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Submitted URL: https://go.owndata.com/e/921663/privacy-policy-/24v81b/287421190/h/n3p1kr_JbvfmpnAsxiXb3S9JW8i6gUMHQA_pILCpJic
Effective URL: https://www.owndata.com/privacy-policy
Submission: On June 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content


I'm looking for

Protect data and metadata with comprehensive, automated backups and rapid,
stress-free recovery.

Strengthen security posture by identifying data exposure risks and proactively
taking action.

Propagate data to sandboxes for faster innovation and ideal training
environments with Accelerate.

Preserve data with customizable retention policies and simplified compliance
with Own Archive.

limited availability
Use historical SaaS data to fuel powerful trend analysis and AI innovation

Full Product Overview

Solutions For

CRM Platform Owners
Run your org with confidence

Compliance Leaders
Simplify data compliance
and minimize risk

Strengthen security posture by understanding data exposure risks

Technology Leaders
Recover quickly from a data
loss or corruption

FedRAMP® authorized SaaS data protection for the U.S. Federal Government






On- demand


Data Sheets


All Resources
On The Blog
23 NYCRR 500: How Financial Institutions and Insurers Can Accelerate Compliance
for SaaS Data
5 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security Posture
Backup and Recovery
5 Steps For Creating a Backup Strategy

About Us




Support & Services
Support & Services
Global Offices
New Jersey
940 Sylvan Ave
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Tel Aviv
Azrieli Sarona Tower - 41st Floor
Tel Aviv 6701203, Israel
9 Devonshire Square
London, EC2M 4YF
40 Rue du Colisée,
75008 France
San Diego
11455 El Camino Real #300
San Diego, CA 92130
Galaxy by Aurobindo Reality,
4th Floor, Hitech City,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
Get started

Already a Customer? Login

Get a Demo


I'm looking for

Protect data and metadata with comprehensive, automated backups and rapid,
stress-free recovery.

Strengthen security posture by identifying data exposure risks and proactively
taking action.

Propagate data to sandboxes for faster innovation and ideal training
environments with Accelerate.

Preserve data with customizable retention policies and simplified compliance
with OwnBackup Archive.

limited availability
Use historical SaaS data to fuel powerful trend analysis and AI innovation

Full Product Overview

Solutions For

CRM Platform Owners
Run your org with confidence

Compliance Leaders
Simplify data compliance and minimize risk

Strengthen security posture by understanding data exposure risks

Technology Leaders
Recover quickly from a data loss or corruption

FedRAMP® authorized SaaS data protection for the U.S. Federal Government






On- demand


Data Sheets


All Resources
On The Blog
23 NYCRR 500: How Financial Institutions and Insurers Can Accelerate Compliance
for SaaS Data
5 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security Posture
Backup and Recovery
5 Steps For Creating a Backup Strategy


About Us




Support & Services
Support & Services
Global Offices
New Jersey
940 Sylvan Ave
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Tel Aviv
Azrieli Sarona Tower - 41st Floor
Tel Aviv 6701203, Israel
9 Devonshire Square
London, EC2M 4YF
40 Rue du Colisée,
75008 France
San Diego
12555 High Bluff Drive
Suite 255
San Diego, CA 92130
Galaxy by Aurobindo Reality,
4th Floor, Hitech City,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
Book a demo



View Own’s response to the EU Court of Justice’s decision invalidating the EU-US
Privacy Shield:
Data Processing Addendum
Data Transfer Impact Assessment

Effective Date: October 30, 2023
Last Reviewed: October 30, 2023

At Own, one of our key company values is building trust through transparency. We
know that you care how information about you is used and shared. With this
Privacy Notice, we aim to provide you transparency into the types of data we
collect about you and what we do with it.

Own provides cloud-based solutions that help businesses, organizations and
government agencies protect against data loss and corruption (the “Services”).
The Services include backup, comparison, recovery, archiving, and management of
large, complex SaaS-based data sets.

This Privacy Notice applies to the processing of information relating to an
identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”), collected by Own
for its own purposes and in the context of operating any of the Own websites,
including www.owndata.com  as well as any other sites, applications, and third
party plugins that may be used to access the service (the “Website”). This
Privacy Notice does not cover the use of your Personal Data by Own on behalf of
Own’s customers (e.g., when Own processes your Personal Data in the context of
the Services) or by third parties on other Own branded websites. To learn more
about the privacy practices of Own’s customers, please visit their respective

This Privacy Notice describes the types of Personal Data we collect, the
purposes for which we collect that Personal Data, the other parties to whom we
may disclose it and the measures we take to protect the security of the data. It
also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Data,
and how you can contact us to update your contact information or get answers to
questions you may have about our privacy practices.

