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URL: https://www.toss.game/
Submission: On September 08 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

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Swing and toss yourself freely across spacey jungle-gym playgrounds, as an
acrobatic monkey, in this bananas VR platformer.

You’ve crash landed on a cloud planet and will need to collect parts to repair
your ship as you launch yourself around 75+ playground levels in 9 vibrant
cloudscape biomes and rank-up to become a TOSS! Master.

Your agility, timing and VR gamer skills are about to go on a truly bananas


Swing and toss yourself freely across spacey jungle-gym playgrounds, as an
acrobatic monkey, in this bananas VR platformer.

You’ve crash landed on a cloud planet and will need to collect parts to repair
your ship as you launch yourself around 75+ playground levels in 9 vibrant
cloudscape biomes and rank-up to become a TOSS! Master.


Your agility, timing and VR gamer skills are about to go on a truly bananas

Soar and launch yourself through the air, grab hold of trees, pipes, and walls.

Try to race against the clock, with Time Attack. Find as many bananas as
possible or master as few grabs as possible in each round.

Unlock modifiers like Zero Gravity and Double Toss by becoming a TOSS! Master!

Compete against each other by time and rank, and follow your friends’
leaderboard ghosts.

Soar and launch yourself through the air, grab hold of trees, pipes, and walls.

Try to race against the clock, with Time Attack. Find as many bananas as
possible or master as few grabs as possible in each round.

Unlock modifiers like Zero Gravity and Double Toss by becoming a TOSS! Master!

Compete against each other by time and rank, and follow your friends’
leaderboard ghosts.

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TOSS!© 2023 Agera Games. Published by Vertigo Games. Developed by Agera Games.

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