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 * Quick specs
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 * Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/XP SP 2
 * Date added: May 24, 2009
 * Total Downloads: 1,546,955
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 * Product Ranking: #1 in 3D Modeling Software
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From Autodesk:

Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, flexible features found
in AutoCAD design and documentation software, one of the world's leading 2D and
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provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It's
time to take design further. It's time for AutoCAD.

AutoCAD 2010 software delivers powerful new capabilities to help you tackle the
most challenging design problems with ease.

What's new in this version:

AutoCAD 2010 software delivers powerful new capabilities to help you tackle the
most challenging design problems with ease.
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WavePad Sound Editor
A professional audio editor for Windows!
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 * 1 stars
   1 out of 1 people found this review helpful
   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "Time to start over!"
   by nofearfighter on June 28, 2010
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 * 4 stars
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   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "Great software for professional."
   by comforu on April 4, 2010
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   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "Lots of new "stuff" since my last v. of AutoCAD in '07."
   by sgryan_57 on February 22, 2010
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 * 3 stars
   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "please keep it up"
   by ninnasneheta on February 5, 2010
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 * 3 stars
   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "Nice but limited"
   by ark_v2 on November 16, 2009
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 * 2 stars
   3 out of 3 people found this review helpful
   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "Great but TOO expensive"
   by krithikp on July 25, 2009
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   Version: AutoCAD 2010
   "this soft is very usefull"
   by chelseadr on March 22, 2010
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   by ralph1983 on November 15, 2009
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