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Your one-stop shop for all your pet care needs! We are thrilled to have you join
our community of pet lovers. At Silyx Care, we understand that your pet is a
member of your family, and we are committed to providing the best possible
products and services to ensure their health and happiness.

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Cat Grooming nail cutting

from $30.00
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1pc Professional Pet Nail Clipper

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High Sided Cat Litter Boxs Cat Toilet Easy Access for Small and Large Cats

from $189.00
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Pet Hair Dryer Stand Fixed Bracket

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Dog Cat Grooming Fine-tooth Comb

from $15.00
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Winter Warm Large Pet Sofa Bed

from $130.00
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Tonepie Automatic Smart Cat Litter Box Self Cleaning 65L

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Pet Detangler Spray 50ml Nourishin

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Cat Grooming nail cutting

Regular price $100.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Type: cats

Item Type: Claw Care

Material: cloth

Origin: Mainland China

Choice: yes

semi_Choice: yes

Name: Pet Trimming Assist Hammock

Material: Nylon

Applicable objects: dogs and cats

Color: green, pink, gray

Package: Beauty Hammock + 2 Hooks

【 We Promise 】

Quality Assurance.

Service Enthusiasm.

Customer Satisfaction.


【 About Shipping 】

Orders processed within 1-3days after payment is made and verified.

Economic logistics is without an international tracking number, which can not be
tracked when the parcel leaves China.

''ePacket'', or ''AliExpress Standard Shipping'', OR ''Special Line-YW
''Shipping. For faster and Safer delivery, we recommend you select shipping via

We will arrange shipping according to the address of the buyer provide, so
please confirm and check the address details you filled on Aliexpress. If you
don't receive your item within 60 days, please contact us.

We will check it for you. Cat Grooming nail cutting 


【 Resend or Refund 】

Case 1 Please check the goods carefully as soon as you receive them. The resend
or refund is valid for 5 days, which means you must contact us for resend or
refund within 5 days after receipt of goods.

Case 2 It is out of our control after we shipped the goods out, please wait
patiently. Of course, we will definitely resend or refund you if you do not get
the goods.


【 Feedback 】Cat Grooming nail cutting 

Before applying for a dispute, please keep a positive attitude and contact us,
we will do our best to help you solve your problem.

If you are satisfied with our products and services, please leave us positive
feedback and 5 stars.

Your encouragement is the greatest motivation for us to move forward. Cat
Grooming nail cutting 

Click 5 stars For Us!!!



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1pc Professional Pet Nail Clipper

Regular price $39.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: HiMISS

Material: Plastic

Item Type: Claw Care

Origin: Mainland China

Type: cats

Choice: yes

semi_Choice: yes

1pc Professional Pet Nail Clipper LED Light Pet Nail Clipper Claw Grooming
Scissors For Small Dogs Cats Scissors Dog Accessories Professional Pet Nail


Name: Nail Clippers

Color: Blue

Material: ABS, stainless steel

Size: 13.3 x 5 x 2.5cm

Applicable objects: dogs, cats, etc

Packing list:

1 x Nail Clippers


Different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little
different from the real thing. 

Manual measuring,please allow 1~3mm error,thank you. Professional Pet Nail


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High Sided Cat Litter Boxs Cat Toilet Easy Access for Small and Large Cats

Regular price $189.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Material: Plastic

Is Smart Device: No

Origin: Mainland China

Model Number: Open Litter Box

Type: cats

Feature: Semi-closed

MainKey1: Cat Litter Tray

MainKey2: Open Top Sifting Pet Litter Boxes With High Sides

MainKey3: Open Air Cats Litter Pan Kitten Indoor Cats Potty

MainKey4: Cat Litter Tray Kitty Toilet Sand Box Container

MainKey5: Pet Bedpan Tray with Frame Small Animals Pan

MainKey6: Hamsters Bunny Rabbit Litter Pan for Cage Room


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Pet Hair Dryer Stand Fixed Bracket

Regular price $500.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null  Pet Hair Dryer Stand Fixed Bracket

Origin: Mainland China

Max. power: Less than 1000 W

Certification: ce  Pet Hair Dryer Stand Fixed Bracket

Number of gears: 1

Choice: yes

semi_Choice: yes





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Dog Cat Grooming Fine-tooth Comb

Regular price $20.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: JosheLive

Origin: Mainland China

Material: Plastic

Model Number: -

Function 1: Ergonomic Grip

Function 2: Compact Design

Function 3: Premium Quality Dog Cat Grooming Fine-tooth Comb

Item 1: Flea Treatment

Item 2: Pet Care Dog Cat Grooming Fine-tooth Comb

Type: Fine-toothed Comb

Choice: yes Dog Cat Grooming Fine-tooth Comb

semi_Choice: yes


Lightweight and portable

Durable and practical

Effectively removes fleas

Maintain a healthy coat

100% Brand New High class quality

Use this flea comb, promote blood circulation, so that the dog's hair more shiny


Color: white, blue

Size: 14.2CM * 3CM

Weight: 25.3g

Material: rubber handle steel needle comb

Applicable to: long-haired, large and medium-sized dogs


Lightweight and portable

Durable and practical

Single row design

Effectively removes fleas

Maintain a healthy coat

Ideal to use after flea powders or shampoos

Package Included:

1 x Pet Comb


Due to the difference between different monitors, the pictures may not reflect
the actual color of the item.