Personal Data We May Collect
How We May Use Your Personal Data
How We Disclose Your Personal Data
Your Rights and Choices
How We Protect Your Personal Data
Data Transfers
Features and Links to Other Websites
Privacy of Children
Data Privacy Framework Principles
Supplemental Notice for California Residents
Updates to This Privacy Notice
How to Contact Us


We may collect the following Personal Data:

 * Personal Data collected via cookies and similar technologies.

 * Personal Data we obtain in the context of the use of the Services.
 * Personal Data we collect in the context of our business relationship with

We obtain Personal Data relating to you from various sources described below.

Where applicable, we indicate whether and why you must provide us with your
Personal Data, as well as the consequences of failing to do so. If you do not
provide Personal Data when requested, you may not be able to use the relevant
service if that information is necessary or if we are legally required to
collect it.

a. Personal Data Obtained from Your Interaction with the Own website

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website asks your browser to store on
your computer or mobile device. The cookie allows the website to “remember” your
actions or preferences over time. Most browsers support cookies, but users can
set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like.

When you use the Website, we may collect certain information by automated means
(e.g., via cookies, plugins, and similar technologies), including for example IP
address, browser type, operating system, referring URLs and information on
actions taken or interaction with our Website, and other mobile trackers. We may
use third-party plugins and/or web analytics services on our Website. The
providers that administer these services use technologies such as cookies and
web beacons to help us communicate with visitors and analyze how visitors use
our Website.

We use this information to improve our Website by, for example, assessing how
many users access or use our Website, which content, products, and features most
interest our visitors, what types of offers our customers like to see, and how
our service performs from a technical point of view.

a. Personal Data We Obtain in the context of the Services

If you are applying for a job at Own, we may collect certain Personal Data from
your job applications, such as your contact information (including name, postal
address, email address and phone number), job history, resume or CV, contact
details of your references and any other Personal Data you choose to submit
along with your application.

b. Personal Data We Obtain in the context of the Services

i) We may obtain Personal Data about you when we (as a Data Processor) process
data uploaded by our customers (as Data Controllers) for use in the Services
(“Customer Owned Data”). The Data Controller which collected your data can
provide you with information as to why they use our service.

This information typically may include, the following elements:

 * First and last name

 * Title
 * Position
 * Employer

 * Contact information (company, email, phone, physical business address)

 * Billing information

 * Transaction information

 * ID data

 * Professional life data

 * Personal life data

 * Localization data

For the sake of clarity, Customer Owned Data is not covered by this notice, and
we mention this purely as a courtesy.

ii) We may obtain Personal Data about you when we (as a Data Controller) collect
data from you for the purpose of providing certain components of the Services,
for example, when you sign up as an administrator during the service onboarding

This information typically may include, the following elements:

 * First and last name

 * Phone number
 * Employer

 * Email

 * Title

c. Personal Data We Collect in the Context of our Business Relationship with

We may collect Personal Data from individuals working for one of our customers,
partners or suppliers, including name, job title, department and name of
organization, business email address, business postal address and business
telephone number. We may use this information for the purposes set forth below,
including to manage our business relationships, for marketing, and to comply
with applicable law, as well as for accounting, auditing and billing purposes.


We may use your Personal Data to:

 * Operate, support, improve, and develop our Services.

 * Perform accounting, bookkeeping, auditing, and billing activities.
 * Anonymize Personal Data, prepare and furnish aggregated data reports showing
   anonymized information.
 * Communicate with you about your use of the Services, respond to your
   inquiries, facilitate your transactions, and for other administrative or
   customer support purposes.

 * Analyze and understand use of the Website and Services.

 * Protect against fraud and ensure safety and security.

 * Advertise, market, and promote our Services to you, subject to any
   preferences you have communicated to us.

 * Enforce our Terms and Conditions (including our Master Subscription
   Agreement) and comply with our legal obligations.

 * Comply with our own legal and regulatory obligations.

