www.homecrisis.eu Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://homecrisis.eu/
Effective URL: https://www.homecrisis.eu/
Submission: On March 11 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 14 forms found in the DOM

POST /localization

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POST /localization

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POST /cart/add

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POST /contact#contact_form

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /localization

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      <option value="ET"> Ethiopia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="FK"> Falkland Islands (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="FR"> France (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GF"> French Guiana (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="DE"> Germany (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="GD"> Grenada (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GP"> Guadeloupe (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GT"> Guatemala (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GG"> Guernsey (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GN"> Guinea (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GW"> Guinea-Bissau (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GY"> Guyana (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="HN"> Honduras (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="ID"> Indonesia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="IQ"> Iraq (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="IE"> Ireland (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="IM"> Isle of Man (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="IL"> Israel (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="IT"> Italy (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="JM"> Jamaica (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="JP"> Japan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="JE"> Jersey (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="JO"> Jordan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="KZ"> Kazakhstan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="KE"> Kenya (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="KI"> Kiribati (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="LA"> Laos (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="LV"> Latvia (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="LS"> Lesotho (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="LR"> Liberia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="LY"> Libya (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="LI"> Liechtenstein (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="LU"> Luxembourg (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="MY"> Malaysia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MV"> Maldives (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="ML"> Mali (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="ME"> Montenegro (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MS"> Montserrat (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MA"> Morocco (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MZ"> Mozambique (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MM"> Myanmar (Burma) (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NA"> Namibia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NR"> Nauru (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NP"> Nepal (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NL"> Netherlands (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NC"> New Caledonia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NZ"> New Zealand (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NI"> Nicaragua (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NE"> Niger (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NG"> Nigeria (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NU"> Niue (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NF"> Norfolk Island (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="MK"> North Macedonia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="NO"> Norway (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="OM"> Oman (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PK"> Pakistan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PS"> Palestinian Territories (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PA"> Panama (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PG"> Papua New Guinea (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PY"> Paraguay (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PE"> Peru (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="PN"> Pitcairn Islands (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PL"> Poland (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="PT"> Portugal (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="RE"> Réunion (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="RU"> Russia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="RW"> Rwanda (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="WS"> Samoa (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SM"> San Marino (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="ST"> São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="SN"> Senegal (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="RS"> Serbia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SC"> Seychelles (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SL"> Sierra Leone (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SG"> Singapore (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SX"> Sint Maarten (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SK"> Slovakia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SI"> Slovenia (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="SO"> Somalia (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="ZA"> South Africa (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GS"> South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="KR"> South Korea (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SS"> South Sudan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="ES"> Spain (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="LK"> Sri Lanka (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="BL"> St. Barthélemy (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SH"> St. Helena (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="LC"> St. Lucia (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="PM"> St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="VC"> St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SD"> Sudan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SR"> Suriname (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="SJ"> Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="TW"> Taiwan (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="TZ"> Tanzania (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="TA"> Tristan da Cunha (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="TR"> Turkey (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="TM"> Turkmenistan (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="TC"> Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="TV"> Tuvalu (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="UM"> U.S. Outlying Islands (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="UG"> Uganda (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="UA"> Ukraine (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="AE"> United Arab Emirates (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="GB"> United Kingdom (RON Lei) </option>
