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Learning Journey to CLTS in Kamuli, Uganda Gender & Social Inclusion
Coordinator, WASH SDG programme. Associated Data

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aman from 25 to 40 and he should be white n stable more. The Kamuli District
receives a bimodal rainfall that ranges between and mm annually, with two
growing seasons. The field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete
block design with a factorial and split-plot arrangement of treatments. Main
plot treatments included three cultivars Heinz , Nuru F1, and MT 56 , two levels
of fungicide application fungicide and no fungicide , two methods of plant
training staked and not staked , and a split plot of two levels of soil mulching
mulched and without mulch.

Raised bed plots measuring 9. The 9. A distance of 0.

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 7. Evaluation of Horticultural Practices for Sustainable Tomato Production in
    Eastern Uganda.

It is well drained with moderately low water-holding capacity. The Nakanyonyi
series is tentatively classified as a shallow, coarse-loamy, kaolinitic,
isothermic Cumulic Hapludoll C. Burras, personal communication.


In before each growing season, seven random samples were taken from different
locations of the field, gravel removed by hand, and samples ground into finer
particles. Equal quantities from each sample were mixed together thoroughly to
make one representative sample per field, which was submitted to the Soil, Water
and Plant Analytical Laboratory, College of Agriculture and Environmental
Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, for analysis.

Fertilizer Invectra Agro Ltd, Limassol, Cyprus was added in both seasons at
Nakanyonyi Primary School to achieve uniform and optimal fertility across plots
before treatment application using amounts based on Iowa State University soil
test result interpretations A. Nair, personal communication. Soil pH was 4.
Calcium carbonate was applied at a rate of 19, In both seasons, a fertilizer
formulation of 26N— Tomato cultivars included the following: Heinz , a locally
grown and determinate cultivar that was bred for processing; MT 56, a
determinate and improved selection that was bred at Makerere University,
Kampala, and is resistant to tomato bacterial wilt Karungi et al.

All pesticides were applied with a plastic backpack sprayer to the plots
receiving the fungicide treatment. Pesticide treatments used in both growing
seasons included two products containing systemic fungicides, Ridomil metalaxyl
and Victory Mancozeb and metalaxyl , one contact fungicide of Dithane M
Mancozeb. Products containing systemic fungicides were applied once every 2
weeks and were alternated in successive applications on different weeks. Contact
fungicide and the insecticides were each applied weekly.

The spray regimen followed label recommendations. Tomato plants were tied to a
trellis between stakes on 11 July and 5 Aug. Sisal twine was used to support
plants growing between the wooden, 1. Pruning of tomato plants was not used in
the experiment to avoid disease spread among treatments. Dried elephant grass
was applied to the soil surface of mulched plots at a depth of 0. To prevent
pestiferous termite damage to the mulch, Pyrinex chlorpyrifos Invectra Agro Ltd
was applied at label rates over the top of the mulch one time, as soon as mulch
was placed on treatment plots.

Fruits were harvested twice a week starting 29 July through 10 Aug. Yield data
were collected from all the eight plants in each subplot. Marketable suitable
for the market fruits were counted and weighed. Hand labor was used for all
activities. The time in minutes for fungicide application, staking, and mulching
was recorded across all cultivars and was included in the calculation of the
gross margin.


Radio talk shows and community dialogues should be held for mass sensitization
on AUDs and the public health burden of alcohol use. I do associate with all
people irrespective of colour, race, age. Search all BMC articles Search. Avoid
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Reprints and Permissions. Previous community-based [ 4041 ] and facility-based [
1238 ] studies of alcohol in Uganda have found higher percentages of
AUDIT-positive score. Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics; Long Lasting
insecticide-treated nets, curtains. Since An.

Weekly observations of the leaves of all eight plants per subplot for early and
late blight and bacterial wilt symptoms were collected after all treatments had
been applied to plots. The percentage of leaves attributed to disease was
recorded for each subplot. Variable costs were calculated using the current
input prices and labor costs Engindeniz, Variable costs of tomato production
included all inputs and labor directly related to treatments, including seeds of
cultivars, fungicides, stakes, and mulch.

