something called “coalescence”.
      Followed by subtext that the natural baxxid impulse is to merge in some
      way, and that attempting to bond with just one other individual will cause
      There was what seemed to be a heavy implication that baxxid can do
      something like mind-melding, with the emphasis given on “opening his mind
      completely”, to the extent that he possibly wouldn’t exist anymore.
      The fierce defense of a new philosophy of seeking a path as an individual.
      The heavy embarrassment they feel at being unable to control their biology
      during an impulse, which would make even more sense if it was a physical
      manifestation of them losing their grip on what they now consider to be
      Not to mention it’s already shown that something hive-mind adjacent exists
      in this world’s biology, vis a vis indrel.
      And probably more I’m not thinking of right this second. This comic has
      relied quite a bit on subtle and long-seeded foreshadowing, even for minor
      What I’m driving at is, what if the baxxid are sort of like cells? The
      weird shifts their morphology and body function, just organelles being
      switched on for some kind of gestalt super-organism they fuse to become
      for a time? What if they’re kind of like some types of snakes too, that
      have to return to a specific spawning pit(i.e. The Teeth)? Hell, has any
      mention been made of whether the rock the dome is made out of might,
      possibly, share some uncanny commonalities with the substance used in
      baxxid limbs and head crests? Like maybe you get enough of them together
      for a merger period, and it results in something big enough to use that as
      a shell?
      Realistically I’m completely throwing shit at the wall, but it is an
      interesting idea.
      * PermanentGuest
        May 25, 2024, 1:41 pm | # | Reply
        Hivemind gone individualist makes sense to me.
        Hopefully we’ll find out more next time.
        Or we won’t, this feels like a natural way to make a cut to a different
 2. SpecificYinglet
    May 24, 2024, 5:55 pm | # | Reply
    Er, I’d have expected someone different if zhey really had planned to off
    Kalgkur if he had turned to de dark side of de Baxxid. But what kind of
    assinine crap is it for Kalgkur to come out of having said “no zhanks” to de
    baddie, only for zhe presumed goodies to say “ya know, ole asshat you talked
    to a minute ago? We really do respect what he’s a saying.” Gee makes me
    zhink zhere is a few extra asshat awards to go around.
    * KeystoneInspector
      May 25, 2024, 5:11 am | # | Reply
      Impulses and emotions don’t go away just by putting some pieces of cloth
      on and pretending not to be an animal. This isn’t about respect. It’s
      about truth. It is a fact that the Baxxid possess untold capabilities for
      killing. It is a fact that Kalgkur has made use of those capabilities. As
      I said in my comment on the page of the incident, this whole tragedy
      happened because Baxxid fully turn their backs away on what they can do,
      pretend that it is not a factor anymore. Something to be hidden and
      repressed, rather than understood and managed. While pretending that they
      have left such terrenal tethers away seems to work for the majority of
      Baxxids, it seems obvious that, when those capabilities do surface, it is
      not enough to try burying them again. My take on the situation is that the
      elders are letting Kalgkur understand the whole situation, so that he may
      adapt. Because it may not be healthy, or possible, to pretend that side of
      his being does not exist after what he has done.
      * SpecificYinglet
        May 25, 2024, 11:22 am | # | Reply
        Nice post. What would really be handy about now is a record of how de
        Baxxid got “civilized” in de first place. For us Yinglets, all de Humani
        had to do is figure out we love clams, and offer us one if we behaved,
        and to zheir great surprise wizhin a week of offering us clams not only
        did we pick up zhe common language, but dey had to post guards to keep
        us out of zheir cities. Or so de legend goes.
        Zo, de old Baxxids were properly blooded, and zhen suddenly eizher were
        stopped from doing it more, or decided to stop for some reason or
        anozher. Zhe fact remains zhat line can be crossed, being bloodied, and
        zhen return from it.
        It’s eizher zhat, or every living Baxxid adult was killed by zhe humani,
        and every living Baxxid today is descended from captured children raised
        by regretful Humani, having destroyed zheir culture. Dark, yes?
        * KeystoneInspector
          May 25, 2024, 2:07 pm | # | Reply
          I just don’t see how humans beating Baxxid happens in the current tech
          level. They have the advantage in melee (obvious), siege (tunnels) and
          guerilla (tunnels again) scenarios, and I don’t see bows and arrows
          making a significant dent. I think Baxxids had their own culture, to a
          debatable extent, before encountering humans, as this is a thing that
          happens with creatures that live in packs and are unchallenged in
          their ecological niche (see: elephants, orcas). All that intelligence
          they have is not just for tunneling.
          The most I can theorize from the available information is that
          coalescence may not be a process that is beneficial to the individual,