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      <option value="ZW"> Zimbabwe (RON Lei) </option>
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          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
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          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
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          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
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          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AI">
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          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
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                            Argentina <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AM">
                            Armenia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AW">
                            Aruba <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AC">
                            Ascension Island <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AU">
                            Australia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AT">
                            Austria <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AZ">
                            Azerbaijan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BS">
                            Bahamas <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BH">
                            Bahrain <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BD">
                            Bangladesh <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BB">
                            Barbados <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BY">
                            Belarus <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BE">
                            Belgium <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BZ">
                            Belize <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BJ">
                            Benin <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BM">
                            Bermuda <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BT">
                            Bhutan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BO">
                            Bolivia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BA">
                            Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BW">
                            Botswana <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BR">
                            Brazil <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IO">
                            British Indian Ocean Territory <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VG">
                            British Virgin Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BN">
                            Brunei <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BG">
                            Bulgaria <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BF">
                            Burkina Faso <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BI">
                            Burundi <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KH">
                            Cambodia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CM">
                            Cameroon <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CA">
                            Canada <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CV">
                            Cape Verde <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BQ">
                            Caribbean Netherlands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KY">
                            Cayman Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CF">
                            Central African Republic <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TD">
                            Chad <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CL">
                            Chile <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CN">
                            China <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CX">
                            Christmas Island <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CC">
                            Cocos (Keeling) Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CO">
                            Colombia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KM">
                            Comoros <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CG">
                            Congo - Brazzaville <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CD">
                            Congo - Kinshasa <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CK">
                            Cook Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CR">
                            Costa Rica <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CI">
                            Côte d’Ivoire <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="HR">
                            Croatia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CW">
                            Curaçao <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CY">
                            Cyprus <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CZ">
                            Czechia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="DK">
                            Denmark <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="DJ">
                            Djibouti <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="DM">
                            Dominica <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="DO">
                            Dominican Republic <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="EC">