Costs of practices that were assumed to be equal for all plots and were not
included in the calculation of gross margin included labor and inputs of land
preparation, germination, transplanting, fertilizer, insecticides used on tomato
plants, and watering. Transportation of locally available inputs mulch and stake
to the research site also were not included in the gross margin. The costs that
accrued from using the different treatments were calculated by dividing the
overall cost of the treatment by the number of plots that received the

To determine the gross production revenue for the different treatments, the
average price of fresh tomatoes kg in the town of Kamuli at the time of harvest
was multiplied by the fruit weight kg per plot. The gross margin that accrued
from use of the different treatments was determined by the difference between
the gross production value and the cost incurred Engindeniz, Interactions
occurred among the main effects of cultivar, growing season, fungicide
application, and mulching Table 1.

Therefore, data were analyzed and are presented within cultivar and growing
seasons for fungicide application and mulch. There was no interaction of the
main effect of staking. Four-way analysis of variance of main effects for total
and marketable fruit number, marketable fruit weight, gross margin, and early
blight severity assessed by area under the disease progress curve AUDPC of
tomato research in Kamuli District, Uganda. In season one, cultivar MT 56
yielded more total fruits than Nuru F1 and Heinz by 42 and 73 respectively,
whereas Nuru F1 yielded more than Heinz by 31 fruits Table 2.

Comparisons of cultivar for total and marketable fruit number, marketable fruit
weight, gross margin, and early blight severity assessed by area under the
disease progress curve AUDPC of tomato plants in Kamuli District, Uganda.
Marketable fruit number in season one showed cultivar MT 56 out-yielded Nuru F1
and Heinz by 21 and 43 fruits respectively, whereas Nuru F1 yielded more than
Heinz by 22 marketable fruits.

Cultivar MT 56 had a positive gross margin profit of 0. Total and marketable
fruit number and marketable fruit weight did not differ for treatments in each
season Table 3. The highest gross margin was from subplots that did not receive
applications of fungicide and soil mulch but it did not differ from those
receiving fungicide and without mulch in both seasons.

All gross margins were negative loss ; in seasons one and two, the lowest gross
margins were from subplots receiving fungicides and mulch but did not differ
from subplots with fungicide and without mulch and subplots of no fungicide and
mulch. Total and marketable fruit number, marketable fruit weight, and gross
margin of three tomato cultivars grown with or without fungicide application and
soil mulch in the Kamuli District, Uganda.

In season one, there were no differences among treatments for total and
marketable fruit number, marketable fruit weight, and gross margin Table 3. In
season two, application of fungicides and soil mulch yielded the highest total
fruit number , marketable fruit number 72 , and marketable fruit weight 4.

Subplots that did not receive fungicide and with or without mulch had lower
total fruit number than the subplots with fungicide and with or without mulch.
All gross margins were negative in seasons one and two, but subplots that did
not receive fungicide and mulch had the higher gross margins and did not differ
from fungicide and mulch and fungicide and no mulch. The least gross margin came
from mulched subplots that did not receive fungicide and did not differ from
subplots that received fungicide and mulch and fungicide and no mulch.

Total fruit number and gross margin in season one and total and marketable fruit
number and marketable fruit weight in season two were not different among
treatments Table 3. In the first season, subplots with application of fungicides
and mulch had the highest marketable fruit weight 6. Subplots without fungicides
and mulch produced the lowest fruit weights 1. In season two, subplots in which
fungicides and mulch were not applied produced a positive gross margin profit of

Applications of fungicide and soil mulch produced the least gross margin but did
not differ from treatments without fungicide and with mulch, and with fungicide
and without mulch. In season one, the break-even price for MT 56 0. Marketable
fruit weight, cost of seed, mulch, and fungicide application, and break-even
analysis for three tomato cultivars grown in two seasons in the Kamuli District,
Uganda. In informal visits with tomato sellers in the local market, vendors were
more inclined to purchase and sell cultivars with a Roma or plum appearance
because of expecting a longer shelf life.

