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Consumer credit behavior is shifting. This report, based on Experian data from
January 2019 to November 2023, reveals surprising trends in two popular
products: unsecured personal loans and credit cards.

 * Fintech origination slow down: One of the most notable trends is a decrease
   in origination amounts for unsecured personal loans and credit cards issued
   by fintech lenders compared to last year.
 * Balances on the rise across lenders: Interestingly, the average balances of
   both unsecured personal loans and credit cards have increased from last year,
   impacting all lenders, including fintechs.
 * Delinquency concerns: While delinquency levels dropped significantly during
   the pandemic, they are now on the rise for both unsecured loan and credit
   card portfolios over the past two years.


Download the report


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