                            Ecuador <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="EG">
                            Egypt <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SV">
                            El Salvador <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GQ">
                            Equatorial Guinea <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ER">
                            Eritrea <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="EE">
                            Estonia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SZ">
                            Eswatini <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ET">
                            Ethiopia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="FK">
                            Falkland Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="FO">
                            Faroe Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="FJ">
                            Fiji <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="FI">
                            Finland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="FR">
                            France <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GF">
                            French Guiana <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PF">
                            French Polynesia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TF">
                            French Southern Territories <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GA">
                            Gabon <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GM">
                            Gambia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GE">
                            Georgia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="DE">
                            Germany <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GH">
                            Ghana <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GI">
                            Gibraltar <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GR">
                            Greece <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GL">
                            Greenland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GD">
                            Grenada <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GP">
                            Guadeloupe <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GT">
                            Guatemala <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GG">
                            Guernsey <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GN">
                            Guinea <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GW">
                            Guinea-Bissau <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GY">
                            Guyana <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="HT">
                            Haiti <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="HN">
                            Honduras <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="HK">
                            Hong Kong SAR <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="HU">
                            Hungary <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IS">
                            Iceland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IN">
                            India <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ID">
                            Indonesia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IQ">
                            Iraq <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IE">
                            Ireland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IM">
                            Isle of Man <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IL">
                            Israel <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="IT">
                            Italy <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="JM">
                            Jamaica <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="JP">
                            Japan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="JE">
                            Jersey <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="JO">
                            Jordan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KZ">
                            Kazakhstan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KE">
                            Kenya <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KI">
                            Kiribati <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="XK">
                            Kosovo <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KW">
                            Kuwait <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KG">
                            Kyrgyzstan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LA">
                            Laos <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LV">
                            Latvia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LB">
                            Lebanon <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LS">
                            Lesotho <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LR">
                            Liberia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LY">
                            Libya <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LI">
                            Liechtenstein <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LT">
                            Lithuania <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LU">
                            Luxembourg <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MO">
                            Macao SAR <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MG">
                            Madagascar <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MW">
                            Malawi <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MY">
                            Malaysia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MV">
                            Maldives <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ML">
                            Mali <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MT">
                            Malta <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MQ">
                            Martinique <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MR">
                            Mauritania <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MU">