We may use Personal Data we obtain about you for the purposes set below. The
laws of certain countries require that we inform you about the legal basis we
rely upon for processing personal data. Where those laws apply, we rely on the
legal bases for processing as listed below:

Processing activity Legal Basis for Processing (where required under applicable
law) Operate, evaluate, develop and improve our Services (including developing
new products and services).
• You consented to the use of your Personal Data; or • The processing is
necessary for entering into, or performance of a contract to which you are
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purpose of providing improved products and communications. Perform
accounting, bookkeeping, auditing, and billing activities.
• The processing is necessary for entering into, or performance of a contract to
which you are party; or
• The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or other
regulatory obligations; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purpose of providing accounting, auditing, billing, reconciliation
activities, and claims management functions. Anonymize Personal Data, prepare
and furnish aggregated data reports showing anonymized information (including,
but not limited to the following: compilations, analyses, analytical and
predictive models and rules, and other aggregated reports) for the purpose of
advising our current and prospective customers, partners, investors and the
public about trends, patterns and other insights that may be extracted from this
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purposes of anonymising Personal Data and preparing and furnishing
aggregated data reports. Communicate with you about your use of the Services,
respond to your inquiries, facilitate your transactions, and for other
administrative or customer support purposes.
• You consented to the use of your Personal Data; or • The processing is
necessary for entering into, or performance of a contract to which you are
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purpose of providing improved products and communications. Analyze and
understand use of the Website and Services.
• You consented to the use of your Personal Data; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purpose of providing improved products and communications. Advertise,
market, and promote our Services to you, subject to any preferences you have
communicated to us.
• You consented to the use of your Personal Data; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purpose of providing improved products and communications. Enforce our
Terms and Conditions (Including our Master Subscription Agreement) or other
legal agreements or rights, where necessary.
• The processing is necessary for entering into, or performance of a contract to
which you are party; or
• The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or other
regulatory obligations; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purposes of enforcing Terms and Conditions (Including our Master
Subscription Agreement) and establishing, exercising and defending legal rights.
As may be required by applicable laws and regulations, government disclosure
obligations, or requested by any judicial process or governmental agency having
or claiming jurisdiction over Own or Own’s affiliates.
• The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or other
regulatory obligations; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purposes of responding to a judicial process, law enforcement or
governmental agency. Comply with applicable legal requirements and industry
standards and our policies.
• You consented to the use of your Personal Data; or • The processing is
necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or other regulatory
obligations; or
• We, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data
for the purposes of complying with legal requirements and industry standards and
our policies.


As described in more detail below, we may disclose Personal Data:

 * To our affiliates and alliance partners.

 * To our vendors who provide us with services.
 * For legal and compliance purposes.
 * In the event of a sale or transfer of our business or assets.
 * For any other lawful purpose (where required, with your consent).

We do not disclose Personal Data we collect about you except as described in
this Privacy Notice or otherwise disclosed to you at the time the Personal Data
is collected.

We disclose Personal Data to our affiliates and alliance partners, subject to
the terms of this Privacy Notice or as otherwise disclosed to you at the time
the data is collected.

We also may disclose Personal Data to our vendors who perform services on our
behalf and in relation to the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. These
vendors include, without limitation, data storage and hosting providers, email
providers, network and system management providers, analytics providers,
advertising and marketing providers, accounting services, and CRM providers.

We also may disclose Personal Data about you: (i) if we are required to do so by
law or legal process, (ii) in response to a request from a court, law
enforcement authorities, or government officials, or (iii) when we believe
disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial
loss; to obtain legal counsel; to protect the rights, safety, and property of
ourselves, our employees and agents, and others; or in connection with an
investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity.

We also reserve the right to disclose or transfer Personal Data we have about
you in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets
(including in connection with the negotiation of such a transaction). Should
such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the
transferee to use Personal Data you have provided to us in a manner that is
consistent with this Privacy Notice. Following such a sale or transfer, you may
contact the entity to which we transferred your Personal Data with any inquiries
concerning the processing of that information.We may also disclose Personal Data
about you for any other lawful purpose (where required by applicable law, with
your consent).


a. Your Rights

Subject to applicable law(s), you may have the right to:

 * Access your Personal Data, correct it, restrict its processing, or request
   its deletion.

