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Flowstone Group 2 , the most extensive group of flowstones in the chamber FS2 in
Table 1 , and Figures 1b , 2 and 3 , comprises wall aprons and sheets that have
spread out across the floor of the Dinaledi Chamber together with drip pools,
cascades, curtains, stalactites and stalagmites that connect to these sheets,
and, therefore, formed in conjunction with them. Flowstone Group 3 FS3 in Table
1 and Figures 1b , 2 and 3 comprises the flowstone deposits that are actively
forming below existing drip points, and include fresh growth of delicate
crystals of aragonite and calcite in floor sediments and along cave walls.

Sedimentary deposits within the Dinaledi Chamber can be organized into three
primary stratigraphic units Dirks et al. Unit 1 consists of deposits of
non-lithified, laminated, orange mud interpreted as suspension deposits in
standing water Facies 1a of Dirks et al.


Within the Dinaledi Chamber Unit 1 deposits can be divided into three sub-units
provisionally called sub-units 1a, 1b and 1c. It is assumed that Unit 1 is
time-transgressive and future work may reveal additional sub-units. Sub-unit 1a
is composed of laminated orange mudstone with isolated lenses of sandy material,
occurs as erosion remnants along the cave floor, and is possibly more extensive
beneath younger deposits in the chamber.

Sub-unit 1b is dominated by sandy orange mud deposits that are rich in
micro-faunal remain, stratigraphically overlies deposits of sub-unit 1a Figure
2c and d , and may have formed through the partial erosion and re-deposition of
sub-unit 1a. Deposits of sub-unit 1c are similar in appearance and composition
to the laminated, muddy sediments of sub-unit 1a, but they occur along chert
ledges, solution pockets and fractures in the chamber walls and along the entry
shaft, higher up in the cave chamber Figure 2.

The orange mud is mostly the product of the cave formation process, representing
the insoluble residue left over when cavities develop via dissolution of
dolomite Dirks et al. Some of the mud-bearing waters seeping out of the
fractures would have flowed as water films along the cave walls to deposit mud
on ledges and in fractures to form sub-unit 1c, whilst elsewhere this water
would have dripped to the floor to contribute to the deposition of sub-unit 1a
and 1b. Unit 2 is composed of largely lithified mud clast breccia consisting of
angular to sub-angular clasts of laminated orange mudstone similar to that found
in Unit 1 , embedded in a brown mud matrix Facies 2 of Dirks et al.

The mud clasts are interpreted to be derived locally due to wetting and drying
of orange mud deposits, which led to auto-brecciation, and subsequent erosion
and re-deposition of angular mud clasts Dirks et al. We hypothesize that the mud
clasts forming Unit 2 are partly derived from erosion of deposits of sub-unit
1c, and partly from a yet unidentified unit that was likely deposited in
fractures within and above the chamber entry zone.

Two macro-fossils partial shafts of long bones that are non-specific, but not
hominin, have been found in Unit 2. Unit 2 sediments are only exposed as hanging
remnants attached below the remains of a composite flowstone sheet Flowstone 1a
near the entrance shaft into the chamber Figure 2b ; Dirks et al. Note that in
Dirks et al. Unit 2 sediments accumulated as a sloping debris cone of mud clast
breccia below a vertical fracture system before being covered by flowstone
Flowstone 1a.

The debris cone of mud clast breccia was subsequently eroded leaving behind
hanging erosion remnants of Unit 2 below a flowstone apron Figures 2b and 3l.
The processes that caused erosion of the Unit 2 debris cone led to the
deposition of Unit 3 sediment along the floor of the Dinaledi Chamber as shown
in Figure 8. Unit 3 is composed of largely unlithified, clast-supported, mud
clast breccia Facies 2 of Dirks et al.

Unit 3 accumulated below the hanging remnants of the Unit 2 debris cone near the
entry shaft, and also extends along the current, sloping cave floor to the SW
end of the chamber Figures 2c and 8. Unit 3 sediments are dynamic in the sense
that they are poorly lithified in most places and actively slump towards, and
erode into, floor drains that occur in parts of the chamber where sediment is
being washed down to deeper levels in the cave likely as a result of
fluctuations in the ground water level.