                            Mauritius <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="YT">
                            Mayotte <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MX">
                            Mexico <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MD">
                            Moldova <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MC">
                            Monaco <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MN">
                            Mongolia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ME">
                            Montenegro <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MS">
                            Montserrat <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MA">
                            Morocco <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MZ">
                            Mozambique <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MM">
                            Myanmar (Burma) <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NA">
                            Namibia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NR">
                            Nauru <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NP">
                            Nepal <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NL">
                            Netherlands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NC">
                            New Caledonia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NZ">
                            New Zealand <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NI">
                            Nicaragua <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NE">
                            Niger <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NG">
                            Nigeria <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NU">
                            Niue <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NF">
                            Norfolk Island <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MK">
                            North Macedonia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="NO">
                            Norway <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="OM">
                            Oman <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PK">
                            Pakistan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PS">
                            Palestinian Territories <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PA">
                            Panama <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PG">
                            Papua New Guinea <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PY">
                            Paraguay <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PE">
                            Peru <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PH">
                            Philippines <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PN">
                            Pitcairn Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PL">
                            Poland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PT">
                            Portugal <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="QA">
                            Qatar <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="RE">
                            Réunion <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large disclosure__link--active focus-inset" href="#" aria-current="true" data-value="RO">
                            Romania <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="RU">
                            Russia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="RW">
                            Rwanda <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="WS">
                            Samoa <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SM">
                            San Marino <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ST">
                            São Tomé &amp; Príncipe <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SA">
                            Saudi Arabia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SN">
                            Senegal <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="RS">
                            Serbia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SC">
                            Seychelles <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SL">
                            Sierra Leone <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SG">
                            Singapore <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SX">
                            Sint Maarten <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SK">
                            Slovakia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SI">
                            Slovenia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SB">
                            Solomon Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SO">
                            Somalia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ZA">
                            South Africa <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GS">
                            South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KR">
                            South Korea <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SS">
                            South Sudan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="ES">
                            Spain <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LK">
                            Sri Lanka <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="BL">
                            St. Barthélemy <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SH">
                            St. Helena <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="KN">
                            St. Kitts &amp; Nevis <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="LC">
                            St. Lucia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="MF">
                            St. Martin <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="PM">
                            St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VC">
                            St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SD">
                            Sudan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SR">
                            Suriname <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SJ">
                            Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="SE">
                            Sweden <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="CH">