 * Receive the Personal Data you provided to us to transmit it to another
 * Withdraw any consent provided, at any time and free of charge. We will apply
   your preferences going forward and this will not affect the lawfulness of the
   processing before your consent withdrawal.
 * Where applicable, lodge a complaint with your Supervisory Authority.

The above rights are subject to certain limitations and exceptions under
applicable law. You may submit a request to exercise your rights by contacting
us as specified in the “How to Contact Us” section below.

If we fall short of your expectations in processing your Personal Data or you
wish to make a complaint about our privacy practices, please tell us because it
gives us an opportunity to fix the problem. To assist us in responding to your
request, please give full details of the issue. We attempt to review and respond
to all complaints within a reasonable time and, in any event, within the legal
time limit for responding, where applicable.

a. Your Choices

i) Cookies and similar technologies. As noted above, we collect some Personal
Data via cookies and other similar technologies.

In certain jurisdictions, you can exercise your choice regarding the use of
cookies and similar technologies via the Cookie Consent tool displayed at the
bottom of our Website. You may also be able to disable cookies via your browser
settings or be notified of certain types of cookies placed on your device.
Please consult the “Help” menu of your browser for more information. Certain
cookies are “essential” or “strictly necessary” and may not be disabled. Note
that without certain cookies you may not be able to use all of the features of
our Website, apps or online services.

ii) Analytics

We and our vendors use certain automated analytics tools (including cookies and
other technologies operated by third parties) to track and evaluate usage of our
Website. We use these tools to understand your interactions with the Website and
to help us improve our Website, such as by improving our performance and your
user experience. We may combine analytics information, including Personal Data,
with other Personal Data we collect, and we may provide the third-party
analytics providers with Personal Data about you.

To opt out of Google Analytics in a particular browser, you may be able to
install a Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on in that browser. We recommend
using the Cookie Consent tool at the bottom of our Website to adjust third-party
analytics cookies generally. If you clear your cookies after doing that, use a
browser that automatically clears cookies, or access the Website from a
different device or browser, you will need to set your preferences again.

iii) Tailored advertising.

We may use third parties (such as ad networks and providers of advertising
services) to serve online ads that are more relevant and tailored to you based
on information that we and these third parties have collected on our Website and
about your online activities over time and across other websites. We and these
third parties may use cookies and other similar technologies to collect
information, including Personal Data, that is used to inform, optimize, and
serve online ads and to understand the effectiveness of these advertising
activities.  We also allow other unaffiliated parties (e.g., ad networks and ad
servers such as Google Analytics) to serve tailored advertising to you and to
access their own cookies or other tracking technologies on your computer, mobile
phone, or other device you use to access the Website.

To learn more about tailored advertising and how you can generally control
cookies from being put on your computer to deliver tailored ads, you may visit
the Network Advertising Initiative's (“NAI”) Consumer Opt-Out Link and the
Digital Advertising Alliance's (“DAA”) Consumer Opt-Out Link to opt-out of
tailored advertising from companies that participate in those programs. To opt
out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising or customize Google Display
Network ads, you can visit the Google Ads Settings page. Please note that you
may still see ads about us and our Services even if you opt out of tailored
advertising, but such ads may not be tailored to your interests. We do not
control any of the above opt-out links and are not responsible for the continued
availability or accuracy of these mechanisms or any choices you make using them.
If your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit these opt-out
pages, or you subsequently erase your cookies, use a different computer or
change web browsers, your opt-out may no longer be effective.

iii) Marketing communications.

You may opt out of marketing emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link within
the marketing emails you receive from us or by contacting us as indicated below.
It may take up to 10 business days to process your request. Please note that if
you opt out of marketing emails, we may still send you non-marketing emails
about your use of the Services, such as your transactions with us, for customer
support purposes, to respond to your inquiries, and to notify you of changes to
our terms and policies

iv) “Do Not Track” (“DNT”).

DNT is a setting that users can enable in certain web browsers. DNT signals do
not have a commonly agreed upon meaning and we do not currently recognize or
respond to DNT signals. DNT is different from any automated opt-out signals
mentioned in state-specific sections of this Privacy Notice.


We maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to
protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental
loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and
any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Data in our possession.

We also take measures to delete your Personal Data or keep it in a form that
does not permit identifying you when your Personal Data is no longer necessary
for the purposes for which we processed it or when you request deletion (subject
to limitations and restrictions on this right), unless we are required by law to
keep the information for a longer period. We complete periodic reviews of our
databases, taking into account the type of data collected, the type of services
provided, and the length of the customer relationship, possible re-enrollment
with the Services, mandatory retention periods, regulatory requirements and the
statute of limitations.