Sensory characteristics of flavor and overall taste of the fresh fruit were not
considered by sellers because almost all fresh tomatoes are cooked in stews
before consumption in the Kamuli District. No significant interactions occurred
between staking and growing season, and seasons were combined for total and
marketable fruit number, marketable fruit weight, and gross margin. Interactions
occurred among the main effects of cultivar, fungicide application, and growing
season for AUDPC.

There was no interaction for the main effects of staking and mulching. Data are
presented within cultivar and growing seasons for fungicide application Table 6.
However, in the second season, subplots that received fungicide did not differ
from the subplots that did not receive fungicide. This is likely to influence
prevalence of AUD in predominantly rural areas like Kamuli, through reduced
availability of alcohol. The lower prevalence of alcohol use disorders in this
study could also be due to the fact that the screening tool AUDIT , is not
validated in the local language used Luganda.

Having a validated screening tool will enhance opportunistic screening in
primary health care settings; consequently narrowing the detection and treatment
gap. These findings are consistent with findings from other studies in Uganda [
12 , 44 , 45 ] which ascertain that alcohol consumption in the communities is
higher among older men. The lower prevalence of AUDIT-positive scores among the
younger age group may be due to the social desirability bias.

Since we used a self-reported questionnaire, the youth unwillingness to
acknowledge that they drink or have specific problems with alcohol may likely
have biased the prevalence estimates in the younger age group. The lower
prevalence of AUD among the younger age group could also be a result of sampling
bias. Data collection in the community survey was done at home during working
workers. As such, our sample may have captured more young unemployed men who are
less likely to afford alcohol. Previous studies on alcohol [ 47 , 48 ] have
cited affordability as one of the most important predictors of alcohol use
problems in a population.

There is need for qualitative research to better understand the reasons
underlying the lower prevalence of AUDIT-positive scores among the younger age
group. This will enhance development of age appropriate screening and prevention
strategies targeted towards individuals within the highest risk age group.

A range of studies ascertain that occupation and work organization conditions
play an important role in alcohol intake [ 49 — 52 ] and more broadly, in the
problematic use of alcohol as a form of self-medication [ 52 , 53 ]. Occupation
factors such as overtime, lack of intrinsic work rewards, ambiguity about job
future have been cited as main factors for heavy and problem drinking [ 54 ].


The study findings align with various international studies which ascertain an
association between employment status and alcohol use [ 49 , 50 , 53 , 55 , 56
]. The findings are also in line with previous studies in Uganda which reported
that problems with alcohol were prevalent among people with paid employment [ 13
, 41 , 44 ].

According to Naamara et al. Therefore, men with paid employment are more likely
to have problems with alcohol because they have the financial means to purchase
alcohol both frequently and in larger quantities. However, there is need for
further investigation to assess the difference in proportion of income spent on
alcohol. This will provide clarity on the effect of alcohol use on standard of
living and expenditure on basic needs.

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After a respite, in July she conducted an Acholi purification campaign in the

By September , her forces were moving south towards Kampala through ethnic Lango
and Iteso districts, picking up support from local people along the way. In
November, however, her forces were surrounded and destroyed in the Bugembe
Forest outside Jinja, just fifty miles from Kampala.


Alice herself escaped to Kenya, where at first she was detained and later
accorded political asylum. According to many Acholi sources, Alice enjoyed wide
support among the Acholi people. Many were inclined to believe her claims of
spirit power, especially after her early victories. Her effort to "remove the
stain" from the reputation of former UNLA combatants resonated positively. Many
Acholi - particularly after the NRA human rights abuses - felt that aliens were
indeed ruling in Acholi.