Compare the detail sizes with yours, please allow 1-3cm error, due to manual

Please leaving a message before you give the bad feedback, if the products have
some problems.

Thanks for your understandings.



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Winter Warm Large Pet Sofa Bed

Regular price $145.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: LAPLADOG

Item Type: Beds & Sofas

Material: Corduroy

Wash Style: Hand Wash

Origin: Mainland China

Pattern: Solid

Model Number: DOG BED

Weight: 0.5KG

Type: Dogs

Feature: Breathable

Is Smart Device: No


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Tonepie Automatic Smart Cat Litter Box Self Cleaning 65L

Regular price $9,099.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Material: Plastic

Is Smart Device: YES

Origin: Mainland China

Type: cats

colour: White

Material: ABS plastic

Applicable object: kitty

Specifications: Neutral English packaging (British and American regulations)

Is Smart Device: YES

Model Number: smart cat litter box

Feature: Totally Closed

Type: cats

No: Ti Pro

app language: English, Spanish, French. German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian,

app language2: Korean,Arabic (language)

Instruction manual language: English(You can contact us to send the manual
electronically in other)

key language: English

litter tray: Intelligent litter tray,large capacity

Pet toilet type: Enclosed

Is it intelligent: Yes

cat litter box: litter box

cat box: automatic cat litter box self cleaning

cat litter: self cleaning litter box

cat litter box automatic: cat toilet

rabbit litter box: cat litter box enclosure

dropshipping: support

Specifications: XL

Capacity: 65L


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Pet Detangler Spray 50ml Nourishin

Regular price $100.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Infused with natural plant extracts, it also removes unpleasant odors in a
flash. Suitable for pets with different hair types and no need to rinse, keeping
your pet well-maintained and comfortable. Pet Detangler Spray 50ml Nourishin

Name: Pet anti-static spray
Capacity: about 50ml
Product size: (approx.)11.5*3.4cm/4.53*1.34 inches Pet Detangler Spray 50ml

Packing List:
1pc*Anti-static dog spray Pet Detangler Spray 50ml Nourishin

See more product details

1.Smooth and Knot-Free Coat: This anti-static dog spray helps to prevent pet
hair from matting, keeping your dog's coat smooth and shiny. It also moisturizes
and conditions the skin, reducing dryness.

2.Healthy Ingredients: Our Anti-Static Dog Spray lavishes your pet's coat with
healthy ingredients to nourish and detangles gently. With natural plant
extracts, it enhances coat elasticity and prevents static electricity.

3.Eliminate Odors Naturally: Spritz our anti-static dog spray to keep your pet
smelling divine. This dematting solution effectively removes odours, leaving
their coat well-maintained and knot-free.

4.Gentle Grooming: Help control your pet's shedding with our anti-static dog
spray. The natural ingredients in this detangling spray moisturize and soothe
your pet's skin while creating a static-free coat.

5.Easy to Use: Keep your furry friend's coat smooth, shiny, and frizz-free with
our Anti-Static Dog Spray. Effortlessly spray and comb through for a revitalized
look, no rinsing needed. Save time and water while transforming your pet's
grooming routine.

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Is to be the preferred choice for pet owners by providing Affordable,
high-quality pet products and accessories, A convenient shopping experience with
a wide range of products and A community of pet lovers where owners can share
experiences and advice.

We are dedicated to making pet ownership enjoyable and rewarding for our

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1Pc Pet Dog Puppy Training Treat

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Pet Ball Toy Anti Choke Puzzle

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Dog Ball Toys For Pet Tooth Cleaning

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Pet Leaking Food Ball Interactive

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Rabbit Foraging Toy Interaction Food Feeder

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Pet Treat Bowl Rustproof

from $80.00
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Pet Slow Feeder

from $250.00
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Ceramic Raised Pet Bowl for Cats Dogs

from $80.00
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1Pc Pet Dog Puppy Training Treat

Regular price $120.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null 1Pc Pet Dog Puppy Training Treat

Type: Other

Origin: Mainland China 1Pc Pet Dog Puppy Training Treat




Portable Food Dog Training Snack Waist Bag Large Capacity Treat Pouch Carries
Outdoor Garbage Waste Bag Pet Training Pack