          or to the species at a whole (it has to have been at some point, but
          changes in the enviroment may have rendered it dangerous), and the
          Baxxid found something in human culture, human civilization that
          allowed them to avoid it. Or it was given (taught?) to them. Wasn’t
          the first encounter between Baxxids and Valsalia violent, then the
          Baxxid stopped attacking for seemingly no reason? That couldn’t have
          happened if they didn’t possess the intelligence to make some kind of
          cultural exchange, or trade.
          Aside from the cultural angle, the only thing my mind goes to is the
          water reservoir under Valsalia, the only source in a vast area. Maybe
          Baxxid are reverse locusts (locust swarms happen after heavy
          rainfall), ‘coalescing’, whatever that is, when there is not enough
          water in their environment. But that doesn’t quite fit with the vibe
          of Kalgkur’s arc, if ya know what I mean.
          Another theory: sound is thought for Baxxid. They are a sound-based
          limited hive mind, where the infrasound conversations of the whole
          affect the individual. Rendering the idea of violence a complete taboo
          in their civilization makes the collective generally incapable of
          commiting it. Kalgkur is really just very clumsy (not just the last
          incident, the scream that got him into this mess), and pretty much
          rediscovered violence by accident.
          * SpecificYinglet
            May 25, 2024, 11:37 pm | # | Reply
            Well, it did happen. Baxxid are de submissives in the Human-Baxxid
            relationship. Sure de Baxxid are powerful on a individual basis, but
            zhe Humani are faster zhan dey are, and capable of not only running
            de hell away (somezhing Us Yinglets are good at too) but are capable
            of driving away or poisoning de Baxxid’s food, starving zhem.
            Zhere are ways to win a battle zhat doesn’t rely on using a spear,
            using one’s head before doing zo is much, much better. For de water
            zhing, de Baxxid would have left ValSalia long ago if zhat were de
            case. Surely Yannit’s people (Zhe Indrel) are at least as tasty as
            Humani are, and being in an underground hive already, a more
            rewarding target zhan a measly Humani villiage is.
            But neizher de Indrel, Baxxid or Yinglets control de area, zhere is
            somezhing special about being human (ask Laaady Kass for details).
          * biblioholic93
            May 26, 2024, 6:20 pm | # | Reply
            The human advantage is in fixed and improvised defenses. Fine motor
            control and tool usage. Even without a speed advantage, a pot of
            boiling pitch or urine is going to make any creature suffer.
            Briefly, and for too long at the same time. Nets. Arrows, baxiids
            have no natural way to carry shields that aren’t impaled on their
            noses or arms. We don’t know how well a baxiid can climb a sheer or
            near-sheer stone wall, but whether or not they can and whether or
            not it’s fast, there are definitely still options.
            Plus, Ivenmoth flat out controls every source of water in and near
            the whole city due to the Baxxid assistance they get, in times of
            siege. Is that completely a baxiid ability or did they have some
            capability of that stuff beforehand?
            Oh, forgot pit traps. Baxiid are smart, they form their own complex
            traps in the wild. But do they also have experience AVOIDING traps
            in the same way? It would seem plausible that coalescence and a lack
            of numbers would preclude major wars and conflicts with fixed
            positions of the formerly nomadic baxiid. Regrettably, such
            experience is also a human “strength,” from a very particular point
            of view. Unpleasant, but, a definitely crucial skill to have when
            it’s suddenly needed.
            * biblioholic93
              May 26, 2024, 6:38 pm | # | Reply
              Forgot to specify. Crossbows, not archers. Baxiid armor is not
              nearly continuous like a lobster or something. Humans already
              build and fight in lighter and better as seen by Dinnland armor
              Crossbows can punch through a half inch of plate armor at 100
              yards. Needleheads are specifically designed to punch chainmail
              aside and get as deep as possible. And while archers are harder to
              train fast, if you’re not raising an army from nothing and have
              time to train good crossbowmen, you can absolutely get them
              trained up very finely to aim for gaps in armor, shield walls,
              turtle formations and ram’s armor. Frankly, baxiid eyes are larger
              than many gaps in armor they would be trained to puncture, through
              mail and gambeson, in a well supplied human siege.
              Arrows are accurate over a larger area for lightly armored
              targets, but crossbows have more punch, especially closer up. And
              considering the intricate gearage I’ve spotted on their treadmill
              crane that one page, they are 100% perfectly capable at this point
              of carburizing a hard edge on wrought iron arrow cores.
