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Submitted URL: https://www.e-qip.opm.gov/eqip-applicant/showLogin.login
Effective URL: https://www.dcsa.mil/is/eqip/
Submission: On August 19 via manual from US

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                        <h3>Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP)</h3>
                      <p>e-QIP is a web-based automated system that was designed to facilitate the processing of standard investigative forms used by DCSA and other Investigation Service Providers (ISP) when conducting background investigations for
                        Federal security, suitability, fitness and credentialing&nbsp;purposes. e-QIP allows the user to electronically enter, update and transmit their personal investigative data over a secure internet connection to a requesting
                          <p style="text-align: justify;"><u><a href="https://www.e-qip.opm.gov/eqip-applicant/start">Enter e-QIP</a></u></p>
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                              <p>Applicants can only access the e-QIP system if they have been invited to do so by an appropriate official at their sponsoring agency. Individuals cannot pre-apply for a security clearance, nor update their security
                                questionnaire unless granted access by an appropriate agency official.&nbsp;</p>
                              <p><strong>Federal, Military, Department of Defense (DoD) employees or applicants, and non-DoD Federal contractors</strong></p>
                              <p>Your initial point of contact for account lockouts, challenge question resets, forgotten usernames, technical support, as well as guidance on completing the questionnaire should be your local sponsoring or employing
                                agency human resources, personnel security office, or individual that instructed you to access e-QIP to complete your investigation forms.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
                              <p><strong>Note</strong>: For Military and DoD local security or human resource officials: The VROC Knowledge Center &nbsp;is not able to view e-QIP or help with access to e-QIP&nbsp;for applicants whose e-QIP
                                questionnaires are not initiated/managed within the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS).</p>
                              <p><strong>INDUSTRY (DOD CONTRACTOR) EMPLOYEES OR APPLICANTS</strong></p>
                              <p>Your initial point of contact for account lockouts, challenge question resets, forgotten usernames, technical support is the VROC Knowledge Center:</p>
                              <p><strong><u>VROC Knowledge Center</u></strong></p>
                              <p>8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday</p>
                              <p>This Knowledge Center is closed on weekends and all federal holidays.</p>
                              <p>Phone support for Personnel Security Clearance Inquiries to include e-QIP are closed until further notice. For assistance with Industry Pin Resets: HANG UP and Call the Applicant Knowledge Center at 724-738-5090, or;
                                Email <a href="mailto:DCSAAKC@mail.mil">DCSAAKC@mail.mil</a> and for all other PCL related inquiries, please email the Personnel Security Clearance Questions Mailbox at
                                <a href="mailto:dcsa.ncr.dcsa-dvd.mbx.askvroc@mail.mil">dcsa.ncr.dcsa-dvd.mbx.askvroc@mail.mil</a></p>
                              <p><strong>Guides and Resources for filling out your Standard Form:</strong></p>
                              <p><a href="/Portals/91/Documents/pv/mbi/e-QIP_Applicant_ Brochure.pdf">e-QIP Applicant Brochure</a></p>
                              <p><a href="/Portals/91/Documents/pv/mbi/first-time-user-instructions.pdf">First-time User Login Instructions (PDF file) [865.29 KB]</a></p>
                              <p><a href="/Portals/91/Documents/pv/GovHRSec/eqipapplicantclicktosigninstructions.pdf">Click-to-Sign Instructions for Applicants (PDF file) [768.43 KB]</a></p>
                              <p><a href="/Portals/91/Documents/pv/mbi/standard-form-sf-86-guide-for-applicants.pdf">Guide for the Standard Form (SF) 86 (PDF file) [3.78 MB](Updated to align with SF 86 version 07/2017)</a></p>
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                              <p><strong>Agency Users</strong></p>
                              <p>Agency users needing access to the administrative and request processing side of e-QIP must access the system via the <u><a href="https://np2.opm.gov">NP2 Secure Portal</a></u>.&nbsp;An e-QIP User must have an NP2
                                Portal account. If you need an NP2 Portal account, you must contact your agency's NP2 Portal administrator. If you need an e-QIP account in order to process investigation requests for your agency, you must contact your
                                agency's e-QIP User manager or administrator. DCSA does not have the ability to provide you with an account.</p>
                              <p><strong>Agency Training</strong></p>
                              <p>DCSA provides training to agency users&nbsp;with the skills necessary to navigate through the e-QIP system. DCSA also provides training additional staff at their agencies on the functionality of the e-QIP system. For
                                a listing of the latest classes provided please see the&nbsp;DCSA Agency Training page.&nbsp;Classes are currently conducted in the Washington, D.C. area.</p>
                              <p>In addition to the in-class agency training, the e-QIP training systems below are available for agency users. Please note, the training links are only for federal agency security or personnel staff members who have