Color: Black
Material: Canvas
Size: 18 * 14 * 7cm
Capacity: Approximately 300ml

1. Hook can be conveniently hung on the belt or pants pocket
2. High quality materials, keep the bag dry to prevent food from getting damp
1Pc Pet Dog Puppy Training Treat

Product List:
1x Training Pack




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Pet Ball Toy Anti Choke Puzzle

Regular price $80.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Toys Type: Balls

Is Smart Device: no

Pet Toy Ball Shape Transparent Surface Leaking Food Pet Interactive Leaking
Treat Toy for Home Use

Transparent surface and ball shape, it can stimulate your pet's fun and ensure
their gastrointestinal health as it effectively slows down their eating rate. It
can also protect your furniture from bites as it consumes their additional
energy. Pet Ball Toy Anti Choke Puzzle
Help relieve dental pain and reduce dental problems, this dog toy is easy to use
and will prevent dogs from barking due to anxiety and boredom and help satisfy
the dog's natural urge to chew.
It is constructed of PP material.
The diameter of the product is 8.2cm.
It is suitable for small, medium, large dogs. Pet Ball Toy Anti Choke Puzzle

Item Name: Pet Toy
Material: PP
Features: Hide Food, Bite Resistant, Stress Relief Pet Ball Toy Anti Choke
Size Details:
Diameter: 8.2cm/3.23" (Approx.)

Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly
different from the pictures.
Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.

Package Includes:
1 x Pet Toy


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Dog Ball Toys For Pet Tooth Cleaning

Regular price $50.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Is Smart Device: no

Product Description:
1. There are protrusions on the surface of the molars, which play the role of
molars cleaning the oral cavity.

2. The pet food leakage ball is made of TPR material, which is resistant to
bite, wear-resistant and safe, has high elasticity, and improves IQ

3. The fun throwing interaction of pet missed food balls strengthens and
increases the relationship with dogs Dog Ball Toys For Pet Tooth Cleaning

4. Especially designed dog educational toy ball, which can be stuffed into food
while eating and playing to develop the dog's intelligence

Product material: TPR Dog Ball Toys For Pet Tooth Cleaning
Product size: 6*6*5.8cm/2.4*2.4*2.2inch
Product weight: 86g
Product function: suitable for dog outdoor, chewing and molar toys

Product List:
1* Pet Leakage Ball Dog Ball Toys For Pet Tooth Cleaning

See more product details

1.【IQ Training】Pet-biting toys can develop the dog's intelligence, cause
appetite to eat slowly, and the design of missing food can be stuffed into food
while eating and playing.

2.【High-Quality】The pet leaking ball is made of TPR material, which is resistant
to bite and wear and is safe, has high elasticity, tear, and bite-resistant, and
eliminates boredom

3.【Good Choice】This is a good gift, you can give it to friends who have pets
around you, the pet teeth grinding toy fun throws the interaction to strengthen,
and increase the relationship with the dog

4.【Easy to Clean】It can be easily cleaned by wiping with a rag or rinsing with
water. There are protrusions on the surface of the pet teeth grinding toy, which
plays the role of cleaning the mouth and grinding teeth.

5.【Wide Application】This pet teething toy has a wide range of applications,
suitable for cats, puppies, small dogs, medium dogs, and even large dogs
aggressive animals, etc.

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Pet Leaking Food Ball Interactive

Regular price $400.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Toys Type: Balls Pet Leaking Food Ball Interactive

Is Smart Device: no

Origin: Mainland China Pet Leaking Food Ball Interactive

CN: Guangdong

Material: Plastic

Type: cats Pet Leaking Food Ball Interactive

☆We always want to solve the problem in peace, if there is any problem after you
received the package, please be free to contact with us, instead opening the
dispute directly, thanks for your kind communication.



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Rabbit Foraging Toy Interaction Food Feeder

Regular price $200.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Model Number: B85E7HH1407092

Material: Wood

Choice: yes

semi_Choice: yes

This wooden foraging feeder toy for small animals is perfect for stimulating
their natural foraging instincts, making it a great gift for petowners. Rabbit
Foraging Toy Interaction Food Feeder
Made from natural wood without any glues, this foraging toy is not only durable
but also safe for your small pet to play with.
Great for small animals such as guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and
gerbils, this toy provides both physical and mental challenge for your
pets.Rabbit Foraging Toy Interaction Food Feeder
Whether you want to train your pets of smell or simply provide them with a fun
activity, this toy is perfect for indoor use and will keep your pets entertained
for hours. Rabbit Foraging Toy Interaction Food Feeder
Give your furry friend the gift of fun and stimulation with this lovely wooden
feeder toy, designed to keep them happy and healthy.