Own is a global business. We may transfer your Personal Data to the United
States and other countries which may not have the same data protection laws as
the country in which you initially provided the information, but we will protect
your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Notice, or as otherwise
disclosed to you.

If you are located in the EEA, the UK or Switzerland, we will transfer your
Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Notice and make use of accepted
data transfer mechanisms, such as data transfer agreements that incorporate
Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or the
corresponding mechanisms applied under UK and Swiss data protection laws. We may
also transfer Personal Data to countries for which adequacy decisions have been
issued. You may contact us as specified in the “How to Contact Us” section below
to obtain a copy of the safeguards we use to transfer Personal Data outside of
the EEA, UK and Switzerland.


You may choose to use certain features for which we partner with other entities
that operate independently from Own.

On our Website, you may choose to use certain features that can be accessed
through, or for which we partner with, other entities that are not otherwise
affiliated with Own. These features, which may include, social networking,
geo-location, security, and spam filtering tools, are operated by third parties,
including social networks, and are clearly identified as such. We have no
control over, and make no representations about, these third parties or how they
may use or disclose your Personal Data. These third parties use or disclose
Personal Data in accordance with their own privacy policies and not subject to
this Privacy Notice. We strongly suggest you review these third parties’ privacy
policies if you use these features.


Own’s products and services are not directed to or intended for children.

Own does not offer services to minors and does not knowingly collect Personal
Data from children under the age of 18. If you believe we have collected
Personal Data from your child in error, please notify us using our contact
details in the “How to Contact Us” section below


Own complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK
Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
(Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce.  Own has
certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data
Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the
processing of personal data received from the European Union in reliance on the
EU-U.S. DPF and from the United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) in reliance on the UK
Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Own has certified to the U.S. Department of
Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles
(Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data
received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF.  If there is any
conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles
and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern.  To learn
more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our
certification, please visit https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/.

In compliance with the DPF Principles, Own commits to:

a) resolve questions or complaints about our collection or use of your personal
information under the Data Privacy Frameworks by following the Dispute
Resolution process set out here;

b) cooperate with the panel established by the EU data protection authorities
(DPAs), the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Swiss Federal
Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved
DPF complaints concerning data transferred from the EU, the UK and Switzerland;

c) submit to binding arbitration before the EU-U.S. DPF, UK-U.S. DPF or
Swiss-U.S. DPF Panel (as applicable) if this option has been invoked by you, as
is your right under certain circumstances;

d) cooperate with the DPAs, the ICO and FDPIC and comply with the advice given
by such authorities with regard to human resources data transferred from the EU,
the UK and Switzerland in the context of any applicable employment relationship;

e) accept responsibility (including any potential liability) for onward
transfers of personal data to third parties.

In addition, it is important for you to be aware that, with respect to personal
data received or transferred pursuant to the Data Privacy Frameworks, Own is
subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission and U.S. Department of Transportation.

For the sake of clarity, the U.S. entity of Own adhering to the DPF Principles
is the entity identified in the “How to Contact Us” section below.


This Supplemental Notice for California Residents applies solely to residents of
California regarding their “Personal Information” as defined in the California

Privacy Act, as amended (“CCPA”). This Supplemental Notice for California
Residents supplements the Privacy Notice above. This section does not apply to
information collected about our employees, former employees, candidates, or
independent contractors.

a. How We Collect, Use, and Disclose Personal Information

We collect Personal Information as described in the “Personal Data We May
Collect” section of the Privacy Notice, and we use such Personal Information for
the purposes set forth in the “How We May Use Personal Data” section above. We
disclose Personal Information as discussed in the “How We Disclose Your Personal
Data” section above.