                            Switzerland <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TW">
                            Taiwan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TJ">
                            Tajikistan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TZ">
                            Tanzania <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TH">
                            Thailand <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TL">
                            Timor-Leste <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TG">
                            Togo <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TK">
                            Tokelau <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TO">
                            Tonga <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TT">
                            Trinidad &amp; Tobago <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TA">
                            Tristan da Cunha <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TN">
                            Tunisia <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TR">
                            Turkey <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TM">
                            Turkmenistan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TC">
                            Turks &amp; Caicos Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="TV">
                            Tuvalu <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="UM">
                            U.S. Outlying Islands <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="UG">
                            Uganda <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="UA">
                            Ukraine <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="AE">
                            United Arab Emirates <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="GB">
                            United Kingdom <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="US">
                            United States <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="UY">
                            Uruguay <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="UZ">
                            Uzbekistan <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VU">
                            Vanuatu <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VA">
                            Vatican City <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VE">
                            Venezuela <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="VN">
                            Vietnam <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="WF">
                            Wallis &amp; Futuna <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
          <li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
            <a class="link link--text disclosure__link caption-large focus-inset" href="#" data-value="EH">
                            Western Sahara <span class="localization-form__currency">(RON Lei)</span>
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      <option value="VG">British Virgin Islands (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="CV">Cape Verde (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="KY">Cayman Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CF">Central African Republic (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="TD">Chad (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CL">Chile (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CN">China (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CX">Christmas Island (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CO">Colombia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="KM">Comoros (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CG">Congo - Brazzaville (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CD">Congo - Kinshasa (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CK">Cook Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CR">Costa Rica (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CI">Côte d’Ivoire (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="CY">Cyprus (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="CZ">Czechia (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="DO">Dominican Republic (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="EC">Ecuador (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="EG">Egypt (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="SV">El Salvador (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GQ">Equatorial Guinea (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="ER">Eritrea (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="EE">Estonia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="SZ">Eswatini (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="ET">Ethiopia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="FK">Falkland Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="FO">Faroe Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="FJ">Fiji (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="FI">Finland (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="FR">France (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GF">French Guiana (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="PF">French Polynesia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="TF">French Southern Territories (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GA">Gabon (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GM">Gambia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GE">Georgia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="DE">Germany (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GH">Ghana (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GI">Gibraltar (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GR">Greece (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GL">Greenland (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GD">Grenada (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GP">Guadeloupe (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GT">Guatemala (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GG">Guernsey (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GN">Guinea (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GW">Guinea-Bissau (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="GY">Guyana (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="HT">Haiti (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="HN">Honduras (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="HU">Hungary (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="IS">Iceland (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="IQ">Iraq (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="IT">Italy (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="JM">Jamaica (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="JE">Jersey (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="JO">Jordan (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="KE">Kenya (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="KI">Kiribati (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="XK">Kosovo (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="KW">Kuwait (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="LA">Laos (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="LV">Latvia (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="LS">Lesotho (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="LR">Liberia (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="LI">Liechtenstein (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="MO">Macao SAR (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="ML">Mali (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="NE">Niger (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="NU">Niue (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="MK">North Macedonia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="NO">Norway (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="OM">Oman (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="PA">Panama (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="PY">Paraguay (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="PE">Peru (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="PL">Poland (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="PT">Portugal (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="QA">Qatar (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="RE">Réunion (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="RO">Romania (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="RU">Russia (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="RW">Rwanda (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="WS">Samoa (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="SM">San Marino (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="ST">São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="SX">Sint Maarten (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="GS">South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="KR">South Korea (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="BL">St. Barthélemy (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="MF">St. Martin (RON lei)</option>
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      <option value="SD">Sudan (RON lei)</option>
      <option value="SR">Suriname (RON lei)</option>
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Island (RON Lei) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (RON Lei) Colombia (RON Lei) Comoros
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(RON Lei) Costa Rica (RON Lei) Côte d’Ivoire (RON Lei) Croatia (RON Lei) Curaçao
(RON Lei) Cyprus (RON Lei) Czechia (RON Lei) Denmark (RON Lei) Djibouti (RON
Lei) Dominica (RON Lei) Dominican Republic (RON Lei) Ecuador (RON Lei) Egypt
(RON Lei) El Salvador (RON Lei) Equatorial Guinea (RON Lei) Eritrea (RON Lei)
Estonia (RON Lei) Eswatini (RON Lei) Ethiopia (RON Lei) Falkland Islands (RON
Lei) Faroe Islands (RON Lei) Fiji (RON Lei) Finland (RON Lei) France (RON Lei)
French Guiana (RON Lei) French Polynesia (RON Lei) French Southern Territories
(RON Lei) Gabon (RON Lei) Gambia (RON Lei) Georgia (RON Lei) Germany (RON Lei)
Ghana (RON Lei) Gibraltar (RON Lei) Greece (RON Lei) Greenland (RON Lei) Grenada
(RON Lei) Guadeloupe (RON Lei) Guatemala (RON Lei) Guernsey (RON Lei) Guinea
(RON Lei) Guinea-Bissau (RON Lei) Guyana (RON Lei) Haiti (RON Lei) Honduras (RON
Lei) Hong Kong SAR (RON Lei) Hungary (RON Lei) Iceland (RON Lei) India (RON Lei)
Indonesia (RON Lei) Iraq (RON Lei) Ireland (RON Lei) Isle of Man (RON Lei)
Israel (RON Lei) Italy (RON Lei) Jamaica (RON Lei) Japan (RON Lei) Jersey (RON
Lei) Jordan (RON Lei) Kazakhstan (RON Lei) Kenya (RON Lei) Kiribati (RON Lei)
Kosovo (RON Lei) Kuwait (RON Lei) Kyrgyzstan (RON Lei) Laos (RON Lei) Latvia
(RON Lei) Lebanon (RON Lei) Lesotho (RON Lei) Liberia (RON Lei) Libya (RON Lei)
Liechtenstein (RON Lei) Lithuania (RON Lei) Luxembourg (RON Lei) Macao SAR (RON
Lei) Madagascar (RON Lei) Malawi (RON Lei) Malaysia (RON Lei) Maldives (RON Lei)
Mali (RON Lei) Malta (RON Lei) Martinique (RON Lei) Mauritania (RON Lei)
Mauritius (RON Lei) Mayotte (RON Lei) Mexico (RON Lei) Moldova (RON Lei) Monaco
(RON Lei) Mongolia (RON Lei) Montenegro (RON Lei) Montserrat (RON Lei) Morocco
(RON Lei) Mozambique (RON Lei) Myanmar (Burma) (RON Lei) Namibia (RON Lei) Nauru
(RON Lei) Nepal (RON Lei) Netherlands (RON Lei) New Caledonia (RON Lei) New
Zealand (RON Lei) Nicaragua (RON Lei) Niger (RON Lei) Nigeria (RON Lei) Niue
(RON Lei) Norfolk Island (RON Lei) North Macedonia (RON Lei) Norway (RON Lei)
Oman (RON Lei) Pakistan (RON Lei) Palestinian Territories (RON Lei) Panama (RON
Lei) Papua New Guinea (RON Lei) Paraguay (RON Lei) Peru (RON Lei) Philippines
(RON Lei) Pitcairn Islands (RON Lei) Poland (RON Lei) Portugal (RON Lei) Qatar
(RON Lei) Réunion (RON Lei) Romania (RON Lei) Russia (RON Lei) Rwanda (RON Lei)
Samoa (RON Lei) San Marino (RON Lei) São Tomé & Príncipe (RON Lei) Saudi Arabia
(RON Lei) Senegal (RON Lei) Serbia (RON Lei) Seychelles (RON Lei) Sierra Leone
(RON Lei) Singapore (RON Lei) Sint Maarten (RON Lei) Slovakia (RON Lei) Slovenia
(RON Lei) Solomon Islands (RON Lei) Somalia (RON Lei) South Africa (RON Lei)
South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (RON Lei) South Korea (RON Lei) South
Sudan (RON Lei) Spain (RON Lei) Sri Lanka (RON Lei) St. Barthélemy (RON Lei) St.
Helena (RON Lei) St. Kitts & Nevis (RON Lei) St. Lucia (RON Lei) St. Martin (RON
Lei) St. Pierre & Miquelon (RON Lei) St. Vincent & Grenadines (RON Lei) Sudan
(RON Lei) Suriname (RON Lei) Svalbard & Jan Mayen (RON Lei) Sweden (RON Lei)
Switzerland (RON Lei) Taiwan (RON Lei) Tajikistan (RON Lei) Tanzania (RON Lei)
Thailand (RON Lei) Timor-Leste (RON Lei) Togo (RON Lei) Tokelau (RON Lei) Tonga
(RON Lei) Trinidad & Tobago (RON Lei) Tristan da Cunha (RON Lei) Tunisia (RON
Lei) Turkey (RON Lei) Turkmenistan (RON Lei) Turks & Caicos Islands (RON Lei)
Tuvalu (RON Lei) U.S. Outlying Islands (RON Lei) Uganda (RON Lei) Ukraine (RON
Lei) United Arab Emirates (RON Lei) United Kingdom (RON Lei) United States (RON
Lei) Uruguay (RON Lei) Uzbekistan (RON Lei) Vanuatu (RON Lei) Vatican City (RON
Lei) Venezuela (RON Lei) Vietnam (RON Lei) Wallis & Futuna (RON Lei) Western
Sahara (RON Lei) Yemen (RON Lei) Zambia (RON Lei) Zimbabwe (RON Lei)
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Romania (RON Lei)
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 * Cocos (Keeling) Islands (RON Lei)