              Fire arrows too. Poison, arrow nets. SLINGS, would likely be able
              to crack a large chitin plate at close range, and those are VERY
              accurate! Medieval slings were in numbers greater than 3 slingers,
              capable of driving bears off and harming their bones, something a
              modern pistol even, is lacking in achieving.
              These are not primitives. They are as smart as modern humans, they
              just do not have as complete a scientific view of things. Most
              mathematics systems are NOT. REMOTELY. YOUNG. Calculus was oh,
              1300s, Newton’s time anyways. We just have extra uses for them
              now. Algorithms are only useful at computer computing speeds.
              Ancient Greeks proved the earth was round and calculated it’s
              diameter, only religious dogma kept everyone from continuing to
              know this past Rome’s official converting to Christianity.
 3. Larynkir
    May 24, 2024, 8:31 pm | # | Reply
    I, like Kalgkur do not fully understand at the present time, however based
    on these things we can assume:
    the Baxxid do not hunt to survive and reproduce
    The purpose is, in fact to coalesce.
    To become ‘one entity together’
    If one does not hunt to survive, then what is the true purpose of hunting?
    what purpose of hunting, not for survival will lead to ‘one’ ?
    * SpecificYinglet
      May 24, 2024, 9:16 pm | # | Reply
      Maybe in reverse? De Baxxid coalesce to survive and reproduce? Green
      Reaper’s observation of Baxxid being similar to locusts, grasshoppers who
      gather into a swarm once certain stimuli are met is interesting.
      Grasshoppers are familiar, as zhey can reproduce and thrive wizhout
      triggering zheir Locust transformation. Do Grasshoppers dream of zheir
      untapped potential to consume? Zhat is de question I zhink is being asked
      here to Kalgkur, zhat untapped potential zhat comes when blood is spilled.
      Kalgkur certainly seems more emotionally stable after re-affirming his
      choice to remain “sane” despite having been razher crazy just before
      seeing ole wazziz name. Why de elders are tossing de poor boy back to de
      wolves mentally at dis point has to have a reason, ozher zhan Baxxid are
      * Saberbeam
        May 25, 2024, 2:14 pm | # | Reply
        I wonder if Kalgkur is one of the Baxxid generation that’s finally made
        the jump to genuinely internalizing the idea of peaceful, mutual
        coexistence and the elders simply weren’t prepared for someone who
        experiences cognitive dissonance not from hearing “the truth” of the
        chained one, but rather from hearing that the leaders he trusts don’t
        actually believe the principles they claim to espouse and have long ago
        drank the koolaid that he so readily resisted?
        Perhaps Kalgkur is solidly, or maybe just barely, on the other side of a
        line that nobody realized was there with one part of the Baxxid populace
        speaking in coded language and always thinking in the back of their
        minds that all Baxxid (or at least a part of every Baxxid) want to
        return to the old ways given the first opportunity. And on the other
        side of the line is Kalgkur and those like him who have grown up with
        the same stories and lessons, but unlike the other camp have actually
        have set their hearts on living out the principles taught to them with
        enough optimism and hope to believe that their dreams of peace are
        actually possible, darker moments like this aside? Maybe it’s all part
        of some larger test or just extra conditioning to make Kalgkur aware
        that this line of reasoning isn’t limited to one lonely, old prisoner,
        but it might be a case of one side realizing “Wait, you actually
        believed all that stuff we said?” and the other side realizing “Wait,
        you didn’t?”
        * SpecificYinglet
          May 25, 2024, 11:22 pm | # | Reply
          My guess is Kalgkur is simply young, and is now just learning about
          zhe whole “Sins of de Fazher” zhing. Baxxids be wierd, but learning
          who you are in any world is part of becoming an adult regardless of
          what you look like.
          For change coming to zheir world, and re-defining what and how Baxxids
          see zhemselves, we will have to wait and see where dis goes in de
          story. De boss does like himself de unrequited love stories.
        * Wilson
          May 26, 2024, 5:11 pm | # | Reply
          So are y’all saying that baxxids are this planet’s Vulcans (from Star
 4. Wilson
    May 24, 2024, 9:55 pm | # | Reply
    Created to be killers, and finding visceral pleasure in the act of killing
    itself, I understand. Cats are like that. But the way they’ve been using the
    word “coalesce” puzzles me. You could describe Valsalia’s theory of
    government as a commitment to “cultural coalescence” of all kinds of people
    into a universally beneficial society. But the baxxids’ use of the word in
    the last few pages must mean an exclusive coalescence, not just dangerous,
    but also hostile to the Valsalian way. So I want to ask: is this
    “coalescence” something the high elders have decided to abandon, even though
    it’s a “Truth” spoken by HWKWHD, or are they here to induct Kalgkur into a
    secret society of rebels against Valsalia? Will they decide they have to
    kill him because HWKWHD did not persuade him? I fear there’s something deep