In addition to this, the CCPA requires us to provide the “categories” of
Personal Information we collect and the categories of entities to which we
disclose such Personal Information. In the 12 months leading up to the effective
date of the Privacy Notice, we have collected and disclosed Personal Information
as follows:

Category of Personal Information Categories of entities to which the Personal
Information was disclosed Identifiers, such as name and IP address.
Affiliates and alliance partners; vendors; third parties for legal compliance
purposes. Commercial information, such as transaction information.
Affiliates and alliance partners; vendors; third parties for legal compliance
purposes. Professional or employment-related information, such as business
contact information (email, phone number, physical address), job title,
department, and employer name.
Affiliates and alliance partners; vendors; third parties for legal compliance
purposes. Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as
cookie information, device identifier, browser type, operating system details,
and information about how you interact with our Website.
Affiliates and alliance partners; vendors; third parties for legal compliance

We retain Personal Information as described in the “How We Protect Your Personal
Data” section of the Privacy Notice above.

b. "Sales” and “sharing”  

As part of a few of our uses and disclosures of Personal Information, during the
12 months leading up to the effective date of the Privacy Notice, we may have
“sold” and “shared” (as those terms are defined under the CCPA) California
residents’ Identifiers, Professional or employment-related information, and
Internet or other electronic network activity information (each as described
above) to advertising, marketing, and analytics services to assist with such
activities. This practice continues today. We do not “sell” or “share” Personal
Information (as those terms are defined under the CCPA) if we have actual
knowledge that the consumer is less than 16 years of age.

To exercise your CCPA right to opt out of what the CCPA calls “sales” or
“sharing” of Personal Information, please follow the process set out here.

Your browser may also offer a way to activate the Global Privacy Control signal
(“GPC”). Our Website treats qualifying browsers for which the user has activated
the GPC signal as having opted out of what CCPA calls a “sale” of any California
Personal Information that is collected on the Website from that browser using
cookies and similar technology. If you are using a GPC-enabled browser but you
choose to opt into cookies via the Cookie Consent tool on our Website, you may
opt into “sales” or “sharing” via cookies and similar technologies, overriding
the GPC signal.

c. California Privacy Rights 

If you are a California resident, the CCPA may permit you to request that we:

 * Provide you the categories of Personal Information we have collected or
   disclosed about you in the last 12 months; the categories of sources of such
   information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or (if
   applicable) selling your Personal Information; and the categories of third
   parties to which we disclosed Personal Information, and more specific
   information about what categories of Personal Information were “sold,”
   “shared,” or disclosed to particular categories of third parties (much of
   this information is already provided above).

 * Provide access to and/a copy of certain Personal Information we hold about
 * Delete certain Personal Information we have about you.
 * Correct certain Personal Information we have about you.

Certain Personal Information is exempt from such requests under applicable law.
You also may have the right to receive information about the financial
incentives that we offer to you (if any). You also have certain rights under the
CCPA not to be discriminated against (within the meaning of the CCPA) for
exercising your CCPA privacy rights.

To request to exercise these CCPA rights, you may email us at
privacy@owndata.com. We may take certain steps to verify your identity before
processing your request, including, where applicable, by requesting additional
information. For security and legal reasons, we may not accept requests that
require us to access third-party websites or services.

You may also designate an authorized agent to submit certain requests on your
behalf. For an authorized agent to be verified, you must provide the authorized
agent with signed, written permission to make such requests or a power of
attorney. We have no obligation to honor requests from purported agents if we
lack sufficient confidence that this has occurred and that they are authorized
to submit the request on your behalf. We may require you to verify your identity
directly with us before processing an agent's request.

Although the CCPA also now confers certain rights to limit certain uses of what
the CCPA calls “sensitive personal information,” we do not use that sort of
information in a manner relevant to that opt-out right.

d. “Shine the Light” Disclosure

The California “Shine the Light” law gives California residents the right under
certain circumstances to opt out of the disclosure of certain categories of
personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with to third
parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose personal
information in this way.


This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our
privacy practices.  We may change this Privacy Notice to reflect changes in the
law, our information practices or the features of the Services. We will indicate
the date of the most recent update in this Privacy Notice. If we make a material
change to this Privacy Notice, you will be provided with appropriate notice in
accordance with legal requirements. By continuing to use the Services and/or
visit the Website, you are confirming that you have read and understood the
latest version of this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice will be reviewed at
least once every twelve months and accordingly we will indicate at the top of
this notice the last time that this review occurred, even if that review did not
result in a change to the Privacy Notice.


You can e-mail us at privacy@owndata.com with any questions, comments, or
concerns around our privacy practices and policies and to submit a request to
exercise your rights regarding your Personal Data or you can contact us at:

OwnCompany Inc.
Attention: Privacy
940 Sylvan Ave
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

You can also contact us from the United States on this toll-free number: (888)


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