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 * Citizens in American concentration camps
   J.A. Aleman, Staff Writer | July 5, 2021

 * The legends and history of mount rainier
   J.A. Aleman, Staff Writer | July 4, 2021

 * Washington State passes its first Capital Gains tax
   Jordan Dowd, Copy Manager | July 4, 2021

 * Looking back at how tensions escalated in the holy land
   Jordan Dowd, Copy Manager | July 3, 2021

 * What we learned from Fauci’s emails
   Jordan Dowd, Copy Manager | July 3, 2021

Pierce College virtual choir presents "The Lads Among Heather"
Kyla Raygor, Videographer • July 10, 2021

Highs and lows of quarantined mental health
July 2, 2021

Things to Do This Summer
June 30, 2021

Fort Steilacoom Park: A Wildlife Habitat and Peaceful Sanctuary for Visitors
June 9, 2021

Summer 2020 / Vol. 53 Issue 7
June 29, 2020

Daniel So, Podcaster • June 22, 2021

    This one goes out to all the fathers out there. I know it's not easy, I've
seen my dad struggle with the best of...

Tacoma Mural Project
June 17, 2021

Highs and lows of quarantined mental health
J.A. Aleman, Staff Writer • July 2, 2021

Things to Do This Summer
Linda Nguyen, Staff Writer • June 30, 2021

Pierce College Fort Steilacoom welcomes new Vice President
Taylor Riley, Editorial Manager • June 4, 2021

Tacoma Mural Project
Maddie Pelkey, Staff Writer • June 17, 2021

Washington State passes its first Capital Gains tax
Jordan Dowd, Copy Manager • July 4, 2021

Looking back at how tensions escalated in the holy land
July 3, 2021

What we learned from Fauci’s emails
July 3, 2021

Kids Need to Play
Lizbeth Martinez-Santos, Staff Writer • June 29, 2021

Where are all the student resources?
June 28, 2021

Tacoma Mural Project
June 17, 2021

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Citizens in American concentration camps
J.A. Aleman, Staff Writer • July 5, 2021

Generational Gap between Asian-Americans
June 23, 2021

Dogecoin: The Joke Worth Almost $50 Billion
May 3, 2021

"Mortal Kombat" (2021) Review: An Appreciative Look
J.A. Aleman, Staff Writer • May 17, 2021


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