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The latest switch offering from the designers who brought you community favorite
linear switches, the C³Equalz Tangerine and Banana Split, introducing the long
awaited super smooth line, The Fruit Smoothie Switches.

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Wednesday 11/1 at 4pm EST

During this series, we'll be listing lots of one-off items in limited stock for
sale. Including keycaps, deskmats, switches, and more!

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barebones $129.99
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barebones $129.99


Keycaps In Stock Now!

Created by Mochi crafts, the Sylph Potion Line is sure to brighten any build and
features an exclusive novelty spacebar and 1u key.

Base Kit 79.99
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Your perfect introduction to Keyboards

Grab the Monsgeek M1, a no-nonsense introduction to Mechanical Keyboards at a
great price.

Only $119.99
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Grab this new double-shot set

This JTK set uses a classic dark and light grey color scheme with a teal accent
to harken back to those error screens of old.

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Designed by @SaintJulianXV

Our most popular mats are back by popular demand. You can pick up all the
Aesthetic Series mats today!

Only $29.99


Bring the Thock to your build

One of our most popular linear switches is back in stock! Grab some while you

Starting from $49.99
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An upgraded take on a classic design

Our premium entry-level keyboard designed to give you balance between form and

only $159.99
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The latest switch offering from the designers who brought you community favorite
linear switches, the C³Equalz Tangerine and Banana Split, introducing the long
awaited super smooth line, The Fruit Smoothie Switches.

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Wednesday 11/1 at 4pm EST

During this series, we'll be listing lots of one-off items in limited stock for
sale. Including keycaps, deskmats, switches, and more!

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Free shipping USA only!
barebones $129.99
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Free Shipping USA ONLY!
barebones $129.99


Keycaps In Stock Now!

Created by Mochi crafts, the Sylph Potion Line is sure to brighten any build and
features an exclusive novelty spacebar and 1u key.

Base Kit 79.99
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Your perfect introduction to Keyboards

Grab the Monsgeek M1, a no-nonsense introduction to Mechanical Keyboards at a
great price.

Only $119.99
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Grab this new double-shot set

This JTK set uses a classic dark and light grey color scheme with a teal accent
to harken back to those error screens of old.

only $95.00
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Designed by @SaintJulianXV

Our most popular mats are back by popular demand. You can pick up all the
Aesthetic Series mats today!

Only $29.99


Bring the Thock to your build

One of our most popular linear switches is back in stock! Grab some while you

Starting from $49.99
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An upgraded take on a classic design

Our premium entry-level keyboard designed to give you balance between form and

only $159.99
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Equalz X TKC Fruit Smoothie Switches
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BOW Keyset MDA
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DSA Sylph Potion Keyset
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Warehouse Wednesday - Keyboards
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JTK 404 Keycaps
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Panda Keyset
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Aesthetic Series Vol. 1 Deskmat - 745
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Aesthetic Series Vol. 1 Deskmat - CityPop
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Aesthetic Series Vol. 1 Deskmat - New Message
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C³Equalz X TKC Banana Split Switches 2022
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Cream Blue Pro Switches
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Monsgeek M3
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MonsGeek M2
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Portico68 Black Label - Build Kit
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Fruit Switch Deskmat - Tangerine
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Neon Keyset
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Black and Pink - The Dancer Keycaps
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Marble Soda Switches
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Stabilizers - Cool Grey
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Stabilizer Grease Syringe Kit
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Braided Cable
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