A number of the attitudes and perceptions which motivated the formation of the
UPDA and its popular support at the outset remained undiminished. Alice's
methods were different, but her fundamental objectives were similar to those of
the UPDA. The UPDA's "Lakwena gambit" had spun out of control, led to the death
of many Acholi youth and to more ruin and humiliation for an already demoralized
group. In June , the Government offered the first amnesty for those who
abandoned the armed struggle the amnesty system evolved further over time.

Many Acholi, while not reconciled to the new Government, recognized the
hopelessness of the insurgency and its impact on the region, and welcomed the
agreement. Several thousand UPDA troops abandoned the armed struggle and
accepted an amnesty. Those not absorbed into the NRA returned to their villages.
However, Brigadier Odong Latek and several units loyal to him, apparently on the
advice of the UPDA political wing in London, remained in Sudan and resolved to
continue the struggle.

Or they may have been unable to overcome their bitterness over the loss of
cattle. Cattle has long been the main repository of Acholi wealth. By , their
nearly , cattle and even more numerous goats, sheep and other livestock ,
represented not only their savings, but also their contingency reserve for
sickness, drought, retirement, education and marriage dowry. In and much of ,
farmers provided livestock to the UPDA, sometimes against promissory notes
payable after the victory they expected.

The UPDA used most of this livestock for food, but some might have been traded
in Sudan for arms and ammunition, which were in short supply. The NRA
confiscated cattle as needed to support its operations. Fearing such
confiscations, some Acholi preemptively liquidated parts of their herds. Local
veterinary experts report that a small part of the herd was also lost to
diseases like rinderpest and pleuro-pneumonia which they believe originated in
southern Sudan. Karamojong cattle raiders continued, as they had throughout
history, to harass livestock owners on Kitgum's far eastern border.

Those who resisted the rustlers were brutally attacked. In areas where both
Karamojong and NRA soldiers were present, some farmers reported that the latter
colluded in these activities, but in general Karamojong raiders were observed to
be operating on their own. In western Gulu, it appears that at about the same
time, a similar large-scale removal of livestock was conducted by NRA forces.

Data provided by veterinary officers indicated that the cattle population of
Gulu and Kitgum in was about , The cattle raids removed almost the entire herd.
Goats and other livestock have been similarly affected. To put this loss in
perspective, the Gulu branch of the Cooperative Bank - which serves principally
a rural clientele and is one of only two banks in Gulu - observed that in times
of insecurity, savings deposits tend to increase.

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In an instant, the Acholi farmers were deprived of the milk their cows provided;
the additional acreage and higher yields which their oxen permitted them; their
fallback for marriage dowries and education; and the savings which carried them
through drought, hard time, sickness and old age. The self-respect which
attached to cattle ownership and the cultural functions upon which exchange of
cattle had relied were disrupted.

It was one of the greatest economic and morale blows of the war. It also
deprived the insurgents of livestock upon which they relied for food and which
they might have used to trade for the arms and ammunition upon which their
viability increasingly depended.


The attitudes which had motivated the Acholi to launch or continue the armed
anti-NRA struggle - pride, military humiliation, sense of betrayal and alien
rule, loss of government power and its economic impact - were compounded by the
loss of their livestock and the apparent loss of control over their environment,
as well as the defeat of the Lakwena forces at the end of But perhaps in part
because of bitterness over the cattle raids, not all the rebel forces abandoned
the armed struggle. The disappearance of the police Tracking Force which in the
past had restricted Karamojong raiders to sporadic incidents along the eastern
Kitgum border contributed to the lawless environment in which these raids

The Acholi people, except its active insurgents, were disarmed. That there was
no reported confrontation in Acholi between the cattle raiders and the police,
military or other Government authorities led the local population to believe
that they were tolerating the plundering, which later occurred in the same
magnitude in other districts. The attitude of most Acholis ranges from deep
suspicion to absolute conviction that lawlessness of this magnitude could not
have occurred if it had not been instigated - or at least approved - at the
highest level of government.

