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1visibility OracleMister Salty (Heckler)310R170W:64.58%
2looks_two MasterfulPanamaJohn805R649W:55.36%
3looks_3 MasterfulVegasneedsaBBteam1088R860W:55.85%
4money Masterful⛓️AcuñasChainz⛓️466R400W:53.81%
5money MasterfulLosAngelesPackersDodgers1688R1624W:50.97%
6money MasterfulNolanRyansHeadLock💪372R346W:51.81%
7money MasterfulHoncho459R364W:55.77%
8money MasterfulMourbassi661R566W:53.87%
9money MasterfulSloMo#26 (RIP Dodgers Bros)412R312W:56.91%
10money MasterfulPissymonster232R200W:53.7%
11face ApprenticeTommy1211R1328W:47.7%
12face ApprenticeMister Salty1265R1068W:54.22%
13face ApprenticeTORJays242R197W:55.13%
14face Apprenticergmkz1456R1290W:53.02%
15face Apprenticei bet every game284R226W:55.69%
16face ApprenticeThe Kid957R960W:49.92%
17face ApprenticeMaskedCanha677R623W:52.08%
18face ApprenticeJoctober Taters399R336W:54.29%
19face Apprenticecheco2340R2100W:52.7%
20face ApprenticeJayGecko231R203W:53.23%
1Dodgers repeat$2,136.63
3The Portuguese Fan$1,473.13
6trash can$1,372.64
9Im Thick$1,352.96
17Cody Brokenger$1,286.47
18i bet every game$1,284.23
20TwinsFan Jack$1,265.84

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Now 19:27:20 (ET)
10/26 20:09 (ET)

Betting Simulator Stats & History fiber_new Time Machine

Betting Simulator, Test your betting skills with virtual money for free!
You get $1,000 to start. let's see what you'll end up with at the end of the

Your Balanceaccount_balance_wallet$1,000.00Max amount for each pick$30.00Tips
and Rules
10/26 20:09 (ET)

Atlanta Braves (A)

Odd: 2.109


Houston Astros (H)

Odd: 1.832

Betting On:

Bet between $1.20 ~ $30.00

Payout: $0.00

Place Bet
Virtual Bet placed,
Calculating the possible outcomes...
Please Wait!
There Are no Games to bet on right now,
Check back at most in 24hours


You can bet on a game only once, and the amount can not be more than 3% of your
balance. (Or $2 if your balance is too low) Also, you can only place bets for
games on the same day. (After 6AM)

If you manage to get your balance really low, you can ask admin to give you a
refill in chat, but those who receive one will be removed from the betsim
ranking for the whole season.

Tips And Important notes:

The point of this section is to teach you how to bet so you don't get in trouble
in real life. Remember betting on games and practices are different than
gambling. However even betting on games can become dangerous if you don't care
and don't abide by the rules. Sport Betting is a serious and rough business and
just like any other financial market, such as the stock or insurance markets has
its own rules.

Never bet in real life without first building your skills in simulations. Learn
the betting strategies, for example never bet more than 3 percent of your
balance on a single game even if you have experienced winning with greater
numbers. If you are skilled at this you can increase your money significantly by
betting only 3 percent of your balance on each game. Never overestimate your
betting skill. Make at least something between 700 to 1000 bets in simulations
before deciding on betting in real life, and In real life never put more than a
thousand dollars in your account. If you think you can't resist the temptation
and follow the rules of betting don't even enter this business!

We understand that betting business can be very exciting but remember it can be
very destructive too, know your limits. We wish you great success and great

Good luck!

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The R Variable, The Actual rank number
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