 * Colombia (RON Lei)
 * Comoros (RON Lei)
 * Congo - Brazzaville (RON Lei)
 * Congo - Kinshasa (RON Lei)
 * Cook Islands (RON Lei)
 * Costa Rica (RON Lei)
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 * Croatia (RON Lei)
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 * Dominican Republic (RON Lei)
 * Ecuador (RON Lei)
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 * El Salvador (RON Lei)
 * Equatorial Guinea (RON Lei)
 * Eritrea (RON Lei)
 * Estonia (RON Lei)
 * Eswatini (RON Lei)
 * Ethiopia (RON Lei)
 * Falkland Islands (RON Lei)
 * Faroe Islands (RON Lei)
 * Fiji (RON Lei)
 * Finland (RON Lei)
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 * French Guiana (RON Lei)
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 * Germany (RON Lei)
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 * Grenada (RON Lei)
 * Guadeloupe (RON Lei)
 * Guatemala (RON Lei)
 * Guernsey (RON Lei)
 * Guinea (RON Lei)
 * Guinea-Bissau (RON Lei)
 * Guyana (RON Lei)
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 * Lesotho (RON Lei)
 * Liberia (RON Lei)
 * Libya (RON Lei)
 * Liechtenstein (RON Lei)
 * Lithuania (RON Lei)
 * Luxembourg (RON Lei)
 * Macao SAR (RON Lei)
 * Madagascar (RON Lei)
 * Malawi (RON Lei)
 * Malaysia (RON Lei)
 * Maldives (RON Lei)
 * Mali (RON Lei)
 * Malta (RON Lei)
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 * Mauritius (RON Lei)
 * Mayotte (RON Lei)
 * Mexico (RON Lei)
 * Moldova (RON Lei)
 * Monaco (RON Lei)
 * Mongolia (RON Lei)
 * Montenegro (RON Lei)
 * Montserrat (RON Lei)
 * Morocco (RON Lei)
 * Mozambique (RON Lei)
 * Myanmar (Burma) (RON Lei)
 * Namibia (RON Lei)
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 * Nepal (RON Lei)
 * Netherlands (RON Lei)
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 * New Zealand (RON Lei)
 * Nicaragua (RON Lei)
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 * Norfolk Island (RON Lei)
 * North Macedonia (RON Lei)
 * Norway (RON Lei)
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 * Pakistan (RON Lei)
 * Palestinian Territories (RON Lei)
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 * Peru (RON Lei)
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Country/regionAfghanistan (RON lei)Åland Islands (RON lei)Albania (RON
lei)Algeria (RON lei)Andorra (RON lei)Angola (RON lei)Anguilla (RON lei)Antigua
& Barbuda (RON lei)Argentina (RON lei)Armenia (RON lei)Aruba (RON lei)Ascension
Island (RON lei)Australia (RON lei)Austria (RON lei)Azerbaijan (RON lei)Bahamas
(RON lei)Bahrain (RON lei)Bangladesh (RON lei)Barbados (RON lei)Belarus (RON
lei)Belgium (RON lei)Belize (RON lei)Benin (RON lei)Bermuda (RON lei)Bhutan (RON
lei)Bolivia (RON lei)Bosnia & Herzegovina (RON lei)Botswana (RON lei)Brazil (RON
lei)British Indian Ocean Territory (RON lei)British Virgin Islands (RON
lei)Brunei (RON lei)Bulgaria (RON lei)Burkina Faso (RON lei)Burundi (RON
lei)Cambodia (RON lei)Cameroon (RON lei)Canada (RON lei)Cape Verde (RON
lei)Caribbean Netherlands (RON lei)Cayman Islands (RON lei)Central African
Republic (RON lei)Chad (RON lei)Chile (RON lei)China (RON lei)Christmas Island
(RON lei)Cocos (Keeling) Islands (RON lei)Colombia (RON lei)Comoros (RON
lei)Congo - Brazzaville (RON lei)Congo - Kinshasa (RON lei)Cook Islands (RON
lei)Costa Rica (RON lei)Côte d’Ivoire (RON lei)Croatia (RON lei)Curaçao (RON
lei)Cyprus (RON lei)Czechia (RON lei)Denmark (RON lei)Djibouti (RON lei)Dominica
(RON lei)Dominican Republic (RON lei)Ecuador (RON lei)Egypt (RON lei)El Salvador
(RON lei)Equatorial Guinea (RON lei)Eritrea (RON lei)Estonia (RON lei)Eswatini
(RON lei)Ethiopia (RON lei)Falkland Islands (RON lei)Faroe Islands (RON lei)Fiji
(RON lei)Finland (RON lei)France (RON lei)French Guiana (RON lei)French
Polynesia (RON lei)French Southern Territories (RON lei)Gabon (RON lei)Gambia
(RON lei)Georgia (RON lei)Germany (RON lei)Ghana (RON lei)Gibraltar (RON
lei)Greece (RON lei)Greenland (RON lei)Grenada (RON lei)Guadeloupe (RON
lei)Guatemala (RON lei)Guernsey (RON lei)Guinea (RON lei)Guinea-Bissau (RON
lei)Guyana (RON lei)Haiti (RON lei)Honduras (RON lei)Hong Kong SAR (RON
lei)Hungary (RON lei)Iceland (RON lei)India (RON lei)Indonesia (RON lei)Iraq
(RON lei)Ireland (RON lei)Isle of Man (RON lei)Israel (RON lei)Italy (RON
lei)Jamaica (RON lei)Japan (RON lei)Jersey (RON lei)Jordan (RON lei)Kazakhstan
(RON lei)Kenya (RON lei)Kiribati (RON lei)Kosovo (RON lei)Kuwait (RON
lei)Kyrgyzstan (RON lei)Laos (RON lei)Latvia (RON lei)Lebanon (RON lei)Lesotho
(RON lei)Liberia (RON lei)Libya (RON lei)Liechtenstein (RON lei)Lithuania (RON
lei)Luxembourg (RON lei)Macao SAR (RON lei)Madagascar (RON lei)Malawi (RON
lei)Malaysia (RON lei)Maldives (RON lei)Mali (RON lei)Malta (RON lei)Martinique
(RON lei)Mauritania (RON lei)Mauritius (RON lei)Mayotte (RON lei)Mexico (RON
lei)Moldova (RON lei)Monaco (RON lei)Mongolia (RON lei)Montenegro (RON
lei)Montserrat (RON lei)Morocco (RON lei)Mozambique (RON lei)Myanmar (Burma)
(RON lei)Namibia (RON lei)Nauru (RON lei)Nepal (RON lei)Netherlands (RON lei)New
Caledonia (RON lei)New Zealand (RON lei)Nicaragua (RON lei)Niger (RON
lei)Nigeria (RON lei)Niue (RON lei)Norfolk Island (RON lei)North Macedonia (RON
lei)Norway (RON lei)Oman (RON lei)Pakistan (RON lei)Palestinian Territories (RON
lei)Panama (RON lei)Papua New Guinea (RON lei)Paraguay (RON lei)Peru (RON
lei)Philippines (RON lei)Pitcairn Islands (RON lei)Poland (RON lei)Portugal (RON
lei)Qatar (RON lei)Réunion (RON lei)Romania (RON lei)Russia (RON lei)Rwanda (RON
lei)Samoa (RON lei)San Marino (RON lei)São Tomé & Príncipe (RON lei)Saudi Arabia
(RON lei)Senegal (RON lei)Serbia (RON lei)Seychelles (RON lei)Sierra Leone (RON
lei)Singapore (RON lei)Sint Maarten (RON lei)Slovakia (RON lei)Slovenia (RON
lei)Solomon Islands (RON lei)Somalia (RON lei)South Africa (RON lei)South
Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (RON lei)South Korea (RON lei)South Sudan (RON
lei)Spain (RON lei)Sri Lanka (RON lei)St. Barthélemy (RON lei)St. Helena (RON
lei)St. Kitts & Nevis (RON lei)St. Lucia (RON lei)St. Martin (RON lei)St. Pierre
& Miquelon (RON lei)St. Vincent & Grenadines (RON lei)Sudan (RON lei)Suriname
(RON lei)Svalbard & Jan Mayen (RON lei)Sweden (RON lei)Switzerland (RON
lei)Taiwan (RON lei)Tajikistan (RON lei)Tanzania (RON lei)Thailand (RON
lei)Timor-Leste (RON lei)Togo (RON lei)Tokelau (RON lei)Tonga (RON lei)Trinidad
& Tobago (RON lei)Tristan da Cunha (RON lei)Tunisia (RON lei)Turkey (RON
lei)Turkmenistan (RON lei)Turks & Caicos Islands (RON lei)Tuvalu (RON lei)U.S.
Outlying Islands (RON lei)Uganda (RON lei)Ukraine (RON lei)United Arab Emirates
(RON lei)United Kingdom (RON lei)United States (RON lei)Uruguay (RON
lei)Uzbekistan (RON lei)Vanuatu (RON lei)Vatican City (RON lei)Venezuela (RON
lei)Vietnam (RON lei)Wallis & Futuna (RON lei)Western Sahara (RON lei)Yemen (RON
lei)Zambia (RON lei)Zimbabwe (RON lei)