                                been given a training account by either attending an e-QIP training class or by your agency's designated e-QIP Train-the-Trainer(s).</p>
                              <p>The Agency User Training System is now accessed through the NP2 portal, similar to logging in to e-QIP Agency Production. After logging in to NP2, clicking on the “Training” button under My Applications will load the
                                Agency User Training system.</p>
                              <p><u><a href="https://e-qiptraining.opm.gov/eqip-applicant/start">Applicant-side Training System for Agency Users</a></u></p>
                              <p><strong>e-QIP Deployment within Agency</strong></p>
                              <p>For more information regarding e-QIP deployment at your agency, and if you are your agency's security or human resources manager, contact DCSA's system liaison at: 724-794-5612, Ext. 4600
                                or&nbsp;<a href="mailto:DCSAEqipTeam@mail.mil">DCSAEqipTeam@mail.mil</a>.</p>
                              <p><strong>Technical Issues with e-QIP</strong></p>
                              <p>If an agency's e-QIP administrator is unable to access the e-QIP agency website or experiencing technical problems, please call the DCSA Help Desk at 866-631-3019. (This number is not for use by applicants).</p>
                              <p><strong>Agency User Roles and Investigative Requirements</strong></p>
                              <p>Every e-QIP agency user has specific functions and responsibilities that correspond to e-QIP roles. A minimum level investigation must be completed and favorably adjudicated prior to granting user access to e-QIP. One
                                person may be assigned multiple roles as needed. If an agency user has multiple e-QIP user roles, the corresponding highest minimum level investigation is required for access to e-QIP. If an agency user's e-QIP
                                responsibilities change and thus necessitate an e-QIP user role change, the new minimum level investigation requirement applies. DCSA does not request or require any particular grade or series to fulfill these
                                different roles; however, DCSA does offer guidance.</p>
                              <p><strong>Agency Administrators</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated Moderate Risk Background investigation (MBI) or Tier 2 investigation if in a Public Trust position, or a National Agency Check
                                with Law and Credit (NACLC) or Tier 3 investigation if in a National Security position, which must be on file with DCSA (Minimum of Tier 2 with this role)&nbsp; .</p>
                              <p><strong>NP2 Agency Point of Contact (APOC)</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) or Tier 1 investigation which must be on file with DCSA (Minimum of 2
                                with this role).</p>
                              <p><strong>Program Manager</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated MBI or Tier 2 investigation if in a Public Trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation if in a National Security position, which
                                must be on file with DCSA (No limit to the number with this role. Minimum of Tier 2 with this role).</p>
                              <p><strong>Initiator</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1 investigation on file with DCSA (No limit. Requires at least Tier 1 at each personnel and/or security office nationwide).</p>
                              <p><strong>Reviewer</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated MBI or Tier 2 investigations if in a Public Trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation if in a National Security position, on file
                                with DCSA (No limit to the number with this role).</p>
                              <p><strong>Approver</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorable adjudicated MBI or Tier 2 investigation if in a Public trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation if in a National Security position, on file with
                                DCSA. The final Approver must be a Federal employee. Other approval roles may be given to a contractor when appropriate under Executive branch policy on critical, inherently governmental and closely associated function
                                (No limit to the number with this role).&nbsp;</p>
                              <p><strong>Business Manager</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1 investigation on file with DCSA (Tier 1 will hold this role in each agency).</p>
                              <p><strong>Agency Help Desk</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1 on file with DCSA.&nbsp; (No limit on the number with this role)</p>
                              <p><strong>Applicant Access (APA)</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1 investigation on file with DCSA. (No limit to the number with this role)</p>
                              <p><strong>Third Party Data Entry (3PDE)</strong> must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) or Tier 5 investigation if in a National Security position, or a Background
                                Investigation (BI) or Tier 4 investigation if in a High-Risk Public Trust position, on file with DCSA (No limit to the number with this role).</p>
                              <p><strong>User Administrator</strong> must have a favorably adjudicated SSBI or Tier 5 investigation if in a National Security position, or a BI or Tier 4 investigation if in a High-Risk Public trust position on file
                                with DCSA (No limit to the number with this role).</p>
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HomeInformation SystemsElectronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing



e-QIP is a web-based automated system that was designed to facilitate the
processing of standard investigative forms used by DCSA and other Investigation
Service Providers (ISP) when conducting background investigations for Federal
security, suitability, fitness and credentialing purposes. e-QIP allows the user
to electronically enter, update and transmit their personal investigative data
over a secure internet connection to a requesting agency.


 * Enter e-QIP

 * Applicants

 * Applicants
 * Agency Users

Applicants can only access the e-QIP system if they have been invited to do so
by an appropriate official at their sponsoring agency. Individuals cannot
pre-apply for a security clearance, nor update their security questionnaire
unless granted access by an appropriate agency official. 

Federal, Military, Department of Defense (DoD) employees or applicants, and
non-DoD Federal contractors

Your initial point of contact for account lockouts, challenge question resets,
forgotten usernames, technical support, as well as guidance on completing the
questionnaire should be your local sponsoring or employing agency human
resources, personnel security office, or individual that instructed you to
access e-QIP to complete your investigation forms.   

Note: For Military and DoD local security or human resource officials: The VROC
Knowledge Center  is not able to view e-QIP or help with access to e-QIP for
applicants whose e-QIP questionnaires are not initiated/managed within the Joint
Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS).


Your initial point of contact for account lockouts, challenge question resets,
forgotten usernames, technical support is the VROC Knowledge Center:

VROC Knowledge Center

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday


This Knowledge Center is closed on weekends and all federal holidays.

Phone support for Personnel Security Clearance Inquiries to include e-QIP are
closed until further notice. For assistance with Industry Pin Resets: HANG UP
and Call the Applicant Knowledge Center at 724-738-5090, or; Email
DCSAAKC@mail.mil and for all other PCL related inquiries, please email the
Personnel Security Clearance Questions Mailbox at


Guides and Resources for filling out your Standard Form:

e-QIP Applicant Brochure

First-time User Login Instructions (PDF file) [865.29 KB]

Click-to-Sign Instructions for Applicants (PDF file) [768.43 KB]

Guide for the Standard Form (SF) 86 (PDF file) [3.78 MB](Updated to align with
SF 86 version 07/2017)

Agency Users

Agency users needing access to the administrative and request processing side of
e-QIP must access the system via the NP2 Secure Portal. An e-QIP User must have
an NP2 Portal account. If you need an NP2 Portal account, you must contact your
agency's NP2 Portal administrator. If you need an e-QIP account in order to
process investigation requests for your agency, you must contact your agency's
e-QIP User manager or administrator. DCSA does not have the ability to provide
you with an account.

Agency Training

DCSA provides training to agency users with the skills necessary to navigate
through the e-QIP system. DCSA also provides training additional staff at their
agencies on the functionality of the e-QIP system. For a listing of the latest
classes provided please see the DCSA Agency Training page. Classes are currently
conducted in the Washington, D.C. area.