Remains of Unit 3 sediment are attached to apron-like erosional remnants of
Flowstones 1b-e near the entrance shaft Figure 2a and 3l. Erosional remnants of
Unit 3 under Flowstone 1c contain in situ long bones consistent with H. Note
that Dirks et al. Everywhere else, Unit 3 deposits are spread across the cave
floor as loosely packed, semi-moist, orange mud clasts of varying sizes in which
bone material of H.

Unit 3 is partly covered by sheets of Flowstone Groups 1, 2 and 3. Unit 3 has
been divided into a lower and an upper sub-unit, termed sub-unit 3a and 3b
Figure 2 , based on the respective absence or presence of hominin fossils.
Sediments belonging to sub-unit 3a are not directly exposed in the chamber, but
their presence has been confirmed in the deepest part of the excavation area
Figure 2d.

In contrast sub-unit 3b is exposed within the talus cone near the entry shaft
and along the cave floor, and contains all of the known H. The thickness of
sub-unit 3b is thought to be no more than 20—30 cm see below. All hominin bones
identified in the Dinaledi Chamber are contained in deposits of sub-unit 3b.
Bones attributed to H. Preliminary ground penetrating radar work Naidoo,
suggests that Unit 3 deposits along the floor of the Dinaledi Chamber could be
up to 1.

A 50 cm-deep sondage was dug in the centre of the excavation pit, which itself
is 20 cm deep, to indicate a minimum depth of 70 cm for the mud clast breccia
pile of Unit 3. The top 20 cm of this sediment contains H. A discrete contact
occurs at 15—20 cm depth, below which no more fossils were encountered with the
exception of a single juvenile baboon tooth sample ; Figure 7 that was recovered
from a depth of 55—60 cm below the original cave floor surface in sediment of
sub-unit 3a Figures 2 and 8. Staining patterns on bone fragments, skeletal
element representation, and the fact that bones can be seen to weather out from
erosional remnants of sub-unit 3b, indicate that part of the fossil assemblage
has been reworked Dirks et al.

The presence of well-articulated remains in the excavation pit away from the
chamber entrance indicates that some of the remains entered the cave intact. The
mixed taphonomic signature suggests that fossils entered the cave over a period
of time, which is minimally assumed to be during deposition of sub-unit 3b, and
before deposition of Flowstone 1c. Fossil entry may have continued as sediment
accumulations of sub-unit 3b near the entry shaft were reworked and
redistributed along the cave floor Figure 8. The stratigraphic relationships in
the Dinaledi Chamber suggest that Unit 1 sediments were deposited over a long
period, which both predates and spans the more limited depositional timeframes
of Units 2 and 3.

Hence, Unit 1 is time-transgressive, meaning that these sediments were and are
constantly forming in different parts of the chamber due to weathering of the
dolomitic cave walls i. At present, we can only divide Unit 1 into three
sub-units, but we hypothesize that an older sub-unit consisting of laminated
orange mudstone exists or existed higher up in the chamber as well possibly only
on ledges and in fractures , which was eroded to provide some of the sediment
that formed Unit 2 and parts of Unit 3, near the entry shaft. Flowstone 1a,
which overlies remnants of Unit 2, is the oldest flowstone unit in the chamber,
and displays evidence of multiple phases of flowstone formation followed by
partial dissolution Figure 2b.

Flowstone dissolution occurred during time periods when the water table was
elevated and the chamber was filled with standing water. The erosion remnants of
Flowstone 1a dip towards the deeper part of the chamber, indicating that at the
time of its formation, a sloping debris cone of Unit 2 sediment was present.
Erosion of Unit 2 sediments from underneath Flowstone 1a only occurred after the
flowstone had formed and lithified the top of Unit 2. Following erosion of Unit
2, deposition of Unit 3 began, as sediment and mud clasts spread out over the
cave floor and also filled much of the space underneath Flowstone 1a.