    and dark and very old going on here.
    * SpecificYinglet
      May 25, 2024, 12:35 am | # | Reply
      De truzh is maybe to de Baxxid, we (humani and yinglets) are zheir clams.
      I can understand dis, as I too love de clams, but also want to eat zhem. I
      was made to eat zhem! I LOVE TO EAT ZHEM!! But also I want to protect and
      help zhem make lots and lots of clam babies, to make me happy in de future
      I guess I have to be satisified zhat clams are not sentient beings who
      understand zhat I their protector, am also zheir predator as well.
      * GreenReaper
        May 25, 2024, 8:56 pm | # | Reply
        Don’t deny yourself – there will probably be more clams elsewhere.
        * SpecificYinglet
          May 25, 2024, 11:12 pm | # | Reply
          Um, zhere is, but over zhere *points across de tidal pond* belongs to
          zhat fancy pants Yinglet who is always singing and making so, so fancy
          rhymes and such on here. Zhat zheir clam bed is better zhan mine is
          somezhing I cannot stand! And If I ate em all, zhat would be bozh
          admitting defeat at zheir hands (somezhing zhat will never, ever be a
          good zhing) and bad for de next time I want a clam in de future. And
          worst of all is zhey would probably make up some fancy pants song
          about me asking zhem for a clam, and sing it to ozhers. So, de clams
          are safe, for now at least.
 5. Gitts
    May 25, 2024, 11:18 pm | # | Reply
    * SpecificYinglet
      May 25, 2024, 11:24 pm | # | Reply
      Are you zhough? Or are you part of a simulation, and everyzhing you zhink
      is real, is just part of de matrix?
      * Wilson
        May 26, 2024, 5:16 pm | # | Reply
        Okay but what’s the simulation trying to simulate? If the simulator had
        a better GPU, would that clean up all the fuzzy quantum nonsense?
        * SpecificYinglet
          May 27, 2024, 1:45 am | # | Reply
          Well, remember zhis?
          where some dumn as hell Humani deicded zhat we Yinglets were ready for
          de space age? Yeah, zhat didn’t work out for us, and de Humani kinda
          messed up so, so bad about de prime directive.
          De worst zhing is dey got us hooked on dat wonderous zhing called
          coffee, so we’d do pretty much anyzhing for a hit of de stuff, so dey
          tricked us into zhis zhing called a “holodeck” where dey brought us to
          21st century Earzh (apparently zhier home planet) where we can have
          coffee wizhout damaging de ship, and apparently learn to live (anozher
          good comic) by intereacting wizh “de internet” as when we tried to use
          de ship’s native computer, it kind of tried to steer de ship into a
          somezhing called a black hole.
          Zo basically, I’m living in a simulation, and have access to one
          replicator for food (apparently eating what’s in de holodeck is so, so
          bad) a potty (don’t get me started about what happens when you have to
          ask to have dookie removed from de holodeck) and using de internet, I
          can read about OOP, when I feel homesick a bit. So if you are reading
          zhis, yes, you are actually real, and I am not. Zo feel good about
          life, and yes, I always say “Computer, save program” when I leave.
 6. bh
    May 26, 2024, 6:01 pm | # | Reply
    It was Kalgkur who first said “coalesce.” So it’s not the /idea/ of
    coalescence that’s a secret among Baxxid, but rather the (continuing)
    /truth/ of the idea. Does Ran know about the idea? (Thinking it’s obsolete?)
    I’ll have to go back to the Field Guides to look for foreshadowing of this
    * SpecificYinglet
      May 27, 2024, 1:58 am | # | Reply
      De foreshadowing? Best zhat I know of is de one shot when de trademaster
      had a “talk” wizh someone who had sold off some of ValSalia’s food
      reserves. Why would Viracroix be so, so paranoid/murderous about selling
      somezhing zhat can simply be re-bought?
      De answer is likely related to de Baxxid, and coalese-ing. We like happy,
      well fed murder machines, right?


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by Valsalia on December 22, 2015 at 11:27 am
Posted In: Uncategorized

All right, looks like everything’s up and working! I’ve been sitting on this
site redesign too long, and just needed a couple days to get everything remade.
And in a strange bit of good (?) timing, my Wacom tablet died a few days ago,
which I assumed was the universe’s way of telling me to get off my ass and
update the site already. Thankfully Wacom made a speedy repair and delivery
back, so I’ve already sketched up the first few panels of the next OOPs page.


And a special shoutout to Xandispin, who first suggested a site update several
months ago, then set up this snazzy new WordPress layout for me to customize
(which I then sat on until this past week). Thanks man; it took me long enough
to get around to it, but without you the site would still be looking like
something from the early 2000’s!


Seriously, I was manually creating pages and re-entering every altered link when
there was a new page, using a long-defunct version of Dreamweaver 2001. That
gets tiring real quick.


Anyway! There’s some new stuff in the Art & Extras section now as well, which
you might not have seen if you don’t frequent Deviantart and such.


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Now also in French:

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