Authoritative government sources acknowledge some of the NRA raids in western
Gulu, which they attribute to corrupt elements in the military at that time.
Efforts at restitution by the government have been made for a fraction of these
thefts. Government sources also concede that the Karamojong raids were carried
out with little armed Government opposition.


Speeddating Nebbi (Uganda, Northern Region). Mi) ( kilometres approximately is
This road, by Gulu, of south-west mi), (48 kilometres 77 approximately. State of
the Environment Report for Uganda for the years and with the theme. “managing
emerging region; Adjumani, Arua, Moyo, Nebbi and Yumbe in West Nile region; and
Kiboga and. Kamuli districts in energy requires a wind speed of >5m/sec
(Harries, ). A similar trend, dating to , was found.

This allowed the NRA few resources to spare to combat the cattle raiders and
hesitant to risk opening another major armed front against Karamoja. The
enduring political fact, nonetheless, is the widespread belief in Acholi that
the Government instigated or at least approved the raids, a source of
irreconcilable and continuing bitterness against the present administration.

Following the defeat of the Alice Lakwena forces in November , the survivors
returned to Acholi. His activities are remembered for some poorly planned
attacks on Kitgum town in which many of his followers were killed, and after
which some of the survivors defected to Joseph Kony's group.

Angry at the Acholi public for its lack of support, Severino is said to have
engaged in violent conduct against civilians who refused to join him. It
appeared from the obscure memories of most interviewees that Severino's was the
least important of the Acholi insurgencies. He was finally captured by the NRA
and later released.

At this time, he is reported to be working as a carpenter in Gulu town. At about
the same time that Severino's movement began, Joseph Kony was also mobilizing
forces to resist the Government. Kony's movement continues until the present and
is the subject of the next section of this report. The current stage of the
Acholi insurgency was initiated by Joseph Kony in late , when his age was about
It is sometimes reported that Kony is a former Catholic catechist. An
authoritative source indicates this is inaccurate. Kony's father was a Catholic
catechist, his mother an Anglican.

Kony claims to be a spirit medium, as Alice was, and is reported to dress in
female clothing during some of his channeling experiences. In the early years,
he was reported to be guided by a kind of "spirit general staff. By late , he
was said to be in control of UPDA forces in that area. His movement is reported
to have always been almost exclusively Acholi.

Of course, the two periods are part of a continuous period of insurgency. But in
this report, because of their distinct characteristics, these two phases will be
treated separately as Phases IV and V of the overall conflict. In , the
Government of Uganda began what appeared to be a coordinated attempt to
eliminate this fourth phase of the insurgency. One of the enduring questions
from this period - a source of concern to Acholi and non-Acholi alike - is why
the NRA did not pursue these remnants and destroy the LRA when it appeared to
have the chance.

Detractors of the government insist that its armed forces chose not to do so in
order to justify continued receipt of operational allowances and to continue to
engage in corrupt practices. Government sources assert that a lack of technical
competence in the correct deployment of air and ground resources prevented a
complete victory in One expatriate military expert asserts that in the final
phases of such conflicts local military commanders hesitate to risk the lives of
their soldiers.

Instead, they typically rely on indirect fire and other ineffective means to
combat the remaining enemy troops. Finally, some observers asserted that Ugandan
participation in military operations in neighboring countries other than Sudan
has not appeared to require a "smokescreen. The period witnessed important
changes in the human rights conduct by both parties to the conflict. The NRA's
human rights conduct improved significantly. The Government campaigned to
persuade the civilian population of the desirability of peace and the
hopelessness of the conflict.

Acholi leaders may have noted that the Iteso in Soroti and Kumi were on the
verge of a peaceful settlement of their dispute with the Government. At the same
time, the LRA was apparently angered by its gradual abandonment by the civilian


of Anopheles gambiae s.l. and An. funestus mosquitoes in Kamuli District,
Uganda. To-date only a few studies have been undertaken to examine a This could
also delay the appearance of behavioural changes as have puddles or brick pits,
fields, construction sites, hoof prints or even tyre tracks [8].