This has led to an inverted stratigraphy near the cave entrance, although a
normal stratigraphy is documented at the bottom of the chamber, where the cave
floor is flat lying and sediment of Unit 3 progressively built up Figures 2b and


At some point during these processes remains of H. Following deposition of
sub-unit 3b and the hominin remains, Flowstones 1b-e were deposited over
sub-unit 3b in the entry zone. These flowstones have been interpreted as younger
than Flowstone 1a, but older than the Flowstone Group 2 sheets along the cave
floor. In other words, after deposition of Unit 3 commenced to form the talus
cone near the entrance of the chamber, parts of the cone slumped and eroded down
towards deeper parts of the chamber after Flowstones 1b-e were deposited, but
before Flowstone Group 2 was deposited.

This slumping motion was probably driven by sediment being removed from the base
of the stratigraphic pile through floor drains. Flowstone Group 2 covers erosion
remnants of Flowstones 1a-e as coatings and stalactites along drip rims. In
places, Flowstone Group 2 also covers erosion remnants of Unit 1 and Unit 3
along the floor and displays variable relationships with Unit 3 Figure 2. Where
parts of Unit 3 have been eroded via floor drains, hanging remnants of Flowstone
Group 2 can be found attached to the walls as fringing aprons, up to 10 cm above
the current floor level, establishing the fact that parts of the floor are
currently in a state of erosion.

In other places, Flowstone Group 2 sheets directly overlie Unit 3 and the H.
These varying relationships indicate that Flowstone Group 2 sheets were
deposited over an extended period of time, post-dating deposition and partial
reworking of sub-unit 3b. In summary, the stratigraphic context indicates that
the H. Several isolated, non-hominin bone fragments in hanging erosion remnants
of Unit 2 and a single baboon tooth in floor sediments in sub-unit 3a were
deposited prior to the entry of the hominin remains. The accumulation of Unit 3
along the cave floor involved a dynamic interplay between the accumulation of
mud clast breccia below sediment entry points or in situ sediment sources Unit 1
and Unit 2 in the chamber, and erosion through floor drains resulting in
contrasting stratigraphic relationships across the chamber Figures 2 and 8.

Most fossil deposits in the Cradle of Humankind that have been dated are between
0. In the absence of volcanic deposits, it is generally difficult to obtain
accurate ages for the fossils, not just because reliable techniques are few, but
mostly because the stratigraphic sequences in the caves are complex,
discontinuous and frequently reworked e. Workers have relied on a combination of
biochronology of faunal remains, palaeomagnetic work and a range of radiometric
methods, including U-Pb, U-Th and ESR dating targeting flowstones and fossil
teeth e.

Whilst some of these techniques are well established, others such as the
application of cosmogenic isochrons e. Unlike other fossil deposits in the
Cradle of Humankind, the remains in the Dinaledi Chamber are largely restricted
to hominins. This makes it impossible to use biochronology as a preliminary
technique to assess the age of the fossils. In addition, the fossils are
contained in mostly unconsolidated muddy sediment with clear evidence of a mixed
taphonomic signature indicative of repeated cycles of reworking and more than
one episode of primary deposition Dirks et al.

This indicates that caution is required when interpreting the stratigraphy and
the age of the fossils they contain. In preparation for this study, trial dating
of the deposits in the Dinaledi Chamber was undertaken to obtain an indication
of the age of the deposit and the best techniques to apply. Preliminary work was
focussed on assessing the viability of U-series techniques for flowstone dating,
using 14 C for dating bone fragments, and using OSL to test samples of
quartz-bearing Unit 1 Dirks et al. It was found that the older flowstones in the
Dinaledi Chamber contained excessive common Pb caused by the inclusion of
detrital material mainly clays making them unsuitable for U-Pb dating Dirks et

The initial tests with U-Th disequilibrium dating revealed that the fossils may
be much younger than originally anticipated e. Therefore, U-Pb dating was not
pursued further. Preliminary tests with OSL were conducted at the University of
the Witwatersrand Wits on samples from Unit 1, which were assumed to be older
than the fossils of H. These preliminary studies, and the results contained in
this paper, are the first OSL results for cave sediments from the CoH, and again
indicated that the H.

Tests with radiocarbon 14 C dating were undertaken through a commercial facility
Beta Analytic Inc. Nevertheless, analyses were carried out as part of the due
diligence process, and the results of these tests are presented here. Following
this initial work, no further radiocarbon studies were carried out. The
preliminary results have guided the subsequent dating strategy and sampling
approach reported here. The dating strategy was designed to achieve three
objectives: i establish a detailed stratigraphy for the cave sediments in the
Dinaledi Chamber; ii date sedimentary units that potentially bracket the
fossil-bearing deposits; and iii date the fossils directly.