In addition to the in-class agency training, the e-QIP training systems below
are available for agency users. Please note, the training links are only for
federal agency security or personnel staff members who have been given a
training account by either attending an e-QIP training class or by your agency's
designated e-QIP Train-the-Trainer(s).

The Agency User Training System is now accessed through the NP2 portal, similar
to logging in to e-QIP Agency Production. After logging in to NP2, clicking on
the “Training” button under My Applications will load the Agency User Training

Applicant-side Training System for Agency Users

e-QIP Deployment within Agency

For more information regarding e-QIP deployment at your agency, and if you are
your agency's security or human resources manager, contact DCSA's system liaison
at: 724-794-5612, Ext. 4600 or DCSAEqipTeam@mail.mil.

Technical Issues with e-QIP

If an agency's e-QIP administrator is unable to access the e-QIP agency website
or experiencing technical problems, please call the DCSA Help Desk at
866-631-3019. (This number is not for use by applicants).

Agency User Roles and Investigative Requirements

Every e-QIP agency user has specific functions and responsibilities that
correspond to e-QIP roles. A minimum level investigation must be completed and
favorably adjudicated prior to granting user access to e-QIP. One person may be
assigned multiple roles as needed. If an agency user has multiple e-QIP user
roles, the corresponding highest minimum level investigation is required for
access to e-QIP. If an agency user's e-QIP responsibilities change and thus
necessitate an e-QIP user role change, the new minimum level investigation
requirement applies. DCSA does not request or require any particular grade or
series to fulfill these different roles; however, DCSA does offer guidance.

Agency Administrators must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated Moderate
Risk Background investigation (MBI) or Tier 2 investigation if in a Public Trust
position, or a National Agency Check with Law and Credit (NACLC) or Tier 3
investigation if in a National Security position, which must be on file with
DCSA (Minimum of Tier 2 with this role)  .

NP2 Agency Point of Contact (APOC) must have, at a minimum, a favorably
adjudicated National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) or Tier 1 investigation
which must be on file with DCSA (Minimum of 2 with this role).

Program Manager must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated MBI or Tier 2
investigation if in a Public Trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation
if in a National Security position, which must be on file with DCSA (No limit to
the number with this role. Minimum of Tier 2 with this role).

Initiator must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1
investigation on file with DCSA (No limit. Requires at least Tier 1 at each
personnel and/or security office nationwide).

Reviewer must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated MBI or Tier 2
investigations if in a Public Trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation
if in a National Security position, on file with DCSA (No limit to the number
with this role).

Approver must have, at a minimum, a favorable adjudicated MBI or Tier 2
investigation if in a Public trust position, or a NACLC or Tier 3 investigation
if in a National Security position, on file with DCSA. The final Approver must
be a Federal employee. Other approval roles may be given to a contractor when
appropriate under Executive branch policy on critical, inherently governmental
and closely associated function (No limit to the number with this role). 

Business Manager must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1
investigation on file with DCSA (Tier 1 will hold this role in each agency).

Agency Help Desk must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or Tier 1
on file with DCSA.  (No limit on the number with this role)

Applicant Access (APA) must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated NACI or
Tier 1 investigation on file with DCSA. (No limit to the number with this role)

Third Party Data Entry (3PDE) must have, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated
Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) or Tier 5 investigation if in a
National Security position, or a Background Investigation (BI) or Tier 4
investigation if in a High-Risk Public Trust position, on file with DCSA (No
limit to the number with this role).

User Administrator must have a favorably adjudicated SSBI or Tier 5
investigation if in a National Security position, or a BI or Tier 4
investigation if in a High-Risk Public trust position on file with DCSA (No
limit to the number with this role).

 * FOIA / Privacy Act / Civil Liberties
 * DCSA Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs

 * No FEAR Act
 * Accessibility Statement

 * Operating Status
 * USA.gov