Material: Wood
Product Dimension: As pictures shown

Package Includes:
1x Small Pet Foraging Feeder Toy

Please allow 1~2cm error due to manual measurement. please make sure you do not
mind before you bid.
Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect
the actual color of the item.


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Pet Treat Bowl Rustproof

Regular price $80.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Shape: Rounded

Type: cats

Material: CERAMICS

Important Information

Material:Ceramic, Iron

Package Size:

Bowl: 15cm x 2.6cm/5.91" x 1.02" (Approx.) Iron Stand: 16cm x 13cm x 10cm/6.3" x
5.12" x 3.94" (Approx.)

The use of high quality ceramic material makes this pet bowl temperature
resistant, lightweight, smooth, burr-free, indeformable, durable, reusable, easy
to wash and comfortable to hold.
Containing raised iron stand, this pet bowl can not only be prevented from upset
but also allow pet to eat food with ease and better protect their cervical
It is made of high-quality ceramic and iron material.
The length of this bowl is 15cm, the width is 2.6cm. The length of this iron
stand is 16cm, the width is 13cm, the height is 10cm. Pet Treat Bowl Rustproof
Suitable for dogs, cats, puppies and other small animals.

Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly
different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to
different manual measurement. Pet Treat Bowl Rustproof

Features: Anti-overturn, Raised Iron Stand, Easy to Wash

Package Content:
Style: White 1, White 2 1 x Pet Bowl or Style: Black, Green, Golden: 1 x Iron
Stand Pet Treat Bowl Rustproof


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Pet Slow Feeder

Regular price $250.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

JY Sale Slow Leak Feeder Toy Balance Car Leak Food Toys Fun Interactive Food
Leakage Device for Small Pets Indoor Cats JY Sale
Item Specification:


1.Pet educational toy: This toy adopts the appearance design of an intelligent
robot, which integrates various functions such as movable, non-falling, and
interesting food leakage. Pets can promote their brain development through the
process of playing with toys to obtain food rewards. Develop pet intelligence.
 Pet Slow Feeder
2.Made of good-quality reusable materials, durable and resistant to gnawing
3.Easy to use: This toy is easy to use and can be used directly without any
additional installation process. It can be used indoors and outdoors. Pet Slow
4.Toys that pets like: This toy can replace the owner's company, make your pet
move, relieve their daily worries when they are not accompanied by the owner,
increase the pet's happiness, improve the pet's IQ, and make the pet more
intelligent. clever. Pet Slow Feeder
5.100% brands new, if you have any questions, please contact us

Actual color may be slightly different from the image due to different monitor
and light effect
Please allow 1-3cm deviation due to manual measurement


Size: 138*111*80mm

Material: ABS


Package Includes:

1 * Pet Feeder


1,About Shipping:
After you order the product, we will ship your purchase within 3-4 days. If you
have special requirements,please leave us a message or contact us directly. 
2,About Refund:
If the goods are damaged in transit, you can return it within 7 days. When
applying for a refund,the buyer must obtain confirmation from the seller. 
3,About Wholesale and Dropshipping:
For wholesale, we will offer the or free express shipping which only takes 3-8
days to arrive. For drop shipping, we could send the goods to your customers
directly and won't leave information about us if you'd like to. 
4,How Can I track my parcel?:
You can track your parcel on the following website using your tracking number: (Copied to the browser to open) 
5,If you have any questions about the orders, please and contact us first, we
will give you the satisfy answer.Because your support is our driving force.

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Ceramic Raised Pet Bowl for Cats Dogs

Regular price $80.00 Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 120):
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

Shape: Rounded

Type: cats

Type: Single

Material: CERAMICSCeramic Raised Pet Bowl for Cats Dogs

support: dropshipping/wholesale

brand: MOONBIFFY Ceramic Raised Pet Bowl for Cats Dogs

 Ceramic Raised Pet Bowl Food Water Treats for Cats & Dogs Supplies Outdoor
Feeding Drinking Accessories Doggie Cat Stand Bowl Ceramic Raised Pet Bowl for
Cats Dogs


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At Silyx Care, we are a team of dedicated pet lovers who understand that pets
are family. We are committed to providing the best possible care for your furry
companions through our wide range of high-quality, affordable pet products. Our
goal is to make pet ownership enjoyable and stress-free by offering a convenient
shopping experience and fostering a supportive community of pet owners.



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Corn Toothbrush Chewing Dog Toys
Regular price $130.00 Save Liquid error (sections/featured-product line 100):
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Corn Toothbrush - $130.00 USD
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> will be suggesting you to my friends.Thanks !
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> Its just amazing. Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product
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> highly recommend your store 
> Kevin D

> Great products. Always up to date on trends. Highly recommend this store .
> Camilia K


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