To obtain an upper age limit for the fossil-bearing deposits of Unit 3 i. A
large number of such flowstones were sampled with the aim of finding the oldest
flowstone directly overlying H. To obtain a lower age limit for sub-unit 3b,
erosional remnants of Unit 1 sediments that were at least partially covered by
fossil-bearing sub-unit 3b sediments, were sampled for OSL dating on the
assumption that sub-units 1a and 1b in these areas are older than sub-unit 3b
Dirks et al.

This was done in the full knowledge that OSL dating of cave sediments is complex
and difficult to interpret e. As an internal control, we also sampled flowstones
that cover the outcrops of sub-units 1a and 1b from which OSL samples were
taken. These flowstones were dated with U-Th with the expectation that they are
younger than the underlying Unit 1 sediments.

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In addition to OSL, Flowstone 1a, which overlies Unit 2 sediments, was sampled
for palaeomagnetic analyses. This flowstone was targeted, because it was
expected to be the oldest flowstone in the chamber and possibly older than ka,
and hence could potentially record reverse magnetic polarity e.


In this case, this would constrain the minimum age of Unit 2. The best age
estimates for H. Papio that had been recovered from sub-unit 3a below the
hominin-bearing horizon Figures 2d and 7. Once results were obtained for ESR and
U-Th dating, it became apparent that OSL dating would only provide general age
constraints that confirmed the ESR results, but in their own right did not
return additional age constraints for the fossils.

OSL results were also difficult to interpret in the complex cave environment
that was strongly affected by Rn loss see Discussion. It was, therefore, decided
not to pursue more detailed OSL studies at this stage, even though we did carry
out preliminary tests for single grain and feldspar analyses at the University
of Wollongong, to assess the suitability of these techniques.

Pilot results are encouraging, and suggest that future, detailed OSL studies are
worth pursuing. U-Th dating of 17 flowstone samples Figure 3 has yielded minimum
depositional age estimates for the sedimentary units they overlie, and has
provided insights into the timing of flowstone formation events Tables 1 , 2 and

Three separate checks were built into the U-Th dating strategy to ensure robust
results would be obtained. Independent dates for the same samples were obtained
by laboratories at JCU and at the University of Melbourne UoM , with results
displaying a high degree of concordance.


One of the most persistent biases has been to conceive of postcranial and dental
adaptations of Homo as mere adjuncts to the extraordinary increase in brain size
evidenced in living humans. A core sample within the pipe was extracted for OSL
analyses together with a sediment sample from the same unit to determine
background radiation from measured values of U, Th and K. The positions of the
section lines are shown in a ; a face map of the entry zone of the Dinaledi
Chamber looking NE is shown in b ; geological cross-sections through the central
part of the Dinaledi Chamber near the excavation pit are shown in c and d. Wat
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Deposits of sub-unit 1c are similar in appearance and composition to the
laminated, muddy sediments of sub-unit 1a, but they occur along chert ledges,
solution pockets and fractures in the chamber walls and along the entry shaft,
higher up in the cave chamber Figure 2. Analyses of all four teeth samplesand
from H.

In instances where samples were obtained from the same flowstone layer, but at
different stratigraphic levels e. The distribution of flowstone ages across the
Dinaledi Chamber is shown in Figures 1b and 2.

The flowstone groups i. Ages reported here are from JCU, unless otherwise
stated. The detailed analytical results are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Sample
locations are shown in Figure 1b. The data are ranked by increasing age of the
oldest flowstone horizon within the sample, based on the JCU ages.



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review Aug It also describes the way in which the people of Alexandra interpret
the situation around them, how they survive and what they do to improve the

In order to improve and sustain the quality of the surrounding environment and
housing, one needs to have perceived that there is something wrong. So any
available vacant land is used for settlement development and dwelling sites. An
informal settlement named after Elias Motsoaledi, a political activist of the
African National Congress ANC , was developed in the south-western part of the
city of Johannesburg in Motsoaledi informal settlement was established on a
vacant piece of land where there are overhead power lines.

Motsoaledi community members that have their dwellings in close proximity and
even underneath overhead power lines are exposed to an environment that is
surrounded by electrical magnetic fields EMFs. There are no reported cases of
biological and health consequences that have been caused by EMFs as yet. This
study aims to focus on the health aspect of persons who have their dwelling in
the vicinity of the overhead power lines in Motsoaledi. The high levels of EMFs
around Motsoaledi is further excelerated by the zinc structures that are
conductive to electricity and may result in electrocution for dwellers that are
in the direct vicinity of overhead power lines.

Longer exposure to athermal conditions may result in bio-effects and lead to
changes in human health. Furthermore, effects from EMFs are possible
electrocution, often causing immediate death of persons and destruction of

Due to the lack of proper planning of informal settlements, such settlements
become vulnerable to potential environmental hazards such as the destruction of
structures. This study hopes to identify the plight of a particular informal
settlement, namely, Motsoaledi as an isolated case to reflect dire conditions of
most of the informal settlements around the country.

An evaluation of a women empowerment lifeskills programme in an informal
settlement - Nkosi, Allucia Lulu. South African women live in poverty, deal with
violence and due to their status in the past, they have been identified as
vulnerable and disempowered target group in social service delivery. The
research study is evaluation research often used when evaluating a social
programme. The integrated model of programme evaluation IMPE of De Vos is
selected and adjusted for the purpose of this study. The research process is
initiated with a literature study on the concepts empowerment, participation and
other relevant concepts to the study.

The research is limited to the Delport informal settlement in Germiston,
Gauteng. Data collection took place in the three phases of the research study.
Phase one: Needs assessment, utilises key informants and a community forum.
Phase two: process evaluation, utilises a semi-structured interview schedule.


Phase three: Outcome evaluation, group administered questions are used. The
target group of the study is women residing in Delport informal settlement. In
general, Palestinians are very welcoming and open to meeting people from the
outside. They are also forgiving of small social blunders as they understand
that a person comes from a different culture to their own. Having said that,
they are appreciative of those who take time to learn about and comply with
their cultural norms while visiting. This often softens the tone for the rest of
the conversation as it shows a genuine effort to learn the language of the land.

Maintain direct eye contact and take the time to exchange pleasantries and
remember it is considered rude not to show a keen interest in their health,
family and general wellbeing. Once this is covered, other related topics might
come up. Palestinians are always eager to talk to outsiders about the challenges
they face, the hardships they endure daily and the ways they try to cope under

Try to keep the language clean; cursing and swearwords are not acceptable and
sexual references in speech are only tolerated if done in private and with
people of the same gender with whom the person is already familiar with. So be
sure to keep the compliments as general as possible. Note: Palestinians consider
it polite conduct to express agreement in front of outsiders, even if what is
being said is contrary to their own personal beliefs.

Ask questions! Don't start off with the private stuff though, but ask about kids
how many, how old, what do they study and jobs and family history. Many
Palestinians are refugees from other parts of Historic Palestine, so asking
where their family is initially from will not only get you a history lesson, but
also show that you are sensitive to local politics as well. Another favourite
topic is food. Palestinians are incredible cooks and they love to discuss local
foods and recipes.

Each region of the country has its own specialty. For example, when Palestinians
speak about Nablus they always mention kunafah - a local cheese pastry drenched
in sweet, sugar-based syrup. Ask someone where the best homemade sweets can be
found in their community and you have a perfect conversation starter.

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This is one of the most politically fraught places in the world. It is customary
to stand up when greeting each other, if people are seated at a gathering, they
stand up every time an adult enters the room for the first time. Men greet each
other with a handshake and sometimes amongst friends, there is also a kiss on
each cheek and a pat on the back. Women shake hands and kiss each other on the
cheeks. The rules for greeting someone from the opposite sex will differ
depending on religious adherence, conservativeness of hosts, and the location of
the gathering or meeting.

So the best advice here is to allow the Palestinians to initiate the interaction
and follow their lead to avoid social blunders. In most cases, a handshake is
acceptable, however, if greeting a religious man or woman, they will decline a
handshake or any form of physical contact with members of the opposite sex.
Instead, they will gently place their right hand on their chest at the time of
greeting instead.



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